MTL - After This Battle, Go Home and Get Married-Chapter 40 just go home and get married 12

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Arthur turned around for a second.

No twisting at all.

The speed of turning in like the wind made Yan Xueshan sigh with emotion. He is indeed the fastest mecha master in the entire galaxy!

Arthur was very easy to be brilliant, but this time he gave some sunshine, and it was even more brilliant.

Yan Xueshan thought again, the puppy in the army, every time he knocked on the rice bowl, he would look at people with this look.

Can't wait.

Yan Xueshan has always had no sexuality, and said calmly, "Wait until I take a bath first?"

Arthur said shyly, "Can we wash together? I'll wipe your back."

Yanxueshan Snail thought slowly as if he was poking his head, and said, "Also."

It just gave him time to work hard and brew it.

Yan Xueshan continued to take off his mecha suit. The hips and hips were particularly ill-fitting. When he was wearing it, he took a lot of effort to put it on. Because there was too much meat on his butt, he had to pull hard to take it off.

He lowered his head to concentrate on the offline armor suit, and heard the rustling sound of the cloth rubbing against Arthur who was standing in front of him.

It feels like it takes only half a minute to look up, and then look up again and find that Arthur has finished taking off quickly, standing in front of him like an artist's body sculpture.

Yan Xueshan: "!"

This is too fast!

Arthur knew that Yan Xueshan was somewhat of a cleanliness man and didn't like dirty, so he quickly took a shower and soaked himself in the bathtub.

Yan Xueshan stood in front of him and cleaned it carefully, especially the things that he was going to use.

Originally, this villa was prepared for him by Arthur, out of selfishness, of course it was a double bathtub. Yan Xueshan usually doesn't use it, so I'm too lazy to take a bath. This is the first time I use it.

He was going to sit on the other side, and Arthur immediately opened his arms and said, "Will you sit in my arms?"

He added: "Couples are like this."

Yan Xueshan changed direction and sat in his arms.

It's a bit crowded.

Arthur also let him lean against his arms, kissed his cheek, and said, "Can you start taking the initiative?"

"Don't rush." ​​Yan Xueshan frowned slightly and said solemnly, "Wait a minute. I'll find out."

Arthur said "Oh" obediently, but the person he liked was in his arms, how could he not move, quietly bowed his head and kissed Yan Xueshan's shoulder, then held his hand, touching his fingers Finger seam.

Yan Xueshan said, "Didn't you say I took the initiative?"

Arthur had to withdraw his hand and said, "Okay, I'm obedient, you can touch me any way you want."

Endure, endure. Endure, endure.

Degrees and seconds are like years.

Yan Xueshan didn't know what he was thinking, so he sat quietly and closed his eyes.

Arthur asked, "Are you ready? Can we start?"

Yan Xueshan shook his head.

Arthur hesitated, but quickly abandoned the hesitation. Yan Xueshan always speaks his mind and never fails to speak.

He was bloated a little bit uncomfortable, but he could bear it.

Waited another two minutes.

Arthur asked again.

Yan Xueshan was still brewing. He thought about the previous process and asked Arthur, "Do you want me to prepare? Save some time."

Arthur asked cheerfully and ignorantly: "What preparation?" Didn't understand.

Yan Xueshan said: "That is, every time before, enter the previous preparations."

Arthur thought that Yan Xueshan was going to do this in front of him, and felt his nose was a little hot, and said expectantly, "Okay, okay."

Yan Xueshan turned around, looked at him, stretched out his hand as if he was going to perform a medical operation, and said, "Open up."

Arthur had grabbed his hand in the water and said, "Master, what are you doing?"

Yan Xueshan: "?"

"Didn't you let me take the initiative?"

Arthur stopped laughing, he took a deep breath, and finally reacted with hindsight, saying, "It's not this kind of initiative..."

Yan Xueshan: "Then how do you take the initiative? Isn't this just taking the initiative?"

He disliked the trouble and said, "It's too difficult. I have a physical problem caused by my mind. I really can't brew sexual desires, and I can't get up."

Arthur: "..."

A period of silence.

Arthur adjusted his tone, kissed Yan Xueshan's confused eyebrow, and said softly, "I'm sorry I didn't make it clear."

"I want you to sit up."

Yan Xueshan asked, "What are you sitting on?"

Arthur leaned over and whispered in his ear, his lips seemed to have no ground, as if he had dropped an ambiguous kiss.

He spoke so secretly, as if it were a very embarrassing thing to do.

Even Yan Xueshan, who has never been ashamed, felt strange in his heart. He thought, should he be shy? But he didn't have that feeling.

Just involuntarily softened his words, looked back at Arthur, and nodded: "Okay."

He doesn't feel shy.

On the contrary, he was somewhat relieved.

Say it earlier, let him understand it wrong. He said that it was too embarrassing for him to be cold.

A heating lamp that simulates sunlight shines down.

Unlike the previous few times, they could see each other clearly.

Yan Xueshan was still not very good at it, so Arthur taught him hand by hand.

He has always been a good student who is good at learning, and he learned something as simple as this very quickly.

It just doesn't seem to get the hang of it.

Everything was making him slowly melt and start to get confused again. At the back, somehow, Arthur felt he was too clumsy, unskilled, lost his patience, and picked him up.

Yan Xueshan took advantage of the situation to be lazy.

In the bathtub, the milky white bath water rippled softly, swaying into beautiful arcs, wave after wave.

Yan Xueshan now feels that he is more and more uncertain about his feelings towards Arthur.

But at least one thing is clear, their bodies are still in harmony.

Even if he has a cold personality, it doesn't seem to matter.

Probably because he's actually physically okay.

the next day.

Yan Xueshan only remembered when he was going to class, and forgot to ask Arthur when he was getting married.

He always wanted to ask, but every time Arthur came, he was delayed by something else.

Thinking of this, Yan Xueshan stopped.

Seems to be some **** stuff.


At first, he wanted to make an appointment at most once a month, thinking that was the limit of his patience, but now every time Arthur comes over, he will end up in a relationship inexplicably, and he doesn't know what happened.

The point is, he didn't feel impatient, he was quite comfortable.

Yan Xueshan: "…"

It doesn't seem right.

At the beginning of that incident yesterday, wasn't Arthur in trouble? What happened after that?

Just then.

Passed by several students and discussed excitedly:

"Have you seen the Mecha Charity Tournament mentioned on the news today! All-star lineup!"

"what match??"

"Oh my God…"

Yan Xueshan walked all the way to the classroom, wherever there were people, they were discussing this topic. Of course, so do the students in the classroom.

There is a written exam today, a final exam.

Polly sneaked up to him, lowered her voice, and asked excitedly, "I saw your name on the promotional sheet, are you also competing?"

Yan Xueshan nodded.

Polly was moved to tears: "I will look forward to it! I must buy a ticket to see it! I must win."

It's just a charity match, not a life-and-death duel. Yan Xueshan thought, however, no matter what kind of battle it is, he will not slack off.

Yan Xueshan said coldly, "Okay."

Remind her: "The exam is about to take place, you quickly get back to your seat."

after the exam.

Yan Xueshan went to the experimental field to see how his plants were growing, and happened to see Song Chao communicating with his parents.

When this dwarf first came to work, he thought that the fields were so dirty all day long. He wiped his clothes and shoes clean every day. Now he can work in clothes stained with mud, as if nothing had happened. I only need one ticket, the cheapest one will do, please."

"...I know I did something wrong, didn't I admit it?"

"...If you miss this time, you may never meet again in your life, Mom. Watching the replay is different."

Yan Xueshan stood behind him and watched the whole process silently. Seeing that his struggle was ineffective, he stood there shaking his shoulders, as if he was crying.

At this time, Song Chao turned around, saw Yan Xueshan, was startled, and took a deep breath. Because he couldn't stop crying, the tears flowed out of his nose, and he couldn't stop it. He felt extremely embarrassed: "Have you seen it?"

Yan Xueshan said coldly: "In law, your parents are only responsible for raising you. If you want to buy e-tickets for the game, they are not obligated to pay for you."

A sad word.

Song Chao was made to cry for a second.

Yan Xueshan was indifferent, he didn't understand why the child suddenly cried.

A very stubborn child who didn't cry when he was beaten by his parents that day.

Song Chao burst into tears, crying so ugly, while crying, "I'm sorry. I know I'm wrong. I won't be fooling around anymore."

Yan Xueshan said, "Then correct it."

Song Chao cried and said, "But I still don't have the money to watch the game."

What's the use of crying? Yan Xueshan really disliked it. After thinking about it, he quickly came up with a solution and said, "If you don't have money, you can make it."

Song Chao gradually calmed down and sniffed: "How can I make money? But I don't know anything." The more he talked, the less confident he became.

Yan Xueshan said, "Didn't I teach you how to farm? You can find a farm for summer work."

Song Chao froze, his face that was red from crying now turned red with excitement, his eyes lit up, he looked at Yan Xueshan with admiration, and nodded his head: "Okay!"

Song Chao knew that Yan Xueshan was running a farm, and asked awkwardly, "Then, do you know anyone who needs to be recruited?"

Yan Xueshan thought of Uncle Qiao, but hesitated whether to introduce this little chick as a helper. He was clumsy. As a farmer, he would never hire such a worker. He said: "I have people I know who are recruiting, but there is no guarantee that they will like you. It may take a few days of trial work before deciding whether to hire you."

"However, he is a very good person. If he decides to hire you, he should be willing to advance his salary in advance to buy tickets for you."

He added: "His family's food is also delicious."


At the end of the semester, Song Chao left the school with the pot of seedlings that Yan Xueshan gave him, took the letter of introduction given by Yan Xueshan, and happily went to Uncle Qiao's farm on planet k37.

This time he worked hard to make up for his lack of experience, and he also had a good grasp of the agricultural mech.

It's just that Uncle Qiao praised him and said, "I heard Yan Xueshan say that you are a top student in the mecha department?"

He was still blushing with shame.

As Yan Xueshan said, Uncle Qiao is a very good person. It seems that he misses his son who went out to study. He takes good care of him. He even temporarily lives in his son's room and prepares delicious food for three meals.

this evening.

He embarrassedly asked Uncle Qiao if he could borrow Interstellar TV at night. He wanted to watch the press conference of the Galactic Federation Charity Mecha Competition.

Uncle Qiao said excitedly: "I want to watch it too, let's watch it together."

Song Chao sat on the sofa, using his mobile phone to discuss discussions, while waiting for the press conference to start.

The major interstellar forums were bombed, and the [Red Knight Galaxy Support Group] he was in:

[Group Friends 1]: The official ban on gambling, no spending money, it's really boring.

[Group Friends 2]: Isn't there still an official vote? Hurry up, go and vote for Admiral Arthur!

[Group of Friends 3]: It doesn't seem to be driving your own mecha to fight. Just looking at personal skills, I don't think I can be sure.

[Group Friends 4]: Whoa, are you bad at Arthur in this group? Are you an undercover agent from the Blue Death Support Club next door?

[Group friend 1]: No, I think from the data point of view, it is really uncertain.

[Group Friends 2]: It's really interesting, this game is 1vs1. It will be fun no matter what the draw is! I am immoral, I want to see the blue death beat the red knight!

[Group Friends 5]: I am also immoral. I see husband and wife fighting.

[Group of Friends 6]: It is also very interesting that the Lan family siblings cannibalize each other!

[Group of Friends 4]: I originally wanted not to disrupt the formation, saying that I wanted to see Chishu and Critchens fight, but after thinking about it, the two of them probably wanted to fight a long time ago.

The group of friends lined up to post hahahahaha.

At this time.

The picture on the TV changed, and the conference seemed to be about to begin.

Song Chao quickly reminded: Stop talking, the press conference is about to start!

Of course, this conference is a holographic projection mode.

The Milky Way is so big, it's too much trouble to get to one place on the spot. Besides, this is just a leisure activity for a few teachers and scholars, and it is impossible for anyone to leave their own station on purpose.

However, the Federation's S-class teachers and scholars are in the form of holographic projection, and it is very rare for them to gather together in public places.

got used to.

Everyone still appeared in pairs.

Song Chao is waiting for Arthur to appear. In addition, he is also curious whether the blue death will appear in the public eye in its true form.

This topic is not only curious about him, everyone is curious, and it has been discussed crazy on the Internet recently.

The whole group is talking about this.

[Group Friends 3]: I think the Blue Death probably won't show up. I guess there is something wrong with him? Maybe he looked a little apologetic.

[Group Friends 4]: Doesn't it mean that he is likely to have an affair with Admiral Arthur? It is also said that the betrothed of Admiral Arthur is him.

[Group Friends 2]: It's all rumors, isn't it just Admiral Arthur who said he was in love at the beginning? I don't know what's going on, but if you pass it on, you will definitely get married. Rumors are all rumors, how could the fifth diamond king like him get married so early, and his career is still on the rise.

Song Chaohui: Why can't you get married when your career is on the rise? Then if Admiral Arthur wants to marry someone, I think the blue death is very good! It's a perfect match!

The group immediately started fighting.

Song Chao's fingers are fast, and his tongue fights against the group of fools.

Suddenly, Uncle Qiao, who was sitting beside him, suddenly said, "It's strange, wife, look at this blond guy, doesn't he look like the one who worked on the farm in Yanxueshan before?"


Who is working on the farm in Yanxueshan?

Song Chao, who was addicted to the scolding war, raised his head, and the camera just gave a close-up of Arthur's face, handsome and compelling.

Mrs. Joe said, "It's very similar."

Uncle Joe said, "Right? It's like, it's like twins. Hahaha. Ouch, it happens to be called Arthur."

Song Chao had a strange premonition and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Uncle Qiao said cheerfully: "It was a short-term helper who came to Yanxueshan's farm before. He seems to be his friend. He looks very similar to this person."

Song Chao's heart skipped a double beat before he suppressed his gradually absurd thoughts.

Seven of the eight teachers have appeared one after another, Arthur is the seventh, and the next is the blue death who has never appeared in front of the media.

He thought in a daze, the ratings must be so high now, right?

Uncle Qiao is a farmer. He doesn't know much about mechas, wars, or anything. This is the first time he has heard of these masters.

on the TV screen.

After Arthur appeared, he looked at the position beside him, as if he was expecting someone.

The projected light spots converged and turned into a blurred figure of a person, which gradually became clearer.

At this time, the refresh rate of new messages in the group also reached its peak.

[Group Friends 6]: Appeared! Appeared!

[Group Friends 4]: It doesn't seem to be weird!

[Group Friends 3]: It's a man!

[Group Friends 1]: Maybe she is a flat-chested and long-legged royal sister? !

[Group Friends 6]: Do well, don't wear a mask.

It seems that the network is not stable.

Finally, the holographic projection figure of the teacher appeared stuck.

It can only be seen that it has black hair and snow skin.

five four three two one.

- It's clear.

At this time.

The group suddenly stopped.

The black-haired and black-eyed man was very calm, indifferent as if he was wrapped in a shallow cold air and covered with unmelting white snow, he said with a straight face: "Hello everyone, I am the driver of Artemis."

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