MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 103 sister's love

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When the nurse left, the sleeping person continued to get up and drink milk.

After drinking the milk, Jiang Jinyi cleaned all the milk that overflowed and got wet on Jiang Youwan's body, and then helped her to button up her clothes.

The hanging needle has not been finished yet, and it seems that it will take another hour. Jiang Jinyi is ill and asks Jiang Youwan for the hug just now, carefully avoiding the stomach, pillow She sleeps on her chest.

Then she covered her body with Jiang Youwan's coat, she was so comfortable that she squinted her eyes, feeling that the whole world was the taste of Jiang Youwan.

Then fell asleep under Jiang Youwan's soft words and gentle touch.

Quiet and nice.

Being so dependent and trusting, Jiang Youwan likes and enjoys the feeling of being completely dependent on Jiang Jinyi.

She couldn't help but took out her mobile phone and recorded the lovely appearance of Jiang Jinyi in her arms, completely giving herself to her.

What did she think of again, she took out her mobile phone from Jiang Jinyi's pocket, glanced at her who was asleep, then entered her birthday on the unlock interface, and the next moment, the phone was unlocked.

The wallpaper came into view, something unexpected to Jiang Youwan, the person in the photo was herself, but it was the first time she saw her.

In the photo, she is wearing a blue-gray hospital gown, with gauze around her eyes, sitting in front of the hospital window, wearing a string of beads on her slender white wrist, the other hand is lightly Gently massage.

Five years ago.

Five years ago, I just finished surgery and was hospitalized in the hospital.

I was photographed secretly by Xiao Jin.

Why do you take pictures?

Jiang Youwan was really curious, why did the arrogant eldest young lady secretly photograph her.

The only person who can give an answer is already asleep in his arms, Jiang Youwan continued to look through it, feeling a little treasure hunt, but wanted to see how many surprises Xiaojin could give her .

Xiaojin's WeChat list, Xiaojin's circle of friends...

Xiaojin does not have herself in her WeChat list, but unexpectedly she does.

The cat claw band-aid she put on her a few days ago was posted on her Moments, and she even showed off the caption: [Given by my sister. 】

My sister gave it, Jiang Youwan raised her eyebrows, is a Band-aid given by my sister so worthy of our eldest lady's Moments to show off?

If my sister is so happy after giving a Band-Aid, will the future circle of friends be all about her?

Jiang Jinyi's memo is a recipe for pregnancy, what the doctor said, what her sister said, and many details, even as fine as:

My sister seemed to like it a bit when she was eating ribs today. I don’t know if it was my illusion. I’ll take a good look at it next time I cook ribs.

In addition to "pregnancy" and "omega" in the search records of Jiang Jinyi's browser, the words that appear most frequently are: ex-girlfriend.

【How to get back your ex-girlfriend】

[How to get back my ex-girlfriend who was heartbroken by me]

【What does it mean when your ex-girlfriend is willing to eat her own food? 】

【Top Ten Signs Your Ex Girlfriend Wants To Get Back With You】

【Is it possible to get back together by listening to your ex-girlfriend? 】

[How can an ex-girlfriend who has a tendency to shake s seek reconciliation? 】

How to seek reconciliation with my ex-girlfriend?

Jiang Youwan raised his eyebrows, his eyes moved from the phone screen to the sleeping man's face, with a deep and complicated smile in his eyes.

So, that night, Xiao Jin put a collar on herself because she read the reply here?

"Sister is really curious, if you continue to hang you... How will you follow through on the matter of pleasing your ex-girlfriend who has a tendency to tremble?"

"These two medicines should be taken every day, because the blue one will have some aphrodisiac effect, so it is recommended to take it beforehand, and the small one can be fed to her after the event, so that You won't have a fever anymore."

"Okay, I see."

Jiang Jinyi woke up in a daze passively, opened her sleepy eyes, and saw that the nurse was lowering her head to help her pull out the needle inserted in the back of her hand. The nurse noticed that she was awake, Looking up at her, she smiled.

Jiang Jinyi was dazed and drowsy at first, but after hearing the chuckle, she wished she could find a crack to burrow in. Without a crack, she buried herself in Jiang Youwan's arms.

"Sister, your alpha is like my cat. When I take it out, I will try to dig into my arms when I see a stranger. It's so cute, she really looks like a small pet." The nurse is a The young girl, still familiar with it, couldn't help but sigh with Jiang Youwan.

Jiang Youwan looked down and teased her: "Really? Small pet?"

Jiang Jinyi was stuffy in her arms, a little unhappy that the nurse was called Sister Jiang Youwan, but what she said later about your alpha, small pets and so on, Jiang Jinyi again... very much.

How would you like it? She felt that she must have been spoiled by Jiang Youwan.

Leaving the hospital, the two went to the restaurant for lunch, and then went to the Su family. Jiang Youwan still has a lot of work to do, and Jiang Jinyi is relatively idle. The gallery has been handed over to a special person to help manage it. All she has to do is paint, but now that she is recovering from a serious illness, it is not suitable for sedentary painting, so she is idle.

Now, put all your thoughts into chasing Jiang Youwan.

Jiang Youwan started working as soon as she returned to the office. Jiang Jinyi used various reasons not to leave, and Jiang Youwan did not chase her away, just let her do what she wanted.

She was sitting on another chair not far from Jiang Youwan, she could just see the profile of Jiang Youwan working, she pulled her long hair behind her ears, her jawline was clear, Like a graceful curve, the bridge of the nose is very clever, the red lips are slightly mined, elegant and intellectual, and a gentle person/wife.

Dangerous and charming woman.

Jiang Jinyi felt that she was really beautiful in this scene, she couldn't help but took out her mobile phone and wanted to take a picture of her and then draw it into her own painting.

After the photo was taken, Jiang Jinyi was bored and played with the photo she took, and found that Jiang Youwan was really beautiful, so beautiful that she felt that all the beauty filters were on her body are superfluous.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, Jiang Jinyi looked up, an employee walked in with a document, Jiang Youwan opened it, frowned even more He leaned back, and then gave the employee a training.

People don't dare to make trouble in front of her.

The employee couldn't hold her head up because of her words, as if she was about to cry in the next second.

"Get out."

"Okay Mr. Su."

So fierce.

It was not the first time that Jiang Jinyi saw Jiang Youwan train people, she couldn't help secretly secretly laughing, such Jiang Youwan only likes her alone.

Others can only look up, but I can kiss her.

Only she knows what color socks Jiang Youwan is wearing today, and some of Jiang Youwan's little-known hobbies, only she has Jiang Youwan's exclusive favor.

Jiang Youwan can not only train people, she can also hurt people, she really can hurt people, not only can hurt people, but also coax people, the way she hurts and coaxes others I don't know, only I know it.

"Hehe..." Jiang Jinyi couldn't hold back the curvature of the corners of her mouth. While smirking, she suddenly remembered what she wanted to ask last night but didn't ask.

She wants to ask Jiang Youwan about their current relationship, and she wants to get a name from Jiang Youwan.

Almost forgot!

"Sister..." As soon as the female employee left, Jiang Jinyi called her sister from the back. Jiang Youwan's frowning brows hadn't loosened, and she turned to look at her. At the time, he also carried the sharpness of the training staff just now.


Jiang Jinyi swallowed her throat, so fierce.

"Sister~" she called softly, trying to make Jiang Youwan feel better.

"What's wrong?"

It's not good to be angry all the time."

Jiang Youwan looked at her innocent eyes, Min smiled, "Sister is not angry."

Jiang Jinyi has some ink marks, mainly because she is nervous, so be cautious, "Really?"

Jiang Youwan didn't answer and asked, "Is my sister very fierce just now?"

"A little."

"Are you afraid?"

"Of course not afraid." Jiang Jinyi immediately denied, "When my sister is fierce, she is especially wise."

Jiang Youwan's fox eyes slightly curved, "It's good not to be afraid."

"Why are you afraid of my sister..." Jiang Jinyi muttered, bent down and put her face in Jiang Youwan's ear, and whispered: "Sister, what is our relationship now? ?"

She pretended to be calm, but the hand that was holding Jiang Youwan was so nervous that she was clearly perceived by Jiang Jiang Youwan.

"Have I succeeded in chasing my wife?"

Under the violent heartbeat, Jiang Youwan asked in confusion: "Huh? Didn't you see it?"

Jiang Jinyi was stunned, "What do you see?"

"Didn't you check your phone just now?"

Jiang Jinyi's eyelashes trembled, and her ears were dyed a touch of red. It turned out that Jiang Youwan found out that he was secretly photographing her.

She asked anxiously, "What's in the phone? Has my sister seen my phone?"

She didn't resist Jiang Youwan peeking at her phone when she was asleep, she was just a little flustered, not because of a guilty conscience, but just wondering if someone would send her ambiguous messages Jiang Youwan got angry after seeing it? Misunderstood?

She immediately took out her mobile phone and clicked on WeChat to read it. The panic turned into a surprise, because she found that her WeChat had an extra pin, and the person who pinned it was Jiang Youwan.

My sister added her back!

Jiang Jinyi immediately looked up at her, her starry eyes were bright, and she couldn't wait to ask: "Does it mean that my sister accepted my pursuit?"

"Huh." Jiang Youwan narrowed his fox eyes and pretended to be unhappy, "Who taught Xiaojin's ability to measure up? Are all the people who have passed your WeChat application your girlfriend?"

Jiang Jinyi was still full of anticipation, she couldn't help shaking her hand, "Sister knows it's not."

To put it bluntly, it is to think beyond measure.

"Will you look again?"

Look again? Where to look? Jiang Jinyi rummaged through, and finally found the answer in his memo.

Her memo has a memo that doesn't belong to her.

The title is: Jiang Jinyi's wife pursuit progress.

It's very straightforward, click on it, and there is a large string of hearts behind it, and a small string of broken hearts behind the large string of hearts.

Jiang Jinyi counted it carefully, there are eighty-five hearts, and fifteen broken hearts.

"Love represents sister's love for you, broken love represents sister's heart that has been broken by you, Xiaojin must turn all these broken hearts into love, and sister will follow You get back together."

After listening to Jiang Youwan's explanation, Jiang Jinyi only felt that the broken love was particularly dazzling, and couldn't wait to restore them all.

For extra points...

How can I add points?

Can you kiss? Can you give me a hug? Is it okay to blow a rainbow fart to my sister?

Jiang Youwan raised his hand, touched her chin, and asked softly, "Do you really want extra points?"


"Then..." Jiang Youwan took out the medicine prescribed by the doctor from his bag, poured one in his hand, and spread the blue pill in the palm of his hand: " Take your medicine first."

"Can I get extra points by taking medicine?" Jiang Jinyi is most concerned about this.

"No." Jiang Youwan replied ruthlessly.

"Ah..." Jiang Jinyi was a little frustrated, but she still bit her head and swallowed the medicine. As soon as she swallowed it, she resisted the urge to vomit, He looked at Jiang Youwan eagerly.

It's over, it's really a bit like those little pets who ask their owners for rewards after taking medicine.

"Eat it?" Jiang Youwan seemed a little disbelieving.

"Squat down, open your mouth, sister to check." Jiang Youwan ordered.

Jiang Youwan's tone was not very gentle, Jiang Jinyi really thought she didn't believe in herself, she just wanted to make her believe and then add points, she squatted down without hesitation, opened her mouth, The tip of her pink tongue was raised to examine her.

Suddenly, Jiang Youwan changed from looking up at her to looking down. Jiang Youwan changed her coldness, stroked her cheek, disinfected her hand with alcohol, and then placed her thumb on her rubbed his lips, "Good boy."

Jiang Jinyi doesn't know how well-behaved she looks now.

Jiang Youwan lowered her eyes, her eyes were dark, and she put her index finger into her mouth, searching little by little.

Jiang Youwan checked very carefully, her movements were gentle and slow, she liked this feeling of control and Jiang Jinyi's gentle and well-behaved attitude.

Jiang Jinyi was tired when she opened her mouth, she couldn't help it, she closed it, just holding Jiang Youwan's finger.

"Ugh..." She opened it again, her eyelashes fluttering.

"If Xiao Jin could draw one, two, three, four, five with her would be more cute." She lowered her voice, as if imparting the secret.

"Huh?" Jiang Jinyi didn't know why, but in order to add points, she did not miss any opportunity to please her sister, and showed Jiang Youwan the silly scene painting, feeling that The action was too shameful, and only dared to stick out a little tongue, Jiang Youwan's fingers pressed against her lips, as if licking her fingers...

Jiang Jinyi closed her eyes and her cheeks were flushed.

She thought to herself, Damn, is this really more cute?

In Jiang Youwan's eyes, it is true.

I kept drawing the numbers slowly. When she reached the number ten, Jiang Jinyi felt a little heat in the back of her neck, but she was not sure if it was a gland, because not only the back of her neck, but also her face and neck It's all hot, because it's so shameful.

Is it because I am too ashamed, so ashamed to...

Jiang Jinyi stopped immediately, opened her eyes and wanted to say no willfully, when Jiang Youwan's beautiful face enlarged in the field of vision, then completely occupied her field of vision, and kissed her.


Jiang Jinyi seemed to be kissed without warning, but it was undeniable that she liked it.

I quickly fell in love with this kiss. She was originally squatting, but because Jiang Youwan was sitting on a chair, in order to kiss more comfortably, she simply knelt on the ground and straightened her waist. He put one hand on the armrest of Jiang Youwan's chair, grabbed the collar of Jiang Youwan's suit jacket with the other, and kissed her deeply.

"Go to the lounge..." Jiang Youwan gestured for her to stand up while kissing, the two hugged each other, kissed inseparably, and stumbled into the lounge , Jiang Jinyi was pushed down by Jiang Youwan in front of the huge French window.

Has a rug, no pain at all.

Jiang Jinyi tilted her head to gasp for breath, just tilting her head, she saw nearly half of Los Angeles through the glass.

My heart seemed to be stimulated by something, and my breathing was faster than before.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Youwan made a request that made her blush even more, "Lie on the glass, sister, look at the back of your neck."

The roots of her ears were all red, Jiang Jinyi hesitated and did not want to move, Jiang Youwan narrowed her eyes and looked down at her, a lady's suit perfectly fitted her body curve, wrapping her hips Her legs with black stockings under her skirt took a step forward, and for a moment Jiang Jinyi thought that Jiang Youwan was going to step on her with high heels.

The high heels fell to her ankles.

Jiang Youwan said coldly, "Do you need me to say it again?"


So fierce.

Bad woman.

Jiang Jinyi complained about her in her heart, but she was not disgusted at the bottom of her heart.

There was fine snow in the sky, but the cold was isolated from her. When Jiang Youwan came over, she always felt that many pairs of eyes were looking at her.

Jiang Youwan was helping her look at the back of her neck.

Because of the pheromone, Jiang Youwan put a restraint sticker on her before leaving the hospital after the sling, and now she has torn it off by herself.

"It seems a little swollen..."

As for why the good ones are swollen, Jiang Jinyi was sleeping when the doctor told her, she didn't hear what the doctor said at all, and didn't know the side effects of the medicine, of course, Jiang Youwan didn't plan to tell her .

This is the most prosperous street right now. Although she knows that you can't see the inside from the outside, the visual impact still makes Jiang Jinyi shudder. She feels that Jiang Youwan is smelling the pheromone released by her, and at the same time Also stroking the back of her neck.

Gradually getting used to it, she suddenly thought of something, opened her lips and asked in a low voice, "Sister, is there a scar on the back of my neck..."

She knew there was, although she couldn't see it, but she would take a picture every few days to see for herself, she knew that there was a scar, and the scar was a little deep.

Because the position of the gland was a little off when the gland was cut out, a deep scar was left on the upper part of the gland.

But fortunately, the deepest cut is not on the gland.

"Well, I see." Jiang Youwan whispered, kissing.

"The doctor said it might be a little hard to get rid of it completely..."

Jiang Youwan did not answer her words, but lowered her head and continued to kiss. The dense kisses and the tension of her mind made Jiang Jinyi feel dizzy from the kiss, and Jiang Youwan said slowly "Then... Xiao Jin has a tattoo here, can you cover it up?"

"Tattoo? What to tattoo..." Jiang Jinyi didn't react.

It blooms in the shape of a trumpet, and the petals hanging down from the edge are like blood dripping, very beautiful, the small Jin tattoo will definitely be more beautiful..." my sister, my sister's taste, my sister's exclusive mark.

Jiang Jinyi imagined what she would look like after the tattoo, and was easily coaxed by her gentleness. She was a little moved, but she still grasped the key information to be asked: "If you have a tattoo, you can add points. ?"

Jiang Youwan chuckled: "Don't you want to get tattoos without adding points?"

"Want to..."


Jiang Jinyi's voice was weaker, and she was very addicted: "In this way, I will feel that I am exclusive to my sister."

The author has something to say:

Sorry for being late, I promise my baby will update early tomorrow and ask my baby to supervise.

The article of Jiyou is over, everyone go kill it, it's super sweet!

"Panda Cubs, Bow Your Head For Love" by Ranqu

As a leader in the panda clan, Jingdan has a cold and noble appearance, and he has always been ruthless in the face of those who come up to express his feelings. flower

But what the public doesn't know is that in this era of mixed people and monsters, the flower of the Gaoling that they see is a panda cub with hair on its head...

And planted in the hands of another demon, without the character of the flower of the high mountain...


"He Rong, kiss me!"

Jingdan nestled in the woman's arms, with a rosy face and a superior chin slightly raised, he put himself in front of the woman, expecting her to drop a kiss.

The woman scratched her chin and asked with a smile, "Aren't you the Flower of the High Ridge? What are you doing now?"

When she scratched her chin, Jingdan couldn't help shaking.

Plopped and turned into a naive panda cub.

The red panda simply threw herself into the woman's arms, hooked her chubby claws around her neck, and took the initiative to bring her furry face to the woman: "Kiss me one bottle of milk at a time."

Jing·Gaolin Flower·Danwei bottle milk sells hue online!

Panda Cub: I can! .jpg

The appearance is high and cold, but it is secretly arrogant and jealous

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 for the king;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: lili son ccc1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: 9 Illusionists; 3 Dreams; Lin Kong, Luo, Update Bar, 2 Lin Qiuwen; Plnosk, Shuaishuai, Jiuling, Uranus Gravity, Glass Sunny , There are few people talking, such as Jin, Cir, Yuji, wild, 59450349, modifying life, it's over, Xiao Jiang, Sensors, Yi, Zeng Keni's girlfriend outside the circle, potato stewed eggplant, Takocon, Ling 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 5210909161 bottles; bubble teapot, squeak, canned 50 bottles; so cold, Qi Yan's baby, stars can't fly 40 bottles; bottle; 35 bottles of Yisheng; 33 bottles of Crystal Xiaoming; 32 bottles of unreliable porridge; 30 bottles of milk tea, 30 bottles of milk; , Hong のΔ, Mu Ye Feiye, soy milk fritters, pork belly yyds, Qin Tang, sleepy little single, Feng Ling?, lost sister, lyf, Su Bai, Tiyu Weijun, 59710628, I love Cai Zhiyuan 20 Bottles; 27102959, 60350158, 17 bottles of Qiongqi; Simple-Life 15 bottles; 11 bottles of knowledge; Chang'an, why not update it, Luo, Zhou Shiyu's wife, Hei Miao quickly remarrying, encountering migratory birds with winter, brushing, 7777777 , Weiqing, Xingxing Fani, A Big Mouth, Mint Summer Weibo, Playing Games on Sunday, 49332007, Feather, Fore, Jamarcus, 53386639, Sports Monster, 6023419210 bottles; Ed_15249 bottles; 8 bottles of grapefruit; one 7 bottles of grass in the sky; 49241213, Cixiu, riding a snail to chase missiles? 6 bottles; Sangyu, Miss Jiaran's dog, Naibeimin, zyn, Muyu, Bei, Zhejiu's eldest wife, do not like to eat and fish , Deep in the seven or five, the swing is over, Yunzhongke, DLLLRB, Nice, Luyu Xixi, HT, zxox, Yuan Yiqi 5 bottles; slowly, can you double-change, Hei Meow Meow Meow, JJRL, Chuan Cong, Sentinel 4 bottles; Shen Xiaoguai, Ruirui is lazy 3 bottles; Yuan Yiqi's girlfriend, Wen Xin, Feng Lang., 61577517, Potato stewed eggplant, Xiao Zhang A, Ba Yeyu, 60845679, Bubald, 459704902 bottles; I really miss HX, Si Mao, I want a cub of you! , Xiao Xiaowan, Lin Jiyu, LLI1204, dare to abandon the pit and beat you! , Guaguai, Da Da Da Da, an elegant water bearer, Sun Rui's wife, 38010198, Park Caiying's girlfriend outside the circle, Alligator, Shen Mengyao is my wife, Qiyi, Zhizhi·Xiaocao, Guopai, 26003280, 41648498 , Yuan Yiqi's wife, 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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