MTL - After This Battle, Go Home and Get Married-Chapter 6 Finish the battle 06

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Arthur said cheekily: "That may be the case. The universe is so big, anything can happen, maybe there are male betas who can get pregnant... Last time we didn't wear condoms..."

Yan Xueshan's eyes pierced like an ice pick.

He immediately changed his words: "Okay, I'm talking nonsense, I know I can't get pregnant."


After all, it is already the interstellar era, and the development of biotechnology has already made breakthroughs. Even same-sex couples can spend money to breed their own children with the genes of both parties, but there are great restrictions, and the cost is not low, requiring five million Star Coins.

Yan Xueshan simply said: "I can't go back to the army anyway, my retirement procedures have been completed."

Arthur blurted out: "I didn't come to ask you to return to the army."

Yan Xueshan looked sideways and looked straight at him, his eyes clear and magnanimous: "Then why did you come to see me?"

The moment he was caught by his gaze, Arthur froze. His face had been sunburned for the past two days, but now he can't see any special blush, and suddenly bit his tongue: "I, I, I am... I, I think, miss you."

Arthur said, slowly gathering his courage, he took a deep breath, sat up straight, and said seriously, "No, no, actually I-"


Yan Xueshan's watch beeped a reminder sound, he glanced at the time and said, "No more, it's my bedtime."

"I'll talk about it tomorrow."

But early the next morning, Yan Xueshan sent Arthur to the interstellar port.

He always felt that Arthur would not leave easily, but Arthur simply agreed, as before, he listened to his words, and did not procrastinate.

Obviously, he has always liked Arthur very much, and will strictly abide by the rules set between them.

Military uniforms, medals and other things were all put in the suitcase by Arthur. He was wearing casual clothes, a denim overalls. After a week of going to the countryside, he now looks like a simple, honest and kind farmer. The appearance of an elite officer.

Vega has low traffic, and there are not many flights a day. There are still five hours before the departure of the flight that Arthur bought.

Yan Xueshan: "Wait for the bus by yourself, I have an appointment and I have something to do."

Arthur: "Going to meet your marriage partner?"

Yan Xueshan looked up: "How do you know?"

Arthur laughed angrily: "Master, do you think I'm stupid? You don't have friends or relatives, isn't that the only marriage partner? If you went to the mecha shop, you wouldn't use the phrase 'a date with someone'. of."

Speaking of this, Arthur suddenly thought of it, and he asked without words: "When did you make an appointment with him... Are you going to see him, so you sent me to the port by the way?"

Yan Xueshan admitted without hesitation: "Yes. You are not a child, why should I specially send you to the spaceship? Are you still lost?"

Arthur's face was extremely ugly.

Yan Xueshan thought, he seems to have gone too far. So, add: "I'm not joking about what you mean."

Arthur put his luggage, picked it up again, and said solemnly, "Master, can I meet your marriage partner?"


Yan Xueshan introduced Arthur to the blind date man: "My comrade-in-arms, Arthur."

Shaking hands with Arthur on a blind date, briefly introducing himself, he was a little nervous. After all, when the soldier saw him, he had a bright smile on his face, but the smile didn't reach the bottom of his eyes. There seemed to be countless knives hidden in his eyes. It's like cutting him off.

Arthur asked repeatedly: "How old are you? What job? Where do you work?"

"How much is the annual income? Do you have a house? Is there an airship? How many robots are there in the house?"

Wait for the other person to answer.

He continued to ask reluctantly: "How long have you known Yan Xueshan? When are you going to have the wedding? How much will the wedding cost? Where will you spend your honeymoon?"

"Can you help him farm? Will you operate the mecha and use manual mode to help him plant rice?"

The more he asked, the more vigorous he became, his eyes were like iron swords that were gradually burning red, the questioning hammer was on it, and scorching sparks spewed out.

The blind date men were all fooled by him.

At this point, a fool can see that Arthur's intentions are not good.

Not to mention the terrifying pheromone emitting from Arthur's body like he was going to kill someone.

Wow, do you want to do this? It's just a blind date, bro!

He squeezed his sweat: "I... I haven't thought that far, sorry."

Yan Xueshan, who went to get the buffet, came over with a large plate of food like a mountain, sat down, and asked, "How are you guys talking?"

The blind date man embarrassedly said: "He..."

After turning his head to look at Yan Xueshan, he turned back to look at Arthur, and his eyes almost fell out of shock.

Arthur looked fierce and vicious just now, but now his face is harmless to humans and animals.

Arthur raised his head with a silly smile on his face, as if there was no kinder and purer person in the world than him.

Yan Xueshan: "What happened to him?"

Blind date man: "No, nothing."

After finally waiting until it was only him and Yan Xueshan, he quickly asked, "Is that really just your comrade-in-arms?"

Yan Xueshan: "It's also my apprentice. He followed me when he first joined the army. He was my subordinate at first."

The blind date man hesitated: "...Don't you think he's weird? Is he treating you?"

Yan Xueshan thought calmly and said, "He is going to report back to the army soon, don't worry about him, because I refuse to revoke my application to return to the army, so he is not happy."

Blind date man: "Really? It should be more than that, right?"

Yan Xueshan raised his hand: "No food. I'll eat first."

Blind date man: "…"

Arthur brought a plate of fruit over: "Master, I've put a fruit plate for you."

Yan Xueshan glanced at it: "Well, thank you."

Arthur asked, "Where are you going after dinner?"

Yan Xueshan asked back: "You still haven't boarded the plane? What if you miss it? You should be remembered for being late for returning to the team for no reason. Don't disobey the military discipline just because you have been promoted now. How do people convince you?"

Arthur could only shut his mouth, chewing the beef fiercely, and said, "I know."

From the moment he met Arthur to the present, the blind date man felt that he looked inexplicably familiar, but he should not be someone he knew. So, where did he meet him?

Can not remember.

Arthur: "Master, can you take me to the port?"

Yan Xueshan: "Are you a lost child?"

The blind date man quickly rounded up the situation, saying that it was good to go shopping nearby.

He was already tired.

Last time, I thought Yan Xueshan was very interesting, but if you want to provoke an officer who hides a knife in a smile, it will be difficult.

The other party's mental strength seems to be quite high, and he is having a headache now.

Yan Xueshan went to checkout.

Arthur's face turned cold again, and he said to him, "I don't know why you lied to my master to marry you, my master is a very simple person, you better be sincere to him, or be careful with me. a little…"

The blind date man was stunned for a moment and asked, "Flash marriage? What flash marriage? He promised to marry me? But we only met for the second time on a blind date."

Now it was Arthur's turn to be dumbfounded.

Then a smirk appeared on his face, raised his hand and tapped the back of his head, and laughed, "Ah, is it? It was just a blind date."

"Blind date, it's a blind date. It's not about getting married. Haha, hahahaha."

Yan Xueshan had already come over, showed the electronic receipt, and said, "aa, please give me a share of your money."

Arthur said directly and cheerfully: "I asked, I asked."

Yan Xueshan didn't know why he suddenly acted like an idiot. He was confused and said, "You can just ask me for my share. ... Stop laughing, your mouth is about to split open."

Arthur was all sunny.

He pulled Yan Xueshan and said, "Master, you lied to me."

Yan Xueshan tilted his head: "What did I lie to you?"

Arthur: "You said you were getting married, but it was just a blind date."

Yan Xueshan: "Isn't blind date a process in the early stage of marriage? I just went for marriage, I didn't lie to you."

He was unhappy, and his brows looked like they were going to get together again.

Arthur quickly said, "Okay, okay, you didn't lie, I was wrong. Haha, haha."

Yan Xueshan: "???"

The blind date man silently followed behind them, and has become a shadow unnoticed.

He hesitated and said, "That, Mr. Yan..."



A sharp siren pierced the sky.

The blind date man on the sidelines saw that Yan Xueshan and Arthur seemed to have changed in an instant, and suddenly put away their relaxed expressions. The two stood beside each other and looked at the sky together in an incomparable tacit understanding.

The planetary police officer reminded in a panic on the broadcast: "The interstellar pirates are attacking, please take refuge in the nearby buildings temporarily! The interstellar pirates are attacking, please take refuge in the nearest buildings temporarily!"

As the radio sounded.

A small airship has appeared over the city, the black muzzle aimed at the ground.

The crowd screamed.

Arthur opened the box, and half of it was inlaid with gun parts. His hands were fast, and in the blink of an eye, he assembled the gun and threw it at Yan Xueshan: "Master, your sniper rifle."

However, this gun is really big, maybe it shouldn't be called a gun, it should be a gun - it could have been used as an anti-warship weapon.

It's just that the average person can't shoot the energy bolt of the warship with one shot.

Yan Xueshan raised his hand and took the sniper rifle.

He got down on one knee, put the sniper rifle on his shoulder, clicked, opened the safety lock, turned his head, aimed, and shot.

Without hesitation.

The sound of gunshots was negligible.

Only a light blue light remained in the air, and it quickly faded away.

Yan Xueshan put away his gun and stood up.

At the same time, the pirate scout boat in the sky exploded with a delay, emitting a dazzling light, the air trembled, shattered into countless pieces, and fell to the ground like meteor fragments.

This blue sniper rifle has a slender body and smooth flow lines. When it is easily held by Yan Xueshan in a suit, it has a violent and elegant strange beauty.

Against the background of the explosion behind him, the heat wave from the sky blew his black hair and coat, Yan Xueshan was outrageously beautiful.

Arthur was accustomed to his shooting, not a bit surprised: "Vega's backup guard mech is in the warehouse to the southwest."

The blind date man didn't even have time to say yes or no, Yan Xueshan had already gone upstream with Arthur.

Yan Xueshan completely forgot about him, as if only Arthur could be seen in his eyes.

have nothing to say.

The two of them seem to have a tacit understanding of each other's souls.

He finally remembered where he had seen Arthur.

It was in the Federal Central News that he was the son of the recently disclosed president, Arthur Felix, the youngest gold star general in the entire federation with great merit.