MTL - After the Rebirth, I Counterattacked and Became An All-around Boss-Chapter 445 threaten

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  Chapter 445 Threat

   "Yes." Mu Xi nodded, seeing Zhang Tianya looking at Mu Fengyao curiously. Because of his cultivation, Mu Fengyao still looked very young at this time, not at all like a father with a nineteen-year-old daughter.

   "He's my dad, he's Zhang Tianya." Mu Xi introduced them.

   "Uncle?" Zhang Tianya opened his eyes wide in disbelief. He thought that the boss's father was long gone, but he didn't expect that he was not only alive, but also so young.

  Mu Fengyao smiled and nodded to Zhang Tianya, "Hello!"

   "Hello, Uncle!" Zhang Tianya came back to his senses and greeted him politely. He still couldn't accept that the boss's father was so young, even younger than him.

   "Dad, let's get on the plane."

   "Okay!" Mu Fengyao nodded, and followed Mu Xi onto the plane.

  On the other side, Ye Ling is negotiating business with a client. Recently, for several branches in Jinling, she has been busy every day without touching the ground. Her parents and brothers wanted to help her, but she refused. She is no longer the Ye Ling she used to be, and Xi'er works so hard, she can't hold back Xi'er.

   "Ms. Ye, there is no problem with cooperation, but." The middle-aged man squinted at Ye Ling. He fell in love with Ye Ling the first time he saw her, and it happened that his wife died too.

   "But what?" Ye Ling frowned his pretty eyebrows.

   "As long as you promise to marry me, I will promise you no matter what the conditions are." The middle-aged man looked at Ye Ling with a smile. He wants to order such a superb woman.

   "Since you didn't cooperate sincerely, forget it." Ye Ling stood up with a cold face. All her life, she only loved Fengyao, not to mention that he still had hope to reshape his body, even if there was no hope, she would not marry someone else. Her heart only belongs to Fengyao, her heart is alive when he is alive, and her heart is also dead when he is dead.

   "You have to think carefully, if you don't cooperate with me, no one in Jinling will cooperate with you." The middle-aged man threatened. He has already checked, Ye Ling came to Jinling alone, without any backing.

  Ye Ling gave the middle-aged man a cold look, and walked away.

  The middle-aged man stepped forward to stop Ye Ling, "If you leave, you won't even be able to open any of your stores." He didn't believe that he still couldn't handle a woman. If it weren't for the fact that she was still somewhat pretty, he would at most just play around and would not have any intention of marrying her.

   "Get out of the way!" There was a chill in Ye Ling's eyes.

  The middle-aged man refused to let him go, but moved a little closer, "You don't want to toast or eat fine wine. You have to know my status in Jinling. It's just a matter of one sentence to close a few of your stores."

   "You can try." Ye Ling didn't intend to talk to the middle-aged man, and walked around him towards the door.

The middle-aged man looked at Ye Ling's back, with a smile that was sure to win, he took out his mobile phone and made a call, and when the other side connected, "Find me a group of people and go to Lanxi Beauty Salon." He I don't believe that Ye Ling won't compromise.

  Ye Ling walked out of the coffee shop angrily. If she hadn't been in public, she would have beaten the other party into a pig's head.

   Arriving at the parking lot, Ye Ling opened the car door and got in.

Seeing a person sitting in the co-pilot, Ye Ling was startled. After seeing who it was, she covered her mouth in disbelief, her eyes gradually turned red, "Fengyao, is that you?" Are you hallucinating? Why did you see Fengyao?

  (end of this chapter)