MTL - After This Battle, Go Home and Get Married-Chapter 8 Finish the battle 08

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At this moment, Yan Xueshan recalled the fear of taking a tactical analysis exercise class during the military academy, and it went straight to the soul.

He could feel that it seemed like there was some kind of conspiracy, but he really didn't mess up, he just had no talent in this regard. At that time, the teacher of the tactical analysis class was very worried that after he served, he would die in less than a year.

After all, for war, the combat power of an individual is so insignificant compared to a large army.

Why hasn't Yan Xueshan sought a promotion these years?

One, because he has a sick brain (physiological) and has no desire for promotion;

Second, because he can't understand the twists and turns of the official road in the workplace, and he can't handle the intrigues of interpersonal relationships.

Fortunately, although Yan Xueshan often can't figure it out, he has a keen intuition, and his intuition often tells him that there is danger ahead.

That's the way he is on the battlefield, he fights by instinct and doesn't need to use his brain to analyze. There are often fellow teachers who envy him for his luck value max, and every time he saves himself from danger, he feels that it is not due to luck, but his fighting skills and intuition.

Now is the time to use that intuition.

Facing Arthur's sincere and fake smile, his intuition was telling him—

There are traps!

Arthur is completely different from him. Not only is he highly capable of fighting alone, he is also a top student in the tactical school.

His military academy graduation grades are like this.

Still full marks:

One hundred war history,

Introduction to Strategy Ninety-nine points,

100% tactical analysis exercise,

Eighty-two points of shooting skills,

The battleship's actual skill is 90 points,

Eighty-eight points in the mechanical engineering exercise.

Another major subject, Melee Mecha Operation, graduated with a 100% grade.

Yan Xueshan had a strange impression of Arthur.

Sometimes, he felt that Arthur was very sincere and clean, like sunshine, like a mountain stream that could see the bottom at a glance, and his actions and actions were very direct, not yin and yang, and not complicated.

Sometimes, I felt that Arthur couldn't see through, as if he was hiding something.

But out of his own character, he didn't explore Arthur's personal privacy, otherwise he wouldn't have been partners for six years, and he didn't know that the partner teacher who slept in the same room for six years turned out to be the president's son.

He thought inexplicably of what had happened the night before the Armageddon.

It's so wrong.

Yan Xueshan vaguely felt that he was being calculated?

Arthur saw that the master was obviously vigilant, he couldn't help but tense up, and his throat became dry.

He took out the attitude of speaking, and he knew that he was born with a stable and credible appearance, especially when he spoke with a straight face, he was always convincing.

Arthur: "Do you think I'm not good enough?"

"First of all, we have lived together for six years, and we have completely eliminated the running-in period in terms of life habits, and there will never be friction due to contradictions in this area. Right?"

Yan Xueshan finally looked directly at him.

Arthur: "My savings are currently about 138 million. I have a house in the emperor, and a small private spaceship. If you marry me, these are all yours."

Yan Xueshan raised his head.

Arthur felt as if hope lay ahead, and continued:

"In terms of work, I am an army general, I am very stable, and have promotion prospects. I have a fixed salary of three million stars every year, because the food and accommodation are in the army, there is basically no additional expenses, and this money can be paid. Give you."

"When I retire at the age of sixty, I can still receive a retirement salary of one million stars per month. In terms of economic strength, I think it is difficult for the people recommended by the dating company to reach my level. You said right?"

"Although there is a risk of being killed in my work, if I die, I can receive a one-time pension of 50 million Star Coins, and my spouse will be the first beneficiary."

"Look, isn't it a good deal? No matter what, you can retire with peace of mind."

Yan Xueshan listened, leaned back, leaned on the backrest, and nodded.

He was still a little uncomfortable, and Arthur didn't blink much, his eyes glued to his face, as if to find out his flaws.

Yan Xueshan's intuition was telling him.

Not right. Very wrong.

This is an extremely unfair deal.

So anomalous.

Who in the world would do such a losing trade?

When he was a child, his adoptive father taught him a sentence: Free is the most expensive.

He took it for granted.

Could it be that Arthur is now competing with someone for the chance to be promoted to marshal, and urgently needs to stand for him as a war hero?

Indeed, having a suitable spouse can have a beneficial effect on electoral voting.

Arthur was still saying, "And, and..."

Is there any benefit? Yan Xueshan looked at him. Arthur said: "And, I think, I'm pretty good too, don't you think? Compared to them, I should be considered a handsome guy."

It's still a bit ashamed to praise yourself as handsome.

Yan Xueshan looked at his appearance like a kitten and puppy, and gave a fair evaluation: "Yes, you are very handsome, and one of the most handsome men I have ever met so far. already."

Yan Xueshan suddenly remembered how Arthur was sweating on his body that day. Weird.

Arthur was elated.

The master praised him for being handsome!

Arthur waited for the same test results, clasped his hands and fingers intertwined, and clenched tightly: "So, what do you think of me? Is it very suitable for marriage?"

"Do you want to consider, skip them, and choose me as your marriage partner?"

Arthur speaks very softly.

But Yan Xueshan felt that his eyes were noisy and shining, as if urging him: choose me, choose me, choose me, choose me! !

Yan Xueshan seriously thought about Arthur as his marriage partner, and he found that in theory, there was nothing wrong with it.

As he thought, he said, "I used to regard you only as my comrade-in-arms."

Arthur: "Well, I know..."

Just this sentence, he felt defeated.

If you want to marry Arthur, it's more than that, right?

Yan Xueshan asked, "Does your family know that you plan to marry me? Don't you need marriage?"

This is the common case.

Arthur: "Yes, no."

Yan Xueshan thought, sure enough, if the president can approve, there must be some political purpose.

There is another question that Yan Xueshan always wanted to ask: "Have you deliberately concealed the identity of the president's son all these years? You never told me. I never thought about it."

Arthur knew that he would hear this question, and he knew that Yan Xueshan would be very angry about it, so he asked him to pay back the meal money when he saw him, but that was just that, and he never had a serious attack.

Arthur said: "All of our children who are willing to join the army have joined the army, but my sister was caught by the enemy and died tragically. In order to protect us, and to prevent us from becoming hostages, so I forged and concealed my family identity from the outside world. I'm sorry."

Military order. understand.

Yan Xueshan nodded: "It's normal."

"It's just, I didn't expect that the president would let his biological son do the task of the death squad during the Armageddon?"

Arthur smiled lightly: "Everyone is the same. I am a child of the Galactic Federation first, and then my father's child. If I need to do it, that is me, and my life is no nobler than others."

what. This is it.

Yan Xueshan thought.

This statement is by no means hypocritical.

Yan Xueshan knows that he is not good at the world, he cannot perceive love and liking because of his emotional disorder, but he can understand what respect is.

Arthur respects him very much, respects others, respects everyone, so he feels very comfortable with Arthur.

Like in spring, lazily basking in the sun, slowly warming up from body to mind.

After Arthur had said so much, he felt like he had used up his life's courage.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

Now, he has reached the stage of "three exhaustions".

In fact, when he came to look for Yan Xueshan, he didn't think so much in his mind, when he saw [I don't have time to entertain you. I'm busy getting married. ], really thought that Yan Xueshan was going to get married.

For him, it was like the sky was falling apart.

For the first time, he knew what it meant to be concerned about chaos.

He couldn't think calmly at all. He dazedly printed out a dozen marriage applications. His mind was full of "I want to get married, I want to get married, I want to get married and I want to marry Yan Xueshan." , went to Yanxueshan's farm to find him.

I was also afraid that Yan Xueshan would get married while he was not there in the middle.

When he received the military order to travel between the stars, he was at this speed.

He knew where Yan Xueshan lived.

With a little trick.

He must know, or he won't sleep well at night. God knows, after Yan Xueshan didn't live in the same room with him, he never slept a good night.

But after seeing Yan Xueshan, he didn't dare to take out the marriage application, because there was no good time.

Just knowing that Yan Xueshan wasn't married yet, he breathed a sigh of relief.

In those days when he was working on the farm, his hands took advantage of his inattention, and he always took out the marriage form, which went against his reason and insisted on filling in the contents. After filling it in, I disliked the bad-looking words, and I wrote it several times with obsessive-compulsive disorder, making sure to write every word in a neat and tidy way.

After saying this, Arthur saw that Yan Xueshan opened his mouth slightly and was about to speak: "I..."

Arthur's heart slammed, his teeth clenched, and he decided to strike first! Invisibly reject Yan Xueshan's rejection.

He stood up and gave a military salute to Yan Xueshan.

"Master, you are the person I love the most in this world and the person who is most important to me. I think there is no need for more tests between us. You can believe that I can definitely sacrifice my life for you at a critical moment."

"I know, you must want to reject me."

"Please don't think it's absurd, seriously consider putting me on your allowable list of marriage partners."

"You can think about it slowly, and give me an answer after I come back."

Arthur said: "Then, I'll catch the spaceship flight first, end my vacation, and report back to the military."

Yan Xueshan silently watched him leave.

Arthur has a straight back, and in general, apart from accidentally sharing hands and feet, he is still very handsome and calm.

Then Yan Xueshan bowed his head.

See this marriage application form.


He never got a chance to speak.

In fact, he just wanted to agree just now in a mysterious way—

But Arthur is gone, so he should think more about it.

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Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes