MTL - After Two Lifetimes I Was Reborn Back Inside A Book-Chapter 121 wear back one hundred and twenty first

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Mr. He's expression remained unchanged, but his tone sank a bit: "Do you think you did the right thing?"

Jiang Chen turned his head slightly, raised his eyes to look at Mr. He, who was at the top, and looked straight at him without blinking or avoiding, "Grandpa, what do you think is the right way to do it?"

Ever since Jiang Chen and He Qianjian's identities were revealed, the two had almost no communication, but there had never been any conflicts. Occasionally, when He Qianmin and He Qianjian had conflicts, Jiang Chen would stop them from appeasing them. Except for the He Yanfeng couple and He Yanjun, although the others also heard that they had a quarrel, they only thought it was a conflict between children, so when they first heard that Jiang Chen broke He Qianjian's leg regardless, Everyone present has some doubts in their hearts.

When Mr. He asked this question, everyone was mentally prepared.

But Jiang Chen's neither soft nor hard, and even faintly forceful answer, surprised most of the people present. In the previous relationship, Jiang Chen had always been gentle and polite in his dealings with others, and he hardly showed any aggression. His tone was not contradictory, it was even very calm, but such a rhetorical question that was almost rebuttal was not like what they thought Jiang Chen could say.

"He Qianjian hurt your friend, you can be angry or angry, but you can't use violence to control violence." Mr. He said in a deep voice: "There are many ways to solve it, but you chose the most brutal one? Do you think you did the right thing?"

Jiang Chen pursed his lips, lowered his eyes and said, "Grandpa, if there are many ways to solve a problem, but there is only one way to deal with some people, do you think I should solve it or not?"

The voice fell, and the restaurant fell into silence.

"Xiaochen!" He Yanfeng frowned and shouted, got up and said, "Follow me to the study."

Jiang Chen followed He Yanfeng up to the second floor, and when his figure disappeared, He Qianmin seemed to wake up from a dream and was about to follow immediately.

"Sit down!" Mr. He said in a deep voice, "Continue to eat."

He Qianmin pointed to his bowl: "Grandpa, I'm done."

"Go to do your homework after eating." Mr. He also stood up: "Don't go upstairs with me."

Yang Yun pulled He Qianmin back, looked upstairs with some concern, sighed softly, and was about to say something, but from the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the pride and resentment that He Qianjian hadn't had time to restrain, she was slightly taken aback, I just felt my heart go cold.

"Mom." He Qianyu pulled Yang Yun's sleeve and whispered, "Will Dad and Grandpa punish Brother? Go up and persuade Dad."

"It's okay." Yang Yun touched his daughter's little head, and comforted him: "Father will not punish brother, mother promises, don't worry."

Yang Yun was sure that her husband would never really reprimand her son, and she stopped him just now to avoid a real conflict between Jiang Chen and the old man. After all, she was able to tell the difference between real anger and fake anger after many years of husband and wife. It's just that the old man didn't know what He Qianjian had done, because he was worried about his health, and because he knew that Mr. He had a different feeling for He Qianjian than other children, so they kept hiding everything He Qianjian had done from him.

Until now, the old man thinks that He Qianjian and Jiang Chen were outsourced in the first place because of an outsider's conspiracy, and Jiang Chen and He Qianjian are both innocent. So they are not surprised that the old man will speak for He Qianjian this time. After all, he is old, and who doesn't like family and everything, especially the old man also pays great attention to family unity and harmony.

"Of course my dad won't say anything about my brother. Back then when my brother went to beat He Qianjian, he stepped aside." He Qianjian curled his lips and said, "But it's hard for grandpa. In his heart, He Qianjian is the His most precious grandson."

"Qian Min." Yang Yun frowned slightly, "Don't talk nonsense."

"Why are you talking nonsense?" He Qianmin said, "Whenever I had a conflict with him, grandpa didn't stand by He Qianjian?"

He Yanjun glanced at He Qianjian, who had kept his head down and said nothing. He Qianjian, who seemed helpless and forbearing, said indifferently: "Okay, stop talking and watch TV."

He Qianmin snorted coldly, stood up vigorously, the stool rubbed against the floor making a loud noise, and he went to the living room without looking back.

"You brat." He Yanjun shook his head, stood up as well, and said to Yang Yun, "Your sister-in-law and I will go back first."

Yang Yun took He Qianyu by the hand, and got up to see He Yanjun and his wife off to the door, before returning to the living room to watch TV with He Qianmin.

He Qianjian was sitting in the empty restaurant, the smugness in his eyes gradually turned into haze, he threw his chopsticks and stood up.

In the study.

He Yanfeng closed the door, and said to Jiang Chen: "You boy, you dare to lose your temper at your grandfather for the first time, and you are tougher than your father."

Jiang Chen's footsteps paused slightly, his expression slightly hesitant. He had never heard He Yanfeng speak in such a tone before, and he called him up, wasn't it to blame or preach?

"I'm schizophrenic when you treat me as your father. I let you go upstairs at the beginning. If I scold you again, don't I slap myself in the face?"

He Yanfeng knew what Jiang Chen was thinking just by looking at Jiang Chen's expression. It's strange to say that Jiang Chen is usually not a character who is too emotional. Although he is gentle most of the time, he also keeps a certain distance from others, so it is difficult Read his emotions beneath his polite surface.

But I don’t know if it’s because of the blood connection. It’s clear that Jiang Chen was not the child he brought up, but his personality is almost a replica of his youth. He may not know Jiang Chen, but it’s impossible not to know himself, so Jiang Chen Every expression and every movement of the minister, he can guess almost exactly.

The child had been unwilling to open his heart to accept them before, so his emotions were always very light when facing them. Whether he was happy or angry, he almost disappeared with just a touch, but since that night he ran over and beat He Qianjian up. After that, I don't know if I vented my anger, and the layer between them also faded a lot.

He Yanfeng was actually happy to see the turbulent conversation between him and the old man tonight. If Jiang Chen hadn't unconsciously regarded this place as his own home, with his usual personality, he would never have said such almost contradictory words. , but Jiang Chen may not even be aware of this.

No matter what, He Yanfeng felt very happy. After spending so long with each other and working hard, he finally saw some gains.

Jiang Chen was a little uncomfortable with He Yanfeng's speaking style. In the previous conversations with He Yanfeng, he was mostly elegant, gentle and rational, and the content of their conversations was mostly business-like, occasionally joking and keeping a good sense of scale, keeping a comfortable distance.

It's not uncomfortable now, it's just a sudden change that always makes people a little at a loss, not knowing what attitude to face his new way of speaking.

He Yanfeng didn't give Jiang Chen any time to prepare, so he took his shoulders and pressed him to sit on the sofa, raised Erlang's legs and said, "Believe it or not, if I scold you, your grandpa will be dead in two minutes." Come in, if the two of us stay quiet, your grandpa will show up on time in ten minutes."

Jiang Chen didn't have time to think about how he should adapt to He Yanfeng's abrupt conversation style, so he was attracted by what he said, and couldn't help asking, "How are you sure?"

He Yanfeng raised his eyebrows and looked at him with a smile: "A bet?"

Jiang Chen paused, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and nodded.

"Then which one do you choose, quarrel or silence."

Jiang Chen really wanted to know what would happen if He Yanfeng scolded others. He Qianmin had told him before that the He family did not advocate beating and scolding education. Even if he fought at school, He Yanfeng never punished him.

Without thinking too much, Jiang Chen chose the first option.

He Yanfeng put down Erlang's legs, hooked his lower lip towards him, suddenly changed his face, and shouted angrily: "Do you know how to talk to elders!"

"You contradict your grandfather at the dinner table, and you dare to say that you are right?"

"Jiang Chen! Let me tell you! You'd better reflect on this incident today, and then go to your grandfather to apologize to him, otherwise your mother and I will never let you be so rude!"

"Are you wrong?" After a pause, He Yanfeng's voice suddenly rose, grabbed an ashtray, and threw it on the ground: "Tell me! You are right!"

Jiang Chen glanced at the fragments of the ashtray under his feet, and before he could react from the speed at which his face changed, he heard the door of the study room being opened vigorously.

Mr. He appeared at the door of the study and walked in with big strides. After seeing that Jiang Chen was fine, he heaved a sigh of relief, pointed at He Yanfeng, and raised his eyebrows: "How do you educate children! Stuff! Do you look like a father at all!"

He Yanfeng has not yet come out of the play, he frowned, with a look of lingering anger: "Dad, am I educating him, Jiang Chen is my son, I have my way of educating him, you Go out first, I'll..."

"What?!" Mr. He interrupted him, and said in a deep voice, "Do you still want to beat him?"

He Yanfeng: "Didn't you beat me and my brother like this back then?"

Mr. He paused, and pointed at him: "If I beat you, you owe it to me! Look at how you are now, if I didn't beat you then, you would owe it even more than you do now!"

The corner of He Yanfeng's mouth twitched, and he continued to act forcefully: "I'm teaching him now, just to let him know that it was wrong for him to talk back to you just now, didn't I just teach him like this so that he won't owe a beating in the future? "

"Where did he talk back?" Mr. He asked back: "He just asked me a question, and you called him up before I answered. What are you doing? Rebellion!"

"No, no, I don't dare to rebel against you." He Yanfeng said: "Go out, let me talk to you, I haven't finished talking to him yet."

"What else do you want to say?" Mr. He said vigilantly: "I have already said that you have problems educating your children. Qian Jianqianmin fights and quarrels at home every day. It's fine if you can't sort out the relationship between the two children. Now Xiaochen was also led to ruin by you! You think I don't know that he would hurt Qianjian before, and it was you who tacitly encouraged him!"

He Yanfeng couldn't continue acting now, he really felt wronged: "Dad, you are reasonable, did I cause the conflict between Qian Jian and Qian Min? If you didn't help He Qianjian back then, the two of them Can a relationship become like this?"

"I want to help Qianjian?" Mr. He's eyes widened with anger: "Why don't you say that you want to find out the truth, and you can't find anything. The doctor said that Qianmin was stimulated to talk nonsense , what Qian Jian said is true, if I don’t help him, who will I help?”

He Yan choked. He really couldn't find anything about the car accident at the beginning, but now he has a clue, but he can't tell the old man directly, so he can only endure it: "Don't talk about that, what we are talking about now Isn't it the little minister's business? He contradicted you at the dinner table just now, so I'll teach him a lesson, isn't that normal?"

"I said he contradicted me?" Mr. He slapped the sofa hard, refusing to admit it.

He Yanfeng glanced at Jiang Chen, gave him a wink, and asked Mr. He: "Then what are you doing here?"

Mr. He asked back: "This is my study, what do you think I'm here for?"

"Grandpa." Jiang Chen got up, pursed his lips slightly and said, "I really didn't pay attention to my tone when I talked to you just now, I'm sorry."

Mr. He paused, looked at Jiang Chen, his voice softened, and he sighed: "Xiaochen, grandpa didn't blame you, nor did he favor Qianjian, but grandpa thinks you are too young, and you tend to act impulsively and recklessly regardless of the consequences. I never thought that the conflict between you and Qian Jian would lead to irreparable consequences in the end, and it would be your parents and your adoptive parents who will be in trouble in the end."

Jiang Chen was silent for a moment. To be honest, he didn't think about what Mr. He asked him just now, what he was thinking about. He always thought that Mr. He had preconceived notions, and always favored He Qianjian when facing He Qianmin and He Qianjian, but why didn't he?

Not only did he have preconceived notions about Mr. He, he even had preconceived notions about everyone in the entire He family except He Qianmin and He Qianyu, but he didn't realize it until now.

Not long after returning to school, Sanmo arrived as scheduled.

When Jiang Chen was in the research institute, he would set aside two hours every day to do compound questions, so when he faced the exam papers again, he was not as handy as others thought. On the contrary, because the three-mode questions were relatively simple, each exam was finished a long time in advance .

After the two-day model test, the school basically entered the independent review time. Jiang Chen's return to school was like a small pebble casting a wave of ripples on a calm lake. Pay more attention.

However, Class 1 of Senior Three was different. Students in other classes paid less attention due to distance or unfamiliarity, but Jiang Chen's classmates were almost uncontrollably happy. For nothing else, the longer Jiang Chen sat in the classroom , the more questions they can ask, the more questions they ask, the greater their confidence in the college entrance examination.

All the students in Class 1, Grade 3 know that Jiang Chen is the **** of the gods. If you want to check his record, you can find out the rankings of Shen Xu and Huo Bo on the grade list in the cultural corridor.

Before the three-model results came out, Class 1 of the third year specially asked Fu Jinyu for a physical education class, and played a game of basketball happily. Jiang Chen lacked exercise during this period, and stayed in the laboratory with a group of adults. He conceded two goals when he first played. Fortunately, he cooperated with Shen Xu and barely won by two points.

After playing the ball, the other students went to the cafeteria first, while Jiang Chen and Shen Xu sat in the bleachers of the playground, watching a group of boys of unknown age play while waiting for Huo Bo and He Qianmin to finish class. , I didn’t have time to prepare the three-model two days ago, so now I have time to make an appointment to go to the hot pot restaurant outside the school for lunch.

On the court, a boy shot a three-pointer from outside the line. Shen Xu applauded vigorously and said something beautiful loudly.

Probably because there was a lot of movement here, the boys playing basketball quickly noticed them. The boy who just shot a three-pointer staggered a few times and trotted towards this side after being pushed by several people.

"Senior Brother Shen Xu, Jiang Shen." The boy scratched the back of his sweaty head embarrassingly, and said with a simple smile: "I just saw you play, would you like to play with us, we all look like playing with you. "

Jiang Chen glanced at the time, smiled and said, "get out of class is over soon, we're going to eat out later, and we'll play ball with you if we have a chance."

The boy nodded vigorously, seemed a little embarrassed, said "I'm bothering you guys" and turned to leave. After walking a few steps, I didn't know what to think, then turned around again, put his hands next to his mouth, and said loudly: "I wish you a lot, master!" Dude passed the college entrance examination!"

Jiang Chen and Shen Xu were slightly taken aback, looked at each other, and both laughed.

Shen Xu stood up, put his hands to his mouth, and shouted, "Let's play together next time!"

Jiang Chenchao waved his hand and said loudly with a smile, "Thank you, Junior Brother!"

The boy ran away with a smile, and Shen Xu smiled, and suddenly said with emotion: "I didn't expect that we will take the college entrance examination soon."

Jiang Chen tilted his head and said with a smile, "Can't bear to go to high school?"

"That's not true." Shen Xu shook his head: "I just feel that time passes so fast, we all grow up all of a sudden, and the life before your family's accident and Huo Bo's departure seems to be very far away."

Jiang Chen put his hands on the ground and looked up at the blue sky. It was indeed very far away, and it had already been two lifetimes.

"Jiang Zi..." Shen Xu turned his head and lowered his voice: "The college entrance examination is coming soon, have you thought about how to talk to Auntie about it then?"

"Not yet." Jiang Chen paused, and said, "I've thought about it a lot, but I still don't know how to say it."

Shen Xu raised his hand and patted his shoulder: "Auntie can understand, don't worry too much." Changed the subject: "By the way. Isn't our sister cuter? I haven't seen her for a long time. I will go to your house after school this afternoon. Look at her."

"Then have dinner at my house and invite Huo Bo to join me. My mother still talked about you to me before."


The get out of class bell rang, and students came out of the teaching building one after another. Jiang Chen and Shen Xu stood on the campus avenue, searching for Huo Bo and He Qianmin.

Shen Xu quickly saw He Qianmin in the crowd, and waved to call him. He was very conspicuous at around 1.8 meters tall. He Qianmin quickly ran over and asked, "Brother Huo Bo hasn't come yet?"

Shen Xu: "He's upstairs, slow down, I've already made a reservation, it's okay to go there later."

He Qianmin nodded, walked up to Jiang Chen, and asked him what Mr. He and He Yanfeng had said about him in the study of the old house a few days ago.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but laugh when he remembered the scene that day. He shook his head and was about to speak when the phone rang. Seeing the caller ID, Jiang Chen was surprised for a moment, and answered, "Grandpa Xiang?"




"I haven't received the news yet. Is the location set at the Cyber ​​Security Agency? When will it start?"


"Okay, I'll take a leave of absence in the afternoon and go there by myself."

After hanging up the phone, Huo Bo had already arrived, and Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly: "Go to dinner first, and I will tell you some good news later."

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