MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 57 be a girlfriend

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On the second day of her twenty-fourth birthday, before the surgery, Jiang Jinyi really came to the ward and brought her a breakfast.

The breakfast she brought was a small cake.

She said: "Eat something sweet, and you won't be very scared when you have an operation, and it won't hurt."

It was Jiang Youwan's first time eating cake.

Jiang Jinyi personally fed her.

In fact, Jiang Youwan can eat it by herself, but Jiang Jinyi is not happy. She said that there are many cute animals made of cream on the cake. Jiang Youwan cannot see them and will destroy them. Yes, so I asked her to come, spoon out the small animals, feed them, and eat them.

"This is the first time for this lady to feed someone, so you can remember it." Jiang Jinyi said this very arrogantly at that time.

Who would have thought that later, she would only drink milk from Jiang Youwan, which Jiang Youwan fed.

Shortly after eating the cake, Jiang Youwan entered the operating room. Jiang Jinyi was waiting in the exclusive lounge. She didn't know what Jiang Youwan was going to do at first. Inexplicably, she felt a little flustered, so she asked Jiang Youwan's doctor, and the doctor told her that in fact, this operation is risky, and the risk is very high, and the chance of failure is almost half, if it fails, Jiang Youwan I will never see the light again in my life.

Jiang Jinyi felt very surprised and heartbroken after hearing this, and she was indescribably sad.

What kind of person is Jiang Youwan? She doesn't tell her about such important things.

Jiang Jinyi was so nervous before, An Nai couldn't stop running out, looking at the sign of the operating room at the door of the operating room, feeling very uneasy.

Very disturbed.

However, she couldn't do anything but pray.

During the tormented waiting, Jiang Jinyi heard that there is a temple near the hospital, the temple is very incense, and many people go there to pray.

Jiang Jinyi sat anxiously, restless and restless.

She never believed in ghosts, gods and Buddhas, but she walked into the temple unknowingly.

The monk in the temple is really a little god, can see her mind, let her worship the Buddha, and then give her a string of white jade beads.

"God bless."


Consciousness gradually regained consciousness. It seemed that Jiang Youwan took a long time. She still could not open her eyes. After staying for a long time, she noticed the existence of pheromones in the air. She moved her hands and found someone lying on the edge of her bed. By judging the pheromone, she knew that it was Jiang Jinyi.

Jiang Jinyi was breathing evenly and was sleeping soundly.

How to fall asleep lying on the bed, Jiang Youwan thought, she must have been with him for a long time.

Jiang Youwan hesitated for a while before raising her hand and covering it on Jiang Jinyi's furry head. He snorted twice, so Jiang Youwan couldn't help it again, he kept covering it, and he didn't take it away for a long time.

Jiang Youwan didn't know what time it was, day or night, until a doctor came in to report her condition, the operation went well, and she could see the world in about a week.

The doctor woke Jiang Jinyi, who was sleeping soundly on the bed, Jiang Jinyi opened her eyes, and the first thing she did was ask her how she was feeling, did it hurt, Jiang Youwan Say, "It doesn't hurt."

Jiang Jinyi took out the bead she asked from the temple not long ago, held Jiang Youwan's arm, and put it on her wrist without a word, Jiang Youwan asked if it was What, Jiang Jinyi said, "This is the amulet I asked for from the Lord Buddha. The monk said that if you wear it all the time, you will be safe and your eyes will be fine."


Jiang Youwan noticed an unknown and wonderful feeling in her heart, she thought, how should I thank her?

What's the matter, they gave you an amulet, and you want to give her everything you have in exchange.

"Why doesn't Xiao Jin keep such a good thing?" Jiang Youwan thought that if this string of beads could really save her life, she seemed to prefer Jiang Jinyi to keep it herself.

Jiang Jinyi hummed twice and quietly told her, "I already have the amulet, and this kind of thing will only work if you ask for it."

"Huh?" Jiang Youwan grabbed the message: "Does Xiao Jin also have an amulet?"

After asking this sentence, Jiang Jinyi was silent for a long time, her lips remained silent, thinking of her previous illness, Jiang Jinyi felt aggrieved, and her voice faded a lot, "Actually, I used to Having suffered a serious illness, it’s not actually a disease, it’s just that he stayed in the hospital for a long time.”

Jiang Youwan's nerves tightened and he listened quietly.

Jiang Jinyi seems to be still struggling with whether she should tell Jiang Youwan about this, because her mother told her many times that she should forget about it and not tell anyone.

However, Jiang Youwan is her elder sister, so she should not be someone else.

Sister's words are definitely not someone else!

Jiang Jinyi tried her best to recall for a while, and said, "It seems that when I was three years old, I was arrested by bad people and taken to a house. Those bad people said they wanted to kill me, I was very scared, I remember... I remember that there was an aunt who secretly hid me in the bathtub, and then... well I don't remember, my mother said that it took me a long time to wake up, and my mother was crying, crying very hard , My body hurts and I cried for a long time."

Jiang Jinyi paused and wanted to say, but Jiang Youwan suddenly interjected: "Do you remember what that aunt looks like?"

Jiang Jinyi recalled: "I don't remember, I was only three years old at that time, how can I have such a strong memory."

Jiang Youwan was silent, Jiang Jinyi continued: "I stayed in the hospital for a long time at that time, my mother kept telling me that I was sick, and I also felt sick, and I have been sick all my life I don't want to get sick again. "

"Mom will go and ask me for an amulet to keep me in my school bag, and I will always be safe."

"I only remember none of these other impressions, when I was too young."

After speaking, Jiang Jinyi leaned into her ear and whispered: "This is a secret, my mother has never let me tell others, you must not say it, if you dare to say it , I hate you. "

Jiang Youwan returned to his senses after a while, and made a light "um".

Jiang Jinyi smiled, backed away and turned a little louder, and said, "So, you will be fine too, don't worry."

Jiang Youwan's expression was a little stiff, Jiang Jinyi asked her strangely, and she forcibly retracted her thoughts and laughed, and said warmly, "Thank you Xiaojin, I'm not worried anymore."

I can only stay in the ward for a week, I can't see, and there is no entertainment. Does it sound boring? Jiang Youwan doesn't think it's boring, because Jiang Jinyi is almost there during the day.

After letting go of her grudge against Jiang Youwan, Jiang Jinyi became more talkative. She watched animations in the ward, and the sound of animations filled the room. The protagonist's broken thoughts.

Jiang Jinyi will also bring a drawing board to the ward, saying that she wants to paint the scenery outside the window, but she is actually drawing Jiang Youwan in the dark.

A week passed quickly, when Jiang Youwan was told by the doctor that she could open her eyes, Jiang Jinyi fell asleep on the sofa watching the cartoon again, and was awakened by the doctor, still stunned, Complain about the doctor making her sleep again.

The doctor knew who Jiang Jinyi was, and even this hospital belonged to the Jiang family, she smiled and said to Jiang Jinyi, "Miss, you can open your eyes, Miss Youwan, do you want to? Help her remove the gauze?"

"Yes, can you open your eyes?"

"Well, it's fine." The doctor gave her a positive answer.

Jiang Jinyi slept a little dazedly, walked to Jiang Jinyi sleepily, and confirmed with the doctor again that it can really be removed? The doctor said yes, so she carefully removed the gauze, beating like a drum: "You, you open your eyes and look at me."

Jiang Youwan seemed a little unaccustomed to it, his long eyelashes fluttered, and he slowly opened his eyes after a while.

The line of sight slowly focused, focusing on a sweet and lovely face.

Jiang Youwan has actually fantasized about what Jiang Jinyi looks like many times, but she is not as cute as the one in front of her.

A pair of peach blossom eyes were staring at him, lips half-opened, and muttered: "You are so beautiful..."

At this moment, Jiang Youwan wanted to eat her.

At that time, she just dared to think, and she thought about it for many, many days and nights, but she never thought that one day, she would really get her wish.

She got her wish.

At this moment, Jiang Jinyi hugged Jiang Youwan's waist tightly, buried her face shyly in her neck, rubbed lightly from time to time, and whimpered from time to time, Jiang Youwan Make fun of how she is shy and clingy like a child.

There is no one who will cry after the alpha mark, just you.

He complained, but Jiang Youwan's heart was full, enjoying her dependence and the tenderness at the moment.

She really marked her sister with *.

There is only room for the two of them, only the two of them know.

The feeling of incomparable taboo filled her heart, making it difficult for her to calm down. It took a long time for Jiang Jinyi to come out of her neck. She was still wearing that **** lace/silk nightdress, still free from taking off, like a satiated fox, being played with all over her body, she still had a charming smile in her eyes.

"Is Xiao Jin tired?" Jiang Youwan asked her weakly.

Jiang Jinyi blushed slightly, shook her head, and whispered, "Not tired..."

Xu An said that alpha cannot be said to be tired, not to mention that she is not tired at all.

"Sister is a little tired." Jiang Youwan said lightly, "I didn't sleep last night, I've been expecting Xiaojin to celebrate my birthday."

"Ah..." Jiang Jinyi felt a little remorse, thinking about last night, she remembered something, sat up and panicked to find something, where is her gift? Where did her gift for Jiang Youwan go?

Jiang Jinyi wanted to get out of bed to look for it, but Jiang Youwan stopped her, "It's in the closet."

Jiang Jinyi opened the cabinet, and there was indeed a box with her gift inside, she took out the box, Jiang Youwan sat up, Jiang Jinyi gave her the gift seriously, Said: "Sister, happy birthday."

You Wan slowly opened the box, even though she had seen it just now, she still made Jiang Jinyi happy as if she saw it for the first time and was very surprised.

Jiang Jinyi said proudly, "I bought a pearl mussel, took it out of her flesh, and made it myself!"

After finishing speaking, she looked proud and boasted.

"Our little Jin's gift is really not ordinary at all." Jiang Youwan asked her to put it on for him, Jiang Jinyi came close to her and carefully helped her put it on, eyebrows curved, Jiang Youwan Anhui couldn't help laughing, squeezed her chin and kissed her again.

Being kissed again, Jiang Jinyi especially wanted to kiss her back, but now she has a more important question than kissing, that is, has she ever caught a girl she likes?

Now, at this moment, what is their relationship?

Jiang Youwan likes her?

Jiang Youwan saw her squiggly and wanted to speak but couldn't say it, and he could see into her mind at once, and he was helpless and funny. I really didn't know if she was shy or arrogant or cowardly.

Jiang Youwan smiled lazily and said: "The last step in chasing a girl. Did my sister tell you that when you meet a girl you like, you must seize the opportunity to attack quickly, and you can't be squeamish? Pinch it, otherwise the girl you like will run away with someone and you won't know."

This sentence Jiang Jinyi remembered that Jiang Youwan had told her before. At that time, she thought that she would not have someone she liked. Unexpectedly, she and her sister have reached this point now. .

Someone who likes can't be fickle, of course she knows this, but why, why can't Jiang Youwan seize the opportunity to attack quickly?

From childhood to adulthood, others have confessed to her, and Jiang Jinyi has not confessed to anyone yet.

Miss Jiang is so arrogant, she feels that she will never confess to anyone in her life.

She raised her eyes at Jiang Youwan, hummed and said, "Then you, are you not afraid that I will run away with others?"

After saying this, Jiang Jinyi immediately felt Jiang Youwan's oppressive gaze, she was inexplicably guilty to death, don't open her eyes, and dare not look at her at all.

"What did Xiao Jin say?" Jiang Youwan narrowed her fox eyes and pinched her chin to make her look at him. Jiang Jinyi didn't dare to resist or repeat it.

A little overjoyed, Jiang Youwan's reaction was great...

The marked omegas are extremely sensitive, not to mention Jiang Youwan is very possessive, so she can't hear such words at all, she gritted her teeth and asked, "Xiaojin just did that to her sister just now. What kind of thing, just bit my sister's neck and say this? What do you think? Huh?"

Jiang Jinyi's heart skipped a beat, and quickly said, "I'm talking nonsense!"

"What nonsense?" Jiang Youwan squinted his eyes in disbelief. Jiang Jinyi also realized that she was wrong. Just after marking her, how could she say something like that to make her sad.

In fact, Jiang Youwan has been very kind to himself since he first came to Jiang's house. He loves himself and protects himself. Except for the strict control of his emotions, he is not used to it. At that time, he was wholehearted. He treats her as a sister, and enjoys her goodness with peace of mind.

She's so good, what's wrong with taking the initiative?

Jiang Jinyi made up her mind and took a deep breath, Jiang Youwan thought she was going to be brave and solemn, but she just mumbled in a low voice: "I...I like you."

"What?" Jiang Youwan's tone suddenly softened, he held her face, looked at her sweet eyebrows, his eyes were extremely soft, and a semi-command tone: "I didn't hear, let's talk about it. once."

This is the point, there is no way to retreat, Jiang Jinyi gave it up, and said seriously: "I like my sister, the kind of like I want to be with you is not my sister Together as a sister, yes, yes... as a couple!"

Jiang Jin's eyes were a little wet, and she looked more passionate, so nervous that her eyelashes kept trembling, and her soft and sweet voice began to tremble, "Would you like to be my girlfriend. "

Be her girlfriend?

This sentence Jiang Youwan has dreamed about how many times, and tried to agree countless times, but when he woke up, it was all in vain.

Get what you want?

There are countless voices in Jiang Youwan's heart saying that she would promise her, and she had already promised her in his heart, but there was a selfishness that wanted to listen to her several times, she was trolling her badly, I didn't agree so quickly, "Why are you acting like a spoiled child again? Do you think that you will have a girlfriend if you act like a spoiled child?"

Jiang Youwan said this, but she knew very well in her heart that if an alpha like Xiaojin really went out and asked someone if she could be her girlfriend, I'm afraid not many omegas would be able to refuse.

Really, I wish I could tie her by my side.

Seeing that she did not agree, Jiang Jinyi felt aggrieved, raised her eyebrows and raised her voice even more: "Would you like it? Do you like me..."

Aggrieved, people feel that if she says "no", her heart will be broken immediately.

"What if I don't like it?" Jiang Youwan said with a smile.

Jiang Jinyi's pupils dilated slightly, looking at her in shock, she never expected such an answer, her heart was sour and empty, and her tone was a lot fierce, "Yes, if you don't like it! I will, I will never be close to you again!"

"I hate you!

Jiang Youwan couldn't help laughing, holding her face against her forehead, staring at her pupils, before her tears flowed, word by word: "How can you be like this? Threatening? You should say, if you don't like me, I'll kill you."

Jiang Jinyi's tears stopped immediately, she stared at Jiang Youwan with wide eyes, hesitating and speechless, why is Jiang Youwan so... .

This kind of thing always comes out of my mouth... so violent.

Is this a sss omega? She's really sour....

Jiang Youwan stopped teasing her, touched her lips lightly, and said softly: "Sister doesn't like you, my sister loves you, loves you, loves you so much ,do you know?"

"Sister really wants to be Xiao Jin's girlfriend, so that Xiao Jin belongs to her alone." Jiang Youwan said in a very ambiguous tone, word by word, she was so sexy, Jiang Jinyi Drunk in her voice, she couldn't help raising her head, kissing her swollen lips, sticking out the tip of her tongue, actively trying to invade her mouth.

Jiang Youwan is of course indulging her, pampering her, and letting her ask for it.

Kissing and kissing, Jiang Youwan gradually became dissatisfied, and her body screamed that she wanted to be *marked/marked again.

She catered to her more and more enthusiastically, hugged Jiang Jinyi's waist, and put her body on her body. distance from each other.

Jiang Youwan frowned, Gu Qiuqiu looked at her in dissatisfaction, and saw Jiang Jinyi's face was flushed, her eyes were full of love Guqing, she clearly wanted it, but she still endured not to continue , she shook her head to wake herself up, and said in a hoarse voice, "hurry up and rest."

I was afraid that I would be tired.

Little Jin really doesn't know anything about sss-level omegas.

Jiang Youwan's hand suddenly pushed Jiang Jinyi's shoulder, pressed her on the bed, and then quickly sat on her, looking at her condescendingly You must: "Want my sister to rest? If you have the ability, you will stun her."

The author has something to say:

I beg everyone to collect my pre-received text QAQ, otherwise it will not be open.

"Bai Yueguang is a Crazy Beauty" Lu Mian has blurred the memories of his senior year in high school, and Bai Yueguang, which he could not ask for, is only occasionally thought of at night.

I heard from a friend by chance that she has a successful career in the imperial capital and has her own family, a happy marriage and a happy family.

Lu Mian smiles and wishes.

However, one night, Lu Mian saw a familiar figure in the bar he frequented.

She was wearing **** clothes and sitting in front of the bar selling wine.

Lu Mian really couldn't connect her with the slender and spotless girl she used to be.

People around her guessed that she had an accident at home, her husband ran away, and she ran back to sell wine after she couldn't stay in the imperial capital.

Looking at the white moonlight of the past being filled with embarrassment at the moment, Lu Mian was still in the old love, and still helped.

Shen Wanyin fell into her arms drunkenly, Lu Mianyue couldn't help but ask, "Are you short of money?"

Shen Wanyin smiled: "Then do you want to consider taking care of me?"

"I remember, when..."

Lu Mian shook his head and said calmly, "I have already let go."

Shen Wanyin's eyes dimmed and she did not speak.

One day later, Lu Mian was led by a friend to go shopping with other girls. That night, she was called by Shen Wanyin to her house on the grounds that she was ill.

Lu Mian felt that she had been deceived, such a big villa, so destitute?

The "sick" Shen Wanyin was wearing **** pajamas, her face flushed and she was forced to the corner, talking nonsense, grabbing her clothes and not letting her go.

The eyes are full of forbearance paranoia and morbidity.

Shen Wanyin was indeed ill. After being ill for seven years, Lumian was medicine.

"You can't let it go."

Read the guide:

End he

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 47380635, 1 sweet potato;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Above Pujiang, there are only L2 Xiaobai; I can't think of a good name, Muyan, Lion sauce, Rouwenli, not bald, sleepy and not procrastinating;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Little House, 27 bottles of four hundred million years; 20 bottles of Cmkj; 15 bottles of Gu Yuexiao; 11 bottles of Xiaobai; 10 bottles of no moon tonight; 9 bottles of Gentle One Sky; 473966506 bottles; 5 bottles of JM, Coriander Ban Song Chang, He Ah, @Nadong; 4 bottles of Park Caiying's girlfriend outside the circle; 3 bottles of Yinsheng; 2 bottles of Zhushan and Cixiu ;Xie Shu, Shen Xiaoguai, Ka Sheng, Han Nianzhen, Zhengda Guangming, Zhan Yuan Yuchuan, Da Da today's double change, Mo Xing 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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