MTL - After Two Lifetimes I Was Reborn Back Inside A Book-Chapter 11 wear back eleventh day

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Today is the day when the grades are announced, but the teachers are not there. Under the discussion of guessing the grades and where the teachers have gone, the atmosphere of the morning self-study is very restless.

Jiang Chen was holding a book of "Discrete Mathematics" in his hand and was reading it intently. The boy at the front desk turned his head, beat his table excitedly, and said, "Brother Jiang, I heard that these teachers are not here today because Zhang Sanmao framed you during the exam the day before yesterday, and all the meetings were held in the small conference room."

"Who did you listen to?" Jiang Chen closed the book and asked curiously.

"Aren't I late?" The boy raised his eyebrows, smiling a little smugly: "They came in over the wall, just passing the office building, and when the teachers passed by, I just heard them talking, it seemed that there was a phone call from their parents I called the principal and asked about the authenticity of this matter, and I heard that the parent is not young and asked the school to investigate thoroughly, so the urgent meeting was held so early in the morning."

Jiang Chen pondered, he knew that this matter would definitely spread, but he didn't expect it to spread so quickly and so widely, but for him, it was a good thing.

The boy in front of him suddenly stopped laughing, and said in a worried tone: "Brother Jiang, do you think those teachers will call you over later? Will this matter affect you if it's such a big deal?"

"Don't worry, no."

Several people moved their heads towards each other with worries on their faces. Jiang Chen thought for a while and said, "Mr. Zhang provoked that incident, and it was he who rushed into the classroom during the exam and interrupted us." Exams, the students in the three classes in the east building can testify to this point, and there were other teachers at that time, they would not watch Teacher Zhang wrong me, don't worry."

Hearing what he said, the other students felt relieved, and some said indignantly, "You should have thrown that paper in his face in the first place. The evidence is conclusive, and this matter can never be blamed on you."

Jiang Chen raised his lips and said, "It's not too late to throw him in the face."

At that time, Jiang Chen could of course just take out the papers, but in this case, firstly, he would take what Zhang Zhipeng did, secondly, it would be detrimental to his image in the hearts of the teachers, and thirdly, once the matter was settled, the discussion would diverge. It is difficult to continue. Only one thing is still in suspense, and people will want to get to the bottom of it and discuss it more eagerly.

It was precisely because no one knew whether Jiang Chen had the "missing test paper" in his drawer or not, so everyone speculated a lot. The students in Class 1 all believed in Jiang Chen's character and knew that he would not steal the test papers, but the others People in other grades in the class who don't know him will not be so sure. They will be dubious, hold their own opinions, and become the best conductors of spreading this gossip under the debate.

Moreover, the most important point is that Jiang Chen knows that this matter will definitely cause a big fuss, and after the big fuss, there will definitely be a conversation. At this time, Jiang Chen, who is holding this disappeared test paper, will become the conversation the leader.

But these, Jiang Chen won't talk to these innocent teenagers, having pure joy, good and evil, and innocence and sincerity are the best gifts that time gives to this age.

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The math teacher stood at the back door and said to Jiang Chen, "Jiang Chen, come out with me."

When Jiang Chen walked to the door, Fu Jinyu glanced at his empty hand, frowned and said, "Where did Zhang Jian stuff the papers in your desk back then? Throw them away?"

Jiang Chen: "No."

"Go, go, take it with me and walk with me, and throw him in the face later."

Jiang Chen: ...

On the way to the office building, Fu Jinyu only said three words.

The first sentence: "Don't be afraid of anything, I still want to poach you for a competition, no one can touch you."

The second sentence: "I'll see that the principal is more polite later, so don't worry about Zhang Jian. Show off your aura of the day before yesterday's exam, and how to hate him."

The third sentence: "If Vice President Sun talks to you, just pretend to be dumb and I will answer for you."

Jiang Chen kept nodding his head, but at the same time he looked cute, but he felt a little strange in his heart.

Before, he never knew that Mr. Fu was so... awesome?

Moreover, I don't know if it's because Jiang Chen doesn't have many memories of high school. In his impression, this teacher Fu has always been serious and doesn't like to talk to students in private, so his memory of him is that he is his sophomore. Except for the mathematics teacher, the only one who came to the school to get the notification letter from Nanshi University when he graduated from senior year of high school, Teacher Fu sighed lightly: It's a pity.

What a pity, Jiang Chen had no time to think about it at the time, but when he recalled it now, Jiang Chen suddenly had the answer in his heart.

In the first life, Teacher Fu never mentioned the matter of poaching him to the competition class, why did he mention it to him in this life? And when he mentioned it, his tone was firm, like a decision that had been considered for a long time.

The only difference Jiang Chen could think of was that in the first life he was slumped because of his family's plight, but now he regained his composure after a short period of venting.

Therefore, Teacher Fu would say it was a pity at the time. It was probably a pity that he should have a better future, but he gave up on himself because he could not bear the hardships. In the end, he could only go to the original him, another path that he had never considered.

The office building and the teaching building were not far away, Jiang Chen and Fu Jinyu soon arrived at the small meeting room.

With Fu Jinyu in front, Jiang Chen stood behind him, pushed open the double doors of the meeting room in a protective gesture, and led him to sit next to the principal.

The principal smiled gently: "Jiang Chen is here."

"Hello, principal." Jiang Chen didn't sit down directly, and bowed slightly to the other teachers: "Hello, teachers."

All the teachers in the second grade group knew about Jiang Chen. Most of them had taught him, but there were some teachers who hadn't had much contact with him. Seeing that he was neither humble nor overbearing, polite and generous from the moment he came in to his seat, these teachers The bottom of my heart can't help but feel a lot better about him.

The principal also smiled, patted Jiang Chen's arm, and said, "Sit down."

Seeing him sitting down, he looked at the folder in his hand and said calmly, "What is this?"

Before Jiang Chen could answer, Fu Jinyu said, "It's the set of test papers that Mr. Zhang said was lost, and I asked Jiang Chen to bring it."

The teachers in the meeting room all looked at the folders in front of Jiang Chen, and they glanced at Zhang Jian in a subtle way.

Zhang Jian's face was blue and purple, Sun Tengyun glanced at him, let him calm down, touched the teacup and said: "Student Jiang, we called you here at this time, because we want to tell you about the loss of Teacher Zhang during the last exam." The test paper accidentally misunderstood you. He didn't handle it well at the time, and you were a little emotional. You contradicted the teacher in public. Both Mr. Zhang and Mrs. Zhang apologized to each other, as the saying goes, you will be a teacher for one day and be a father for life, and the head teachers in your own class should each take a step back, how about it?"

After Sun Tengyun finished speaking, the expressions of the other teachers changed more or less.

What a shameless thing to say!

But he was the vice principal after all, even if he was not ashamed, they just exchanged glances, sympathizing with Jiang Chen who had to apologize for being wronged in his heart.

At this moment, almost most of the teachers, including the principal and Fu Jinyu, never thought that Jiang Chen would disagree with Sun Tengyun's words. After all, there is an old saying that the first level of the government crushes people, and Sun Tengyun is not only the vice principal but also the elder of Jiang Chen It goes without saying that it puts pressure on it.

Fu Jinyu's face turned black, he never imagined that Sun Tengyun could be so shameless at such an old age, just turn black and white, beat him upside down, and even threaten Jiang Chen with the majesty of his elders and school leaders. Hold his head down and let him apologize and settle the matter.

Where is this something a teacher would do? !

He was about to open his mouth to refute one by one, but Jiang Chen spoke first: "Vice President Sun, I'm sorry that I can't agree with your decision."

All the teachers in the conference room were shocked, but they didn't expect Jiang Chen to refuse directly.

Jiang Chen didn't care what other people's expressions were. The young man had a straight back, and he spoke in a calm but powerful way:

"First, did Teacher Zhang accidentally lose the test paper and misunderstand me, or did he direct and act to slander me? The teachers and students present at the time all had eyes, and they would judge and read for themselves, and I was the same."

"Secondly, I wasn't emotional at the time, and I wasn't charged with contradicting the responsible teacher. At that time, I spoke politely and in a calm voice, and all the guesses I said were logical and factual. Regarding this point, just like what I just said Said, the teachers and classmates present can prove it to me, if you want the facts, you can take a look at the document bag I brought."

"Thirdly, I have only one father. Now that he has been in a car accident and has not recovered, Mr. Zhang once insulted my father in public at the school gate. For such a teacher with such a teacher's morality, I am sorry that I cannot agree with the "one day is a teacher for life." For the father', or my father will be the first to disagree."

"Having said all that, I don't think I need an apology."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he bowed to Vice President Sun, and said, "If you think my defense of myself is contradictory, I am bowing to you here now, not as an apology, but as a younger generation's respect for the elders." Respect."

Sun Tengyun's face darkened. Jiang Chen's actions of first soldier and second courtesy made him even want to get into a random fit. Zhang Jian was right. This student didn't look like a student at all. He was neither arrogant nor impatient. He can't even look like him, and he is definitely not a thing in the pool.

However, it is precisely because he is such a prickly person that he can't let him go, otherwise the sky will be turned upside down in the future?

Sun Tengyun said sadly: "So, student Jiang Chen, do you think you have made no mistakes at all?"

"I don't think so." Jiang Chen smiled slightly, but his face revealed a bit of self-blame. He said, "This incident made my parents very worried. As a child, it is my fault to make my parents worry."

Sun Tengyun looked at Jiang Chen with a gloomy face, the wrinkles and ravines at the end of his eyes were full of coercion and predation.

Jiang Chen didn't realize it, and continued: "So, now they are very worried about my psychological situation in school, they don't want me to stay in the No. 1 Middle School, and they plan to transfer me to the City No. 4 Middle School. Now they have contacted the No. 4 City Middle School. Teacher, if No. 4 Middle School agrees, I will transfer directly to No. 4 Middle School in June."

As soon as these words fell, the teachers in the entire conference room became restless.

The results of this exam have come out, although they haven't announced yet, but Jiang Chen's papers were approved in advance, the first grade is absolutely as stable as Mount Tai, and such a big thing happened to the family, and he was able to recover in such a short time, which shows his mentality In terms of quality, it can be said that as long as there are no major troubles in the next year and a half, let alone Jiang Chen is Hua Yan's seedling, it is not impossible for him to be the city's number one in science.

Which school would reject a champion seedling?

No. 1 middle school will not, and No. 4 middle school will not!

They believed that if what Jiang Chen said was true, the Fourth Middle School would definitely beat gongs and drums and open the door to welcome Jiang Chen. Miao Zi handed over and gave it to their No. 4 Middle School.

No, no matter what, Jiang Chen must not be transferred to another school!

This is the thought of the entire office, including the principal and vice principal Sun Tengyun, and all the teachers.