MTL - After This Battle, Go Home and Get Married-Chapter 1 finish the battle 01

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Galactic calendar, 2202 AD.

Vega Starport.

An inconspicuous small spaceship was parked, and a sparse stream of people poured out of the hatch. They followed the directions and went to the immigration inspection window to submit their applications.

A month ago, the Federation decisive battle empire won a big victory.

Unify the galaxy and end the war.

The Federal President delivered a victory speech and notified the whole country to take a seven-day holiday to celebrate the victory of the United Front.

Therefore, the civil servant Zhang San stayed up for several days and nights of carnivals. He only slept for three or four hours yesterday, and he was inevitably tired and listless.

Their planet is located in a remote location, with a small population, underdeveloped commerce and tourism, and only agriculture is acceptable, but the arable area is not large, the land is relatively barren, and few people come.

The maximum number of people entering is less than 10,000.

It can be described as a backcountry, and birds do not shit.

How could a spy come? Just put a stamp on it and let it go.

He tapped on the electronic badge with a "pop" and said numbly, "Next."


A document pops up on the light curtain:

【Name: Yan Xueshan】

【Age: 32 years old】

[Gender: Male/beta]

The first thing he noticed was this photo. He was so handsome that he woke up suddenly.

It is said that the ID photo is the real way to test the appearance. There is no doubt that this man is very handsome, and he is very handsome.

His facial features are delicate, his skin is whiter than snow, and his temperament is gentle.

This man's appearance is very pure, reminiscent of the Chinese ethnic group in the ancient earth civilization in the history textbooks, with a pair of sword eyebrows and star eyes, and his hair and iris are as black as ink.

I knew earlier that in the interstellar era, the immigrants on Earth merged with human races for thousands of years. This kind of length is opposite and very special, and it stands out from the crowd and beautiful.

But Zhang San raised his head to check his appearance.

Big disappointment.

The men are dressed sloppily.

Vest, shirt, paired with a frayed leather jacket and a pair of jeans, very outdated, like the style of 20 years ago, and still gray, at a glance, you can tell that he went to work on the farm.

Their planet lacks labor, and every year farmers hire farmers to farm.

Zhang San asked: "Work visa? Purpose of entry? What is the job? Where is the location?"

The man said lightly: "Farming. Farm No. 48 in Area C, I just bought it and haven't named it yet."

blah blah blah.

Zhang San tapped the keyboard, entered the information, and said, "The toll fee is 10 yuan."

Hearing that he wanted money, the man frowned and muttered, "I want money again..."

Zhang San thought to himself, is this amount of money too much?

Zhang waited for the man to pay and stared at the man's hand unconsciously.

The man has a pair of very beautiful hands, with long, slender fingers, the knuckles are just the right length, and the nails are also beautiful and pink.

He slowly took it out of the ragged pocket for a long time, as if he couldn't find it, and said, "Wait."

Zhang San thought, this person should not be running away, right?

This person was stuck for a while, and the people in the back line were not very happy, and they couldn't help but start talking anxiously.

The man squatted down, opened his suitcase and searched for it.

Because the counter was blocking, Zhang San could not see the contents of the box.

But at this time, Zhang San noticed that the people in the queue saw the man's suitcase, like a pebble thrown into the water and ripples, and a strange silence quickly spread around the dusty man. .

What's going on here? Zhang San thought.

Then, the man stood up, handed over a small book and a medal at random, and asked, "I have this, can I get a discount or a discount?"

Zhang San widened his eyes and held his breath in shock.

He stood up abruptly, his drowsiness was swept away, his back was straighter than steel bars, and he gave a military salute: "Salute to the heroes of the Federation!"

This question was like a thunderous shock, causing everyone present to look over.

Everyone followed him and saluted, even a child who looked only three or four years old stretched out his chubby little hand and saluted.

The man felt embarrassed, he cheered up, raised his hand and returned a salute, and asked again: "Can I get a discount?"

Zhang San's face flushed with excitement: "No! No! You are an honored war hero, an S-class soldier, you enjoy national welfare, and you don't need to pay tolls."

The man nodded: "Okay, can I go then?"

Zhang San, like a young girl in her arms, asked him awkwardly, "Can I, can I take a picture with you?"

The man indifferently refused: "It's not very convenient."

Zhang San was not discouraged, and said kindly: "Well, I'm too much. It's not convenient for you to take pictures with people casually."

He stood and served: "Okay, it's all set for you, please. I wish you a smooth journey and a happy living on the planet Vega K37."

Man: "Thank you."

He took a suitcase and walked away without looking back.

People are still looking at his back.

"Is this a war hero?"

"Fighter armorer? Isn't that only available on the city planet? It's the first time I've seen it."

"He's so handsome, he's so strong."

"Soldiers are different."

"I saw it. His medal is the Gold Star Medal, and it will only be obtained if you have made a meritorious service in the war."

"Do you know what first-class merit is? Either a martyr who made an important contribution, or a merit that almost changed the direction of the war. It seems that only two hundred were awarded in total."

"I don't know where he is holy..."

But all this disturbance has nothing to do with Yan Xueshan.

He has retired.

He joined the army at the age of eighteen, and this year is the fifteenth year, but that is because the war has never ended, not because he is a war madman.

He had no intention of further study in the army, refused the promotion of the marshal, and even did not want to go to the pension department of the military department. He insisted on retiring, and planned to find a quiet countryside to farm for his retirement.

It doesn't matter how much credit he had in the past as a soldier. When the salary was settled, the moment he handed over the major's medal, he thought he was no longer a soldier.

After leaving the Immigration Bureau, he took a maglev bus that was about to be scrapped, took a nap, and arrived at his farm.

When he stepped on the ground and saw the endless farm that belonged to him, he felt extremely relieved.

The stars of Vega's habitat hung in the sky, emitting a shimmering pink-blue light, shining warmly on him.

This is his farm!

He wants to age happily here!

Heavenly life!

After a little tidying up, Yan Xueshan began to work on his farm.

He began to inspect every piece of land on the farm, where to grow what crops, where to plant fruit trees, where to build an artificial lake, and where to raise cattle and sheep, where they could be used for grazing.

Next comes the purchase of farm implements and machinery.

The federal hero card is still very useful. He went to buy agricultural mecha. He bought it second-hand. He also gave him a 50% discount to reduce the handling fee and follow-up maintenance service costs, saving a full 500,000 star coins.

Yan Xueshan was even more moved than when he was awarded the honor by the Grand Marshal. He deeply sighed that he was so worth it for throwing his head and blood for the country!

Everything was fine, but it only took a week.

He hasn't hired a professional farmer for part-time jobs yet, so he plans to start working on his own first, using the interstellar light brain to study agricultural books every night.

Finally, the seeds have arrived.

Yanxue Mountain test-drives agricultural mecha.

But when he opened the warehouse and saw only the shadow of the mecha, for a moment, he had the illusion of seeing the sniper mecha Artemis Artemis that had accompanied him for 6 years.

The Artemis was the S-class combat armor that was assigned to him by the country after he was promoted to the S-class division.

A silver-blue mecha.

Every time she was activated in the launch chamber, the micronucleus reaction engine on her chest would light up. In Yan Xueshan's eyes, she was more beautiful than any star.

If he had any regrets about his military career, it was that he would never be able to ride on his Artemis again.

He really misses her.

But when he chose to retire, he had to say goodbye to her.


Maybe later he will see his Artemis again. on TV news.


Uncle Qiao from the farm next door came to help, and he came to say hello the day after he stayed in Yanxue Mountain.

Uncle Qiao is in his fifties this year. He has already completed the planting task this year. He is tired of being at home. He heard that Yan Xueshan is a retired soldier and is farming for the first time. He is very enthusiastic and must come to teach him how to farm.

Uncle Qiao boasted brightly: "It's not me who said that I am the most skilled farmer on this planet. I'm good at driving an agricultural mecha."

Yan Xueshan: "Yes."

Open the mecha and adjust the loosening mode.

Uncle Qiao: "Remember to stagger the tillage, leave a line of distance when you turn around and return, and leave a line in the middle to not plant."

"Drive a straight line, you must drive a straight line."

Yan Xueshan: "Yes."

Uncle Qiao saw that his operation was unfamiliar, and smiled: "Haha, it's the first time to use the armor, I'm not very good at it? It's the first time I touch the armor."

Yan Xueshan thought to himself that none of his training machines at school had this kind of mechanical circuit, it was too old.

A field is cultivated.

Uncle Qiao wanted to check where his farming was not good.

Go down and have a look. shocked.

- He can't pick a thorn.

Uncle Qiao patted his forehead and exclaimed in surprise: "My God, have you really never farmed before? You are really a genius in farming! Why did you go to be a soldier? You should have come to farm early in the morning."

Yan Xueshan was very happy and smiled: "I also think I'm very suitable for farming, I'm really happy."

He ended the first day of farming.

Got home to pack up and checked my email before going to bed.

Oh? !

It turned out that he received an email from Vega Happiness Blind Date Company, informing him that several suitable blind dates had been found for him, and asked him when he was free to arrange a meeting.

Yan Xueshan replied to the email.

His goals before the battle are:

After this battle, go home and get married and retire.

Just one object.

When buying the farm, he consulted with a dating company.

In the era of the big universe, the human population index skyrocketed.

Finding true love is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Just before he was about to turn off the light brain and go to sleep, the message that he had received a new message popped up on the screen.

【From: Arthur】

[Content: Master, where are you now? My vacation has finally been approved, and I want to visit you. 】

This tone, how respectful the teacher is! How sweet and touching! How nonchalant!

Yan Xueshan was speechless.

Arthur was his comrade-in-arms and his apprentice.

But he didn't welcome Arthur over.

Kind of awkward.

Because the day before the final battle, Arthur slept with him.

Not out of love.

It's out of camaraderie.

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