MTL - After This Battle, Go Home and Get Married-Chapter 3 Finish the battle 03

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Yan Xueshan pressed the timer.


Exactly the same procedure as when they did time-limited training.

Arthur didn't falter anymore, he acted quickly, and raced against the clock to get into his bed.

No lights on.

Yan Xueshan discussed with him in a tactical manner, and decided how to implement his plan to realize his dream.

As we all know, when he was studying, he failed the tactical exam again and again. Before every battle, he would listen to Arthur's advice on tactical deployment.

This guy is very talented in this regard, and he is very trustworthy.

Arthur said with reason: "I'll be on it, you don't need to move when you lie down, you're not tired."

Yan Xueshan: "Okay. Then I can't guarantee whether I will fall asleep halfway through. I can accompany you to do it, but I am not responsible for the performance."

Arthur: "…Okay."

What kind of attitude is this? Sounds a bit gnashing of teeth. Yan Xueshan thought.

Arthur pressed it up and hugged him tightly.

So close that he could feel each other's heartbeats, he said seriously and scientifically: "It hasn't started yet, why is your heartbeat so frightening, and your body temperature is also rising, which is about to catch up with the heart rate after you did a full set of extreme training, really no problem?"

Arthur was a little annoyed: "Master, don't talk about it, just lie down and enjoy it. If you feel uncomfortable, tell me."

Yan Xueshan: "Oh."

He relaxed and surrendered his body.

To be honest, it's quite difficult, so many years of combat training have given his body muscle memory.

For example, if someone touches him from behind, he will directly give him a reflex over-the-shoulder throw.

He tried his best to resist the urge to hit.

Still in a daze, everything happened.

He was dizzy and didn't really think about it:...Ah, why am I being bullied?

But Arthur clearly said that he should not move while lying down, but let him lift his waist for a while, stretch his legs for a while, put him on his stomach for a while, and let him lie on his side for a while.

Fortunately, he is a well-trained, flexible teacher who can match any movement.

Can't tell, it feels weird.

It can't be said to be comfortable, and it can't be said to be uncomfortable.

Arthur was still looking at him, asking a few questions from time to time, as if he was checking for leaks and making up for lack of equipment.

I wanted to see him again, but I was too embarrassed to see him.

It doesn't look very comfortable either.

Grinding, groaning, scorching sticky.

I really don't know what the fun is.

When the time comes.

Yan Xueshan hurriedly urged him: "Hurry up."

Arthur was sweating: "This is uncontrollable, let's add ten minutes. Master. It should not be less than ten minutes."

Yan Xueshan: "No, one hour is one hour."

He was never used to bear children, and kicked Arthur away with one kick.

It took five minutes to take a battle bath, dry off, and sleep.

Arthur was still outside and asked at a loss: "Master, do you feel uncomfortable? You haven't lost it, I think..."

Yan Xueshan: "Don't be noisy, go take a shower and sleep."

Arthur: "Master, come out of the shower, can I sleep with you? Don't do anything, just lie down on a blanket."

Yan Xueshan refused without hesitation: "No, if you are drowsy, you will hug me like an octopus, making it difficult for me to sleep. If it's overtime, I still want to sleep if you don't sleep."

There had been such a time before, and Yan Xueshan had a very bad memory.

He was not too happy anymore, Arthur shut up and didn't dare to speak any more.

The rest of the night was fine.

A good night's sleep.

the next day.

The two got on the plane normally.

No one could see that the two of them completed the great harmony of life last night, and Yan Xueshan didn't feel too uncomfortable. Compared with fighting and high-intensity training, it was a small case.

Arthur said to him before boarding the plane: "If the worst situation I guess occurs, I am surrounded, leave me alone, and just run away."

Yan Xueshan raised his eyelashes: "Ah? That will be tried by a military court."

Arthur smiled: "If the country is subjugated, how can there be a military court? You will always survive, won't you?"

Later, Yan Xueshan heard that at that time, Arthur's body burst out with an unprecedentedly sharp and terrible alpha pheromone, which shocked the nearby alphas and omegas.

Unfortunately, he is a beta, he can't perceive anything.


Yan Xueshan just hugged Arthur politely, made an ancient veneer, and kissed his young cheek. In his ear, he said mysteriously:


Arthur is a rare blond with golden eyes. When he first came, everyone gave him the nickname "goldenboy", which Yan Xueshan had never called before. This was the first time.

In fact, he always thought it was quite interesting. Every time someone called Arthur like that, he would always cheer up, glow like a little sun, and move forward bravely.

But he uses the word, as if, the effect is not the same?

Arthur blushed, looked at him, his eyes gradually firmed, and he said loudly with determination: "You wait for me, I will not die!"

Very out of place, Yan Xueshan thought that his appearance was so funny, he couldn't help but chuckled and nodded, "Yes."

As he spoke, he pulled on the combat suit and pulled the zipper to the top of the neckline. The microsystem of the combat suit was activated, and the light and thin technical fabric instantly expelled all the excess air and tightly wrapped his body, like a second skin.

He said lightly, "Get on the plane."

The alliance can't stand the constant consumption.

The decisive battle was a blitzkrieg, and it took only seven days in total.

The turning point was when he and Arthur led their team, confronted the most elite troops of the enemy, and completed an important part of the siege. As a result, the balance on the battlefield completely turned to the alliance.

The old empire was defeated like a mountain.

He is not dead. Arthur wasn't dead either.

They all survived.

A month later, the receiving department received, the liquidation liquidation, the sorting and finishing, and began to do the finishing work.

The Confederate flags were hung on the planets of the old Empire, and the president announced via interstellar radio: "The war is over."

The crowd cheered.

Arthur, who was standing beside him, suddenly picked him up and said with tears in his eyes, "The battle is over, Master."

Yan Xueshan hugged him back and patted him on the back: "It's finally over. You can go home."

At that time, the atmosphere was there, and he didn't feel that the hug was wrong.

But only so much. Not after that.

The whole country started carnival.

When his colleagues attended the banquet, he submitted an application for discharge to the military.

The boss didn't understand him very much and kept him several times, but Yan Xueshan was determined to leave.

Moreover, he has been hiding from Arthur.

It was not until the discharge permit was approved that he informed Arthur that he was leaving.

At that time, Arthur was not in the army. He was called home by his family. Yan Xueshan briefly sent Arthur a message.

Yan Xueshan entered the military academy at the age of 18, served at the age of 21, and retired at the age of 32.

In addition to repaying the college tuition loan, plus various combat bonuses, he usually frugal and never spends money indiscriminately, and finally settled a total of 29.83 million star coins to him.

His rank is not high, he is just a major, which is the basic rank of S-class division.

Because every time there is a promotion opportunity, he gives it to others.

Otherwise, it's useless for him.

Arthur's rank is much higher than him, and he can command battleships and troops to fight together when necessary.

Perhaps Arthur was planning to study in the military, he thought.

Indeed, Arthur is a good fit.

I might become a marshal in the future.

It's just that it's different from his way, not conspiring with each other.

It's time to part ways.

When boarding the airship, Yan Xueshan received a voice message from Arthur with an anxious tone: "Master, why did you suddenly retire? Did someone bully you? Don't worry. Wait for me, I'll go back right now. Give me an hour, and I'll fly back with my armor."

Yan Xueshan replied: "I didn't understand what you said in a mess. I said it before. After this battle, I will go home and get married. So I retired."

Turn off the communicator and leave.

These days, Arthur has sent him a lot of messages one after another, and he will pick one out of five or six.

He hadn't told Arthur where he was going to retire.

For some reason, he didn't want Arthur to come to him, and he had a bad premonition that there would be endless trouble.

Toggle the Optical Brain page.

Yan Xueshan negotiated with the blind date company and made several blind dates.

Yan Xueshan went back to reply Arthur:

[You don't have to come to me, I'm busy. 】


【What are you busy with? Do you farm? I can help you. Do you want the latest agricultural mecha? I'll buy a car for you, Master. 】

Yanxue Mountain:

【I have no time to entertain you. I'm busy getting married. 】

Arthur didn't return.

Yan Xueshan checked his status and immediately dropped the line.

I don't know if the network is broken.

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes