MTL - After Two Lifetimes I Was Reborn Back Inside A Book-Chapter 146 Wear back the one hundred and forty-sixth day

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The reporter looked exaggerated, and the excited voice seemed to burst out from his wide-eyed eyes: "748, I remember that the highest score in previous years did not exceed 740, classmate, you are not even the legendary champion of science in Yan City, are you? ?!"


The vase smashed against the TV, shattered, and fell silently to the carpet.

He Qianjian stood in the middle of the room, his chest heaving violently.

The quality of the TV is good, there are no cracks on the screen, and it is still playing: "Our reporter went to Antique Old Street to interview students of various school ages today, and I didn't expect to be lucky enough to interview Jiang Chen, the top science student in the college entrance examination this year. This time, Jiang Chen The classmate's college entrance examination score was 748 points, and only two points were deducted for the paper with a total score of 750 points. He had never appeared before Jiang Chen, and he broke the previous record for the highest score in the college entrance examination."

"Not only that, but coincidentally, before Antique Street, our reporter also interviewed Jiang Chen at the gate of Chenghua Private Middle School, which was reported at that time..."

"At that time, there were about ten students who participated in the interview together. When the reporter asked which question was the most difficult even in the comprehensive examination paper of the college entrance examination, most of the students said so..."

When He Qianjian saw his own face on the screen, his eyes turned red with anger when he thought of the ridicule and ridicule on the Internet since this news was published. He strode to the TV and pulled the wire with one hand. The veins in the hands holding the wires bulged and trembled uncontrollably.

"Jiang Chen!"

He squeezed the name out of his throat, gasping harder and harder.


Yang Yun was talking to He Qianyu when the aunt at home came over and asked, "Master Qian Jian hasn't gone downstairs today, should we go up and have a look?"

He Qianyu blinked and looked at Yang Yun.

Yang Yun paused slightly, and the smile on his face faded: "Let him go."

Auntie nodded, thinking of the **** swept out of He Qianjian's room in the past few days, she opened her mouth to say something, but after thinking about it, she swallowed again.

That was a poor child too, let it go, she thought.

When the aunt left, He Qianyu hugged Yang Yun, raised her head and asked her: "Mom, Dad said that brother Qianjian was restricted from leaving the country because he wanted to harm him before. Is it true?"

Yang Yun touched her head and said softly: "This matter has not been investigated clearly, and we cannot make a conclusion without investigation."

"But brother Qianjian always bullied the second brother before. He did a lot of bad things. I think the police uncle should be right."

Yang Yun frowned, puzzled: "How do you know that he has done a lot of bad things?"

"Second brother told me!" He Qianyu pursed her lips and said, "I'm not a child anymore, I still know that my second brother asked me to live with my brother's adoptive parents at that time, just because he was worried that he would harm me too. "

"That's what your second brother said"

"No." He Qianyu sat up straight and said solemnly: "I guessed it myself. Our teacher said that rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry, and dogs jump over walls when they are in a hurry. If the police uncle really wants to arrest Brother Qianjian, he will definitely not Put in jail if you want."

Yang Yun asked: "Then why do you think Brother Qianjian will harm you? Has he done anything to you before?"

He Qianyu shook her head: "No."

"Then why do you think brother Qianjian will harm you?"

He Qianyu pouted: "Then why did he kill my brother and my second brother? Before he killed them for the first time, he didn't do anything to them. I prepared myself mentally in advance so that I wouldn't be like The second brother is as foolish as he has been wronged for so long."

Yang Yun didn't expect He Qianyu to think this way, she stopped touching her back, unable to explain what she was feeling.

It turned out that when the youngest son and eldest son were hurt by He Qianjian one after another, her youngest daughter saw them all, so she secretly worried about her own safety at home, even though He Qianjian had never hurt He Qianyu However, it is undeniable that if He Qianjian really wanted to hurt her, and the two of them were under the same roof, Qianyu would definitely be hurt at such a young age.

When you never guard against a person, you won’t think that person is scary when you think from that direction, but once you think that this person is very dangerous, and may even hurt the person you want to love the most in the end, this kind of guessing will be endless Hentai is endless, and it finds itself in your head in various ways, making it even more tense.

As expected, the interview on Antique Old Street became the news with the highest ratings on Fangyuan TV this holiday season.

During this period of time, Fangyuan walked with the wind, humming a song, lamenting his good luck over and over again.

"Brother Fang." A colleague from the editorial department stopped him and waved at him: "Look at this old man, the one next to Jiang Chen. I saw someone picked it up from an online post, saying that he is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and he is in the field of computing technology research." Dear Daniel, I heard that he taught at Huada University before, didn’t you graduate from Huada University? Do you have any impression of Professor Xiang?”

Fang Yuan leaned closer to the computer to look at it, and carefully identified the blurry old man in the screenshot. He smacked his mouth, pointed at the computer and said, "I seem to remember, my high school classmate is from the math department, wait, I'll make a call and ask."

After a few minutes, Fang Yuan came back and said, "He taught at Huada University before, and my classmate took his class."

The eyes of the colleagues in the editorial department lit up, and they made a mysterious expression. Fang Yuan said: "The number one in the college entrance examination, Hua Yan must be rushing to get it. I sneaked into their school forum for a long time, and many students in their school said that Jiang Chen has received pre-admission notices from two schools before, and he wants to choose one of them..."

Fang Yuan has been a reporter for so many years, so naturally he knows everything.

He pondered, "Professor Xiang is from Huada University, so Jiang Chen's choice may be Huada Mathematics Department?"

"Yeah!" The editor clapped his hands and said excitedly, "Now our station has won a lot of praise for relying on Jiang Chen. I heard that other news stations also recognized his value, and they came to interview him one by one. Although he has never accepted interviews from other channels, what if Jiang Chen suddenly agrees? Other channels will definitely catch the points we missed, and filling out volunteers is definitely the top priority!"

"However, I also found their school and Yanshi Middle School's postings before. Many people revealed that Jiang Chen wanted to apply for the Department of Computer Science of Yanda University. We are not sure which school he applied for, and he will not accept it again. The interview, we don’t have evidence and we can’t report it.”

"Why is there no evidence?" the editor asked, "Isn't Professor Xiang the evidence? Jiang Chen, a prospective college student, is walking with a former professor from Huada University, not to report what Huada University is."

Fang Yuan thought for a while, but still felt that something was wrong, she shook her head and said, "I'll go and verify this matter, if he tells me, we'll report it, if not, forget it."

"Okay." The reporter watched him leave, turned around and took out his mobile phone.

The heated discussion on the Internet has been going on for a long time. Jiang Chen has been busy working with the team with all the members recently, and has not been affected in any way.

When he received the call from Fangyuan, Jiang Chen was discussing the project with Shi Fengyue, the bumps in the car were like yesterday, but I don't know if it was because of an accidental kiss before, or because he was interrupted by the interview after talking with Professor Zhang. The way the two get along is the same as before, without any embarrassment or change.

As if, it was just an accidental episode that could be left behind at will.

"C can't do that." Regarding the topic of this discussion, Shi Fengyue made a conclusion: "He has always refused to communicate with the team, and he will definitely drag the team back in the end."

Jiang Chen also knows that C's going on like this is not a long-term solution, but his psychological problems cannot be changed just by changing. He is also slowly leading C to communicate with everyone, hoping to let him integrate into the team unconsciously.

"Currently, the part that C is responsible for does not have much overlap with other people's work, and his work has not been affected. We can..."

The phone rang, Jiang Chen made a gesture and pressed the answer button.


"Hi, I'm Fang Yuan, the reporter who interviewed you twice before." Fang Yuan didn't wait for Jiang Chen to post, and said concisely: "Our station broadcast the news about your college entrance examination choice yesterday, I want to explain to you, That was not my subjective behavior, but another group made their own decisions and broadcast it without verification, I am very sorry."

Jiang Chen heard an apology when he picked up the phone, and he was a little curious: "May I know where you got my number from?"

"I stayed downstairs at your house for two days, met your mother, and got your number from her after explaining what happened." Fangyuan apologized again: "I'm really sorry, I will represent another The colleagues in the group also apologize to you."

Jiang Chen didn't think it was such a big deal, and told the reporter directly that he didn't mind, but the reporter would call here specially, it shouldn't be as simple as just broadcasting a piece of news.

"Who is it?" Shi Fengyue asked casually.

"The reporters who interviewed me on Antique Street reported the news about my college entrance examination volunteers. They called to apologize because they didn't get my consent."

Shi Fengyue was thoughtful, turned on a computer casually, skillfully opened a tire, and saw what he was looking for in the title of the top post.

——The most handsome science champion in Yan City, he will be my younger brother from Huada University at the beginning of school, and the senior brothers and sisters from Huada University and their peers will come to register.

Shi Fengyue clicked in, and the discussion on this post was very heated. Many Huada students and students who were about to enter Huada were commenting, and there were also many passers-by. Most of them were welcoming Jiang Chen, and some were discussing which department Jiang Chen would enter, and more people He took out the photos of him and Mr. Xiang at that time, proving that he would enter the mathematics department, and the students in the mathematics department rejoiced.

In a warm and festive atmosphere, there are also those who are caught in it. Since ancient times, literati have looked down on each other, and students from the two top universities in country C can't help but compare each other. This time Jiang Chen chose Huada, and Huada University While the children were happy, they also thought it was a recognition of BGI's status.

At first, it was just the students from Huada University celebrating, but later students from Yanda University came in. Some people were sure that Jiang Chen had said that he would choose the computer department of Yanda University, and the students from the two schools quarreled even more happily.

The post has been updated up to now. The quarrel between the two famous schools has been blamed on Jiang Chen, saying that his scheming is deeply troubled. When he was in school, he said he would report to Yan University, and after the interview, he reported to Hua University. After attracting social attention, not only did he not He came out to clarify and let the students of the two schools quarrel for him. He really disturbed the school before he entered school. It would be a landmine for any school to accept him.

Jiang Chen followed Shi Fengyue to flip through the post, and couldn't help laughing after seeing this remark.

He actually overestimated He Qianjian. After laying the groundwork for so long, this is the only way he can do it.