MTL - After Two Lifetimes I Was Reborn Back Inside A Book-Chapter 176 Wear back the one hundred and seventy-sixth day

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Although Mr. Miao agreed, Jiang Chen felt a little bit difficult.

The He family and the Yang family belong to different fields, and there is not much overlap between the two families. He Yanfeng's Tunan Group has no business relationship with Yang Hui International, and Yang Hui is still the chairman of Yang Hui International, but It has been a long time since I went to the company, and it is not easy to meet him.

When Jiang Chen was thinking about how to contact Mr. Yang Hui, He Qianjian was not idle in the prison.

【Are you sure you sent the data of Jiang Chen's system to the boss of Yanghui Technology? 】

Clinging tightly to the head of the bed, He Qianjian shrank his body, avoiding the eyes of others, and talked to the system in his mind.

[Not only that, Yanghui's general manager has now formed a project team to crack Changjiang's program. Although it is impossible to crack Changjiang with their skills, but because of this, they will never let Changjiang go public. 】


He Qianjian couldn't hold back a laugh, and the sound suddenly sounded in the cell. He froze in response, and the others also looked over silently.

The same numb and haggard faces looked at the same place together. As the one who was focused on by the eyes, He Qianjian's back was densely covered with goose bumps, and cold sweat gradually covered his forehead.

He turned his head back stiffly, as if he could make a clicking sound. In this absolutely silent cell, the subtle sound of hair rubbing against the pillow was extremely clear. It's a numb scalp.

Others also saw the man who was sitting up, and quickly withdrew their eyes from looking this way, as if they saw something terrifying, and the speed and order of their movements was even more strange.

He Qianjian's already shrunken body tightened even more.

He had always wanted to change a cell before, and he was a little happy after the change, but he realized that something was wrong within two days after he moved here, but no matter how much he asked, no one told him about the innermost bed in this cell news of the men, including fellow inmates in the same cell.

Staying in this weird atmosphere, surrounded by great anxiety, made him always be careful, imitating what other people did, and didn't dare to close his eyes to sleep in the middle of the night. Within a week, he became haggard and weak .

In the end, during the briefing, he met Zhou Yang who had been transferred, and he got some news from him.

Hearing this, He Qianjian not only didn't feel relieved, but became even more frightened. There was a lunatic sleeping in the next bed who could violently injure others at any time, and now he was in the most dangerous period where he was most likely to injure others, so he was sleeping one meter away from him. How could He Qianjian sleep, how could he live here with peace of mind?

Even though he knew that he would only be here for about a week, but knowing that he would be in danger all the time, He Qianjian still begged Zhou Yang to help him change another cell.

However, the cell is not so easy to change, Zhou Yang is just a small prison guard who has just worked for a long time, it is impossible to help him.

In this way, He Qianjian could only stay here in fear.

Fortunately, although the time was hard to bear, it passed by little by little. In two days, there will be a study session, and he can escape from prison while taking advantage of the chaos.

The closer the time was to being free and able to get rid of the current situation, the more cautious He Qianjian became, for fear that other than some accident, the plan would be disrupted, and he and the abnormal-looking man in the next bed would be fine. Unexpectedly, this ecstasy violated the rules of this cell.

The cell was eerily quiet.

As the man in the next bed slowly sat up, He Qianjian's frightened expression could hardly be concealed.

The man was probably in his thirties, as thin as a handful of bones, with sunken eye sockets, and sickly pale skin. At this moment, he was staring at He Qianjian, his gaze fell on his trembling mouth, and he hadn't made a sound for a long time. Her voice was hoarse and rough: "What were you laughing at?"

He Qianjian gritted his teeth and trembled uncontrollably. Thinking of the news he heard from Zhou Yang, he shrank back.

But he didn't dare not answer: "Think, think of something funny."

"What's up?"

Could it be that the person who sent him to prison was going to be unlucky? He Qianjian didn't dare to say that, he gritted his teeth, with a trace of sadness on his face, "I couldn't help laughing when I thought of the time I spent with my family. "

The man seemed to have heard something funny, his rough voice was a bit hoarse, but he stopped laughing, his sunken eyes fixed on him for a few seconds, and when he spoke again, his tone was gloomy: "You know I don’t know, where is the person who lied to me last time?”

With a shake, He Qianjian was about to jump up, but he didn't dare to move, so he could only stare at the man stiffly, using his acting skills to convince the man that he was not lying.

"I, I, I really thought of my family..."

He Qianjian was shaking his teeth, even when facing the No. 16 boss who beat him and the black brother who was in the same cell before, he was not so afraid. After all, no matter how much normal people go too far, he knows how far they can go, but if If you want to guess what a madman will do, you may have to be crazy yourself.

The man asked again: "Thinking of that family?"

"my parents."

The muscles on the man's face trembled, and his hands on the quilt moved, as if he was about to do something, He Qianli said immediately: "My adoptive parents treated me very well before they found their biological son. Today is my adoptive mother. I couldn’t help laughing when I thought of the birthdays I had with them before?”

"Adoptive parents?" The man's sparse eyebrows were frowned, and he seemed interested, "Tell me."

This is the first time He Qianjian has spoken to this man since he came to this cell. He has always been good at guessing people's hearts and looking at people's faces, but today these things are not very effective. He can only tell Zhou Yang before with a trembling voice. version, and said it again to the man in front of him.

It's just that before he finished speaking, the man suddenly jumped up and hit his stomach with a fist. Before he could retch, he kicked him off the iron bed, stepped on his face, and said condescendingly. Looking at him, the hoarse voice seemed to come from hell: "Didn't I just tell you what happened to the last person who lied to me?"

He Qianjian curled up in a ball, the man who was stepping on him had already become a bone, and looked like a skeleton, but his strength was astonishing. The punch just hit him in the stomach, but it was like His five internal organs were beaten to the point of dislocation, and the pain was so great that he couldn't even make a sound except for gasping for breath and sweating all over his body.

And the people on the other beds seemed to have expected the situation before them. Everyone covered their heads with the quilts, as if they hadn't heard any movement from this side at all, and they were all very quiet.

He Qianjian's cheek was stepped on hard, and he had to open his mouth to let out his breath. When he spoke, he was slurred, but he didn't dare to lie to him: "Oh, please... Please, please..."

The man moved his foot, stepped on his chest, knelt down and said, "I want to hear the real story."

He Qianjian shook his legs, not daring to let the man move his feet, and intermittently recounted what happened between him and Jiang Chen, only daring to omit the system, and not daring to falsify a single word of other things. told the man.

No one else in the cell fell asleep. After listening to what He Qianjian said, they didn't feel much. The people who can be here are not people with normal three views. , the real young master is just a little unlucky.

After He Qianjian finished speaking, the man let go of him, as if he really just heard a bedtime story, and went back to sleep on his iron bed.

He Qianjian lay on the ground and didn't dare to move. He didn't dare to move until he heard a little snoring nearby, and then he got up shaking his feet. He didn't dare to make a sound, and slowly returned to his bed.

At noon the next day, in the cafeteria of the prison.

Under everyone's gaze, the skinny man walked to He Qianjian and sat down.

He Qianjian held the soup tremblingly, his hands couldn't help trembling, he could ignore the sight in all directions, and the gloomy and terrifying face of the man next to him, and those deeply sunken eyes made him feel like awns. back.

Some people talked in a low voice, and some newcomers wondered why the cafeteria was suddenly quiet, and the prisoners next to them would learn a little about science when they were interested. In this whisper, there was a sudden bang, and they were quietly looking at the people over there. He noticed the situation over there for the first time.

I saw that the young man who returned the soup just now had fallen to the ground, and the sound just now was the sound of him landing with the bowl and chopsticks. Those who didn’t see it didn’t understand why he fell suddenly, and those who saw it leaned over to the ground. Channel:

"They didn't know what they said just now, when the lunatic on the 15th suddenly grabbed his chopsticks and poked him in the face, the man ran to the ground in fright."

The person who asked the question was a newcomer, and he was puzzled: "Didn't you miss it? And just hide to the side, what are you doing lying on the ground?"

The old man in the prison looked at the ignorant and fearless speech of the newcomer, shook his head, and didn't have any more kindness to explain to him.

The newcomer wanted to ask again, when he suddenly heard a mocking and gloating voice from the side: "What's the puddle under his pants, it must be peeing out of fear."

Some people boldly stretched their necks to look at it, and looked away in disgust after watching it.

"It seems to be really peeing."

The bowl of soup just now was poured farther away, and there was a piece of dry ground between He Qianjian's pants. If it was really spilled, it should not be like this.

How could He Qianjian care about losing face? When the pair of chopsticks came in just now, his mind instantly remembered what Zhou Yang told him about the man next to him—he had poked and blinded other prisoners—almost For a moment, he was so scared that his mind went blank, and he wanted to run if he **** up, and he didn't care if he tripped over a stool.

The man who was as thin as a bamboo pole seemed to find his reaction very interesting, and even pulled out a twisted smile that might not be familiar: "I just want to taste the food in your bowl."

He Qianjian didn't dare to sit down here anymore, he rolled and ran away shaking his legs.

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