MTL - After Two Lifetimes I Was Reborn Back Inside A Book-Chapter 128 Wear back the 128th day

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June 8, the second and last day of the college entrance examination.

Just like yesterday, the gate of Chenghua was crowded with students and parents. Fortunately, traffic control was implemented on the main street in front of the school, so no cars could drive into this road, otherwise it might be crowded with luxury cars.

Jiang Zhuo opened the car door, and waited for his wife and son to get out of the car before protecting them and pouring into the crowd. He said as he walked, "I still have some savings at home. I'll buy a scooter after the exam. It's really not good. convenient."

When I woke up this morning, Jiang Ran was a little crying. Jiang Xiaoran, who was less than three months old, had already grown a lot. She was white and soft, and she was sculpted with jade. Her small fists grabbed Jiang Chen's collar, and she refused to be hugged by others. When someone reached out her hand, she would cry loudly. Her red face was so distressed that her parents and brothers were at a loss. If Jiang Chen's exam was not more important today, they would not be willing to put Jiang Ran with Mr. Miao again.

If you have a car at home, this situation will be much more convenient. Although the car is not very comfortable, it is not impossible to take Jiang Ran with you.

"Dad, Mr. Li from Lide gave me a car before. Because I didn't have a driver's license, I kept it in the garage of Shen Xu's house. You can drive it for a while."

Jiang Zhuo knew about the car. His wife and son were both in the hospital at the time. When the car arrived, he was taken to take a quick look. Think again.

"It's better to drive yourself after you get your driver's license." Thinking of the sports car with no low-key appearance, Jiang Zhuo said with a smile: "That car is not suitable for people of my age."

Jiang Chen recalled the shape of that sports car, couldn't help but smiled, and said, "Actually, that car doesn't suit me very well either."

The gift from the giver always carries the shadow of the giver, and that sports car is the best proof.

The family of three walked to the gate of Chenghua with the flow of people. At this time, the people at the gate of Chenghua School had dispersed, and most of the candidates had already entered the examination room. It was a little late to come out, Yang Si and Jiang Zhuo also urged Jiang Chen to go in quickly, Jiang Chen nodded to his parents, turned and walked to the examination room.

Only halfway around, Jiang Chen's eyes paused slightly, he passed through a few people, and saw Yang Yun and He Yanfeng standing not far away.

Jiang Zhuo and Yang Si followed his line of sight and saw them too. Yang Si nodded to them without thinking too much, and only urged Jiang Chen to go in quickly. Jiang Zhuo raised his hand and patted Jiang Chen's shoulder, and said in a low voice: "Go and say hello and reassure them."

At the end of the Chinese test at noon yesterday, He Qianjian came out before Jiang Chen, but Jiang Zhuo noticed that He Yanfeng and his wife did not leave first, but waited until Jiang Chen came out. The same was true for the math test in the afternoon. The behavior confirmed his previous guess.

Poor parents in the world.

After such a period of time, Jiang Zhuo has slowly digested the fact that Jiang Chen is actually not his biological son, and after confessing this incident, the relationship between their family has not changed in any way, while the stability and warmth as before made him stable, I also have the rationality and sensibility to analyze other things.

For example, how to discuss with the He family about Jiang Chen and He Qianjian's respective living time in each family, how to confess to his wife that he had adopted the wrong son back then, and He Yanfeng and his wife's devotion and expectations for Jiang Chen...

He Yanfeng and his wife undoubtedly want to get along well with Jiang Chen, just as he has a vague sense of rejection towards He Qianjian that may be caused by preconceived ideas, but he still imagines many scenes of getting along with He Qianjian, because that It will be inevitable, also because He Qianjian is his biological son after all.

The previous few times when He Qianjian met with them intentionally or unintentionally, it was obviously that He Yanfeng and his wife hoped that they would have some basis for mutual understanding and contact before they confessed their identities. Look carefully and see that they hope that both families can go in a better direction.

Now that it's done, it's best for everyone to be happy.

Jiang Zhuo gently pushed Jiang Chen down: "Go."

Jiang Chen turned his eyes, glanced at Jiang Zhuo's clear and bright eyes with a smile, the corners of his mouth also pursed into a smile, and raised his legs to walk in the direction of He Yanfeng and his wife.

Yang Si was a little puzzled: "I'm about to enter the examination room. If you want to say hello, you can do it later when you come out. What are you asking Chenchen to do now? And if you want to say hello, we should go over."

"Let him go." Jiang Zhuo embraced Yang Si, turned his body slightly to block her from looking in Jiang Chen's direction, and said, "Let's go and sit over there, and come out when Chen Chen is about to finish the exam."

Yang Si stretched his head and looked over there: "Chenchen hasn't entered the examination room yet, I want to watch him enter."

"My son is so old, he is already at the entrance of the examination room, can he get lost?" Jiang Zhuo led her in the direction she came, "And my leg hurts a bit."

Yang Si was immediately distracted, and worried: "What's wrong? Was it too crowded just now, and you were squeezed?"

"It's okay, just take a rest."

When Yang Si and Jiang Zhuo walked against the crowd to the other end of the street, Jiang Chen had already walked in front of Yang Yun and He Yanfeng.

"Dad, Mom."

Ever since Jiang Chen walked this way, the joy in Yang Yun's eyes was hard to suppress. Seeing him standing in front of him now, he couldn't help hugging him. Many words that he wanted to exhort came to his lips, but they just hugged him. Tighten him.

He Yanfeng's eyes were also full of smiles. He patted Jiang Chen's shoulder and said, "Take a good exam."

This hug was strange but warm. After Jiang Chen stiffened for a moment, he relaxed, patted Yang Yun's back reassuringly, raised his head and smiled at He Yanfeng, "I will take the exam hard."

"After taking the number one examination, Dad will give you the highest floor of the central building and use it as your office space."

The central building is the most prosperous CBD in Yan City. A company that can have a place there represents a kind of strength. If the office can be located there, subsequent recruitment will be much easier.

Jiang Chen's eyes lit up: "Really?"

"How can Dad lie to you?" He Yanfeng laughed and leaned closer to him and said, "If you really get the number one exam, let alone the highest level, when the time comes, I will send someone to take care of your decoration including recruitment , not only that, don’t worry about the rewards from your uncle and your grandfather. A research institute, they will never reject you."

Jiang Chen was slightly stunned. A research institute can be established not only with money, but the preliminary procedures are enough to confuse most people, not to mention the various equipment, professional maintenance personnel and venues needed after the actual establishment.

Establishing a research institute is indeed a part of his planned career development, but that is after the company has been established and has a certain influence and sufficient funds. He never thought of establishing a research institute at the early stage of the company's establishment.

But if he can really have his own research institute in the early stage, then his plan can be accelerated by at least three years, and if the national research institute and his own research institute can be used back and forth, it will be more beneficial to the development of the Yangtze River, including the company's development. .

Before, he never thought about what to do with the power of the He family, or in other words, he actually planned to completely separate his career from the He family at the beginning. But now he has realized that as long as he returns to the He family, as long as the He family recognizes his identity, even if he does nothing, someone will open the door to him because of He's surname. His career was completely separated from the He family.

That being the case, there is no need for him to completely separate himself from the He family, but He Yanfeng can help with the office address, but the research institute cannot also let the He family invest. It has nothing to do with closeness or closeness. The founders of the company are him and Shen Xuhuobo. If the He family’s investment in the early stage exceeds their total investment, then there will be objections to the company’s share allocation in the later stage, and the He family may have nothing to do. No plan, but he can't just give nothing, even if it's his relatives.

"Forget about the research institute." Jiang Chen bent his eyes and said in a high-pitched tone, "But the top floor of the central building you promised, I will settle."

He Yanfeng clenched his lips: "Father is waiting for you there."

"Okay, stop talking, Chenchen is going to be late." Yang Yun took Jiang Chen's hand, and couldn't help telling him: "Don't be nervous, don't be stressed, Mom and Dad believe in you, go in .”

At this time, it was only 20 minutes away from the exam, and there were only two or three students queuing up for the security check at the school gate. Jiang Chen quickly passed the security check. Yang Yun was standing by the school gate and watched him go in. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he waved at them before turning and leaving.

Jiang Chen was the last to enter the classroom. Not long after he sat down, the invigilator came in.

Just like yesterday, the invigilator repeated the rules of the exam, and then waited for the exam to start. The classroom was completely quiet, including He Qianjian's side, and there was no sound.

The test bell rang, the teacher opened the file bag and began to distribute papers, and the test began.

Jiang Chen, as usual, quickly browsed the test paper after writing his name and admission ticket number, and after confirming the general test questions of science and comprehensive examination, he turned over and prepared to answer the questions.

The first major question in the comprehensive science is single-choice questions, and the second major question is multiple-choice questions. Jiang Chen has always done multiple-choice questions very quickly. He only heard He Qianjian's voice after he had done three questions.

[It's been a minute since the exam started, why haven't you given me the answer to the first multiple choice question? 】

System: [I have something to do right now, I will give you an answer when it is finished. 】

He Qianjian's tone changed suddenly: [Do you know that I am currently in the college entrance examination, what else is more important than my exam? 】

The system didn't want to say more, but just said: [The exam time is two and a half hours, and the last half hour is definitely enough time for you to fill in the answers. 】

However, He Qianjian had an ominous premonition in his heart. The loss of contact with the exam system during the math competition had cast a shadow on him. This exam meant too many things, and he would never allow the system to go wrong at this time.

[You give me my answer first, and then deal with your affairs, you are my system, this is my order. 】

【system? 】

【system? ! 】

The system didn't answer. He Qianjian once again remembered the series of consequences after the system lost contact last time, and his face was extremely gloomy.

【system? say. 】

Fortunately, the system does not seem to be completely disconnected like last time, and the tone is as cold and calm as ever: [Someone is attacking me and trying to block my signal, once they succeed, you will be stuck in the last math competition and cannot contact me The situation, and the situation may be worse, after my self-modification and upgrade, my program has been upgraded to provide an external defense and attack tracking program, but I am not chasing the system, once they break through the defense line, my program is very It may be implanted with a virus, and I may lose contact with you completely by then. 】

The system spoke a long paragraph in a calm tone, but there were only four words in He Qianjian's mind - completely lost contact.

What does it mean to be completely disconnected? Will he not be able to contact the system in the future, and will he no longer be able to use the system?

If the system is lost, He Qianjian dare not imagine the result.

He hurriedly asked: 【What is complete loss of contact? Didn't you say that no one on this planet can do you any harm? Then how could they implant a virus in you? 】

He Qianjian's tone was full of doubts. In fact, he only trusted the system's words in his heart.

From his past dealings with the system, although the system will do things according to his wishes, the premise is that he also provides what the system needs, and most of the time, he can hear his humanity from the cold voice of the system. Turned into disdain.

Not only for the technology and backwardness of this planet, but also for the human beings on the entire planet, including him.

At first, He Qianjian was still angry because of such hidden disdain, but later he figured it out, the system belongs to him, all the means and powerful functions of the system also belong to him, as long as the system exists, he can override the world If he is above the majority of people, what does it matter what attitude the system treats him?

After figuring this out, He Qianjian changed his attitude towards the system. Every time he talked with the system or asked the system for help, he would deliberately show his strong yearning and admiration for it. Over the years, he and the system have always gotten along well. very good.

However, at some point, his relationship with the system gradually froze.

He Qianjian only remembered that after the mathematics entrance exam, an unprecedented quarrel broke out between them. He failed to control his emotions and even smashed many things in the room. Yang Yun noticed his strangeness, but at that time he had already There is no mood to care about Yang Yun's thoughts at all.

Because the system said a word: Do you think I can only choose you as a host?

These words put He Qianjian in place, panicked and terrified, until later he remembered the system rules he had seen for the first time, one of which was that the system could not change the host if there was no major accident or the host died.

He has the confidence, coupled with the previous resentment, he is no longer flattering and obedient as before, and his relationship with the system has also plummeted, but he has always been sure that even if the system really has human likes and dislikes, and really hates him, it will not Possibly get rid of him.

But now, He Qianjian was not sure anymore.

If the system really wants to get rid of him, with its powerful nature, it has the means not to violate the system code, such as a major accident in the system code, if the system is attacked on the earth and the program becomes unstable, is it considered a major accident?

But does anyone on earth really have the technology to fight against the system?

He Qianjian didn't believe it.

Then there is an explanation for the frequent loss of contact with the system, and the cynicism and impatience when arguing with him every time.

— It's looking for an excuse to find a legitimate way around the rules to get rid of him.

This thought made He Qianjian grasp the pen in his hand. In June, even the wind from the fan was steaming, but He Qianjian felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, with a layer of cold sweat breaking out from his back.

If the system really wants to replace the system, if the system really wants to abandon him, what will happen to him?

He is sitting in the exam room of the college entrance examination now, but without the help of the system, even if he got perfect marks in both subjects yesterday, he would still not be able to pass the ordinary second-level exam.

The He family has already found Jiang Chen, and his status in the He family is already in jeopardy. After the showdown between Jiang Chen and the Jiang family, whether he can continue to stay in the He family is a matter of choice. If not, then he will have less confidence to stay in the He family.

He Qianjian could almost see the consequences of being kicked out of the He family.

Just like in my previous life, I will be a mediocre common man with no money, no power, no power, anyone can step on me, I can’t afford a house and can’t find a wife, and I will spend my life in the cold eyes and ridicule of the people around me .

He Qianjian's face was gloomy, and he would never allow himself to return to that situation again.

He must pass the college entrance examination. Only by entering a prestigious school can he have a sliver of security. Even if he is kicked out of the He family and the system really abandons him, he will at least have a higher starting point than ordinary people.

【You must give me the answer now, you promised me before that you will absolutely guarantee that I will get the first prize in science. ] He Qianjian calmed down, and his tone was cold and cold: [In the system rules, there is a system that must implement this after an agreement with the host. If you fail to do what you say, then I will activate an anti-virus that I have never used before. button. 】

Jiang Chen paused when he was doing the question. He Qianjian didn't speak for a long time before. He thought that the system's signal had been intercepted by C and Changjiang, and that's why he couldn't hear the conversation between the system and Jiang Chen. was completely blocked.

But what is the kill button?

The system answered quickly, and the electronic voice seemed to be colder than usual: 【You threaten me? 】

He Qianjian didn't answer: [Give me the answer right away. 】

The system was silent for a few seconds, probably because it was really afraid of the "kill virus button". It quickly gave He Qianjian the answer to the comprehensive examination paper, but I don't know if it was Jiang Chen's psychological effect. I always feel that every sound is colder than before. .

When reporting for the fifth question of multiple-choice questions, the sound of the system stopped abruptly. Jiang Chen raised his eyes and looked at He Qianjian who was sitting in a stiff posture motionless. C's teaming up finally worked.

Jiang Chen withdrew his gaze and continued working on the questions, but He Qianjian felt a chill rushing from the soles of his feet to his scalp.

The nightmare of the last math competition reappeared, and the system cut off contact with him again.

He Qianjian's hands and feet were icy cold as his eyes fell on the comprehensive answer sheet with only five questions in black, and there were only two words in his mind: It's over.