MTL - After Two Lifetimes I Was Reborn Back Inside A Book-Chapter 136 Wear back the one hundred and thirty-sixth day

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Jiang Chen glanced at the guests in the audience. Most of them were unfamiliar faces. They had different eyes, scrutinized and curious, but they hid them under polite smiles, forming faces that were the same.

In the past, he was not good at dealing with these things, but later he didn't want to and didn't need to deal with them. He thought that returning to the He family would be inevitable, but just now He Yanfeng told him: He is Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen, and will always be Jiang Chen. minister.

The young man on the stage had quiet eyebrows, slightly drooping eyelashes, and his eyes seemed to fall on the people looking at him lightly, quietly and hard to ignore. The continuous discussion gradually disappeared, and everyone unconsciously showed a look of waiting, and their breathing Slow down.

Jiang Chen walked to the microphone, his voice clear and clear, unhurried: "It's the first time we meet, I'm Jiang Chen." He slightly bent his eyes, and took half a step back to return to his original position.

It took two or three seconds for the people who were waiting for his next words to come back to their senses.


This is the end?

Shouldn't there be a speech later?

Everyone was confused and looked at each other, but for some reason, they didn't speak.

If the students of the Department of AI Technology Development and Application of the Federal University of the Interstellar Era saw this situation, they would definitely wave their hands and tell them that there is no need to be surprised. This is a common thing in Professor Jiang's class. They will unconsciously quiet down and listen to his lectures, which is more useful than the most stern and selfless dean in the department who is recognized as cursing.

The guests present didn't know this, and before they had time to notice why they didn't speak, He Yanfeng on the stage had already taken the microphone.

"This is something to be announced, and the next thing is to celebrate." The smile on He Yanfeng's face deepened, and there was a trace of complacency in his tone that was not difficult to detect. He raised the champagne glass in his hand and said with a smile: "My son has already received a letter of recommendation from Yanda University and Huada University, and will enter the Department of Computer Science at Yanda University in September this year. Let us congratulate him in advance!"

The guests subconsciously raised the wine glasses in their hands, before their brains began to turn, their mouths were already celebrating, and they were having a good time:


"Yan University and Hua University are escorted at the same time, the tiger father has no dogs."


Halfway through the blessing, someone came back to his senses, turned his head and asked a good partner around him in a daze: "Who is the son that Mr. He just mentioned?"

The partner smiled, turned slightly sideways, and said with a gasp from the corner of his mouth, "It must be He Qianjian, who else can it be?"

"I've always heard that the boss of the He family has good grades. I didn't expect it to be so good. But this Jiang Chen is a bit pitiful. He just got back and held a banquet to announce his identity. He just said such a few words, and the rest is for his adopted son. It's no wonder he didn't even bother to change his name to celebrate his entrance into school, the He family doesn't care too much about him."

"You can't blame the He family. He Qianjian has been so outstanding since he was a child. Whoever sees him doesn't say a word of congratulations? He is blessed. He has been raised for eighteen years. How can the relationship of so many years be like a child who just got back?" Comparable."

"That's his own son too, he's related by blood."

"Some people pay attention to this, and some people don't care. Didn't the He family still bring him back? Although they didn't change their name, they didn't let him wander outside. It can only be said that the He family still cares more about affection than blood relationship."

This kind of dialogue happened in many places in the banquet hall, but a small group of people said the same thing with them, but they had completely different opinions.

"The He family is too partial, come on." A young man in the corner raised his eyebrows, crossed his legs and said to the middle-aged man next to him: "Dad, if you find out that I am not your biological son, will you also be right?" The biological son who came back is so eccentric."

The middle-aged man slapped him on the head: "If you weren't my own son, I would have swept you out of the house with a broom, let alone partiality, I wouldn't even give you a single look."

Zhang Yanjing rolled his eyes, put down his legs and looked very happy, "What do you think Uncle He is thinking? After tonight is over, He Qianjian will lose all face. Why is he still in our circle in the future? Damn, could it be that Uncle He didn't want his fake son at all, and was going to kick him out."

"What are you talking about." The middle-aged man gave him a warning look: "Don't keep your mouth shut outside, don't meddle in the He family matter, and now that you've graduated, don't always trouble He Qianjian in the future. "

Not far away, someone is also warning:

"Don't bother Jiang Chen all the time."

Li Nanfeng was annoyed: "What does it mean to bother him, we are cooperation, I give him several million every year, okay?"

Shi Fengyue raised his eyebrows, apparently not wanting to discuss this topic with him, he just rested his chin and looked at the swaying red wine in the wine glass.

"Hey, tell me, is there something going on in the He family? Does He Qianjian have the character of being swept out casually or doing nothing? Besides, I think Mr. He has always liked him. I guess Jiang Chen will It's not that easy to drive He Qianjian back to Jiang's house."

"Who said Jiang Chen wanted to drive He Qianjian back to the Jiang family?"

Li Nanfeng was stunned for a moment, seeing that Shi Fengyue was still looking lazily at his wine glass, as if he hadn't spoken just now, leaned over and asked curiously: "What do you mean? Jiang Chen still wants He Qianjian to stay in the He family? "

Shi Fengyue raised his eyelids and glanced at him with a very obvious expression.

"No way." Li Nanfeng had a tacit understanding with him for many years, and he could see another meaning behind his dislike at a glance, and said in surprise: "Is Jiang Xiaochen planning to create a way for He Qian to survive? If he is not allowed to stay in the He family, it will not be good." Let him go to Jiang's house, can He Qianjian's biological parents agree?"

Shi Fengyue didn't say a word, but raised his eyes to look forward, and sure enough, He Yanfeng waited for the people in the audience to discuss for about half a minute, and then continued: "I'm honored to invite Mr. Xiang to give a congratulatory speech for the dog, welcome."

The hale and hearty old man walked onto the stage, his serious expression was three points softer than usual, he took the microphone, and the first sentence was: "I didn't want to come."

Without waiting for everyone to be surprised, he continued: "At the beginning, I asked Huada to send a letter of recommendation, so I decided to let this kid go to Huada, and told him that there is my favorite student in the mathematics department of Huada. You can enter the research institute ahead of schedule, get guaranteed research after graduation, and directly enter the Chinese Academy of Sciences after graduation. Who knows that he entered the National Research Institute by himself in his third year of high school. In less than a year, he already holds a research and development It worked."

"Besides, not only Yanda is robbing me, but the military research institute is also robbing me. Originally, I thought that although my undergraduate degree was at Yanda, I would be able to enter the Chinese Academy of Sciences after graduation, and I would still be my student at that time. Who knew that the military research institute I signed the contract with him without saying a word, and the project start-up plan has been approved directly, and the research can start only after the team is established."

"I thought that although I couldn't directly become Jiang Chen's teacher, standing out from the crowd who rushed to give Jiang Chen a congratulatory speech was half the battle, so I came up here."

Mr. Xiang is rigorous and meticulous in research, but he is vigorous and decisive in life, and he echoes his words slowly. When he finishes speaking, the guests have not recovered from the huge amount of information in it.

First of all, the most shocking thing, and the most shocking news to everyone present - it turned out that the person He Yanfeng said to celebrate just now was not He Qianjian at all, but his biological son Jiang Chen.

At this time, most of the guests remembered that the young man on the stage had been standing between He Yanfeng and his wife from the beginning to the end, and was wearing the same series of suits as his younger siblings. As for He Qianjian, apart from following Mr. Besides the lower body, there is no one at all now.

So, then they thought wrong from the beginning.

If the He family really valued He Qianjian more, no one would have noticed that he was not there at this time, unless the He family clearly knew about it but didn't pay much attention. As for Jiang Chen, He Yanfeng and his wife had protected him tightly from the moment he came out, not only making him a presence in the banquet hall that cannot be ignored, but also keeping any scrutiny and curiosity out of the way.

Is this not paying attention? Obviously, the He family told them at the very beginning, who is the protagonist of this banquet!

Before He Yanfeng said that he would not change Jiang Chen's name, they thought it was the He family who cared more about He Qianjian, so they didn't care if their biological child changed back to the He family's surname.

However, listening to Mr. Xiang's long string of congratulatory speeches, there is actually not a single word that is not a compliment to show off. Except for the old man who can speak eloquently academically, he did not expect that he would be so unscrupulous when he praised people. Is that a congratulatory message? Show off and pride in the wrinkles at the end of your eyes.

Wait, what else is there? I entered a research institute in high school and had research results in less than a year. Now I have signed a contract with the military research institute, and the plan for the next project has been approved. I just need to wait for the team to be formed. Can research be carried out?

Everyone recalled what Mr. Xiang said just now, and the more they remembered, the more they couldn't believe it. Could it be true? Or did they actually get it wrong?

Although it is rare to enter a research institute in high school and have a research result in less than a year, it is relatively easy for everyone to accept the two patents of Shi Fengyue at the age of fifteen. But sign a contract with the Military Research Institute? After the plan is approved, just wait for the formation of the team?

If it is a simple contract, it is to enter the military research institute and become a member of the general researcher of the military research institute. Although this age is rare enough, it can only prove that he is smart enough and has talent in scientific research. Although everyone thinks that the He family Good luck, my biological child is so outstanding after being away for more than ten years, which is enviable, but it is only enviable.

But — forming a team?

Even if the people present are not in the scientific research circle at all, they know that not everyone can set up a scientific research team, let alone a scientific research team approved by the Military Research Institute. The scientific researchers who can independently form a team are all the best in the field, and most of the leaders of the teams that can be established with the approval of the Military Research Institute have already achieved multiple achievements in one field, and many of them have even He has won authoritative scientific research awards at home and abroad, and is a top-level figure at home and abroad.

For example, Mr. Xiang who is next to Jiang Chen, and Major General Wu who was exceptionally awarded a military rank because of the great significance of scientific research achievements to the country mentioned by Mr. Xiang.


Everyone looked up at the young man who was clearly under twenty years old on the stage. After making sure that they had heard correctly, they digested the news little by little, and couldn't help feeling jealous.

Where did the He family get such good luck, to bring back a child they had miscarried for more than ten years with such great achievements. It's no wonder that He Yanfeng felt that there was no need to change his name. Like other fledgling heirs, he needed to use the surname given by his family to gain the respect and convenience of others.

It is not difficult to imagine that after tonight, there will only be Jiang Chen as the young master of the He family, even if his surname is not He, even if there is another He Qianjian who has been the young master of the He family for more than ten years, whose name is more like the He family Existence, everyone will only recognize the one on the stage in front of them.

Because, Jiang Chen is enough to earn everyone's respect.