MTL - After Two Lifetimes I Was Reborn Back Inside A Book-Chapter 9 wear back the ninth day

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Halfway through the exam, several teachers suddenly came in through the back door and asked everyone to stop writing.

The students in Class 1 were a little confused, and before they had time to react, Zhang Sanmao, who was the leader, said: "Today, something extremely bad happened in our grade, that is, some students stole test papers! We are here now to catch This student, completely put an end to this unhealthy trend!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole class was in an uproar.

The students didn't care about the exam and couldn't whisper to each other. Someone directly asked the classmate who walked across the road, "No way! What Zhang Sanmao said is true!"

"Who knows?" The classmate was also at a loss: "No one is so bold, is it necessary to take a one-month exam?"

"The grades in our class are all well known, and everyone's grades are clear. Stealing a paper to suddenly get the first place in the exam? Don't ask Jiang Chen whether he agrees or not."

Hearing the discussion of the people in front, a boy behind him stretched his head over and said, "Maybe it's Jiang Chen? He got 105 in the last exam. Maybe this time he's taking risks in order to restore his previous glory?"


"You shut up, Jiang Chen won the first place in the test every minute, is it necessary?"

"Jiang Chen can steal the test paper, but I can **** eat the test paper."

The discussion below was heated, and Zhang Sanmao patted the table with a straight face: "Quiet!"

"What does it look like to be noisy, do you know that this is an exam!"

The classroom quickly returned to silence. Zhang Sanmao turned his eyes around each student's face, and stayed in the two rows behind the window for a longer time.

If Jiang Chen felt something, he raised his eyes and met Zhang Sanmao's sullen and proud eyes.

The monthly exams in the class are based on the ranking of the last exam. Shen Xu, who is the last one in ten thousand years, sits behind Jiang Chen. He also saw Zhang Sanmao's eyes, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Brother Jiang! Zi Jiang!" He poked Jiang Chen's back hard with his pen.

Jiang Chen didn't turn his head, and said in a low voice, "What are you doing?"

"Is Zhang Sanmao trying to make trouble!" Shen Xu leaned forward, his voice was low with anxiety: "I think his expression seems to be aimed at you, he doesn't want to slander you for stealing the exam, does he?" ?”

Jiang Chen's eyes were slightly curved. It has to be said that Shen Xu's head is not very good at studying, but his intuition is accurate. He can see the essence through phenomena almost every time. It is almost instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. This kind of person is definitely not It may not be smart, but smartness does not need to be studied.


Seeing Zhang Sanmao walking this way, Shen Xu became anxious, and quickly pushed Jiang Chen: "Quickly check if there are any papers in your table belly! If you have any papers, hand them to me from below, hurry up!"

"Shen Xu Jiangchen! What are you talking about!" Zhang Sanmao walked to Jiang Chen's table in three steps at a time, and said loudly: "If you say something, you are still whispering. Is there something important that you can't talk about at other times? It must be said at this time!"

Shen Xu gritted his teeth, and was just about to reply when he felt a light bump on the table.

Then, he saw Jiang Chen stand up, and said calmly: "Mr. Zhang, we are talking about stealing exams. I personally think that you have always been prejudiced against me. That episode just now is probably to frame me for stealing exams. Directed and acted." Yes, so I just thought about it again, when did I leave my seat, people had an opportunity, Shen Xu happened to be there when I left my seat, and he told me that someone did come to my seat within those two minutes .”

He smiled slightly and said calmly: "So I'm curious, what kind of enmity does that classmate have with me, and what kind of deal does he have with you? It's worth his risk of putting the paper in my drawer to slander me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole class fell silent, including the teachers who followed him.

Zhang Sanmao's face turned blue in an instant, from blue to black to purple, like a palette, very exciting.

In a corner that no one noticed, a boy turned pale instantly, and his hand holding the pen trembled.

There was a full two minutes of silence in the classroom, everyone was digesting the information in Jiang Chen's words.

Zhang Sanmao's face was so ugly that it was hard to hide it, and the other teachers followed suit, but no one spoke.

The students here are not clear about this matter, but the teachers who came here are very clear about the ins and outs.

From Zhang Jian's character of vengeance, and his narrow-mindedness to slander Jiang Chen whenever he finds the right opportunity, it can be seen that he is indeed a person who can do such a thing.

In the office just now, the words he said, the actions of rummaging through the table, and even the urgency to catch the students who stole the papers, these teachers didn't feel anything in it at the time. Although they felt that his actions were inappropriate, they also They didn't think much about it, but after Jiang Chenyi's words, they recalled what Zhang Jian said and did just now, and everything became clear.

He was indeed directing and acting on his own, trying to frame and slander a student.

Several teachers figured out the key points, and looked at Zhang Jian with subtle expressions.

Zhang Sanmao was unable to speak for a few minutes, firstly because he was angry, and secondly because he was trying to think of a way to beat Jiang Chen with the **** basin.

At the beginning, he performed in the office, and rushed to the office with a few teachers. What he wanted was to strike first. When Jiang Chen couldn't react, he directly dug out the test paper in his drawer and confirmed the crime for him. .

Who knew, before he had time to turn over the table, Jiang Chen directly said that he slandered self-directed and self-acted.

Zhang Jian never expected that if he wanted to slander, at least he had prepared evidence, but Jiang Chen was so calm and bold that he took him into the army without knowing anything.

With those words, the pre-emptive attack changed from Zhang Jian to Jiang Chen. If Zhang Jian found the test papers from his desk, others would think he had framed him. If he found nothing, others would think he had framed him. These few words almost blocked Zhang Jian's front and rear paths, making him in a dilemma.

After Zhang Jian's molars hurt, he found that the best way for him to go now was not to dig through Jiang Chen's drawers, and gently took this matter away, leading the focus to Jiang Chen's confrontation with the teacher in public.

But how could he be willing!

Since the last semester of the second year of high school, how many times Jiang Chen has choked him in the open and in the dark, how many times he has been misunderstood by being obedient on the surface, and how many times he has been irritated by obedience and injustice!

Now it's finally a chance to teach him a lesson, let him spit out this bad breath, how willing is he!

Zhang Jian's face was pale and white, and he hadn't come up with a countermeasure yet.

However, Shen Xu realized from Jiang Chen's words that just now Jiang Chen didn't ask him if someone came to his seat, but someone did come to Jiang Chen's seat before the exam, and he did see it!

He turned his head suddenly and stared closely at the third last boy in the three groups, his baby face was so gloomy that he could drip water.

At this time, almost everyone in the classroom was staring at the triangle area. Although most people were looking at Zhang Jian and Jiang Chen, Shen Xu was right behind Jiang Chen. At the same time, the others followed his line of sight.

There was more than one student in that area, but most of them were looking around, wondering who Shen Xu was looking at here. There was only one boy who lowered his head firmly, his hands on the table shaking uncontrollably. Covered with cold sweat.

In this situation, who else does not understand.

Some students who were filled with righteous indignation asked directly: "No way! Zhang Zhipeng! Did you put the paper in Jiang Chen's drawer?"

No one had searched Jiang Chen's drawer yet, but everyone had already concluded that there were test papers in his drawer. However, almost no one present believed that Jiang Chen had stolen the test paper.

Not to mention that the fact that Jiang Chen is firmly at the top of the grade has been deeply ingrained in the hearts of a class of students, and more importantly, everyone knows what kind of person Jiang Chen is after being together for more than half a year.

He studies well but does not have the arrogance of a good student. Anyone who asks him a question can get his patient answer; If you are interested in the topic, he will chat with you excitedly for a long time; he likes to be quiet but he can also get along with the rowdy boys in the class. Whether it is playing ball or having a dinner, everyone loves to call him...

He works with principles and has a bottom line. No matter how good-tempered he is at ordinary times, as long as he steps on his bottom line, he will calmly point out that we will still be friends afterwards, and he will not hold grudges because of his reminder. Will not do it again.

In this class, if you ask who is the most popular, very few people will say Jiang Chen, but if you ask who is the first to think of and who is most trusted when encountering a problem, more than 90% of the answers will be Jiang Chen.

Let me ask a boy who is excellent in himself, behaves well in the world, is decent but not pedantic, has principles and bottom lines, who would believe that he steals the test?

What's more, the person who slandered him was full of loopholes, and he was Zhang Sanmao, who usually had a bad reputation.

All the students in the class knew that Zhang Sanmao disliked Jiang Chen, but why did Zhang Zhipeng help frame Jiang Chen?

Some of them remembered that Zhang Zhipeng was in the same class as Jiang Chen in his freshman year of high school. At that time, he was small and thin, and he was always bullied by people from other schools after school. Jiang Chen called Huo Bo, who was in Class 11, to help him out. If it was really him, wouldn't this be revenge?

Everyone's eyes were surprised and puzzled. Zhang Zhipeng lowered his head and couldn't see, but felt that the sights falling on him were full of ridicule.

He trembled with his hands and lowered his head even lower, not daring to look up to see other people's expressions.

Jiang Chen glanced at him, looked away, and said to Zhang Jian: "Mr. Zhang, if you want to search the table, do it now."

Zhang Jian gritted his teeth, forced a little smile on his face, and said, "I just suddenly remembered that I seemed to have left the test paper in the office of the first grade, so there is no need to search."

When the students heard what Zhang Jian said, they were dubious, but the teachers didn't believe it. Zhang Jian didn't have a freshman class, so why not take the papers to the freshman office, but they didn't say anything.

Jiang Chen's expression was calm, as if he didn't care much, but thinking of what he said before, without rushing, but ruthlessly ridiculing Zhang Jianli inside and out, most people thought that he would get to the bottom of this matter and thoroughly understand the matter. figure it out.

But he just sat down and said, "In that case, can we continue the exam?"

Like other teachers, Zhang Jian thought that Jiang Chen would never let him go. Seeing him put down so gently at this moment, a trace of disbelief flashed across his face.

But he quickly reacted, and immediately said: "You guys take the exam, do the questions quietly, and don't whisper."

After finishing speaking, he left the classroom first, fearing that if he walked slowly, Jiang Chen would stop him and ask him to explain things clearly.

The author has something to say: The Jiang Chen in the hearts of the students at this time is actually the young Jiang Xiaochen who did not experience the wind and rain and haze in the first life.

Jiang Chen, who has lived through two lifetimes, is somewhat different from what his classmates in the first lifetime thought. He still sticks to his heart and has his own bottom line of principles, but his way of dealing with the world and his way of solving problems are different. Already different from before.

For example, the little boy who was bullied in the stairwell before, if he was Jiang Chen in the first life, he would go up to stop him immediately, but the current Jiang Chen just calmly gave a few suggestions:

1. Make yourself stronger

2. Tell the teacher and parents

3. Remind him not to do things that he will regret in a hurry

I can't say which way is right, I can only say that Jiang Xiaochen is naive and Chicheng, while Jiang Chen considers things more comprehensively.

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