MTL - After Two Lifetimes I Was Reborn Back Inside A Book-Chapter 187 Wear back one hundred and eighty-seventh day

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He Qianjian's situation seemed much better than last time.

When Jiang Chen entered, he could even struggle to sit up, forced the corners of his mouth to show a little smile, "You're here." His voice was hoarse, but he wasn't as weak as before, as if he was going to cough or gasp in the next second.

"Have you thought it through?" Jiang Chen cut to the chase.

"During this time, I've thought a lot." He Qianjian lowered his eyes, his voice full of remorse: "I... really did too many things wrong, especially for my parents, I... I... really not People!" He gritted his teeth, tears fell from his eyes, leaving traces on the white quilt.

Jiang Chen paused, raised his eyebrows almost imperceptibly, and sat down on a chair beside him.

"Jiang Chen." He Qianjian avoided Jiang Chen's gaze, wiped his face vigorously, and his voice became hoarse: "I... want you to do me a favor."

Jiang Chen remained expressionless: "Besides expelling the DTW system, I can't think of anything else I can do to help you."

He Qianjian's shoulders trembled slightly. It was probably the first time he was begging for help, and he was begging for the culprit who caused his current situation. He was in a very complicated mood, embarrassment, anger, and anger rushed to his face, and his innocent face flushed red.

"It's another matter." He Qianjian wiped the corners of his eyes for sure, then turned to look at Jiang Chen: "Things you can do."

Jiang Chen nodded slightly: "You speak first."

He Qianjian opened his mouth and glanced at the medical staff and researchers who had been listening to their speech, as if it was difficult to speak.

He opened his mouth for half a minute, but the young man who was sitting didn't express anything, as if he didn't understand his hint at all.

He Qianjian suppressed the anger in his eyes, and said, "What I want to talk about is family matters, can these people be allowed to leave?"

Jiang Chen looked at the three people standing or sitting beside him.

The person standing there said with a blank expression: "H0001 is under surveillance now, there must be surveillance personnel in this ward 24 hours a day."

Jiang Chen said hard, and said to He Qianjian, "Speak up if you have something to say."

He Qianjian saw that Jiang Chen looked like he wouldn't bother helping you even if he could, his chest heaved heavily, and he wanted to vomit blood in embarrassment. However, the status and status of the two are very different now, and he still has to ask for help from others, and he doesn't even dare to show his face, so he can only swallow this breath again.

"I want to meet my parents." Worried that Jiang Chen couldn't tell which parents he was talking about, He Qianjian added: "My biological parents."

"Why?" Jiang Chen asked.

At that time, after Jiang Chen and He Qianjian changed their identities, He Qianjian was extremely reluctant to have any contact with Jiang Zhuo and his wife. Brother and sister were unwilling to speak for him, so he thought about Jiang Zhuo and his wife, and wanted to play the emotional card to reduce his sentence.

"I really have something to say to them, it's very important."

Jiang Chen remained silent, his eyes mocking.

If He Qianjian really wanted to say something to Jiang Zhuo and his wife, or if there was something that Jiang Zhuo and his wife kept from telling them, he would have said it when he was cornered in the prison, and he would not bear it till now. They just want to use them to achieve a certain purpose.

"You should know that they don't want to see you." Jiang Chen said flatly.

"No matter what, I'm his own **** son." He Qianjian looked at Jiang Chen with jealousy on his face, "They have raised you for more than ten years and have always treated you like their own, that's why they reject you." My own son, but once something happens to me, do you think they can really remain indifferent? Flesh and blood are connected, no matter how much they love you, you are not your own. "

Jiang Chen's face changed slightly, his eyes turned cold.

Even if he knew that He Qianjian's provocative and provocative words were to anger him and achieve his goal, but He Qianjian's "biological son" was really disgusting to him.

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, He Qianjian sneered, and his tone turned regretful: "I really regret it, Jiang Chen. I just want to apologize to my biological parents. I believe they also want to see me. They called their parents and heard me apologize to them."

Based on his understanding of Jiang Chen, even if Jiang Chen hates him and doesn't want him to meet Jiang Zhuo and his wife, he will not selfishly make decisions for Jiang Zhuo and his wife, as long as he contacts the outside world, or Jiang Zhuo and his wife can really Once here, his goal has been achieved.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly: "The situation is special now, if you really repent, it's not too late for you to tell them in person after this matter is over."

He Qianjian didn't expect Jiang Chen to refuse without even thinking about it, which was completely different from his previous idea.

"The important thing you said was to apologize to them?" Jiang Chen caught He Qianjian's expression in his eyes, glanced at the side from the corner of his eye, and said softly, "Or do you actually have other purposes in wanting to see them?"

"Of course not." He Qianjian quickly denied.

Jiang Chen glanced at his watch, got up and said, "I thought you were looking for me for the DTW system, if not, I'll leave first."

"Wait—" He Qianjian stopped Jiang Chen: "I'm looking for you, it's really because of the DTW system, I've already made a decision, but it will take some time to make mental preparations, I..."

Jiang Chen sat down again, "When do you want?"

He Qianjian hid the joy in his eyes, "Tomorrow."

"So fast? Don't you need a few more days to prepare?"

"One day is enough." He Qianjian observed Jiang Chen's expression nonchalantly: "Have you contacted your parents during this time?"


"You haven't been back for a long time, right?" He Qianjian paused: "During this time...Did my parents and grandpa mention me?"

Looking into Jiang Chen's eyes, before he could speak, He Qianjian suddenly didn't want to hear the answer, and couldn't continue with the next words. He turned his head: "It's nothing, you can go back."

Jiang Chen stood up, turned around and asked, "Do you regret it?"

Before He Qianjian could answer, Jiang Chen had already lifted his legs and left.