MTL - After This Battle, Go Home and Get Married-Chapter 45 just go home and get married 17

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The contents of the lounge are not rumored.

Audiences don't know.

Now all the spectators watching the game are dumbfounded.

Originally, Yan Xueshan was the pre-match favorite, and four or five of the ten people pressed him to win the final championship, but everyone knew that the sniper's weakness was close combat.

And I don't know if it's because of racial issues and physical characteristics, Yan Xueshan seems to be a little weaker than other male players, and it doesn't look like he can close combat.

Even his expression when choosing a mecha was captured by micro-expression analysis, saying that he obeyed the rules. In fact, you see, a muscle on his face seemed to twitch slightly at that time, which must be a euphemism to express him. of helplessness.

What was Yan Xueshan thinking about?

He has boarded the Ares, the first thing is to close his eyes and apologize silently in his heart: I'm sorry, Artemis, this time, I should play with your brother.

Ares and Artemis belong to the same series. In Byzantine mythology, he is the **** of war and slaughter. Probably the mecha is based on this. It's not a simple deep black, and when the light shines on it, there will be a dark golden radiance.

The weapon is a spear, and a short cannon, full of firepower.

In fact, Yan Xueshan has not used a spear for a long time, but he has learned it all. When he was in school, he learned everything he could learn.

He is a cautious person who always prepares for the worst. What if there is no other weapon in the worst situation? Wouldn't that be a dead end.

As for melee weapons, the one he used most proficiently was the double-edged pair of Artemis, and he was never pushed to a deeper desperation.

But this time, it's just a charity game anyway.

He is not obsessed with winning or losing, he just treats it as playing mecha, it is also very interesting to pick it up and practice it.

One hour of test drive time is fleeting.

The system reminds him that the game is about to start.

Count down tens of seconds.

Ten, nine, eight...

Three, two, one.

He blinked his eyes, the scene around him changed, and he had arrived at the game venue, the NY city of the earth, Times Square.

Night sky.

The streets are brand new, with buildings lined up one after another, towering into the clouds, covered with neon lights and gorgeous.

In the center of the square, a Christmas tree full of colored lights rose from the ground, and children's songs also sounded on the screens in all directions:


Oh, whatfunitistoride ~Inaonehorseopensleigh~"

The originally innocent and joyful songs sounded in this deserted city, but there was a strange feeling.

The black mecha he was driving seemed to melt into the night, and he couldn't see it clearly. Fortunately, two beams of light were cast from Qiongyu and shone on the two mechas.

Yan Xueshan first found Lan Ze's position, which was in the direction in front of him, about a hundred meters away, and they were in the east and west directions of the Christmas tree.

At this time, the audience could not see the appearance of the two teachers in the cockpit, but they could hear the sound.

As soon as Lan Ze opened his mouth, he was full of anger and joy, as if he was ready to give a victory speech after the competition: "Dear, are you and Arthur not married yet? If I win this time, Do you want to change your mind or marry me."

The audience was in an uproar and scolded him for being shameless.

[Wow, be a male junior in public! Minato shameless! 】

【Fight, fight, fight! 】

【How to do it? After Yan Xueshan wins, it will be interesting to fight with Arthur, and it will be interesting to fight with Arthur's rival when Lan Ze wins. Which one is better? 】

[Why is this guy still so oily, a mouth is like a mouth full of oil, can't he close his wheat? 】

[Every time I have a good impression of him because of his battles, I bow when I hear him speak. I don’t know why so many little girls like him. 】

It was neither painful nor itchy for him Lan Ze.

He is a well-known prodigal son of the Federation. He is merciful at all times. He is very pushy. He is interviewed when he has something or nothing. After the war, he participated in shows everywhere, as if he was going to transform into a star. talk.

Few take it seriously.

At this time, Yan Xueshan spoke up.

He said coldly, "No."

"We're already married."

The light spot next to him representing the audience began to flicker wildly.

Lan Ze was stunned for a moment, then said in amazement, "What?! So fast? It's only been a few days! I thought it was a successful marriage proposal at most!"

Yan Xueshan asked, "Have you started fighting?"

Lan Ze regained his senses and said relaxedly, "Oh, let's get started."

The voice has not yet landed, and the audience did not respond.

The Poseidon on Lanze's side seemed to be transformed into a blue light lasing away, and Yanxueshan was a step slower.

The audience said:

[Sure enough, the melee mecha is not easy for him to use. 】

[Even the startup is so slow... How can this be played. 】

For the speed of the mecha, 100 meters does not even need a blink of an eye.

You must know that for the size of the mecha, this battlefield is so cramped and narrow, and moving between the gaps of these buildings is a very, very technical thing.

Lan Ze's technique is very good, he didn't touch any buildings.

However, because the speed was too fast, the air was pumping rapidly around his body, and the glass windows of the building he passed through burst with a sound, as if a salute was being fired one after another for him.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Immediately, his operation screen appeared:

【Damage building】


Lan Ze was stunned.

In the short reaction time he was stunned, Yan Xueshan had already lifted off, and the glass windows of the buildings around him were also shatteringly fragile, but not broken.

Judging from the data, Yan Xueshan started not too late, but at a slower speed. He deliberately controlled it, keeping in mind the requirement not to damage the building.

After he ascended into the air, Lan Ze had already rushed to the empty square without buildings. He keenly noticed that Lan Ze's mecha was sluggish for some reason.

The two mechas, one dark blue and one black gold, began to fight. In order to avoid damage to the building, Yan Xueshan did not use spears and short cannons, but only used fighting moves.

Under his operation, the mecha Ares really not only looks like a living person, but also like a fighter who has experienced many battles, and his moves are neat and simple.

Lan Ze people are completely stupid.

Of course, his level is not bad, but he didn't expect the current situation, he was caught off guard, and he didn't adjust his mental preparation, which led to being grabbed the first move and fell into a disadvantage.

For the time being, I can only respond in a hurry and be in a hurry.

He asked on the intercom channel: "When did you train for melee combat??"

Yan Xueshan replied doubtfully, "I would have known it."

The audience got excited.

[Hahahaha looked down on people and ended up overturning the car! 】

[Finally, someone has cured him! 】

[Please hit him hard. 】

After all, Lan Ze was also an experienced melee warrior, and he adjusted his mentality very quickly. He immediately put away his casual attitude, stopped talking nonsense, and dealt with it seriously, trying to regain the upper hand.

Otherwise, how embarrassing is this?

Yan Xueshan played fighting, and he played fighting together, without using weapons.

Ares's teacher, Julis, finally believed what Arthur said, and was amazed: "You really didn't lie, Yan Xueshan's melee combat is also very powerful."

Arthur was extremely proud: "Yes."

Arthur remembered that when he first partnered with Yan Xueshan, he knew that his level was insufficient. Every time he went to the battlefield, he would watch his battle video repeatedly, looking for ways to improve, and racking his brains to find a way.

Otherwise, you can't always rely on luck every time, right?

At first, he was very embarrassed to be discovered by Yan Xueshan, afraid that Yan Xueshan would think that he was young and weak, so he would peek at Yan Xueshan when there was no one in the dormitory.

Or hide in the quilt and watch after Yanxue Mountain fell asleep.

thought it wasn't found.

Then, suddenly one day, he yawned during training.

Yan Xueshan turned around and said, "I hope you don't stay up late. I don't know if you are watching a movie or what. It will affect your training."

Arthur was so ashamed that he explained to himself hesitantly: "I'm not playing, I'm reviewing my own battle videos to improve analysis for myself."

Yan Xueshan: "Oh, I misunderstood you. I'm sorry."

He added: "But I still feel that it is not good to affect my rest. And it will also affect my rest."

Arthur said embarrassedly, "I should say sorry. I'll never do that again, or I'll look outside the room, okay?"

Yan Xueshan proposed a third solution: "You can ask me directly, and if I watch it together for you, it will save time. However, only before I fall asleep."

Arthur: "Huh? But, but..."

Yan Xueshan: "But what?"

Arthur: "But, I'm a melee mech."

"I can also use melee mechas." Yan Xueshan said lightly, but after speaking, he fell into deep thought and muttered, "No, I really can't guarantee that my melee level is higher than yours."

"—Let's have a try and see."

Instead of flying the S-class mecha, they played against one of the most common training mechas in the base at the time.

Arthur, who has always been quite confident in himself, was beaten by Yan Xueshan, and Yan Xueshan was strong because he mastered the rhythm very well.

Probably because of his illness, he can be calmer than ordinary people when sniping, and never panic when fighting in close combat.

Inexplicably, Yan Xueshan also recalled this incident.

He still remembered that when Arthur stepped out of the cockpit, he took off his helmet with sweat all over his head, his eyes were burning and staring at him without blinking. He was not discouraged at all, but asked excitedly, "Can you teach me teach me?"

Those eyes were mixed with admiration and surprise, and they were pure, without a trace of jealousy, like a studious child.

Yan Xueshan nodded: "Yes."

Arthur pursed his lips, and said shyly, "Then, can I call you Master?"

What a fresh name.

Yan Xueshan thought.

It was the first time he had met such a partner, and he vaguely felt that this time was really different from before.

Yan Xueshan became more and more familiar with the operation, and gradually gained an overwhelming advantage.

The comment area has been bombing:

[I didn't expect the melee combat of the sniper to be so powerful...]

[Can't a sniper who can't melee combat be a sniper god? 】

[Wow, he is so handsome! Although I can't see his face at all now, he is so handsome! Why are you married? 】

Even when Yan Xueshan was still free, he whispered to himself, "Well, Arthur is better than you."

Lan Ze was not particularly serious at first. Hearing the words seemed to be bloody: "Damn! Shike can't be humiliated! I just let you, you still take it seriously."

He burst out suddenly.

Yan Xueshan slid to dodge, and at the moment when he was about to collide, he did not respond with fighting as before, but suddenly pulled out a short-range cannon with his backhand and fired several shots in a row.

Lan Ze finally got used to the previous fighting rhythm, but the result was a sudden 180-degree twist, making him so uncomfortable that he wanted to vomit blood.

The short cannon is powerful at close range, but there is a distance limit, and the energy will be rapidly dissipated if it is a little farther away.

But at the same time he retreated, Yan Xueshan raised his spear as if he expected him to retreat in this direction.

What is this for?

All the audience and teachers present were thinking.

The light of the short-range cannon had not yet dissipated, and the spear in his hand had been thrown out.

Like the light of a sniper rifle.

Accurately hit the opponent's cockpit.

run through.

If this was a real battle, Lan Ze wouldn't even have a chance to escape by ejecting the cockpit.

Yuris was speechless: "Is this still possible?"

With a dignified look on his face, full of desire for competition, Critchens exclaimed, "What a natural teacher."


At this time.

All the talents realized with hindsight that he was planning this set of combos from the very beginning of the personal combat?

Or is it not deliberately designed, just out of combat instinct?

Nobody knows.

Yan Xueshan himself is very calm.

The Poseidon fell straight down like a shot vulture, smashed into the city, and with a bang, with him at the center, a building collapsed like a domino.

And Yan Xueshan was driving Ares, still standing beside the shiny and beautiful Christmas tree, standing still in the dust of the explosion.

He glanced at the time.


The battle ended in 18 minutes and 26 seconds.

"It's over," he said.

"Arthur, let's go home."

Arthur got up and said, "Sorry, my wife called me. I'll go first."

"We are newly married Yan'er, and we live together now."

Everyone was speechless.

Does this need special emphasis? Is it uncomfortable to not show off?

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes