MTL - After Wearing the Book, I and the Protagonist Attack the Female King-Chapter 37

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Lu Ning was stunned: "Go to school? What school?"

Lu Cichuan said solemnly, "Of course I'm going to Imperial College, I want to go to the Mecha Operation Department."

Luo's expression moved slightly. The Mecha Operation Department of the Imperial College of Higher Learning... His female father, Crane, was the substitute teacher for one of the specialized courses.

If you accompany Lu Cichuan to school, wouldn't you be able to see her father every day?

Lu Ning was very stunned. He didn't understand, and asked blankly, "Why do you want to go to school all of a sudden? It's also a mecha operating system. It's too hard, and it's easy to get hurt."

Before Lu Cichuan was a D-rank male, he only needed to go to Imperial Elementary College.

Imperial Elementary Academy, for males, there are only six academic years in total, from twelve to eighteen years old. Half of the time every year is on vacation, and when I go to school, I only need to go to school for four hours a day. What I learn is some basic social knowledge, there is no exam, it is very easy.

For a male father like Lu Ning, who dotes on worm cubs, if Lu Cichuan told him that he sincerely wanted to use light armor and heavy armor, in the hope that he could smash the villain's big boss's head on the battlefield in the future, it would be a huge loss. No way.

He could only pretend to complain, and pulled out Lu Qingyan by the way, with an annoyed and dissatisfied expression: "It's too boring to stay at home, and besides, my brother is also in the mecha control department, so he wasn't injured either."

Lu Qingyan loves to share some learning routines on Xingwang. He has a lot of fans of his personal blog. Last year, he ranked in the top ten of Xingwang's influencer ranking.

Today, Lu Qingyan posted a photo of himself and the new heavy armor X-2564. It is cool and handsome. It was sought after by net bugs for a while and rushed to the top of the hot list. It seems that Lu Cichuan saw it.

Lu Ning breathed a sigh of relief, it is normal for teenagers to be obsessed with mechas for a while. If Lu Cichuan wanted to follow the trend just because he envied Lu Qingyan, and didn't study seriously, Lu Ning would not stop him.

He said casually: "That's fine, there is still a month before school starts. I'll tell the principal when that time comes. You can just go to class."

"No." Contrary to Lu Ning's expectations, Lu Cichuan firmly objected, "I'm going to take the entrance exam, and I want to pass the entrance exam with dignity."

"..." Lu Ning suddenly choked, and he reminded politely, "But cub, your genetic level is only B."

Although the B-rank is already the best among males, the male-only mecha requires at least A-rank mental power.

"But I can link mechas." Lu Cichuan said seriously, "Maybe it's because I have a bond with Luo, my mental power is much higher than that of ordinary B-rank males."

Lu Ning was surprised: "A contract?!"

Lu Cichuan nodded, stood up and pressed against Lu Ning's forehead, allowing Lu Ning to appreciate the lush red sandalwood tree in his spiritual sea.

Lu Ning had a surprised look on his face, and murmured, "This is really rare."

After all, although he only has the queen of insects, Alvin, he has not succeeded in forming a bond. The previous couple in the history of the Zerg who successfully formed a bond should be the queen and the queen, the grandfather and grandmother of Lu Ning. .

The term of the Insect King is usually thirty years, from the age of twenty-five to fifty-five years of the male insect. In this way, there have been no successful couples for more than 100 years.

The fact that his worm and Luo have a contract means that the female monarch in his life can only be Luo, morning and night. But since Lu Cichuan didn't take the initiative to mention it, Lu Ning didn't bother to interfere in the feelings of the younger generation, so let them go for the time being.

In order to verify that Lu Cichuan could indeed link to the male-specific mecha, Lu Ning and Alvin also accompanied Lu Cichuan to the simulated mecha control room.

The entry exam of the Mecha Operation Department of the Imperial College of Higher Education is the link of the mecha and some simple operations, such as opening and closing the hatch, starting the mecha, flying smoothly, diving and ascending, etc.

The three worms present were all graduates of Imperial College. It could be seen that Lu Cichuan had no problem passing the entrance exam, so Lu Ning and Alvin finally felt relieved and returned to the palace.

According to the timeline of the original book, there are still less than five years before the alien beasts attack the Zerg, and the Higher College happens to be a four-year system.

Therefore, it is urgent for Lu Cichuan to go to school. Although he also has some mecha equipment in his manor, it is still incomparable with the colleges and universities with tens of billions of investment.

What's more, the Imperial College of Higher Education has the best teachers in the entire Zerg.

After Lu Ning left, Lu Cichuan looked at Luo and asked softly, "Would you like to accompany me to school?"

What is this called, do it first and then play? Luo Nan asked curiously, "What if I said I don't want to."

Lu Cichuan was vicious, like a kitten with claws and claws: "Then I'll pester you, annoy you to death, and ask every day whether you want it or not."

"Well, then I don't want to."

Luo chuckled lightly, and turned around and left in a good mood.

Lu Cichuan: …


Since Lu Cichuan gave Lu Wen a one-month deadline, Lu Wen really planned to wait until the last day of the deadline. After all, he still had a lot of things to deal with before leaving Emperor Star.

There were too many nobles at Lu Cichuan's birthday banquet. Basically, everyone saw the scene where he seriously injured Lu Cichuan. This kind of royal secret belongs to the type of melon that the people love to eat, and it spreads the most quickly. Star Net Forum I've been arguing about it again and again.

Lu Wen is very concerned about the trend of public opinion. After all, one of his main tasks is to become the king of insects, how can he not be admired by all insects?

Although Lu Cichuan has always had a bad reputation, he was seriously injured at his nineteenth birthday banquet and faced the risk of his spiritual sea collapsing and becoming a plant bug.

In such a tragic situation, the forum netizens who never wanted to see Lu Cichuan began to speak well for him.

In contrast, Lu Wen's reputation began to take a turn for the worse, and there were some conspiracy theories on the forum that Lu Wen deliberately injured Lu Cichuan in order to compete for the throne.

But there are also insects who refuted that Lu Wen should intentionally hurt Lu Qingyan, and Lu Cichuan was not on the Insect Emperor's candidate list at all.

In the end, the inflection point appeared when Lu Cichuan woke up and successfully broke through the B-level, and Lu Wen was about to return to the fifth galaxy.

Although the euphemistically named Lu Wen voluntarily returned to the Fifth Galaxy because he was not used to living in the Emperor Star, the eyesight worm knows that this is simply exile!

For a while, the Xingwang Forum reversed by two levels. Since Lu Cichuan was fine, but he was promoted to the B-level due to misfortune, so why should Lu Wen be punished, and the punishment was so heavy.

A little male who has been lonely and wandering since childhood, he will be driven away just a month after returning to the Emperor Star. How can the queen of insects be willing to do so? It is an S-rank male!

In short, Lu Wen didn't spend too much effort on this matter, and even without using points, he easily regained the high ground of public opinion.

There is a second thing, Lu Wen handed a greeting card to Lu Qingyan's manor on the third day before he left.

Lu Qingyan, the female father does not love the male father, and has been despised by the queen of insects because of Lu Cichuan since childhood, so she hates and hates Lu Cichuan extremely in her heart.

He handed Lu Qingyan three times of greetings, and finally Lu Qingyan was willing to meet him.

When walking into Lu Qingyan's quaint and elegant manor, Lu Wen smiled slightly. He thought that even if he left, he would have to plant a time bomb for Lu Cichuan.

He himself is not the biological cub of Lu Ning and Alvin, but a wandering soul. After this month, he began to hate Lu Ning and Alvin to the core.

Not to mention Lu Qingyan, who grew up in such an extremely unequal environment since childhood.

After Lu Wen arrived in the reception room, he waited for ten minutes before Lu Qingyan finally arrived.

The gentle and restrained boy smiled apologetically, and said embarrassedly, "Just now my dog ​​has been pestering me and bit my clothes, so it's a little late, I hope my brother doesn't mind."

Lu Wen has rolled his eyes countless times in his heart. To perfunctory him with such a silly excuse as being bitten by a dog on his clothes, who is insulting his IQ.

But he didn't show his face. Instead, he said thoughtfully and sensible: "It's okay, I also like puppies. What kind of dog does my brother have? Can you take it out and show it to me?"

Lu Qingyan didn't smile and said, "It's afraid of life, it will bite insects, but it still won't work."

Lu Wen nodded regretfully on the surface, but what he thought was: Sure enough, Lu Qingyan must not have a dog.

Lu Qingyan didn't intend to take the initiative to provoke the topic. He knew very well that before Lu Wen left, he rushed to visit him again and again.

He wanted to hear what Lu Wen planned to say to him.

After a long silence, Lu Wencai lowered his head and said softly, "I really didn't do that on purpose."

Lu Qingyan felt a little bored, so he didn't run to him on purpose to say something, did he care?

But he still nodded and comforted gently: "Well, Awen looks like a kind-hearted little male, how could it be intentional."

"But the male father and the female father don't believe me..." Lu Wen waited for this time.

He raised his head pitifully, squeezed out two tears, and said aggrievedly, "Brother, do you think the male father and the female father really love me?"

In an instant, Lu Qingyan's expression froze, his heart felt like a needle had been pierced, and he felt a sudden pain.

Whether Lu Ning and Alvin love him or not is also a question that Lu Qingyan has been struggling with since he was born.

He said perfunctorily: "How can there be male fathers and female fathers who don't love their cubs, but if you hurt your brother, you must be punished."

"But... But, why are you punishing me to go to the fifth galaxy, the female father and the male father can't see me, don't they really miss me at all?"

Lu Wendao, "Didn't Brother Cichuan also accidentally hurt Brother Qingyan when he was a child? Are the male and female father willing to punish Brother Cichuan to go to the edge galaxy?"

He was reluctant, of course he was reluctant. The worst time when he was a child was when Lu Cichuan pushed him down, the back of his head just hit a stone and he bleed a lot.

However, that time, Lu Cichuan's face was cold and he didn't even want to apologize. In the end, it was over. Lu Ning didn't even attack Lu Cichuan.

But if he made Lu Cichuan cry, even though Lu Cichuan was unscathed, Lu Ning would have to force himself to apologize to Lu Cichuan. If he didn't apologize, he would not be allowed to eat.

There were countless such things in Lu Qingyan's childhood.

Lu Qingyan now finally knows what Lu Wen's purpose is.

He forced a smile, and his language was weak: "Don't think too much, the male father and the female father only owe their brother, so they want to compensate him."

Lu Wen suddenly felt a surge of anger in his heart. What kind of debt did he owe to Lu Cichuan? If he owed Lu Cichuan, wouldn't he owe him even more to the worm who had been living abroad for 18 years.

The two white lotuses fought each other and stabbed at each other's hearts. Lu Wen understood that his goal had been accomplished, and he didn't stay too long. He said that he would leave on the starship in three days, and hoped that Lu Qingyan would come to see him off.

After Lu Wen left, Lu Qingyan suddenly restrained his smile, his face was terrifyingly gloomy.

He tore off the gem brooch pinned to his chest and slammed it to the ground.

The quality of the brooch engraved with two worm eggs passed the test, and it did not break, and rolled under the sofa.

Lu Qingyan didn't even look at it, the back figure who left was furious.

The author says:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-06-0523:43:47~2022-06-0623:39:55~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 small vinegar bag with soup;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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