MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 38 make her happy

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Jiang Jinyi was pulled to the side of the road by Jiang Youwan, the sky was raining again, it was a light rain, drop by drop lightly hit them, Jiang Jinyi bit her lip, Jiang Youwan dragged into the car and fell onto the seat.

Red marks were scratched on her fair wrist, Jiang Jinyi couldn't believe it, her grievance was magnified infinitely, it was the first time Jiang Youwan was so fierce to her, why did Jiang Youwan treat her so fierce?

She gritted her teeth and yelled at her: "Bastard!"


Jiang Youwan followed into the car, closed the door, then locked it, she couldn't help but escape.

She looked down at her condescendingly, very angry. She didn't see anyone for more than an hour, her wings were hard, and she was about to find someone to fall in love with, right?

"You want to fall in love?" she asked coldly.

"That's right!" Jiang Jinyi said confidently, "I've been twenty-three and haven't been in a relationship yet. What's wrong with a relationship? I want you to take care of it."

Jiang Youwan squinted his eyes, his eyes were even more dangerous, his voice was colder and deeper, "You forgot what you promised me?"

"You're such a bastard? If you promise me, you won't count?"

Promise her…

Jiang Jinyi remembered that at that time she had to promise her that if her sister was not in love, she could not be in love.

Thinking of this, her tone became even fiercer, and she used a fierce tone to cover up her crying, "You are about to have a wife, why can't I talk?"

Despite trying to cover it up, the crying voice leaked out, especially obviously.

Jiang Youwan was startled, "What wife?"

Jiang Jinyi didn't know why she cared so much about her having a wife, so she cried even more, "I slapped your wife just now, if you don't coax her, let me talk about it or not. What are you doing in love?"

Slapped your wife?

Jiang Youwan was stunned for half a second, and finally understood, what was going on with this little bastard.

The ice cubes in my heart melted away, and the pent-up anger in my body gradually subsided.

Why do you get angry, just because she misunderstood that she has a wife? Jin is still as cute as ever.

"When did I say she was my wife?" Jiang Youwan's words contained a hint of a smile.

Jiang Jinyi's eyes froze, and her decibels became weaker, "Aren't you going to cooperate with the Ye family, aren't you going to marry that Ye Xian?"

"Huh? When did I say it? Who did Xiao Jin listen to?"

Jiang Jinyi was stunned, lowered her head, and said in a pitifully low voice, "Ye Xian said..."

The long hair hung down to cover the face, and the long and curled eyelashes trembled particularly obviously, as if holding back from crying.

Jiang Youwan couldn't understand why this little **** looked so pitiful every time she made a mistake, as if she was the one being bullied.

"Asshole." Jiang Youwan scolded lightly, Jiang Jinyi seemed to protest against the name, and her cheeks bulged again, which was her way of expressing her displeasure.

Why call her a jerk.

Jiang Youwan explained, "I never thought of marrying her, and I didn't like her. She just talked nonsense, don't get angry, eh?"

I don't want to marry her, and I don't like her...

Jiang Jinyi raised her eyes, her moist eyes met hers, "Really?"

Jiang Youwan said softly: "Really, Xiaojin ran around without listening to her sister, and violated our decision privately. It's really bad."

Jiang Jinyi blinked her eyes, if she should be happy, her eyes would be even more sore, and the tears could not be stopped any longer.

"Jiang Youwan..."

Jiang Youwan raised his hand and stroked her cheek, pinching the soft flesh, "Huh? Why are you even more aggrieved?"

"Jiang Youwan..."

"Have I licked you a lot of trouble before? Have I been particularly bad?" Jiang Jinyi looked at her tearfully, her voice trembling, "No one around you like me…"

"I hit her because she provokes our relationship, she scolded me, I didn't mean to run away to make you worry, I was just very angry, I was very angry when I saw her hug you, I don't I like her, and I don't like her being close to you..."

"She said I was your burden, she said why I still have the face to stay by your side, Jiang Youwan, do you hate me too, and you don't want me for a long time?" said At this point, the crying became more and more intense.

Jiang Jinyi continued to cry and said, "I don't remember what I did wrong, I don't know why..."

"I'm sorry, Jiang Youwan..." Seeing that Jiang Youwan didn't speak, Jiang Jinyi was inexplicably flustered, she was afraid that she would say something, and Jiang Youwan would really not want her.

"You are my sister, you, you can't want me, you can't dislike me, and you can't want me, you're my sister, let me, what's wrong with me? Be tolerant, what's wrong with me...?" The more Jiang Jinyi said about it, the more guilty she felt, she knew that she was so unreasonable, and no one could stand her like this.

This is true, Jiang Youwan is her biological sister, Jiang Youwan is so fond of her.

Jiang Youwan pursed her lips and did not speak, just staring at each other, the light in the car was very dim, Jiang Jinyi could not see the undercurrents in Jiang Youwan's eyes, and began to think wildly Averting his gaze, Jiang Youwan opened his lips and said:

"I'm not your sister."

In an instant, Jiang Jinyi was stunned, the temperature in the car instantly froze, she pursed her lips, and couldn't find her voice for a long time.

"You, what did you say?" She spoke again, her voice was already trembling, and the dry tears poured out again, she didn't wipe it, just stared at Jiang Youwan blankly. .

"I said, I'm not your sister."

In fact, Jiang Youwan has been repeating this sentence in his heart for a long time, and at this moment, the darkest thought bound in the bottom of his heart completely broke through and said it.

She didn't want to see the second scene where Xiaojin said she wanted someone else to be her girlfriend. She didn't want Xiaojin to think they were just sisters. She couldn't help asking Xiaojin to be true The real one belongs to her as a lover.

Xiaojin cried and said those jealous words, which was really heartwarming.

Her heart was beating very fast, she slowly approached Jiang Jinyi, and saw the fear and helplessness in her eyes, she felt distressed and happy at the same time, Xiao Jin regarded her very important, but More apprehension.

She was afraid that Xiao Jin would not be able to accept it in a short time.

Jiang Jinyi tried her best to make her voice not sound so embarrassed, "Jiang Youwan, you...really don't want me anymore? I really do what they say , is it your burden?"


Jiang Jinyi wanted to hide her face, but Jiang Youwan refused, "Little Jin, listen to me, okay?"

Jiang Jinyi didn't say a word, but the tears didn't stop.

Jiang Youwan wiped her tears away, her voice so soft to the core, "Sister didn't want you, didn't bother you, didn't blame you."

"You heard from my sister, in fact, when my mother brought me home, I was not her biological daughter, she just said that I was her biological daughter to take care of my feelings, in fact, we are not related by blood ."

Jiang Jinyi was stunned again, her wet eyelashes lifted, her eyes widened, "What, what?"

Jiang Youwan sighed and smiled helplessly, "We are not actually related by blood, this matter was already known four years ago, but Xiaojin lost her memory and forgot , Xiao Jin's condition was not good when she first recovered her memory, so my sister didn't tell you, now that Xiao Jin has come out, my sister really wants to tell you about it."

Jiang Jinyi was immersed in shock, unable to find her voice for a long time.

The eyes were stiff and stunned.

This news is a little hard to digest.

Jiang Youwan lowered her head gently, touching Jiang Jinyi's forehead, her lips were very close, and each other's breathing could be heard clearly, she added softly: "Although we are not Sisters, but Xiao Jin will never worry that her sister will bother you or want you, she will feel that you are a burden, you can act coquettishly with her sister, get angry with her, and enjoy her love as it should be."

"Did you know that you went to Beicheng in recent years, and saw you very little every year, and I wished to take you back and take you with me, so why do you think you are a burden?"

"You will always be your sister's most important person, more important than anyone else, be good, don't be sad, okay, you cry sister also very distressed." Jiang Youwan hugged her In his arms, he embraced the back of her head, gentle to the extreme.

She and Jiang Youwan are not biological sisters, and it was well known four years ago.

Being hugged and coaxed by Jiang Youwan like this, the sense of disparity and anxiety when I first heard the news was gradually eased, and I suddenly felt that this matter was not so difficult to accept.

Do you blame me? What should Jiang's do?"

Jiang Youwan shook her head and rubbed her cheek, "Jiang's will not cross, and sister will not blame you, don't be sad."

This sentence 'sister doesn't blame you' was obviously a comforting word, but it hit Jiang Jinyi's tears, she buried her face in Jiang Youwan's neck, trembling With Jiang Youwan's confidence, she started to complain, "That woman is too much. She keeps telling me, that you are annoying me, that you are complaining to her, have you complained to her?"

"What an idiot." Jiang Youwan pinched his ear punitively, "Don't you know she's bad? You still believe her words."


"Is there anything else you want to ask? My sister will answer you, eh?"

"We...are we really not sisters?"

"No, in order to make me better integrate into this family, my mother treated me as her own daughter. Xiao Jin knew it when she didn't lose her memory. She didn't tell Xiao Jin that it was because of her mother. I'm afraid you won't be able to accept it when I just passed away, but now, it's necessary for my sister to tell you."


Jiang Youwan repeated again: "Nevertheless, don't treat your elder sister as an outsider, you can still have trouble with your elder sister and act like a spoiled child, and enjoy your elder sister's love as you should."

Jiang Youwan knew that the love she was talking about was not family love.

She also knows that now Xiao Jin can't understand.

Jiang Jinyi made a soft "Ow" and stopped talking.

After hugging for a while, Jiang Youwan suddenly pushed her body away, her expression changed from gentle to serious, "I've finished asking, so it's time for me to ask you, right?"

Jiang Jinyi: "......"

She suddenly felt guilty.

"You said, you want that alpha just now to be your girlfriend?" Jiang Youwan asked her.

"No...I'm talking angrily..." Jiang Jinyi lowered her head in a guilty conscience, a little afraid to look at her.

She didn't realize it herself, in fact, there is nothing wrong with falling in love, there is no need to be so guilty.

"I didn't want to fall in love with her."

"What a bastard." Jiang Youwan gritted his teeth, "You still run around when it's raining, do you know how worried I am?"

Only then did Jiang Jinyi realize that her cheeks were a little wet, as if Jiang Youwan's hair had rubbed against her just now. Looking closely, Jiang Youwan's hair was wet and stuck to her face. It just rained.

She was still looking for herself when it rained.

Jiang Jinyi died of guilt, and quickly wiped her face with her sleeve, "I'm sorry..."

"Let's go home quickly, what if you catch a cold later?"

Jiang Youwan snorted, dissatisfied: "I'm sorry and it's over?"

Jiang Jinyi whispered, "Then what do you want?"

"How is it?" Jiang Youwan laughed angrily, "Do you still need me to tell you?"

Jiang Jinyi innocently said "ah".

Jiang Youwan got angry and didn't speak any more, he opened the door and went out, then got into the driver's seat, locked the door again, and started the car.

Jiang Jinyi sat in the back seat, she didn't say anything, no matter how you called her, she just hummed once or twice in response. She was driving, and the road was slippery just after it rained. Jiang Jinyi didn't say anything. Dare to disturb her more, sit honestly, thinking about how to apologize to her later.

Jiang Youwan rarely got angry with her in the past, but she did, but it was very coaxing, as long as she tugged on her arm and acted like a spoiled child, it was almost done.

This time, it should be...  

About half an hour later, the car was parked in the garage of Jiang's villa, Jiang Youwan was very angry and took the lead to open the door and walked away, Jiang Jinyi quickly followed, and Xiaoyu came and pulled her legs She didn't care, just like a little tail, she called Jiang Youwan in a low voice, and followed up to the second floor.

Under the illumination of the light, Jiang Youwan's clothes and hair can be more clearly seen wet, the white shirt is close to the skin, transparent, and even the shoulder straps can be seen.

Unconsciously, he followed people to the room.

Jiang Youwan's room has always been freely accessible to her. It is filled with the faint fragrance of mandala flowers, and it smells very comfortable.

"Jiang Youwan, I was wrong, don't ignore me, okay?"

"Jiang Youwan, I will never talk nonsense about falling in love with others again."

"Jiang Youwan, just ignore me, I will never run around again."

"Sister, sis~"

Jiang Youwan didn't sense Jiang Jinyi's existence, so he found a nightdress from the closet and underwear, ready to go into the bathroom to take a shower.

It was the first time that Jiang Jinyi was ignored so many times, she was a little angry, she followed without thinking, Jiang Youwan suddenly stopped, her forehead almost hit on her back.

Jiang Youwan turned back slowly, "What? You have to follow in the shower?"

Jiang Jinyi was startled, Jiang Youwan didn't give her a chance to speak, and jokingly said, "Is it a light call to call you a bastard? I should call you a rascal."

Jiang Jinyi only felt the temperature on her face getting hotter and hotter, and then completely turned red.

She was stupid enough to follow someone into the bathroom.

Touched and desecrated.

Jiang Youwan's eyes darkened, and Jiang Jinyi broke free for a moment.

Jiang Jinyi hesitated: "You should take a bath soon, if you wear wet clothes on your body for too long, you will catch a cold."

"Also, I'm not a hooligan."

With that, she ran away.

Blushing so easily, Xiao Jin is really simple and cute.

Jiang Youwan looked at the back of her fleeing in a hurry, and couldn't help sighing, the more innocent she was, the more filthy and gloomy she appeared.

How would Jiang Jinyi know that Jiang Youwan really wanted her to go in and watch her take a bath.

Jiang Jinyi just cared about being Jiang Youwan's little tail, she didn't care when Xiaoyu came to pick her up, and now I've always felt a little guilty, so I went to find Xiaoyu and hugged her in my arms and had a good time. Fan, also entered the bathroom of his room to take a shower.

After taking a bath, Jiang Youwan had already gone downstairs to eat. It was seven or eight in the evening. Jiang Jinyi felt that she was blaming herself for making her eat so late.

Jiang Jinyi blamed herself, sat down opposite her, Jiang Youwan didn't look up at her, lowered her head and ate quietly.

Jiang Youwan wore a very **** suspender nightdress, because it was raining and the weather was colder, she wore a thin shawl, took off her makeup, and held her long hair casually, but Without any loss of points, she is still as beautiful as a stunner in the world, dignified and sexy.

Jiang Youwan is always very cold to outsiders. No matter where he goes, he looks like strangers are not allowed to enter. He only wears a professional smirk when he has special needs. She is only very gentle to her, calling her Xiaojin gently, and calling herself her sister gently.

When you eat, it will definitely not be like now, ignore her, eat your own, and don't look up at her.

In the past, she thought that Jiang Youwan was kind to her, but now that she knew that Jiang Youwan was not her biological sister, she suddenly felt very flustered and uneasy.

If Jiang Youwan is really angry and ignores her in the future, what should she do? Where can you say confidently: I'm your sister, you should let me, I'm your sister, you can't leave me.

Thinking of this, Jiang Jinyi suddenly felt a little sore in her eyes, her head was lower, she looked very lonely and pitiful, she saw the shrimp on the table, and thought that Jiang Youwan used to peel shrimp and feed her .

She took a small plate in front of her and started peeling the shrimp.

This can be said to be the first time she has peeled shrimp, and the peeling is very unfamiliar and clumsy. Others can peel one in ten seconds. She takes almost half a minute to peel a shrimp, and then put it in In the small plate, I accumulated more than a dozen pieces one after another, and finally looked up and found that Jiang Youwan was looking at her.

The eyes were light, and there was no emotional ups and downs, Jiang Jinyi looked at her eagerly, and put the small plate of shrimp in front of her.

"......for my sister." She knew that Jiang Youwan liked to call her sister, so she called it extra sweet and good.

Jiang Youwan didn't move, he ate his own.

Jiang Jinyi was a little disappointed, her eyes dimmed, but she didn't give up, she also took a king crab, helped her get the crab meat out, and put it all in front of her for her to eat , and all kinds of things on the table that need to be peeled, she helped her to peel them, and she worked for twenty minutes, but she didn't eat a single bite.

He looked at Jiang Youwan eagerly, like a child asking for credit.

"Sister, if you don't eat it, it will be cold."

It's over.

Jiang Youwan sighed in his heart.

Looking at Jiang Jinyi's expectant and pitiful eyes, with the food she peeled in front of him, Jiang Youwan couldn't look at her coldly anymore, she really lost to her.

It seems that if she doesn't eat it, it's not that the food will cool down, but that her heart will die.

How could she not know that Jiang Jinyi was spoiled since she was a child, and she would never do things like peeling shrimp and shelling herself.

In order to coax her, she peeled off several plates.

Looking at Jiang Jinyi's expectant and pitiful eyes, with the food she peeled in front of him, Jiang Youwan couldn't look at her coldly anymore, she really lost to her.

Jiang Youwan looked at the small plate of shrimp, his eyes moved slightly, but there was no big reaction on his face, he took one with chopsticks, put it in his mouth, and chewed it carefully.

Seeing that she was willing to eat, Jiang Jinyi immediately smiled, and the whole person was bright. Jiang Youwan sighed helplessly. Although she sighed, the corner of her mouth was smiling. The shrimps reached Jiang Jinyi's mouth.

Jiang Jinyi ate it obediently. Seeing her obedient appearance, Jiang Youwan really couldn't stand it. She had a different impulse and evil thoughts in her heart.

In the end, these thoughts just vented into one sentence: "Little bastard."

Being scolded, Jiang Jinyi didn't get angry, she just smirked at her, Jiang Youwan has become a gentle sister who is exclusive to herself, and that sense of security has returned.

"Next time it's like this, just find someone casually and ask her to be your girlfriend, I'm really going to be angry and ignore you." Jiang Youwan thought about it in his mind There are many heavy words of warning, but the most serious can only think of this sentence.

Jiang Jinyi immediately assured: "It will definitely not happen next time, I'm super good."

Jiang Youwan thought to herself: It would be great if she was really good.


After dinner, Jiang Youwan went back to work in the study, Jiang Jinyi was playing with the cat in the room, about eleven o'clock, Jiang Youwan closed the computer, went back to the room and stood in front of the table, she Opening the drawer, what caught my eye was an inhibitor.

This inhibitor was prepared recently, and her estrus is coming.

Tonight, if nothing else.

After watching silently for a few seconds, she picked up the inhibitor, put it in the innermost dark compartment, opened another drawer, and took out a bottle of perfume.

Catnip fragrance.

The door of the room was ajar, and when she heard the movement in the next room, she tapped the perfume and sprayed it twice.

The author has something to say:

Sister: The kitten came, didn’t Xiao Jin come too? Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-06-04 10:48:13~2022-06-04 19:00:07~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 2 small fists; 53967514, Jolin, 1 passing by;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Junci 18 bottles; Ye Wuhen Marblue 15 bottles; Uranus Gravity, Lele 10 bottles; 53599574, etc. Turn off the lights 5 bottles; Bottles; 3 bottles of Mohan Duck; 1 bottle of Yanwu, Jolin, My Houyi Thiefliu, You Olei, Kong Hao, Zhan Yuan Yuchuan, Shu Yi Erha;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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