MTL - After The Empress Acended To The Throne, I Was Forcefully Made His Greatness-Chapter 400 Lord of Samsara

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Chapter 400 Lord of Reincarnation

After the empress ascended the throne, I was forced to be the lord of reincarnation in Chapter 400 of the nine thousand-year-old text. The place where they meet.

Then they saw a relaxed look on their faces, and a flash of relief.

There are shortages in the world, and there are no ghosts. The souls of the dead are born in the world, and they were originally rejected by the world. Nansu City is still a ghost city, but at this moment, it is based on the two treasures and turned into a place of reincarnation, so that the souls have a place to go .

Zuo Dodge watched this scene, and following the faces of those dead souls, his mood gradually became calm.

Then he saw a slightly burly and more solid figure walking out of the dead souls.

Tan Lun looked excited. He had lost the ability to shed tears after becoming a dead soul, but the sadness on his face was uncontrollable. He tidied up his non-existent clothes, stepped forward and clasped his fists respectfully, with the most rigorous and sincere gesture. , Looking at Zuo Dodge's body.

"Tan Lun, the former Nansu County Shoucheng Captain, thank you, sir!"

This was like a signal. Seeing this scene, countless dead souls stopped and followed Tan Lun's example, cupping their fists and bowing deeply.

The scene was once a little heavy.

The silent salute brought Zuo Dodge an inexplicable sense of shock, and his heart boiled slightly.

The Chen Xin Jue was running at a high speed, as if breaking through some kind of barrier.

Inexplicably, many inexplicable feelings flashed through his mind.


Gui Bu wailed almost in despair. He looked at 'Zuo Dodge' with a look of resentment, but unconsciously, fear emerged in his heart. The mirror of the world of mortals is like a toy that can be manipulated by others.

But he didn't want to despair, he wanted to struggle.

The matter of Nansu City was the result of his planning for nearly a hundred years. From the beginning of Sun Liancheng's growth, the so-called secret method of burning life was also designed and handed over to Sun Liancheng when he was a child.

For this matter, he has planned for so long and made so many preparations...

Seal the soul of the Chu family's Tianjiao with the mirror world, and cultivate it to a half-step yin god, and in order to form the mother root of the blood soul in his dream, he even made the women of the Chu family merge with the mother root, so that the mother root Absolute secrecy until conceived.

Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine layers of mirror world space, carrying everything about him, cultivation base, Taoism, hard work...

But he can't train the 10,000th layer of space no matter what. He wants to swallow a whole city of blood essence with the blood soul mother root, supplemented by nearly ten strong Yin gods, to help him condense the 10,000th layer of space...

Once he succeeds, he will be the strongest Yang God in the world. As for the matter of Nansu City, to a person of his kind, it is like a great achievement of a strong man...

Today, everything is ruined.

'Zuo Dodge' crushed the mother root and released all the dead souls in Nansu City.

His ways are cut off today.

'Zuo Daoqi' became a little vain as he condensed the Hongchen Mirror and Jiulongjing into one.

'He's very weak...'

Zuo Dodge's self-awareness clearly captures this.


no respond.

Until the sky and the earth light up.

The mirror world shattered again.

Gui BuTong has become numb, but he is still unwilling.

So his figure was about to move, but he saw a boundless giant hand suddenly appear from the sky, holding him in the palm like kneading an ant.

"You're lucky too."

'Left Dodge' made a very indifferent evaluation.

Gui Budong raised his head, a look of puzzlement flashed in his eyes, but more of it was resentment and viciousness.

The mirror world was finally completely shattered.

On Nansu City, the thing formed by the fusion of Hongchen Mirror and Jiulongjing also emerged at this moment.

A wonderful and irregular stone, but each side of the stone is as bright as a mirror, but it is obscure, and the truth cannot be seen clearly. Under the stone, there is a crimson spring, constantly emerging spring.


This idea suddenly flashed in Zuo Dodge's mind.

And his thoughts didn't last long.

The sky and the earth moved violently, and waves of unspeakable powerful qi shrouded Nansu City.

"Senior, what's the situation?"

As if feeling Zuo Dodge's emotional change, the mysterious man finally spoke.

"Your chance."


Zuo Daoqi was about to ask a question, when he saw a boundless golden light gathering in the sky. This golden light, majestic and upright, was like the sea, like the greatest existence in the world.

He seemed to be able to see it, but he couldn't see it with the naked eye.

The expression on Gui Budong's face seemed to change from fury to surprise, "Kindness! This is merit! Merit actually exists! There is actually merit in this incomplete world!"

Under the world of mortals, only the true self can be seen, and the merits and virtues are like pillars, running through everything.

Feedback to the remaining people in the city like a goddess scattered flowers in the air, whether it is Xu Yuan, Jiang Liyan, Xue Cheng, or even Jiang Yueluo, but more or less, as for the largest golden pillar, it naturally rushed to Zuo Dodge .

Among these people, there are also... different ghosts!

"It's really cheap for you juniors. Reincarnation is just established, and you can do it yourself later."

The mysterious man seemed to remember something, and gave a strange laugh, "But the troublesome things that follow up in this reincarnation...hehe."

Zuo Daoqi naturally couldn't hear it, and when the golden pillar of merit and virtue merged into his body, he fell into an incomparably wonderful state.

At this moment, his cultivation level continued to rise at an unimaginable speed.

But this kind of climbing is not the kind that pulls the seedlings and encourages them, but is more like a waterway, smooth and smooth, starting from the five-story building.

Step by step up.

The sixth floor is within reach.

Just stay for less than a moment, then continue to go up.

Seventh floor...

Eight layers of building...

Until... the twelve-storey building!

But there are so many merits and virtues in opening up reincarnation and complementing the way of heaven. Even if his cultivation base reaches the twelve-story building, there are still many golden pillars of merits and virtues.

Zuo Daoqi seemed to be blessed to the soul, and a sword mark full of sword marks appeared in front of him, like a weather-beaten fossil.

This is the true nature of Daoxu. To kill Sun Liancheng, although he used the rhyme of Daoyuan in the reservoir of the Five Elements Dao Corpse, he used Daoxu to hide it. Sun Liancheng had already gone crazy at that time, burning Under the secret method of longevity, he cut off the origin of Daoxu with a single knife, and almost wiped out Zuo Daoqi's supernatural power of life and death.

Fortunately, Daoxu was alienated in the outer space before and changed too much, so it was lucky to have a glimmer of life.

Without hesitation, he immediately instilled the remaining pillar of merit to Daoxu.

During this period, he recalled his previous thought again, can Daoxu become a sword cultivator?

Merit is a very wonderful thing. To explore its footsteps may be described as the origin of heaven and earth. The prosperity of heaven and earth is naturally the most mysterious thing.

After this idea popped up in his mind, Zuo Daoqi was surprised to find that under the care of merit, he seemed to have the ability to make things come true in the center of the legend.

So naturally, ambition was born in his heart.

He can't be a sword fairy in this life, but Daoxu can become a sword fairy instead of him.

The basic inheritance method of the 'Flying Sword' given by Qiu Su before was easily reformed by him like a god, and the so-called difficulties in cultivation were easily broken in his hands like a toy.

As for Daoxu's sword, it was naturally the scythe he already had.

However, regarding the transformation of the sword, Zuo Daoqi was somewhat indescribable. The final flying sword foundation was extremely weird, crooked like a sickle, and slightly bent like a bow...

Anyway, it's strange no matter how you look at it.

But it gave Zuo Daoqi a feeling that he was extremely suitable for Daoxu.

He moved slightly in his heart and did not change it, but confirmed the shape.

But it seems that he only has the skills of the foundation-building chapter of swordsmanship. Does he have to rely on merit to create life and death?

As soon as this thought flashed through, he saw a wonderful little sword with a powerful aura above it, which he was somewhat familiar with.

It belonged to Li Yinglian's swearing-mouthed master, True Monarch Wanjian.

The little sword fell into his mind and turned into a long article, which was actually the master plan of Wanjianzong!

Zuo Daoqi's heart moved slightly, and he understood something, but he didn't have time to think about it at the moment, so he directly recited it and cultivated it with merit.

Daoxu's cultivation base grows faster, Daoji, Zuowang, fetal breath, Shendan...

In the blink of an eye, the magic pill was achieved.

It's just that Daoxu is a clone, and the divine pill is much simpler than his own divine pill. His divine pill is in the shape of a sword, with an inscription engraved on it, and there is only a solitary black floating cloud full of ominous air.

Is it still a supernatural power before the hour comes?

It doesn't seem like a supernatural auspicious cloud, does it?

Zuo Dodge didn't bother to look more, and continued to break through.

This kind of 'cultivation' that was almost open-ended made him addicted.

In the blink of an eye, the cultivation base of Daoxu has reached the twelfth floor!

It is even closer to the Yin God than his real body. Perhaps if Daoxu is an independent individual, he has broken through the Yin God at this moment.

But the Yin God is related to the promotion of the soul, no matter what, Zuo Daoqi is only a soul, and before his body breaks through the Yin God, Daoxu cannot break through.

After Daoxu broke through, there were still some merit left, Zuo Daoqi hesitated for a moment, trying to store it up.

But suddenly I felt a certain place in my body, like a glutton appeared, opened its mouth wide, and the merit disappeared instantly.

‘Golden Finger’s energy replenishment actually depends on merit? '

Zuo Dodge suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment, the sky has already seen the morning light, and in half an hour, it will be completely bright.

Zuo Dodge has regained control of his body, and the mysterious power in his body has completely disappeared. The jade pendant that Zhang Weizheng gave him in his hand before has also disappeared. Only a little red heat in the palm of his hand symbolizes that everything is not an illusion.

‘Who is the mysterious man? It shouldn’t be Zhang Weizheng’s previous life...’

Unable to figure out who that person was or where he went now, Zuo Daoqi sighed. Such a person didn't want to see him, and he must have tried his best to find him.

So he swept his gaze around. Under the sky, Nansu City, which was completely devastated and completely turned into ruins, looked extremely small at this moment, full of the embarrassment after the strongman's war.

In the distance, Jiang Liyan, Xue Cheng, Jiang Yueluo and others all closed their eyes tightly, as if they were still practicing.

Zuo Dodge didn't bother, he just walked in Nansu City.

"You were very brave just now."

Some old voices came from behind him.

Zuo Dodge didn't look back, "Master Xu is a very great person."

"Great? Hehe, you are the first to say that." Xu Yuan looked surprised, then shook his head and smiled.

He seems to be in a good mood.

Zuo Dodge was thoughtful.

"Damn, I ran so fast, or came late, what about the old thing?"

Zuo Daoqi, the swearing-mouthed True Monarch Wanjian, finally saw his own image.

Unkempt, not only white but also gray, with a small sword engraved on the robe, his face is not bad, but at this moment he is frowning, with a look of displeasure.

As for the fact that he didn't get rid of the wrath ghosts, or got too little merit, he knew it in his own mind.

True Monarch Wanjian, of course he has merits and virtues. He prevented Gui Budong from beheading Xu Yuan's crucial step, and he also helped Nansu City a lot before.

Zuo Dodge cupped his fists and bowed slightly, "Thank you for teaching the method, senior."

Zhenjun Wanjian waved his hand, looked Zuo Daoqi up and down, "I'll send you off, it's my respect for the Lord of Reincarnation."

Zuo Daoqi was stunned, raised his head slightly, "Lord of Reincarnation?"

"En? You don't know your current identity?" Zhenjun Wanjian was also a little surprised, and then pointed to the two treasures transformed from Hongchen Mirror and Jiulongjing in the distance.

"Aren't these two things made by that old **** in your body?"

Zuo Daoqi moved slightly in his heart, trying to connect the two things in the distance, and a wonderful feeling emerged. He actually had a wonderful induction with those two treasures, and seemed to be able to control them.

Between the two things, each has its own advantages. The stone can reflect the past and the present, and each face can manifest the face of the whole life. Of course, it is still very weak, and it can only see the face. As for more information, it can’t see anything. arrive.

As for the spring eye, it can cleanse the memory, cleanse the body of the dead soul, and turn it into a pure soul again.

Sansheng stone?

Forget the water?

These two wonderful thoughts suddenly appeared in Zuo Dodge's mind.

This is too...too a coincidence, right?

Zuo Daoqi had such a feeling, but his divine sense continued to extend his perception.

Then he opened his eyes suddenly.

His current identity is indeed the master of reincarnation, but at the beginning of reincarnation, he only has responsibility, but no authority.

How to describe it...

It's like a bandit king with subordinates, but some people admit that has left the stronghold and has no power.

Moreover, as the Lord of Reincarnation, he has very heavy powers and responsibilities. Although he is in charge of the two treasures, he is not exclusive to him. The two treasures have their own owners.

One is...Jiang Liyan, and the other, of course...Ghosts are different!

"Damn you, you didn't die! I'll kill you!"

As his thoughts floated, a figure faintly appeared behind the wondrous spar in the distance, True Monarch Wanjian suddenly became furious, and flew towards the ghost.

Even if Gui Budong gained merit, it didn't seem to be enough for him to completely break through the Yang God's shackles, or the Yang God's breakthrough was not like Zuo Daoqi's small breakthrough in climbing a building.

Which is something that can be accomplished overnight.

The yang **** abused the yin god, naturally it was simple, and after a while, ghost screams resounded from the ruins.

"The old man is now recognized by the world as the Hongchen Mirror... Lord of Stone, do you dare to kill me?"


"Kill you? Why did I kill you? I will beat you!"

Zhenjun Wanjian is a bit of a weird person. He held a ghost in one hand, and cursed while beating, "You are now trapped by that Lao Shizi stone. I won't kill you, I will come out every now and then to beat you! I won't give you **** out!" With your last name!"

Gui Bu couldn't help shrinking his neck, and he seemed to realize something.

The two treasures were conceived and condensed by the mysterious strong man with great power, but now they need someone to keep them all the time, either him or Zuo Daoqi, the Lord of Reincarnation.

And Zuo Dodge looks like he can leave someone to help him cultivate?

Days like being beaten every day, it seems that Gui Bu Bu cannot escape. Previous chapter table of contents bookmark back page

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