MTL - After Two Lifetimes I Was Reborn Back Inside A Book-Chapter 169 Wear back one hundred and sixty-ninth day

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Jiang Chen had already left, and He Qianjian's yelling didn't help. He kicked the table hard and was stopped by the prison guards watching him before he gritted his teeth and left.

When Zhou Yang heard the movement, he left and stepped aside. He waited until He Qianjian was pressed to leave, and stood there for a while before turning back to the duty room.

As soon as I entered, I heard two colleagues chatting. For some reason, they stopped talking when they saw Zhou Yang coming. However, this door is not very soundproof, and he has heard a little.

Zhou Yang said, "Are you talking about Mr. Jiang who just came to visit the prison?"

Prison guard Zhang and prison guard Zhao glanced at each other. He didn't expect him to hear it, but there was nothing to hide. He just stopped because he thought that Zhou Yang didn't seem to be getting along well with Jiang Chen, who visited the prison just now, so he subconsciously stopped talking.

Thinking about it this way, prison guard Zhang said directly: "Yes, he just came over after visiting and asked us to transfer He Qianjian to another room."

Zhou Yang was taken aback, and the movement of sitting down stopped in the air, maintaining a non-standard Zamabu posture, and opened his eyes wide: "He asked you to help He Qianjian adjust the room?"

Prison guard Zhang didn't expect him to react so strongly, but prison guard Zhao didn't think it was strange. Zhou Yang and Jiang Chen didn't know each other at all. They met for the first time today. His hostility and dislike for Jiang Chen all came from prisoner No. 149 inside. Hearing that Jiang Chen wanted to help him at this time, he naturally reacted more.

"It's not confirmed yet. It should be what No. 149 said to him. He asked us to tell the warden to see if what No. 149 said is true. If it is true, help him change rooms..."

Zhou Yang was a little taken aback. He just believed others easily, but that didn't mean he was stupid. He heard what He Qianjian said just now clearly, so he naturally knew that Jiang Chen was not the person He Qianjian said at all, and he Hearing Jiang Chen's tone before leaving, it didn't look like he wanted to help, but he didn't expect that he really helped him without telling He Qianjian.

For a while, Zhou Yang was in a complicated mood.

Police officer Zhang didn't notice Zhou Yang's emotions, and when he heard his colleague tell the story, he followed his words and continued the topic he had just stopped: "We have heard about it before, the He family greeted and said that He would Qian Jian’s cell is farther away from the duty room, but the prison on this floor is only so big. If he changes again, except for No. 14, there will only be No. 15 and No. 16. If he moves to those two rooms, what should I say? Might as well not change…”

"I heard that he has some conflicts with No. 169 on the 16th." Police officer Zhao also thought about it: "No. 169 is notoriously violent, but even if it is changed to No. 16, it is better than No. 15."

Officer Zhang also agreed: "Room 15 is really not suitable for people to go to."

Only then did Zhou Yang come to his senses. He didn’t come here to work many times, but he had heard many stories about these prisoners. None of the prisoners in Zhangshan Prison were serious criminals, and most of them could be released within ten years. After being released from prison, if you behave well, you can get a reduced sentence, so there are fewer cases of prisoners fighting fiercely, except for two exceptions: prisoner 9 in room 16 and prisoner 1 in room 15.

Prisoner No. 9 in Room 16 has a strong background, and his backing is quite strong. Even in prison, except that he can't go out, he has nothing to do with being outside. In addition, he monopolized the commodity trading in the prison. Those who can afford it will look at his face, and those who can't afford it will naturally listen to him, but this person has a very bad temper and can't stand a little grievance.

It's just that he is also very slick in his actions, even if everyone knows that he did it, but he can't find any evidence, coupled with his family background and rarely causing trouble, the prison guards just turned a blind eye up.

Prisoner No. 1 in Room 15 is more troublesome than Prisoner No. 9 in Room 16. He has been here for nine years. It stands to reason that even if he is sentenced to ten years, he can go out now with a better performance and reduced sentence. But it's not that this person can't get out, but he doesn't want to go out. If No. 169 is the ostensible boss in Zhangshan Prison, then No. 151 is the tacit existence inside that should not be messed with.

—In the same prison as him, the two people who had provoked him were all crazy.

If the first one was an accident, then no one would believe that in the second one. However, no one knows what he did. If he wants to track him down and refuse to admit it, the prison guards can’t ask the lunatic for an answer. This incident was left alone, and gradually everyone forgot about it.

Unexpectedly, No. 151 was originally a three-year sentence. Before he was released from prison, he stabbed the eyes of the inmate in his dormitory with chopsticks while eating in the cafeteria. As a result, he stayed again. , He did the same thing, almost slit a person's throat, and stayed again... Now it is almost the day when he will be released from prison.

Because of this, the prison guards did not let him go to the factory or eat in the cafeteria during this period, and only let him stay in his dormitory.

But this also frightened the other prisoners in the same room as him. They were terrified every day and dared not sleep every night for fear that they would not see the sun the next day. , It looks like the mental state of the two frightened people before is almost the same.

Although Zhou Yang was also a little annoyed that He Qianjian cheated him, he didn't want him to die in the past, so he continued, "Will the warden transfer him to No. 16?"

"It's hard to say, even if it's true, when the warden and Mr. Jiang explain the situation, he may not change No. 149." Officer Zhang said: "Their room is actually pretty good, except for the troublesome No. 143." Point, others are timid and fearful, and although number 143 has that kind of... But he generally doesn't force people, it's better to stay in number 14 than to change to number 16."

Officer Zhao also thinks so: "Although number 169 has a bad temper, he rarely targets anyone, but the ones he targets are either lame or disabled. He Qianjian must have offended him some time ago. It's not a wolf who sent him over. Enter the tiger's mouth."

Zhou Yang thought about it, and sighed inwardly. He was a little worried, but he couldn't help but wonder how Jiang Chen would choose.

It's not time to quit work yet, but He Qianjian was injured and sent back to the infirmary.

Pulling the curtains on the bed, He Qianjian lay on the bed, knowing that the prison guard who was watching him was still outside the door, but he was also relieved. This was the most relaxed time for him in the past six months.

He Qianjian thought of Jiang Chen again before he breathed a sigh of relief.

【Your disappearance this time was really caused by Jiang Chen? 】

System: [It's him. 】

He Qianjian has always known that it should be Jiang Chen, but in his eyes the system has great powers, and it is not much worse than a god. He really couldn't imagine how Jiang Chen, an ordinary twenty-year-old college student, could be able to get along with him. The system fought against it, and even gained the upper hand.

【How did he do it? ] This is He Qianjian's most confused question.

System: [He has developed an artificial intelligence system...] Briefly talked about the basic situation of the Yangtze River with He Qianjian, and before He Qianjian was surprised, he continued: [Jiang Chen can't stay. 】

He Qianjian immediately came to his senses: 【I said long ago that I would get rid of him. If you had cooperated with me from the very beginning, you would never have reached this point. 】

The system ignored He Qianjian's complaints, and said coldly: [There is very likely another system like mine in this world. 】

He Qianjian's complaining expression froze, 【What do you mean? 】

[That system is likely to be in the hands of Jiang Chen. The Yangtze River he developed proves that the Yangtze River is not something that can be created in this world at all. Its level of science and technology is far higher than that of earth civilization. According to the level of science and technology of the earth It is estimated that it will take at least three hundred years to develop the Yangtze River. 】

He Qianjian didn't understand, but realized that things were not simple: [You mean, Jiang Chen also has a system, and that system helped him develop a system called Changjiang, and then deal with us? 】

The system was silent for a few seconds, [Yangtze River's algorithm is an advanced algorithm in the civilization I live in, and this world is not even considered a second-level civilized world. It is impossible for an ordinary human to develop the Yangtze River. 】

He Qianjian didn't know whether he was unwilling to accept that other people besides him also had a system in this world, or he was afraid that there were existences in this world that could rival the system. He subconsciously retorted: [If Jiang Chen had a system, at first he would I went to the He family, how could it be possible that I didn’t recognize him until the third year of high school, and I have been sending people to watch him before, and you have read those materials, he is basically the same as others except for his better grades. If he had a system, I would have definitely Just know. 】

The system is also very confused. In its cognition, a planet will only deploy a "resource search and collection system". The alliance agreement stipulates that when a system locks on a planet, it will continue to send out signals, even if other systems find it. After leaving the earth, it is necessary to leave here because of this signal and search for other planets. Moreover, the earth is a low-level civilized planet and is located in a remote place. It is very difficult to find this place. here.

However, the earth is rich in resources. If there are other races or systems from other countries who find the earth and feel that it is remote and difficult to find, it is not impossible to simply violate the agreement, obliterate it and occupy this planet alone.

This also explained why Jiang Chen hadn't exposed his flaws before, because his system had been dormant in the dark, and he only completed the task after eliminating it.

Seeing that the system didn't speak, He Qianjian knew it wasn't confirmed, so he breathed a sigh of relief: [Jiang Chen's grades have always been good, and it's normal for him to have some talent in science and technology. Besides, he's working in a research institute now. As you said, according to the level of technology, the system in his hands will take five hundred years to develop, and those experts will definitely be suspicious. 】

The system taunted: [What do you low-civilized humans know? Even if the knowledge you admire most from experts is only at the level of your current college students in our civilization, grab a lot. 】

He Qianjian was already used to arguing with the system, and he was not angry when he heard him say that. Instead, he was much happier because the system was uncertain. Instead, he asked the question he was most concerned about now: [If Jiang Chen doesn't have a system , The Yangtze River was really developed by him, can you deal with it? 】

【If Jiang Chen is dead. 】

He Qianjian cheered up: 【As long as Jiang Chen is dead, can you deal with him? 】

The system is determined: [Yes. 】

He Qianjian immediately said: [It's hard to say, there are many ways to kill him, you help me out first, when the time comes, we'll have a good plan, let's talk about how you plan to help me out first]

[You have a time to relax every day. When the time comes, calculate the time. I will help you get the key to open the cell. When the time comes, create chaos and destroy the monitoring, and you will take the opportunity to escape. 】

【What does it mean? 】He Qianjian's face is not good: 【You want me to escape from prison? 】

【So what if you escape like this? Hiding in Tibet all his life? If caught and re-sentenced, how many more years will he be locked up before escaping? 】

The system said coldly: 【This is the only way to escape. 】

He Qianjian didn't believe it: [You must have other ways, so that I can go out in an upright manner, and then I can do whatever I want outside in an upright manner. 】

The system has long known that He Qianjian blindly believes that it can do anything. In fact, at the very beginning, it hinted like this in order to gain He Qianjian's trust, but at this moment, it just wants to knock this human's head off. See what's going on in his head.

[You have all the witnesses and material evidence when you entered the cell, and you admitted it yourself at the beginning, but now it is useless to retract the confession, how can I help you get out in a dignified way? 】

Hearing that the system didn't want to help him think of other ways at all, He Qianjian said darkly: [That's your problem, don't forget, I'm inside, Jiang Chen is outside, and his system is also outside, if he wants To deal with us, you and I are no different than crushing ants to him, and if I have no freedom and only rely on you, a system that has no entity and cannot be separated from the host, killing Jiang Chen is more difficult than going to heaven. 】

However, the system was not threatened by He Qianjian, 【You are my host, I have been bound to you all the time, and I am also imprisoned here. It is true that I cannot kill Jiang Chen, but it is very easy for me to kill you. When the time comes Changing to another host, Jiang Chen thought I was still with you, and the time difference was enough for me to kill him. 】

He Qianjian was startled by the system's unsteady voice, and he immediately changed his tone: [I didn't mean that, but if I escaped from prison and was chased and hid, it would be more difficult to help you with things. . 】

[You don't need to worry about this, I naturally have a way to help you get a new identity. 】

He Qianjian gritted his teeth, knowing that he had no choice but to compromise with the system: [Then when will we act. 】

The system looked at the prison's network, and after a few seconds, it replied: [After half a month, the prison will hold a reading activity. At that time, people will gather together, the guards will be lax, it will be easier to cause riots, and you will be easier to run when the time comes. 】

But He Qianjian thought of Brother Hei who was in the same dormitory, and was very reluctant: 【Half a month more? 】

[This is the most suitable time. 】The system's tone was cold.

Now everything depends on the system, He Qianjian heard it said that there was no room for negotiation, so he could only compromise, and threatened in his heart unwillingly: [You do what you say, don't make mistakes in half a month, if I can't escape, you If you want to kill me and find another host, I will do nothing but contact Jiang Chen, tell him everything about you, let his system get rid of you, and we will die together. 】

The system seemed disdainful and didn't respond at all.

That night, when He Qianjian had to come out of the medical office, he saw Zhou Yang at the door.

Zhou Yang gave him a complicated look, and when He Qianjian felt strange, Zhou Yang asked, "Is the dormitory you live in not so good?"

He Qianjian was taken aback for a moment, and immediately nodded.

He hadn't looked for Zhou Yang before, because he couldn't speak here at all, even the boss of cell No. 16 might have more say than him, and what he was most anxious at the time was to get out from here, if he arranged Zhou Yang Helping him contact and asking to change the cell, maybe both things can't be done, it's better to just let him do one thing.

But now that Zhou Yang took the initiative to ask, he naturally wouldn't hide it. Jiang Chen's side is no longer feasible, and no one from the He family and Jiang family has come to see him. Although the system said that he can escape from prison in half a month, But Wang Hei has been going too far recently. He doesn't repel Wang Hei to touch him so much, but it doesn't mean that he, a straight man, can really bear being oppressed by men. If Zhou Yang can help him change a prison, at least half a month So much better.

Zhou Yang: "Why didn't you tell me before?"

The bruise on He Qianjian's face hasn't faded yet, it's bruised and purple, and there are bandages on his arms, looking a bit pitiful and lonely: "I don't want to trouble you anymore, I asked you to find my family before, and I already let you go. You violated the regulations, and this kind of thing... I'm too embarrassed to tell you."

Seeing his thin and harmless appearance, Zhou Yang heard the curses he heard in the visiting room. The picture in front of him and the sound in his ears seemed to be in stark contrast, giving him the first lecture since his career. education class.

He Qianjian didn't hear Zhou Yang's answer, so he frowned inwardly. He thought that Zhou Yang had a way to ask him, but now he didn't say anything, maybe he just asked casually because there was no solution at all.

"Officer Zhou, can you change a prison for me?"

Seeing the earnestness on his face, Zhou Yang felt pitiful before, but now he felt it was full of calculations, but the previous relationship was vivid in his memory, even if he knew that the young man in front of him was unwilling to what he imagined, it was impossible for them to become friends , but couldn't bear him to jump into the fire pit, he looked away and said: "Mr. Jiang, who visited you today, contacted the warden before leaving to let him confirm your situation. If you are really harassed, the warden will I will change a room for you."

He Qianjian was stunned for a moment, then ecstatically: "Really?"

Seeing Zhou Yang nodding, he was finally relieved and at the same time couldn't help but feel complacent. He knew that it was impossible for Jiang Chen to watch this matter. No, as long as you grasp his ridiculous kindness and principle as a weakness, it is easy to find a way to kill him.

It’s time to get off work. Before leaving, Zhou Yang made a final reminder: “The personnel in No. 14 are relatively simple. It’s actually better for you to stay there. If you change rooms, the situation may be even worse. I suggest you better not change rooms.” .”

How could He Qianjian listen to him, he sneered in his heart, and said that he would consider leaving.

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