MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 9 Stubborn and single

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The room was filled with the rich fragrance of hyacinth flowers, mixed with the tempting and dangerous mandala of the woman on the bed, deadly and intoxicating.

Jiang Youwan lay back on the bed in embarrassment, sighing lightly on the lip bitten by Jiang Jinyi, her blurred eyes unconsciously hooked people, very arousing abusive desire.

The fragrance of mandala flowers pervasively invaded Jiang Jinyi, but fortunately she had used the inhibitor, she still remembered what she came to her room for, and took out the inhibitor that she had prepared a long time ago , walked into Jiang Youwan, picked up her boneless arm, and punched the inhibitor into it without pity.


Jiang Youwan tilted her head and looked at her, with a deep resentment in her eyes.

She looked at Jiang Jinyi deeply.

The inhibitor was injected into the body, the restless pheromone finally calmed down, Jiang Youwan was lying on the bed weakly, Jiang Jinyi found the mobile phone from her suit pocket, opened it, needed password.

She didn't bother to test the password, she grabbed Jiang Youwan's hand and pressed her fingerprint to unlock it easily.

She had already deleted her WeChat account, but Jiang Youwan's avatar was still the same painting she helped her put on back then.

Jiang Jinyi began to rummage through her contacts, found Jiang Ningshu's chat box, and clicked into it.

The chat records between her and Jiang Ningshu were normal, so normal to the point that they were all talking about work, and their tone was as cold as a boss and a subordinate.

Why? Doesn't Jiang Ningshu love her the most?

Their chat records for nearly five years are almost the same. Jiang Jinyi captured that a few days before her nineteenth birthday almost four years ago, Jiang Ningshu sent her this nonsensical message. a paragraph.

[There is no need to prepare birthday gifts for Xiao Jin in the future, and don't have any illusions about Xiao Jin. 】

[You don't deserve to be with her. 】

Purpose? What is her purpose?

At that time, she and Jiang Youwan broke up and went to study abroad.

Why do you say 'don't have any illusions about Xiao Jin'? Could it be that Jiang Ningshu already knew that Jiang Youwan liked her at that time?

Jiang Jinyi began to go to other places to put it, rummaged, and saw her memo, in addition to recording some things at work, it was similar to: Beicheng weather, Xiao Jin's favorite, Xiao Jin Nasty, Xiao Jin's stomach problem, what medicine is Xiao Jin allergic to...and so on and so on, there are some things about her.

Jiang Jinyi found that in fact, she prepared gifts for herself every birthday, but she did not make them public or give them away.

Swipe down, it's quite long, and it lasted until five years ago, not long after she came to Jiang's house.

Since then.

So Jiang Youwan started to like her five years ago, and this love has continued to this day.

Jiang Jinyi can't imagine that Jiang Youwan is so dedicated and stubborn to her feelings.

But she was not confused, she maintained a rational analysis, Jiang Youwan had a crush on her and wanted to be with her, but the biggest obstacle in her relationship was Jiang Ningshu.

Therefore, she has always had a very good reason to let Jiang Ningshu disappear. As long as Jiang Ningshu dies, the Jiang family can logically fall into her hands and complete her final purpose of coming to the Jiang family. You can also use all means to own yourself.

Damn this person, she died five years ago.

Because she appeared, destroyed her life, destroyed her family, and stole everything from her.

The hatred almost swallowed Jiang Jinyi, she looked at Jiang Youwan's wrinkled face and did not close her eyes because of the discomfort, a voice in her mind was telling her, kill her, let her die, let her die!

No, no.

Jiang Jinyi's wild beating heart gradually returned to calm, she thought, Jiang Youwan can't be allowed to die so cheaply, she wants everyone to see her true face, she wants to ruin her reputation, Die again.

Jiang Jinyi threw the phone back on the bed, Jiang Youwan opened her eyes with difficulty, and stared blankly at the person in front of her, she could not tell what kind of eyes Jiang Jinyi was looking at her, and found that When he arrived at Jiang Jinyi to leave, he held her by the corner of her clothes.

Jiang Jinyi looked back at her, her sweet face stained with anger, gnashing her teeth: "Jiang, You, Wan."

Jiang Youwan's eyes became more wet, she felt wronged and lost, and asked her, "Why don't you call me sister?"


Let her call her sister?

In Jiang Jinyi's eyes, this sentence is a naked provocation.

When she is willing to call her sister, she is her sister, and when she does not want to call her, she is nothing.

Jiang Jinyi shook off Jiang Youwan's hand, "Call you sister?"

"You really want me to call you sister? Don't you have a crush on me? Can you stop being so hypocritical and play this kind of broken sister love drama with me!"

Jiang Youwan was silent, she struggled to take something out of her suit pocket for a long time, and when Jiang Jinyi was about to lose her patience, she took out something.

It is a stomach medicine.

"Little Jin, it will hurt your stomach." She said weakly, her eyes full of drunkenness, but with sincerity.

Since Xiao Jin returned to Los Angeles, she has been carrying stomach medicine all the time.

I am afraid that when Xiao Jin will feel uncomfortable, she will not.

Xiao Jin's stomach has been fragile since she was a child, and drinking alcohol will definitely be uncomfortable.

But the next second, Jiang Jinyi suddenly threw the stomach medicine on the floor, got up and slammed the door out.


Seat panting.

Jiang Jinyi tilted her head to look at her and asked expectantly, "How is it?"

Xu An shook the camera in his hand, "I got it."

"Quickly fasten your seat belt." Jiang Jinyi reminded Xu An to fasten her seat belt, Jiang Jinyi started the car and walked away.

Wan is really tempting, she is absolutely amazing, you can see how she is so distracted, I don't know how you can bear it, in my words..."

"Bastard!" Jiang Jinyi interrupted her coldly and said in disgust, "If you like her, get out of the car and find her."

"..." Xu An muttered, "She doesn't like me."

Jiang Jinyi slammed on the brakes and almost dropped the camera in Xu An's hand. Feeling Jiang Jinyi's murderous gaze, Xu An knew that she had angered the eldest lady Hairy, eager to survive, he smiled with him: "Just kidding, a murderer who likes her."

Jiang Jinyi gave her a fierce look and restarted the car.

Disappear at night.

Jiang Jinyi returned to the hotel, and Xu An sent her all the photos she took, all of which were captured by Jiang Youwan when she was in a chaotic mood, kissing her, The one who was pushed onto the bed by her, the one who was forced to take an inhibitor...

Special fragrance.

Jiang Youwan is very charming, even more charming when it is sunny, which is completely different from the image of a cold and elegant strong woman on weekdays.

Who would have thought that Jiang Youwan would be so arrogant when facing his "sister"?

If these photos are exposed... Although there is herself on it, Jiang Jinyi herself doesn't care, the barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, Jiang Youwan needs to maintain the character, she doesn't need it.

These photos can definitely threaten Jiang Youwan.

Jiang Jinyi investigated a restaurant that Jiang Youwan went to every day, and booked a table next to the place where she often cooks. Jiang Youwan came to the restaurant half an hour earlier for dinner, and ordered A sumptuous dinner and two bottles of red wine.

Xu An said that sometimes people are pushed to a level where they can't bear it anymore and want to break the pot, and that person is likely to admit their crime in a hurry.

How to push a person into a state of unbearable? Others Jiang Jinyi don't know, but Jiang Youwan, Jiang Jinyi knows what she cares about most, how to anger her, know her Bottom line.

Know how to hurt her the most.

Jiang Jinyi was wearing a white skirt with a tube top, showing her collarbone and a slender and fragile swan neck, her long black hair was braided in a few strands, and she had a very delicate and thoughtful makeup on her face. With a little decoration, it is elegant and beautiful, especially the feeling of dressing up yourself and dating your partner.

If Jiang Youwan saw that she was dressed so beautifully just to date with alpha, how could she not be stimulated.

The hired alpha hadn't arrived yet, Jiang Jinyi was a little bored, she lowered her head to play with her mobile phone, and suddenly a shadow came over her, she noticed someone standing in front of her, thinking it was the hired alpha, She looked up casually, her eyes suddenly stagnant.

The woman had a very coquettish face, and her body exuded the smell of alpha. She smiled, bent down, and whispered in Jiang Jinyi's ear: "Hello, this lady. pretty."

So beautiful?

If Jiang Jinyi was approached like this, she would definitely give him a cold face, but now......

Jiang Jinyi looked at her carefully, the red dress was wavy, the figure was **** and slim, and she smiled like a fox, giving people the feeling of a coquettish bitch.


Seeing her staring blankly, Wen Ye raised his hand and shook it in front of her, "Miss Jiang?"

Suddenly, Jiang Jinyi recognized her, and there was an uncontrollable surprise in her tone: "Are you Wen Ye?"

The woman was a little surprised by her question, "Miss Jiang knows me?"

"I've seen your paintings." Jiang Jinyi rolled her eyes, revealing dimples, and said lightly, "Very good."

Wen Ye smiled and said in a gentle and gentle tone, "Miss Jiang's paintings are also very good."

Having praised Jiang Jinyi's paintings for being much better looking, this time she was a little excited and her eyes were bright, "Have you seen my paintings?"

"Hmm..." Wen Ye raised his eyebrows and said lightly, "Of course I have seen it. Of course, I have seen the paintings of our Miss Luo Chengjiang. Naturally, I want to appreciate it."

Wen Ye said again: "What? Are you my little fan?"

It was so straightforward, Jiang Jinyi was stunned, she was embarrassed by her teasing tone, and after a while, she said unnaturally, "Forget it."

Jiang Jinyi liked Wen Ye's paintings very much as a teenager and bought a lot of them for collection. Wen Ye has been abroad all these years, and he actually returned to China at some point.

Wen Ye saw her cute reaction, caught her pink ear tips, and smiled even deeper, "Miss Jiang is a little different from what I imagined."

"The rumors say that Miss Jiang is arrogant and domineering, but there is no saying that Miss Jiang is so shy."

When she said that, Jiang Jinyi's ears turned even redder, she blinked, and looked away in embarrassment, "I'm not very shy..."

Wen Ye smiled and asked, "Are you waiting for someone to eat?"

Jiang Jinyi shook her head, changed her mind if she wanted to, and said, "If you have time..." Jiang Jinyi glanced at the opposite position.

Wen Ye smiled and sat down opposite Jiang Jinyi, the waiter came over to help them open wine, Wen Ye poured two glasses of wine, and handed one to Jiang Jinyi, " Miss Jiang, have a drink?"

Jiang Jinyi took the wine with red ears, and was about to turn her head up to drink it when she reached out a hand and pressed down the wine glass in her hand.

Jiang Jinyi turned her head in surprise, Jiang Youwan stood behind her at some point, looking at Wen Ye in front of her, her elegant smile disappeared, her complexion seemed to be covered in frost, With a possessive aura.

"Sorry, she can't drink."

The author has something to say:

Sister You Wan, I'm sorry, if you stay for a while, it will be sweet soon, the amnesia Xiaojin's super sweet QWQ

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: W:D.G, consecutive installments, 525066301;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: hxwtc 57 bottles; he 20 bottles; lost sister, Coelho, 10 bottles; Gu Yuexiao 5 bottles; 456707952 bottles; 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion