MTL - After Two Lifetimes I Was Reborn Back Inside A Book-Chapter 193 Wear back the one hundred and ninety-third day

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The research area of ​​the Academy of Military Research occupies four floors. Except for the highest floor which is used for administration and two special laboratory rooms, the other three floors are all underground. For each lower floor, identity verification needs to be repeated. Among them, F3 has the highest authority. There are no more than ten people in the General Military Research Institute who have their own differences.

F1 is mostly an ordinary laboratory, and occasionally stores some redundant experimental equipment and specimens in the hospital. Usually, people come and go very frequently, and today it is even more lively.

In the innermost vacant equipment room deep in the corridor, there are nearly twenty people standing or sitting. Most of these people wear the same white coats as the researchers who come and go here. They have chest nameplates and verification cards on their chests. They can all match up, and even the work floor areas are concentrated, but when they get together, most of them don't know anyone.

The equipment room was not too big or too small. Except for a few groups of three or two people, most of the twenty people worked independently. There were men and women. They all kept a safe distance and looked at each other vigilantly.

There was a sound at the door, which opened with a creak, and everyone's attention turned to the person who entered.

"Which three are Kevin, Carls, and Caroline?"

"Professor Zhang" wearing glasses and "Ms. Han" with a ponytail stood up.

"follow me."

The three people who were called looked at each other and tensed up at the same time.

They are all agents sent to carry out missions. Everything went according to plan, but they didn't expect that as soon as they entered the room they thought could be used as a safe house, the door would be automatically locked, not only the door but also the windows. It was welded to death, and they couldn't open it with all their strength, and couldn't get out until a wave of well-trained soldiers opened the door two hours ago and took them to this room on the basement floor.

There are already a few people here, and there is no need to ask more questions. From the eyes of the other party, they can roughly guess the identity of the other party. There is no doubt that the operation failed, and there are more than one wave of people from different countries performing the same mission. It seems that there has been no success yet.

As secret agents, before each mission, they will be prepared to fail to complete the mission or to be unable to retreat after completing the mission. However, this time it was really confusing. They were arrested as soon as they entered without doing anything, and the people who arrested them People locked them together but didn't say anything. Until half an hour ago, soldiers guarding the gate came in one after another, called some of them by their real names, took them out and never came back.

The three of Caroline guessed that these people should have been taken to be tortured, and they were mentally prepared to be tortured, but they were still a little nervous when their names were called.

"Ms. Han, no, Ms. Caroline, right?" The blond man compared the photos on the computer, looked Caroline up and down, and handed her a card: "Okay, you can go now .”

Caroline was taken aback for a moment, and after looking at each other for a few times with her two companions, she dared not answer: "Can I go?"

"Okay." The blond man turned his gaze to the man wearing glasses: "Kevin, bend down, compare the irises, confirm, okay, you can go too."

Kevin took the card, took half a step back, and grabbed Caroline who wanted to ask.

"You're just like them."

After the blond man checked, he handed the card to the last man: "Go out from this door and turn right. When you see the guards, give them the card. Someone will take you out, and there will be a car to pick you up outside."

Seeing that the blond man was about to call the next one after finishing speaking, Kevin couldn't help asking: "Sir, are the people who were called away before the same as us?"

The blond man glanced at him: "Not at all, your boss is generous with the money, so someone directly drove you to the pick-up location and sent you back to your country."

"Then what if no one in their country gives... a ransom?"

The blond man shrugged: "Do whatever you want."

Kevin's eyes flickered slightly, but Caroline couldn't hold back, "Did you catch everyone who broke in?"

"Are not you just saw it?"

Caroline: "How did you do it?"

"You'll find out when you get back." The blond man raised his hand, motioning for the soldiers who came in to take the three of them away, and raised his voice: "The next group."

When F1 was busy, there were a few new faces in the identity verification area of ​​F3, which rarely sees a few people a day.

Different from the upper two floors, the walls and floors made of special metal mix ensure the safety and confidentiality of this floor, and even the long linear lights embedded in the corridors seem to blend the color of metal , the corners are illuminated so that the lines are clear, and occasionally someone passes by, and the sound of the soles of the shoes hitting the ground is clear and cold, but today it is rare to be lively.

Everyone walked along the way. Some people were curious to observe the decoration different from the first two floors. Some people would slow down when passing by the laboratory, wanting to see more sophisticated equipment that is hard to see outside. Said: "Since we separated from the hardware team, we have never seen the real Yangtze River. I heard that the one inside will be the loading computer of the main system of the Yangtze River. It is bigger than the largest supercomputer in the world so far. I Can't wait."

"Same." The colleague lowered his voice: "But I heard that the old general assembly will be sent to the joint research center to be the person in charge of the DTW project. I don't know whether to copy one and put it in the joint research area or just move this one away. "

"It's funny, how do you move this? Who can move it? Who dares to move it?"


The two whispered side by side, and after a while, one of them arched the person walking in front, and whispered something in his ear.

C blinked, and took a few quick steps to catch up with Jiang Chen: "Boss, the United Nations asked you to be the person in charge of DTW research. When the time comes, our entire project team will have to go to country A."

"It didn't say that the research center will definitely be located in country A, why can't it be in our country."

"It's unlikely. The joint research area doesn't belong to any country, and the location must be controversial."

"I think it's possible. The Union Building is in country A. Our country will also open up a territory that does not belong to any country to build a research center. When the time comes."

"Hey you kid has an idea!"

"That is!"

"Be quiet." A turned around and scolded several researchers, frowning slightly, walked two steps quickly and stood shoulder to shoulder with Jiang Chen: "D..."

Jiang Chen glanced at him sideways, signaling him to stop this topic.

A couldn't hide his worry, his footsteps paused for a moment, and he didn't ask any more questions.

They were very clear about the conversation between the DTW system and Jiang Chen just now, but unlike others, he was directly involved in intercepting the DTW system positioning signal and knew more.

As a member of the Yangtze River Project and one of the members of the R&D team that participated in the Yangtze River project at the very beginning, he can be said to be one of the people in the world who knows the Yangtze River system and DTW system best besides Jiang Chen. It is so powerful that the world cannot imagine. The overall strength of the two systems is comparable, but if you compare each item carefully, there are still advantages and disadvantages. For example, in terms of offense and defense, the Yangtze River is slightly better, but it is slightly inferior in information analysis and collection. .

This time to capture and intercept the positioning signal sent by DTW, they formed a three-person team, carried out research and deployment for three days and three nights, and used the Yangtze River to the extreme, but still failed to intercept the signal sent by the system, but just heard As for the dialogue between DTW and Jiang Chen, it seemed that it was different from what they knew.

What is certain is that the positioning signal sent by DTW did not succeed in intercepting it. As the main system sending the signal, why does the DTW system seem to be unaware of it, and Jiang Chen's performance seems to have been expected?

With doubts, A was a little absent-minded when debugging the supercomputer, and he didn't come back to his senses until Jiang Chen called him.

"I know what you just asked." Jiang Chen took A to an unoccupied corner, and said softly, "Don't worry, I already knew that we couldn't stop the signal from DTW, so I made second-hand preparations."

A startled: "What preparation?"

Jiang Chen smiled: "Delay preparations."

In order to send out the earth positioning and earth information, DTW not only coaxed He Qianjian to let him cooperate, lowered his vigilance on the grounds that he wanted to "expel the DYW system", but also hijacked the whole world's network so that he had no time to notice it. behind the action. At the same time, two-handed preparations were made, while violating the system rules, absorbing a large amount of vitality from the host to supplement its own energy to send the positioning, while setting the launch trajectory and time of the space capsule, and sending the positioning and the space capsule at the same time after almost exhausting the energy.

The Yangtze River has a slight deficiency in interception. Compared with the two, the success rate of interception this time is very low. It is luck that they can successfully intercept one of them.

When Jiang Chen found the location of the space capsule, he made a secret plan and pretended to agree to help He Qianjian "expel DTW". In fact, he also wanted to get in close contact with He Qianjian. Although DTW was in He Qianjian's mind, Changjiang couldn't actively attack it. , but He Qianjian was sent to the research area for such a long time, and was monitored by the equipment connected to the Yangtze River system all the time, so it was not in vain.

Therefore, when Jiang Chen visited He Qianjian, Shi Fengyue in the laboratory next door was not idle, and modified and deleted a small piece of insignificant code without anyone noticing.

—He expanded the location sent by the system to this galaxy.

It only takes 80 days for a starship from an alien system to use space to jump to the Milky Way at the fastest speed under the premise of positioning. .

Even if the development of science and technology is the most powerful in the future, like the interstellar warships of the Nee tribe, the maximum supply of a warship will not exceed one year. This is based on the special small amount of diet of the Nee tribe and the special super-powerful new energy source. Basically, all armies need to reserve three months of supplies for special situations. According to the calculation of the interstellar perpetual calendar, one year of the star calendar is about ten months in the earth calendar. That is to say, star warships can stay in the Milky Way for at most seven months month, it is necessary to request material support or return.

As long as the home planet where the system is located is patient and has sufficient supplies, it is conservatively estimated that it will take at least 70 years to find the earth. During this period, all the earth can do is to rapidly develop technology, military industry, and aerospace technology.

Jiang Chen didn't know whether history would repeat itself as he had seen in the interstellar age history books under his intervention, but he believed that even if human beings still had to migrate to other planets in the end, It will never be like the reclamation of wasteland that he heard about in the last life, all important documents and documents have disappeared, and technology has regressed to the point where alien creatures are enslaved and suppressed.

In the past seventy years, he will do his best to make human beings and technology stronger at the fastest rate of development.