MTL - After Two Lifetimes I Was Reborn Back Inside A Book-Chapter 115 Wear back the 115th day

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When Jiang Chen walked out of the ward, he saw Shi Fengyue sitting on the bench in the corridor. When he saw him coming out, Shi Fengyue got up and said lazily, "Where are you going?"

"Go to He's house."

This is a single room with good sound insulation. Shi Fengyue knew that Jiang Chen and Shen Xu had something to say, so he deliberately didn't go in. He didn't know what happened. Hearing that Jiang Chen was going to He's house, he thought It's a private matter between him and the He family, so I didn't ask much.

He stood up and said, "I'll see you off."

Jiang Chen's lip line was tight, his jaw moved slightly, as if nodding, and he walked forward past him.

Only then did Shi Fengyue realize that something was wrong, he caught up with him in two or three steps, and stood side by side with him, his tone was more concerned than before: "How did Huo Bo get injured?"

Jiang Chen's footsteps stopped, the air pressure around his body instantly cooled down, and his face was covered with frost: "He Qianjian beat him."

"He Qianjian?"

A little surprise appeared in Shi Fengyue's eyes. In his impression, although He Qianjian was vain and hypocritical, he could almost say that he was impeccable in pretending to the outside world. If it weren't for the previous few accidental accidents, it would be difficult for him to find He Qianjian. Unusual skills and a style of doing things behind the scenes.

According to He Qianjian's caution in the past, I really can't stand anyone who won't do it himself. But if the target is someone who has ties to Jiang Chen, it's hard to say.

When the He family approached Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen and He Qianjian's identities came to light, apart from Xiang Hong who took out the test report, Shi Fengyue was the only outsider who knew about it.

It wasn't that Jiang Chen informed him intentionally, but he guessed it from the sudden increase in the frequency of contact between Jiang Chen and the He family, and Jiang Chen didn't hide it from him afterwards, and directly admitted it.

At that time, Shi Fengyue reminded Jiang Chen to pay attention to He Qianjian.

Unexpectedly, after a long time, Jiang Chen did not have any accidents, but his friends were implicated.

Shi Fengyue didn't ask any further questions, he opened the door of the passenger seat, and went around to the driver's seat to drive. He was speechless all the way, and when he was about to reach He's house, he glanced at the young man in the rearview mirror who had been so calm and almost indifferent, and said, "What are you going to do with it?"

Jiang Chen didn't answer, Shi Fengyue lowered the car window to let the security guards at the entrance and exit see clearly the people inside.

When the security guard saw Jiang Chen, he immediately smiled, "Master Jiang, good evening." After saying hello, he let him go.

Shi Fengyue didn't make any sound until the car stopped in front of the garage on the first floor of He's house. The car door opened, Jiang Chen rang the doorbell, Shi Fengyue got out of the car slowly, and stood beside him.

Yang Yun was helping He Qianyu with her homework. He Yanfeng was upstairs in the study, and the only one in the living room was the aunt who stayed in the He family. She looked at the surveillance camera and saw that it was Jiang Chen, and immediately laughed: "Master Jiang Chen, come on in."

As an old man who once took care of Mrs. He, the He family's aunt naturally knew Jiang Chen's true identity. After these few months, Jiang Chen would be there every month at the family banquet. One cannot hide either.

She knew that He Yanfeng and his wife attached great importance to this child, and immediately went upstairs to inform them after opening the door. Both He Yanfeng and Yang Yun were very surprised. Jiang Chen had never returned without saying hello, but they hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they both felt pleasantly surprised.

He Qianyu was also very pleasantly surprised. When her aunt informed Yang Yun, she was there, and she didn't want to do homework anymore. She jumped off the stool as soon as she put the pen down, and ran out of the room impatiently, not forgetting to knock on He Qianmin's phone. door.

—Boom boom boom, boom boom boom boom.

The knocking rhythm was extremely fast, and the excitement and eagerness of the person knocking could be heard.

He Qianmin was working on a competition question, and when the knock on the door sounded, it was time to find his train of thought. As soon as the distinct rhythm sounded, all the clues he had just now were lost. He put down the pen, frowned, and pulled it away forcefully. The door, with an anger that was about to explode on his face.

It's just that before the anger came out, He Qianyu's next words scattered everything.

"Second brother! Brother is back!"

Ever since she knew that Jiang Chen was her real brother, He Qianyu changed her name, He Qianmin was still the second brother, He Qianjian changed from eldest brother to Qianjian brother, and Jiang Chen directly changed from Jiang Chen brother to Brother, closeness and distance are clear when you hear it.

Because of this incident, He Qianjian still scolded the He family members behind their backs for being colder than the other, and only valued the relationship between blood and not for many years.

He Qianyu's knock on the door was quite loud, and He Qianjian next door also heard it. As soon as he opened the door, he heard this sentence, sneered from the bottom of his heart, and closed the door again.

His slamming of the door was neither big nor small, but his room was next to He Qianmin, so He Qianmin and He Qianyu could see his movement clearly.

He Qianyu shrank her neck, and realized later: "Brother Qianjian is not happy."

He Qianmin snorted coldly, walked out with the door behind him, "Who cares about him."

Since He Qianyu saw He Qianjian fight with Jiang Chen last time, she had an inexplicable fear of him. Later, with the exposure of Jiang Chen's identity, He Qianjian became more and more gloomy every day. Her relationship with him They became even more distant, seeing that He Qianmin was ignoring He Qianjian, so he followed him downstairs.

The iron door opened with a click, and Jiang Chen walked straight in. Shi Fengyue followed behind him in a leisurely manner. It was his first time visiting the He family, and he looked at the surrounding environment quite leisurely.

As soon as he reached the first floor, he saw He Qianyu jumping down from the last few steps of the stairs, and ran to Jiang Chen: "Brother!"

Jiang Chen had long been used to this once every time he met He Qianyu, the coldness in his eyes faded a little, he opened his arms to catch her: "Be careful not to fall."

"Brother." He Qianmin went downstairs half a step behind, and when he saw Shi Fengyue behind Jiang Chen, he was stunned, and his footsteps paused: "Why are you here?"

"He sent me here." Jiang Chen explained casually, and asked about the business: "Where's He Qianjian?"

He Qianmin frowned: "What do you want him for?"

After the words fell, Yang Yun and He Yanfeng also went downstairs. They were very happy to see Jiang Chen, and they were also surprised for a moment when they saw Shi Feng Yue beside him.

He Yanfeng smiled, and there was a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, probably because he didn't take them off when he was in the study just now, his smile became more elegant: "The hour is here too."

Shi Fengyue put away his lazy look, nodded politely to He Yanfeng and Yang Yun: "Uncle He, Aunt He."

Yang Yun's attention was all on Jiang Chen. Seeing that his complexion was not very good, after nodding to Shi Fengyue, he immediately held Jiang Chen's hand, and asked with concern, "Why are you so thin? And why is your face so pale? Is it too little to wear, or too much work in the Institute.”

Jiang Chen pursed his lower lip, and the cold anger was greatly dispelled by He Qianyu's hug and Yang Yun's soft voice. He tugged at the corners of his lips, not forgetting the purpose of coming here this time.

"My mother just gave birth."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the living room fell silent, and Yang Yun's hand holding him froze.

He Yanfeng was the first to know about this matter. Not only did he know that Yang Yun had given birth to a daughter, but also that before Yang Yun gave birth, Jiang Chen and Xiang Hong were talking in the garden of the Affiliated Hospital of Yan University, which was overheard by Jiang Zhuo.

As soon as Jiang Chen opened his mouth at this time, he thought Jiang Chen was talking about this matter. He took off his glasses and was about to speak when he heard Jiang Chen change the subject: "During her childbirth, I received One phone call and my best friend I grew up with was beaten up and in surgery."

"The operation was completed fifty minutes ago. From here to here, someone smashed it twice with the sharp corner of a solid wooden stool." Jiang Chen's index finger moved down from above the right eye until the end of the eye was close to the temple, "Sewn Twelve needles, still unconscious."

Yang Yun was taken aback, and subconsciously said: "It's so serious, who hit it? What's going on?"

He Yanfeng faintly realized that when Jiang Chen left the Affiliated Hospital of Yanda University, Xiang Hong called him and said that Jiang Chen answered the phone and left after hugging his younger sister for a while. It was serious, because his face was very ugly when he left.

At that time, Xiang Hong asked if something happened, and whether he should send someone to investigate, and if there was something wrong, he could help, but He Yanfeng refused. He knew Jiang Chen's ability and believed that he could handle it by himself. And secretly, he also hoped that if something serious happened, Jiang Chen would ask him to help.

With this matter, their father and son might be able to get closer.

Now that Jiang Chen came over and brought up the matter of his friend, there is a high probability that the handling of this matter may require the He family to take action.

He Yanfeng smiled, and said with confidence: "Is there any trouble with your friend, or the background of the one who injured him, do you want Dad to help?"

Shi Fengyue's eyelids twitched slightly, and he raised his eyes to look at He Yanfeng, the corners of his mouth curled up a little bit, and then he pressed it down subtly, why didn't he realize that Tunan's boss was not very smart before.

He Yanfeng didn't notice Shi Fengyue's hidden gloating at all. His attention was all on Jiang Chen. Seeing Jiang Chen pursing his lips slightly, he remembered what he had investigated when he learned Jiang Chen's identity before, and knew that his only How important the two friends are to him, he immediately said: "You tell Dad, no matter who the other party is, you must pay the price for hurting someone like this, Dad will definitely help you."

However, He Qianmin had a faint premonition. He remembered the phone call he made before, and asked where He Qianjian was just as soon as he entered the door. He frowned and looked ugly.

"Brother, who was injured? Brother Shen Xu or Brother Huo Bo?"

"Huo Bo." After Jiang Chen answered He Qianmin, he shifted his gaze back to He Yanfeng and Yang Yun. He gently pulled out the hand held by Yang Yun, his eyes darkened: "I will personally make him pay the price. I hope you don't meddle in this matter."

He Yanfeng frowned slightly, something flashed through his mind, and asked, "Who is the one who hurt your friend?"

Jiang Chen opened his lips and paused every word: "He Qianjian."

Yang Yun's face changed slightly, and he turned to look at her husband, but He Yanfeng's face remained calm, he just looked into Jiang Chen's eyes and asked him, "What are you going to do?"

Jiang Chen remained silent, looking at the stairs behind him, He Yanfeng and him looked at each other silently for a few seconds, then turned slightly sideways, out of the way for one person to pass.

When Jiang Chen passed by, he said calmly, "Violence cannot solve any problems."

Jiang Chen paused slightly, passing him by.

Violence cannot solve any problems, and using violence to control violence is always the most clumsy and low-level means of revenge.

For a long time, Jiang Chen also thought so. Even though he faced He Qianjian's many provocations before, even if they had a life-and-death enmity, Jiang Chen never thought of using violence to solve the problem.

In the final analysis, it was because from the very beginning, he didn't take He Qianjian seriously. In Jiang Chen's eyes, his opponent was the system in He Qianjian's mind from the beginning to the end. He Qianjian did all kinds of evil things, but he also relied on the system to do his best, and those evil things were most likely done by the system. It was caused by the system's connivance, and when he lost the system, he would naturally be nothing.

There is no need for him to deal with him at all. A person who attaches all his aura to an external object, once this external object disappears, he will be like a pile of mud.

What Jiang Chen wanted was never that He Qianjian would pay for his life with his life, apart from the fact that he occupied the body of Jiang Zhuo and Yang Si's own son, it was also because he wanted him to see with his own eyes the retribution for his evil deeds.

However, it wasn't until Yang Si and Huo Bo had accidents one after another that Jiang Chen realized that the cycle of these spiritual revenges was too long, and before the system in He Qianjian's body was really removed, he would always hurt his side without fear. people.

His previous ignorance turned into laissez-faire in another sense. He made He Qianjian feel that he was weak, so He Qianjian defined him as bullying. It was precisely because of his underestimation, and because he did nothing to He Qianjian on the surface, that He Qianjian stepped on his bottom line step by step, provoking and hurting his most important people.

Now, he will let He Qianjian know that there is a price to pay for everything, and this price will be paid by him personally.

Jiang Chen knocked on He Qianjian's door three times.

He Qianjian opened the door in response. Before he could see the person outside the door, he hit his face with a heavy punch, followed by a kick that knocked him to the ground. The severe pain in his tailbone and the bridge of his nose made him unbearable. He stopped screaming, raised his eyes to see the person at the door, and hatred burst out of his eyes instantly.

"Jiang Chen!"

Jiang Chen closed the door expressionlessly, and locked it with a click.

When He Qianjian heard this voice, he subconsciously felt that something was wrong, he shrank back a few steps, and said vigilantly, "What are you going to do?"

"What you did to Hobo, I will do to you."

He Qianjian froze, thinking of Huo Bo who was in a pool of blood in the afternoon, he couldn't help but feel palpitations, cold sweat spread down his back in an instant.

Could it be that Huo Bo is dead, and Jiang Chen wants to kill him to avenge his friend?

Thinking of this, He Qianjian shuddered, got up with difficulty and embarrassed, quickly ran behind the desk, glanced across the table, and quickly picked up the heaviest sculpture decoration. He Qianjian gritted his teeth and said to Jiang Chen, "This is the He family, do you really dare to make a move here?"

Seeing Jiang Chen approaching step by step, He Qianjian leaned his back against the wall, and turned up his voice: "If you do this, you won't be afraid that your parents and grandparents will settle accounts with you. Don't you think you are their own son so you can treat me casually?" Let me tell you, I have been in the He family for eighteen years, and I know them better than you. If you hurt me today, their impression of you will definitely drop again and again. In the future, you want the He family resources or enter Tunan, but it will be difficult.”

He Qianjian spoke very fast, such a long series of words only took a few seconds, but in just a few seconds, Jiang Chen was already right in front of his eyes.

When he was half a meter away from He Qianjian, Jiang Chen paused, and He Qianjian's tense shoulders relaxed a little. He was overjoyed, thinking that Jiang Chen had listened to his words. .

"If you go out now, I can tell my parents that we are just playing casually. You accidentally hurt me. I believe it will do you...what are you doing!"

With a scream accompanied by the muffled sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, He Yanfeng and Yang Yun glanced at each other, and quickly lifted their legs up the stairs. Shi Fengyue followed behind them, and followed them up without treating himself as an outsider at all.

He Qianmin pushed He Qianyu to his aunt at home, and told her: "Don't let her go upstairs." He walked up the stairs three or four steps at a time.

"Chenchen!" Yang Yun knocked on the door vigorously: "Chenchen opens the door, you must not be impulsive!"

He Yanfeng also said in a deep voice: "Little minister, calm down, don't cause unmanageable consequences."

There was no movement inside the door, Yang Yun and He Yanfeng looked at each other and knocked on the door even more violently.

Before taking a few shots, the door opened.

Jiang Chen stood inside the door, glanced at them lightly, and then straightened his sleeves slowly. The soft folds of the shirt cuffs were curled up in the crook of his arms. It was clean and soft. If there hadn't been the scream just now, everyone outside the door might think that he just read a book in the study, or an elegant literary work.

Yang Yun froze for a moment, then suddenly came to his senses and stretched his neck to look inside.

"Where's Qianjian?"

Jiang Chen turned sideways to let them in.

There was no one in the room, only the French windows behind the desk were blown in by the wind, and the soft gauze curtains danced with the wind.

"Brother, where did He Qianjian go?"

He Qianmin asked everyone's questions, only Shi Fengyue looked around for a week, and when his eyes touched Jiang Chen, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he slowly made a mouth shape.

Jiang Chen saw what he said clearly, the hostility in his heart drifted away with the wind, and he rolled his eyes at him.

Suddenly, there was a low howl from outside the window, and the sound of the wind blew into the bedroom. Everyone reacted and walked to the balcony outside the window.

"Qianjian?" Yang Yun was relieved when he saw He Qianjian fell into the flower bed, but couldn't help worrying: "Are you okay?"

He Qianjian looked at the heads protruding from the balcony, the shame and resentment in his heart surged endlessly, he clenched his teeth, his eyes of resentment passed through the first few people, as if he saw Jiang Chen in the room.

He clutched his broken leg, his face twitched slightly in pain, remembering what just happened.

He thought Jiang Chen stopped because he was persuading him, but he didn't expect that Jiang Chen would suddenly turn around and pick up the small wooden table next to the sofa with one hand. Almost instantly, he realized what Jiang Chen was going to do.

He Qianli retreated immediately, but found that there was no way to retreat. Seeing that Jiang Chen had turned around and came this way again, he knew that he couldn't beat Jiang Chen, so he immediately opened the French door and fled to the balcony. Before he had time to lock the glass door, Jiang Chen had already squeezed in.

In his hand was a small table that was not much different from the solid wooden chair, and it hit his right leg without blinking. Turning black, he had just regained his composure when he saw Jiang Chen lift up the stool again, and the target seemed to be his possibly broken right leg.

When the stool fell down, he might have to sit in a wheelchair for the rest of his life!

He Qianjian desperately wanted to escape, but every movement of that injured leg felt pain that penetrated into the bone marrow. He was covered in cold sweat, and when he raised his eyes to meet Jiang Chen's calm eyes, he felt a chill run up his back. On the top of the head, the hair stood on end, and couldn't help begging for mercy: "I was wrong, I shouldn't have killed your friend, please let me go, I was wrong, don't kill me..."

Jiang Chen paused, then suddenly took a deep look at him, and weighed the tea table in his hand, seemingly out of kindness.

"If you jump from here, I will let you go, or, this table will break your other leg, choose one."

His room was on the second floor, and it would be no problem to jump down if he was not injured. Even if he was injured now, it would be better than being broken by Jiang Chen again.

He Qianjian didn't hesitate at all, and even rolled and climbed over the Roman stone column-shaped stone railing on the terrace, and landed with a bang.

It wasn't until the stabbing pain of countless small wounds on his body and the sharp pain in his buttocks came that he remembered that He Qianyu had used it to grow prickly pears some time ago.

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