MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 85 abandoned

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After the complete marking, even if the alpha damages her glands, the marking effect on the omega is still strong, no matter it is day or night, in what kind of occasion, her posture is cold and abstinent , her body exudes a strong fragrance of hyacinth flowers, reminding her how crazy and enthusiastic she and alpha have been.

So, as soon as I return to the company, anyone who passes by her, anyone who is in the same room with her, as long as it is not a beta, can perceive that she is already marked omega.

And everyone knows the alpha pheromone, it belongs to Jiang Jinyi.

Jiang Jinyi's proprietary hyacinth flower fragrance, because the second lady has lost her temper many times in the company, the pheromone can be smelled by everyone on the first floor.

It was a blast.

In an instant, the company spread the word, gossip was happening every day, no wonder President Jiang didn't come to the company for a month, it turned out to be on her honeymoon with her second lady.

To completely mark this important thing, most people stay on the night of their wedding night.


So, they must have been certified.

If there is a wedding, how grand and romantic Mr. Jiang's wedding should be.

The front desks on the first floor were not even in the mood to work, so they glanced at the door from time to time to see if there was a second lady.

After all, when the first two people were not completely marked, the second lady often came here to accompany President Jiang, and now it is completely marked. Stick together for four hours.

Someone bet that within half an hour, the second lady of Mr. Jiang's family will appear.

Some people think it's too fast. It's just been a sweet month, and you have to stick to it for at least two hours.

Some people say that maybe President Jiang is on the phone with the second lady of her family and is calling someone.

But the front desk waited all morning, but Jiang Jinyi was not there.

Neither bet right.

So they made a bet that President Jiang would definitely go home during his lunch break.

They bet on the afternoon again, but Jiang Youwan worked overtime until nine o'clock in the evening.

They are boiling again, check the information on the Internet, completely mark the couple after a month, how long they will miss each other after leaving each other.

The result is: couples who are completely marked for a month, two hours apart, they will start to miss each other, eager to see each other, seven hours is the limit, if seven hours have not seen, whether it is omega Still alpha, they will miss each other very much, unable to focus on the things in their hands, and their minds are full of each other.

Like a drug addiction.

It's weird.

I haven't seen Jiang Jinyi for several days. This has always been a hot topic among employees. Some people found that they met Jiang Jinyi in the hospital and she was taken care of by a woman The two behaved intimately, eerily intimacy.

The topic of "Mr. Jiang was abandoned by the second lady" quickly spread in the company, and the voices of these discussions reached the ears of many people, including Lu Jing.

Everyone is holding an injustice for Jiang Youwan, including Lu Jing.

As soon as she got close to her, she felt the pheromone of the delicate lady lingering around her.

When this pheromone touches her, it becomes very aggressive.

Because she is an alpha, she is not allowed to approach.

Lu Jing frowned, feeling very unhappy and not worth it for Jiang Youwan.

"Is something wrong?" Jiang Youwan lifted his eyes to see her, and spoke calmly.

Lu Jing went straight to the topic, "How can you give yourself to that kind of bastard?"

"What?" Jiang Youwan didn't quite understand.

"A few days ago, everyone was discussing that you were getting married." Lu Jing said angrily: "But now, everyone is saying that Jiang Jinyi abandoned you, which is true Is it?"

Jiang Youwan's eyes froze, and she was quickly pressed down.

Really, she felt sour and aggrieved when she heard this.

But she had to act calmly, smiled and said, "It's all about them."

"So it's fake to say that you want to get married." Lu Jing said: "But you are marked and Jiang Jinyi has never seen you, and she is in the hospital with people. real."

Jiang Youwan's lips were noncommittal, why Lu Jing didn't understand what she meant by silence, her sharp eyes were stained with anger, a little out of control, she stepped forward and supported her desk belt He asked in anger, "How can you let that kind of person mark you?"

"It's not like you don't know how important it is for omega to be completely marked, and it was abandoned like this. What are you going to do? Just let that **** go? Jiang Youwan, why are you-"

Jiang Youwan interrupted her sharply, "Lu Jing!"

The rest of Lu Jing's words were broken in his throat, and he was stunned, and saw Jiang Youwan's expression was not right.

Jiang Youwan bit her lip with a painful expression on her face. She stood up on the table and stumbled to the lounge. Lu Jing was worried about her condition and followed up, but Jiang Youwan was already locked. The door to the lounge was opened and she was not allowed to enter.

"You Wan, what's wrong with you?!" Lu Jing patted the door anxiously, and Jiang Youwan couldn't answer her question. Embarrassed, he curled himself up into a pile of clothes somewhere next to the cabinet under the bed, breathing quickly and panicking.

Alpha can't control her anger when she is angry, Lu Jing was very angry just now, and her pheromone was very strong, and she faced Jiang Youwan.

On weekdays, she would not be afraid of these alpha pheromones with anger.

But she is very fragile now, can't stand this kind of stimulation, can't panic, can't want to seek the protection of her alpha.

Therefore, the desire for Jiang Jinyi was forced to the peak again.

She can only isolate Lujing's pheromone, holding these Xiaojin clothes she brought with her, and trying her best to comfort herself.

"Jin, Jin..."

No matter how Lu Jing called her outside, she didn't respond, and she couldn't leave the pile of Xiao Jin's clothes that she had left for a minute.

Suddenly, her stomach suddenly turned upside down, her eyes widened, she had to stand up and ran to the sink to retire, then coughed until her eyes were red, but nothing happened cough it out.

Lu Jing heard that she was retching inside, something flashed in her heart, and she couldn't calm down.

Lu Jing was not worried about Jiang Youwan, so she stayed in her office until three hours later, when Jiang Youwan finally recovered, opened the door and walked out weakly, asking coldly: " Why haven't you left yet?"

Lu Jing's eyes were dim and she was in a bad mood. She didn't say much. She stepped forward and grabbed Jiang Youwan's wrist. She scolded her for not moving. He paused for a while on his wrist, his eyes tightened, and his face was ugly.

"You're pregnant."



Hearing this news, Jiang Youwan immediately called a private doctor to check for him, and it turned out that she was really pregnant.

About six weeks of pregnancy, it was that full mark.

Jiang Youwan couldn't express how he felt, no wonder, no wonder, after a month marking the sensitive period, he still wanted Xiao Jin to die. It turned out that he was pregnant with a child.

Knowing she was pregnant, Jiang Youwan only felt that she missed her even more.

More difficult to stop.

Xiao Jin won't leave him again?

She had a terrible idea of ​​tying Jiang Jinyi with a child.

She knows what kind of person Xiao Jin is, she will hurt herself, but she will not hurt innocent children.

She could no longer control her desire to see Jiang Jinyi, and drove desperately to the hospital where Jiang Jinyi was.

However, as soon as the car stopped, she saw that Jiang Jinyi was supported by Fu Mingyue and Song Lian into the driver's seat.

What's special is that Xiao Jin is smiling.

The moment she laughed was played on a loop in Jiang Youwan's mind many times.

Since regaining her memory, Xiao Jin has never laughed like this again.

Smiling from the heart.

Jiang Youwan is really jealous. Jealousy is when others bring real happiness to Xiao Jin.

She cannot participate in the joy.

She is very sad. Now that she appears, it will only bring her pain and break her short-lived happiness.

Jiang Youwan clenched her hands tightly, holding back, watching her leave with others.


Why didn't she recognize it all of a sudden, because Song Lian at the moment was a little different from Jiang Jinyi's memory.

In Jiang Jinyi's memory, Song Lian is a very reserved and delicate woman, always wearing a black suit, with meticulous makeup, serious face, with a kind of power in power aura.

Very expensive and very cold.

But now it is different, her face is obviously much more vicissitudes than before, and her clothes are no longer bright, wearing an ordinary down jacket, like a traveler who has just returned.

Jiang Jinyi blinked, confirming that the middle-aged woman in front of her was Song Lian, and quickly reached out to grab her sleeve, and said in surprise, "Secretary Song!"

"The eldest miss has lost a lot of weight." Secretary Song frowned, raised his hand to touch her face, and muttered distressed.

Jiang Jinyi whispered: "How can there be..." His eyes were fixed on Song Lian for a moment.

In these 18 years of memory, there is always Secretary Song by her mother's side, which makes Jiang Jinyi have an illusion that Secretary Song exists for her mother.

My mother disappeared, and so did Secretary Song. Now that I saw Secretary Song again, Jiang Jinyi felt sore in her eyes, thinking of her mother.

If only mom could come back.

At this time, Fu Mingyue was walking towards the two of them. She was here to pick up Jiang Jinyi. She was stunned when she saw Song Lian, and politely greeted: "Secretary Song, long time no see."

Song Lian politely: "President Fu."

"This is not suitable for reminiscing, let's take a step to talk."

Song Lian nodded, Fu Mingyue protected Jiang Jinyi, and the three left the hospital together.

Sitting in the car, Fu Mingyue was a little curious: "Secretary Song seems to have disappeared for a long time, why did he come back suddenly?"

"Because I heard that Xiao Jin was hospitalized." Song Lian explained that as soon as she got off the plane, she rushed to the hospital non-stop.

She said: "I heard about Xiao Jin when she was just hospitalized, but there is really no way to get away from things abroad, so I can only come back to see Xiao Jin now."

She tilted her head to look at Jiang Jinyi, who had a bandage on the back of her neck, and her eyes revealed distress, "I'm not here during this time, and Xiao Jin is wronged."

Jiang Jinyi lowered her eyes and remained silent.

Before Song Lian came back, she knew about Jiang Jinyi's affairs in China during this period of time, but she was only sad and distressed.

In Song Lian's eyes, Jiang Jinyi is her child. She has watched Jiang Jinyi grow up since she was a child, and she knows how squeamish Jiang Jinyi is. She can do such a thing to herself. Must have been pushed to the extreme.

If you think about it, it can be considered a kind of growth.

She thanked Fu Mingyue: "Thank you, Mr. Fu, for taking care of Xiaojin during this time."

Fu Mingyue smiled gracefully, "Xie is unfamiliar, Xiaojin is also family to me."

Jiang Jinyi didn't want to hear them talk about this, so she changed the subject and asked, "What has Secretary Song been doing abroad during this time?"

"Busy looking up something very important."

Song Lian didn't give up: "Miss, Jiang Dong may still be alive."

Jiang Jinyi was stunned, as if she was immobilized, she held her breath and stared at Song Lian.

Fu Mingyue on the side was also surprised.

"What did you say?"

Song Lian said to Jiang Jinyi very seriously and seriously: "The real Director Jiang is very likely still alive."

"Director Jiang, who has appeared in the Jiang family for the past five years and died in a car accident because of fear of committing crimes, is not your mother."

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 17333403, 50798379, 1 Qingyi cat;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 88 bottles of Ju Jingyi's wife; 30 bottles of Feng Qingye; Name lost, lost sister, obsessive . 5 bottles of Yan, Mutton Bun, Damei, Motorcycle Maintenance Art; 4 bottles of Fu Yi Shisheng; 3 bottles of a certain Lacleus and Ruojibo; 2 bottles of Xiaomo, Zhushan and Yuli; 1 bottle of Yan Wu, Shen Xiaoguai, Simao, Zeroz, Haoxiang HX, haruka, Yuan Xiaoguai;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!