MTL - After the Memory Loss, the Fishing Department O is Teasing Me Every Day-Chapter 98 match made in heaven

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The fragrant aroma lingers in the air, the atmosphere is ambiguous and taboo.

There is an indescribable sense of holiness.

A ritual in which one person completely surrenders himself to another.

Jiang Jinyi didn't know how to express her heart at the moment, so she wanted to use this most clear and Jiang Youwan's favorite way.

Jiang Youwan was silent for a while, then slowly closed the book in his hand and put it aside.

The eyes have been staring at Jiang Jinyi, I have to say, Xiao Jin looks really cute.

No way.

Don't want to say no.

Jiang Youwan couldn't help bending over and leaning over, stretched out his hands, and held Jiang Jinyi's face.

The extremely gentle caress, Jiang Jinyi was uncontrollable and did not want to control, the temperature in her eyes rose, and her cheeks flushed.

She bit the leash and couldn't make a sound, but her eyes were eager for Jiang Youwan.

Jiang Youwan stroked it gently, grabbed the end of the traction rope firmly, and the rope looped twice in her palm, holding Jiang Jinyi in her hand.

"Want to go to my sister's bed?" Jiang Youwan asked her in a low voice.

"Want to..."

Jiang Youwan smiled, pulled the rope, and lifted the quilt with the other hand, "Come up."

Jiang Jinyi climbed up carefully, knelt on Jiang Youwan's bed, in front of her, and looked at her.

Jiang Youwan's bed was huge and soft, like a huge gentle cage.

Jiang Jinyi remembered the cage that Jiang Youwan made for her when she and Jiang Youwan were completely marked that day.

At that time, she was embarrassed and resisted, and her eyes were full of hatred and pain. But now, she really wants it.

That is Jiang Youwan's love, maybe that kind of love is not very normal, but Jiang Youwan's unique love.

Jiang Jinyi has been trapped in it, unable to extricate herself.

She is very glad that Jiang Youwan is right in front of her, and she is very glad that the person she loves and loves her is Jiang Youwan.

There is only one Jiang Youwan in the world.

"What does Xiao Jin want to do?" Jiang Youwan's voice was soft and controlled.

"Can Xiaojin be inseparable from her sister when she's drunk?" Jiang Youwan asked her again.

"No..." Jiang Jinyi immediately shook her head in denial.

"Who was the one who left me for three months before that?" Jiang Youwan asked very gently, as if he didn't mean to blame.

Jiang Jinyi made a "woo" and shook her head, "It's the **** Jiang Jinyi, not me, the **** Jiang Jinyi has been eaten by me, and will never leave her sister behind. …”

Speak nonsense and admit mistakes with eyes.

Jiang Youwan's eyes are obscure: "Sister is so easy to talk in your eyes, she is as stupid as Xiaoyu, you can leave if you want, and just coax when you want to come back?"

"No, it's not just coaxing casually, it's coaxing with your heart."

"Giving yourself to my sister, she can do whatever she wants to me. No matter what my sister does to me, I always guard my sister, and I can't drive it away." Jiang Jin Yi was a bit domineering, and even wanted to go a long way, wanting to hug Jiang Youwan.

She couldn't wait to express her heart to Jiang Youwan, "I want to be loved by my sister, I want to be cared about by my sister, I want to belong to my sister forever, I want to give everything I have to my sister, and never Leaving my sister, I want to be with my sister forever."

Jiang Jinyi murmured softly, her eyes were full of chaotic love for Jiang Youwan, and she couldn't help herself.

These words came out of Xiao Jin's mouth, Jiang Youwan felt that everything in the world was nothing more than that.

I want to listen to it many, many times.

She smiled, even in the dark, Jiang Jinyi could feel her enchanting charm like a fairy, she said: "Xiaojin is drunk, these words can really be remembered tomorrow morning ?"

"Will you forget it tomorrow?"

"No." Jiang Jinyi told her: "I'm not drunk, I didn't drink a drop of wine."

"Are you pretending to be drunk?" Jiang Youwan raised his eyebrows, but he was not surprised.

"I pretended to be drunk because I wanted to go home with my sister..."

"I don't want to lie to my sister, but I really want to miss my sister, I really want to go home with my sister, I want to be like this now, I can tell my sister, I love you so much."

Jiang Youwan tightened his hand holding the leash, raised the other hand, gently caressed Jiang Jinyi's cheek, put his thumb against her lips, and squeaked softly// Loose.

"Come here."

"Come in."

Jiang Jinyi put her hands on the bed and leaned over, the sound of each other's breathing became clearer, Jiang Youwan looked at her close eyes, and said in a low hoarse voice: "Really I want to let life stay in this moment, and let time remember your determination and determination at this moment."

"Keep your heart that loves me the most, it will never change."

Sick love, tender and crazy.

The current extreme addiction makes Jiang Jinyi think that even if she is played to death by Jiang Youwan, she is still willing.

But she still wanted to tell Jiang Youwan: "Sister, I think, in the future I will love you more than I love you..."

More sweet love words.

Jiang Youwan narrowed her eyes, pinched her chin, and found that it was a good angle for kissing, so she pressed the back of her head not too gently and let her kiss her lips.

The lips touched, Jiang Jinyi was flattered, her brain was filled with a huge sense of happiness, her senses were all concentrated on her lips, she carefully felt Jiang Youwan's movements, let her bite or lick , opened his teeth obediently, and invited her to invade his mouth.

At this moment, the two hearts seemed to be put together again.

Maybe it was the misfortune of youth, Jiang Youwan knew that everything he cared about had to be in his own hands so that he would not lose it easily.

She enjoys being in control.

Jiang Jinyi is different. She has been spoiled since she was a child. She lives in the light. There is rarely complex malice around her, so she doesn't like to think too much about a problem. She gave up thinking and became a fool who only remembered that she loved her sister and wanted to be loved by her.

They are a perfect match.

Jiang Youwan dominated the kiss, she pinched Jiang Jinyi's chin not too gently, and the rope in her hand made many circles around her palm, tightly controlling Jiang Jinyi to herself hands.

Poured out the thoughts and grievances of these three months, she kissed deeply, the possessiveness that was hidden in the past found a vent, and it poured out continuously, hold her tight, hold her very tight.

With such a deep kiss, Jiang Jinyi suffocated several times for a long time, and instinctively feared. But these suffocations are showing how close she is to Jiang Youwan now, regardless of you and me.

She felt in love with the suffocation.

"Little Jin, you know that my sister is not a normal person..." During the separation, Jiang Youwan held her head and panted//murmured, unable to wait for her answer, Kiss again.

Swallow all her promises.

The air is humid, and omega still can't get the upper hand when it comes to kissing. Jiang Youwan couldn't bear it anymore, he stretched out his hand to push the person away, and the corners of the two of them pulled out a silver thread glowing with water, which was extremely ambiguous.

Jiang Youwan opened her lips slightly, the tip of her pink tongue was half exposed, and her whole face was like a ripe flower bud.

Jiang Jinyi saw her charming appearance, her eyes were full of infatuation with her, she was overwhelmed by happiness, and she wanted to kiss, "Sister, I still want to kiss …”

Jiang Youwan was still breathing heavily, pressed her fingers against her wet lips, and reprimanded: "No."

No kissing?

Jiang Jinyi's eyes immediately became aggrieved, she didn't dare to step forward, and she was unwilling to end like this, sobbed, took her hand and gently hooked her palm with her fingers,

She knew how much Jiang Youwan's heart would be moved by such small actions when they were together before.

Jiang Youwan would never refuse his kiss.

But it's different now.

"Don't move." She was ordering, her tone was unsteady, she raised her hand to wipe the red, swollen and moist lips, the pajamas were silk and were loose, and after the intense kiss, they were more shaky, As she raised her hand to wipe her lips, the spring light flickered and gullies loomed.

With such a charming appearance, she said the most ruthless words: "Tomorrow I'm going to have a maternity checkup. If you don't want to be kicked out of bed, just lie down and sleep."

Hearing the obstetric checkup, Jiang Jinyi woke up immediately, ashamed of the filth in her mind, and immediately lay down obediently, beside Jiang Youwan.

But Jiang Youwan did not lie down, but got out of bed from the other side and went into the bathroom. Immediately afterwards, Jiang Jinyi heard the sound of water splashing from the bathroom.


Why take a shower...  

She blinked and buried her head in Jiang Youwan's pillow with a red face.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Youwan came out of the bathroom again, and had put on another conservative pajamas. From a distance, she could see that Jiang Jinyi was sleeping on the bed. s position.

She was lying on her stomach, buried her face in the pillow, and the quilt was so high that she couldn't breathe, but she seemed very safe.

Hearing Jiang Youwan's footsteps coming, Jiang Jinyi turned around, buried the lower half of her face in the quilt, a pair of wet peach blossom eyes shining brightly as she just came out of the bath Jiang Youwan.

Infatuated and cautious, as if afraid of being driven away.

"Are you getting ahead again?" Jiang Youwan asked her seriously.

"No." Jiang Jinyi lifted the quilt for Jiang Youwan, urged her to come in quickly, and said, "I'm just warming my sister."

Jiang Youwan raised her eyebrows, lay down, her body was instantly wrapped in warmth, and the whole quilt smelled of Jiang Jinyi, very comfortable.

Somewhat unreal.

Jiang Jinyi saw the curvature of the corners of her mouth, she was not praised, but she was more than praised, and she was satisfied.

I want to...

Just before she could think about it, she saw Jiang Youwan holding the doll she gave her in her arms.

Jiang Jin Yi froze for a moment, a little jealous, but her heart was warm and sour.

"Sister..." She whispered.

"Huh?" Jiang Youwan buried his face in the doll, not to mention being too intimate, as if he did it on purpose for Jiang Jinyi to see, but it seemed not.

"You might as well hug me..." Jiang Jinyi muttered softly.

"But I have slept with it for many days. It is very comfortable. I don't think it is inferior to you."

Jiang Jinyi's eyes widened, she couldn't believe it, Jiang Youwan would think so.

The light was too dim, she didn't notice Jiang Youwan's fox eyes smiling slyly.

I only knew that my heart was very unbalanced, so I held back for a long time: "...Good night."

"Good night." Jiang Youwan hugged the doll and turned over.

Agreeing her to go to bed is like really just agreeing to her.

Sleep on your own.

People are always greedy, it seems that Jiang Jinyi thought in the next room before that it would be great if he could come to see his sister, but now what he thinks is, if he can hold his sister and sleep with him Enough.

Silence for a while, she also turned over, not sleeping in a fit of anger, but secretly using her mobile phone to search under the covers: [What should I pay attention to when accompanying me. 】


Jiang Jinyi remembered everything in her mind, looking at the first two, she couldn't help feeling sour.

If I didn't come today, I wouldn't even know she was going to have a checkup.

I can't always stay with her and pay attention to her emotions.

Just like Jiang Youwan had done many prenatal checkups before.

Jiang Jinyi rubbed her eyes and realized that she owed her too much.

Suddenly, she felt a burst of warmth behind her, and also brought the fragrant aroma of Jiang Youwan's body. Then, her waist was wrapped, and Jiang Youwan's softness was attached to it. .

"Sister?" Jiang Jinyi froze and called out tentatively.

No response.

Called again, but still no response.

Are you asleep?

Jiang Jinyi felt that her heart was being hit softly, she turned over carefully, facing Jiang Youwan, her sleeping face was close at hand.

When she fell asleep, her whole body was softer than water, her charming eyes were obviously closed, but it was more itchy than waking up.

Looking down, it was her slightly swollen lips, kissed by herself.

Thinking of this, Jiang Jinyi felt a sense of satisfaction that her instinctive possessiveness was satisfied.

Next to want more.

She knew that she wanted to steal a kiss.

When the clouds cover the moon, the moonlight is also blocked, and the surrounding is completely dark.

The bottom of her head first touched the tip of her nose, and then gently held her lips, originally just wanting to hold it, but she had to stick out the tip of her tongue and carefully pry open her teeth , penetrated her wet mouth.

Gently stir, always trying to leave its own flavor.

Thinking of this possibility, Jiang Jinyi felt like Gu Qiuwang in her heart was given a booster, her brain was hot, and she wanted more uncontrollably.

Then, bow her head again, and leave more behind by helping her clean up her name.

I don't know how many times she left after stealing a kiss, Jiang Jinyi was a little excited and her heartbeat was fast.

Suddenly, the person who was asleep murmured, "Jiang Jinyi..."

Hearing that it was her full name, Jiang Jinyi froze, her mind went blank, she didn't dare to move, she almost admitted her mistake.

But Jiang Youwan did not open his eyes, but grabbed the leash, pulled her domineeringly towards him, then tightly wrapped himself around her waist and tucked himself into her In her arms, she buried her face in her neck, very fragile and very attached.

He scolded lightly: "The **** who has made progress..."

The author has something to say:

Attention, the passage "I really want life to stay at this moment, and let time remember your determination and determination at this moment" is the song "Absolute Possession, Relative Freedom" "If you want to die now, time will Remember that I am firm and determined at this moment, so that you will always feel at ease." This sentence can be modified.

I don't even know that today is Tanabata. Since it's Tanabata, baby, happy Tanabata.

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 little ginger;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: there are 3 galaxys in sight;,,,,,, 1 little ginger;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: update it, 2 Cokes; Shen Anyi, just Xiaobai L, Uranus Gravity, Qiao Bamu, Glass Sunny, 42972646, 44469501, Modify Life, Blue Mountain , Qingci, Xiaojiang, hengheng, JM, CZK, all eyes are Galaxy, Wild, Jenny Turtle, Lin Kong, Deep in Qiwu, Hexi 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 221 bottles of cola; 200 bottles of yuppie; 138 bottles of baa; 85 bottles of Pei Zhuxuan's slaves; 4997461552 bottles; xl50 bottles; 39 bottles without smell; 5611019137 bottles; 30 bottles of Yijiu; 29 bottles of Tian Fuzhen's little girlfriend; 24 bottles of Wuyu; .19 bottles; 44978180, 54846614, Lu Yunli, Nianchuliang, All Stars in the Eyes, Pink Ocean, Exaggerated Son, Yu Yan's Kissing Wife, Yovi, Good Trouble, 55957885, 2.water, 53930833, 49107298, It's shameful to sell cute, ., CZK 10 bottles; Bei 9 bottles; Crayon Daxin, Wuli really stupid 6 bottles; Shuzhi, Na. Give me 100 sisters, pink hair dryer, send song, autumn rain, small rice cake, listen to the prism today, 56542283, little blue whale, lily will not wither 5 bottles; Ye Ping, Gu Yi 4 bottles; cough cough pain, black and white Matching, 53541066, Daniel, Wind and Wave. 3 bottles; Poetry and painting Yi to travel, Cha Xuan 2 bottles; Yan Wu, 52113076, cos(0), Pheasant, Peerless Meng 1, neither white nor black, Mu Yu, Jiuyuan , Park Caiying's girlfriend outside the circle, nnnice, Tai loves you Mao Mao, Si Mao, good, did you double update today, zeroz, she said the weather is good today, Wu Qing Wu Yi, 55290813, Sentinel,. , Not bald, dare to abandon the pit and beat you! , 1 bottle of Battlefield Haragawa;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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