MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 28 bullying

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Jiang Jinyi: ? ? ?

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Jinyi looked him up and down with half-squinted eyes. She really couldn't imagine that a small employee could speak so loudly.

"You know who I am, how dare you speak to me like that?"

Jiang Jinyi felt that her position in the Jiang family was provoked.

She is the daughter of the Jiang family!

"I don't care who you are, I warn you not to provoke President Jiang!" Ji Yu said forcefully, "President Jiang is too busy to bother with you."

Mr. Jiang and Mrs. Jiang have been tossed to the cusp by her, and this time she came again, I don't know what she was here for, Ji Yu felt sorry for Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jiang was already very tired.

He had to stop her.

Jiang Jinyi digested the man's words and thought it was funny, so she couldn't help laughing, "You warned me not to provoke Jiang Youwan?"

"Why are you warning me? Who are you? What if I don't listen to your warnings?"

Ji Yu was choked by Jiang Jinyi's words, his expression was a little stiff, he really couldn't do anything.


"Do you think you are great? Now the entire Jiang family belongs to President Jiang. No matter how much you do, it will be of no avail. To yourself—what are you doing?!"

Jiang Jinyi was too lazy to listen to his ramblings, so she stepped out, picked up the tag on his chest with her hand and glanced at it, and after reading it, she let go of it with disgust, and looked at him amusingly, " I'm just amazing."

"Ji Yu, the designer of the design department, and the employees who are supported by Miss Ben's assets are also so arrogant to me, believe it or not, I let Jiang Youwan open you, you are in the whole Los Angeles Can't find a job?"

Ji Yu was startled, and pinched his fingers so as not to show his panic, "Jiang's is Mr. Jiang's, I am Mr. Jiang's employee, you can't just say it. of!"

Jiang Jinyi paused, his expression was a little subtle, and asked nonsensically, "Are you Jiang Youwan's boyfriend?"

Ji Yu was stunned by her question, and her heart skipped a beat. He dared not admit it, but was reluctant to deny it. He bite the bullet and said, "I, I like President Jiang."

"In other words, you are not her boyfriend yet." Jiang Jinyi sneered, her peach blossom eyes were full of fun, more arrogant and vicious than him: "I thought you were hers. As for my boyfriend, I also want to say that if you are true, I will immediately ask her to dump you. It is not my brother-in-law that dares to be so arrogant to me, Jiang Youwan has never been willing to speak so loudly to me, you see Are you worthy of yourself?"

These words pierced Ji Yu's heart directly, making him feel ashamed, furious, his face flushed, and he couldn't say a word to refute her for a long time.

"I tell you, I'm Jiang Youwan's sister, hers is mine, I asked her to open you, do you think she will open it?"

Ji Yu didn't understand why Jiang Jinyi did such a thing to Jiang Youwan and said these words so confidently. He wanted to refute her, and found that he really...was not worthy.

Ji Yu had his back to Jiang Youwan's office at this time, and Jiang Jinyi happened to see Jiang Youwan push the door out of the office, pretending not to see it, and made a move to Ji Yu Innocent and green tea expression, a pair of clear eyes only read: What can you do to me?

Ji Yu only felt that he was going to be **** off.

, did you forget the good things you did?"

"Shut up!"

A severe reprimand came from behind, startling Ji Yu, he turned around quickly, and saw Jiang Youwan standing behind him, his face gloomy, a pair of fox words overflowing Full of hostility.

The sense of oppression is very strong, as an omega, Ji Yu only feels that his legs are going to soften, "Jiang, President Jiang..."

Jiang Youwan said coldly, "No yelling or quarrels on the post are allowed in the company, don't you know?"

Ji Yu immediately confessed his mistake, tears were coming out, "I'm sorry President Jiang, I know it's wrong, it's her!" Ji Yu turned to Jiang Jinyi and whispered, "Yes She's bothering you again, and seeing that you're so busy, I want to help you drive her away..."

Jiang Youwan frowned and said sharply: "If I remember correctly, your job is just a designer, it's not your turn to drive anyone away."

Ji Yu is a big man, but his tone is crying, "I'm sorry, President Jiang, I'm talking too much."

Ji Yu didn't expect that she wanted to help Jiang Youwan share her worries, but she didn't give her any sympathy, and she spoke in such a fierce tone.

"Don't do what you should do?" Jiang Youwan asked him.

Ji Yu was even more aggrieved, but he didn't dare to say anything, and walked into the staff elevator sullenly.

He looked up at Jiang Jinyi again, Jiang Youwan made a mistake because he really made a mistake, Jiang Jinyi did something like that to her before, and now he dares to come to her , I am afraid it will also be blasted away.

I am afraid that Jiang Youwan only hates her.

I don't know if he didn't pay attention, Jiang Jinyi changed his face, his eyes looked pitifully at Jiang Youwan, and his voice also had a cry: "Are you going to drive me away? "

There is no reason to tell whether Jiang Jinyi is pretending to be pitiful or not. She walked towards her and couldn't help but patted her head, so gentle as if the female CEO who was sternly scolding people just now was not she.

"This is Xiaojin's territory, no one can chase Xiaojin."

Jin's site.

? ? ?

The elevator door hadn't closed yet, Ji Yu could hear the conversation between the two clearly.

The face seemed to have two slaps, and it was so hot.

Until the elevator door closed, he was still doubting his life.


"What a nasty stinky man, I don't know the sky and the earth, and he actually talked back to Miss Ben." Jiang Jinyi complained as he walked, Jiang Youwan stood by her side, quietly listening to her complain.

"He also said if he wanted to provoke you, Jiang Youwan, why did he say I hurt you? What did I hurt you?"

Jiang Youwan's expression froze for a while, Jiang Jinyi didn't see it, Jiang Youwan quickly recovered and said softly, "It's nothing, Xiaojin don't need to take his words to heart."

Jiang Youwan pushed open the door of the office, and the two walked into the office, Jiang Jinyi was not put off by her words, looked at her, and asked reluctantly: "Jiang Youwan Wan, what are you talking about, what the **** happened to me? Let him have such a big reaction and hate me so much?"

Since accepting the reality, Jiang Jinyi has become very curious about what happened in the four years of the blank memory. She wants to know what she did to Jiang Youwan to make that male omega dare to be right She is so arrogant.

At the moment, Jiang Youwan is suppressing his emotions, trying to maintain his expression so that he doesn't seem to have much reaction.

She spent so much money and effort to delete what she wanted to hide, and was almost stabbed by this talkative man.

She remembered that she had warned all the employees of the company that they must not mention the previous incident to the second lady.

Jiang Jinyi casually sat down on the boss chair in front of the desk, Jiang Youwan rested on the table with one hand and looked down at her, her exclusive position was occupied, and she did not at all Angry, but enjoy.

Jiang Jinyi is wearing a small skirt today, she is tender and cute, and she looks a little charming.

She is not a businessman, she is out of place, and has an inexplicable sense of desire.

More like the boss' playful and willful wife.

Jiang Youwan looked a little restless.

She still held back, this feeling is very unfamiliar to her, she has never had it with others, but it is not so unfamiliar, when she sees Xiaojin, she always has this feeling Feel.

"Does Xiao Jin really want to know?"

Jiang Jin Yinuo said: "Really, hurry up."

Jiang Youwan sighed lightly, his expression a little helpless, "You lost your temper with me before, you were a little fierce, and he saw it, so..."

Have a tantrum with Jiang Youwan, how fierce?

Jiang Jinyi didn't care about that man anymore, so she frowned and asked, "Why am I angry with you?"

She is not an unreasonable person, and she rarely gets angry with Jiang Youwan, unless Jiang Youwan deliberately teases her, she will kill her.


Jiang Youwan didn't want to recall that memory at all.

Jiang Youwan looked at her softly, but smiled bitterly, and said in a low voice: "Because I accidentally broke the Buddha beads that Xiaojin helped me, When I was not in a good mood, I lost my temper."

So it was.

No wonder.

Although she knew that Jiang Youwan must have been careless, Jiang Jinyi still complained a little: "Why are you so careless?"

"I'm sorry, I'll string it up when I go back, it's exactly the same as the original, okay?"

Jiang Jinyi shook her head, with a very firm tone: "Not good."

"Huh?" Jiang Youwan was a little aggrieved, "Will Xiaojin get angry with me again?"

Just a second of grievance, Jiang Jinyi took out a string of Buddha beads from nowhere, spread it in her palm, stretched it out, and handed it to her.

The beads have been re-stringed, and there is no difference from before.

Jiang Youwan froze for a moment, then a gentle and pleasant smile appeared on his face, the grievances, sadness and gloom just now were all driven away by a soft cloud, that cloud was in Her heart was soft and very comfortable.

She took the bead, put it in front of her eyes and looked at it carefully, her pupils were shining brightly, and she murmured: "Xiao Jin..."

Jiang Jinyi looked at her, her eyes were pure and harmless, and she was a little complacent, "Xiaoyu always likes to run into your room, I was looking for cat strips here, but I found out by accident. Once you get it, I'll string it up for you."

Jiang Youwan lifted her eyes and looked at her deeply.

Jiang Jinyi didn't know the dark tide in her heart, and reminded her: "Don't break it again, if you break it again, the magic power in it will be invalid."

Jiang Youwan nodded and said softly, "Okay."

She smiled at Jiang Jinyi, "How did Xiao Jin think of coming to the company? Did he come to give me the beads?"

Jiang Jinyi would not admit that she came here specifically to give Jiang Youwan the beads, she just came to give it, mainly because she was bored, um, and then came to tell her that she had I'm going to Beicheng in a few days.

She told Jiang Youwan what she thought, Jiang Youwan nodded and said, "I'm very happy."

Jiang Jinyi asked: "What are you happy about?"

"Happy little Jin can be happy."

Jiang Jinyi strikes while the iron is hot: "So I will go to Beicheng with Ji Xiaoqin in three days."

Jiang Youwan was stunned for a moment, her eyes were dark, and the dark tide was hard to detect. She asked softly, "Is it confirmed?" The tone was a little deeper than before.

"Well, I've asked her to book a flight for three days later."

Jiang Youwan pursed her lips, "Why didn't you discuss it with my sister?"

Jiang Jinyi swallowed her saliva, originally thought it was nothing, but when Jiang Youwan asked this, she felt a little guilty for no reason. I wonder if it was her illusion. A bit of resentment.

The same feeling as when I said she was a bad woman that night, she felt like she was going to eat herself.

The kind that don't spit out the bones.

Jiang Jinyi was so frightened that she whispered, "Isn't it all the same, anyway, whenever I have time, I'll be fine in three days."

Jiang Youwan was silent for a while, then made a soft "Ow".

At the same time, there was a knock on the door of the office.

Jiang Youwan tilted her head, "Come in."

The secretary and the assistant came in successively, the secretary was holding the documents, and the assistant was carrying a bag with food in it.

The assistant put the food on the table in front of the sofa, Jiang Jinyi chose a noodle to eat, the secretary put the information, couldn't help but look at Jiang Jinyi and sat casually On the boss chair exclusively for Jiang Youwan, but the feeling of being arrogant and prickly last time was completely gone.

She's getting better.

Become a good-behaved, but also a little charming, a foolish beauty with her own extravagance.

Secretary Lin quickly retracted his gaze and briefly reported the work to Jiang Youwan.

When Jiang Youwan faced the secretary, his aura, eyes and tone became colder, as if he was a serious boss. Before leaving, he ordered the secretary to let Ji Yu from the design department Go to finance to settle wages and compensation.

After the secretary left, Jiang Jinyi poked at the noodles in the bowl with chopsticks, her eyes lowered a little smugly, "Are you going to open him?"

Jiang Youwan smiled, imitating her tone, "Open."

She guessed that Xiao Jin must have said that when quarreling with her just now.

"I'll let Jiang Youwan open you up later!"

Four years ago, Xiao Jin said this to many people in the company. She looked very fierce and cute.

Jiang Youwan enjoys this kind of unprincipled trust and dependence of Jiang Jinyi on herself, and enjoys Jiang Jinyi's feeling of "bullying others" by relying on herself.

"Remember to discuss with me where to go next time, Xiaojin doesn't remember anything now, my sister is afraid that you will suffer." Jiang Youwan fed a shrimp to Jiang Jinyizui At the same time, he mentioned that matter in a gentle and soft tone, and was discussing with her.

Jiang Jinyi blinked, ate the shrimp, and gave a light "um".

She felt that Jiang Youwan's temperament was much sharper than that of four years ago, but she was more gentle when she was gentle, like a pool of warm water, clinging to you, softly asking for you to be obedient listen to her.

Jiang Youwan only treats her like this, and treats others coldly, because she is her biological sister, of course she has to be gentle with herself.

Jiang Jinyi thinks as she should, and enjoys Jiang Youwan's kindness to her as she should.

Who can refuse such exclusive tenderness?

But her thoughts diverged, and Jiang Jinyi couldn't help but think, if Jiang Youwan really dated alpha in the future, would she be so gentle to her alpha?

I can't help but imagine that scene, Jiang Youwan is hugging someone, his tone is gentle, his eyes are still smiling...

No! !

Just imagine, every cell in Jiang Jinyi's body is resisting, biting her lips with her teeth, grinning, and poking at the bowl, she doesn't know, she looks like Very vicious furry cat.

Seeing this, Jiang Youwan leaned over, pressed her lower lip, and moved very lightly, freeing Jiang Jinyi's lips from her teeth.

Jiang Jinyi seemed to be going deep into things, letting her move, Jiang Youwan looked at the bitten lips that were even redder, Jiang Youwan's eyes were covered with a layer of gray and unknown Emotionally, he asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Suddenly, Jiang Jinyi turned her head to look at her and stared at her with a very tough attitude, "You don't fall in love with others!"

Jiang Youwan froze, raised her eyebrows, "Huh?"

Jiang Youwan felt his heart beating stronger and stronger, and his red lips moved, "Why?"

"You can't!" Jiang Jinyi became very domineering, she held Jiang Youwan's slender wrist, "Don't fall in love."

She has bright eyes and white teeth, and Jiang Youwan's seductive and gentle face is reflected in her pupils.

"But..." Jiang Youwan deliberately said embarrassedly, "Sister is twenty-nine years old this year, Xiao Jin."

Twenty-nine years old, is an age of emptiness, loneliness, and yearning.

Omega will usher in the estrus period at a fixed time, and the estrus period will be more and more violent after the age of 30. Jiang Jinyi is also an omega, knowing how hard it is to spend the estrus period alone , If you have a partner, you don't have to suffer like this.

It's time to fall in love.

How could Jiang Jinyi not know.

She was stunned, hesitated for a while, reluctantly, but had to compromise, and slowly released Jiang Youwan's wrist.

"Well then," she said reluctantly.

"Why doesn't Xiao Jin want me to fall in love?" Jiang Youwan asked persuasively.

Jiang Jinyi knows that she can't be so selfish, Jiang Youwan also has her life, and it is impossible to revolve around her sister all her life.

When she thought that someone else would take her place in Jiang Youwan's heart, she felt breathless and angry.

All the good things should be given to your sister, not to anyone else at all."

What to do.

At this moment, there is a voice in Jiang Youwan's heart asking.

The heartbeat is fast, and the greed hidden in the bottom of my heart wants to break out of the shackles of reason eagerly, Xiao Jin is really too cute.

She was so cute that she couldn't bear to blaspheme, she endured it, her reason was struggling and was about to collapse.

She wanted Jiang Jinyi not to let go of her wrist, but to hold her tighter.

The author has something to say:

Sister: It’s over, I can’t bear it anymore.

Xiao Jin: Don't bear it!

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 lost sister;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 11;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Bestkiki 2 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion