MTL - After Wearing the Book, I and the Protagonist Attack the Female King-Chapter 46

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The original text of "The Gentle Redemption of Zerg" also mentioned that star thieves were placed undercover in the Zerg society. There are more than one undercover agent, covering all walks of life in the five major galaxies. It is precisely because of the undercover cooperation that Dylan Grant almost led the army to capture the imperial area.

Among the undercover agents from all walks of life, only one is clearly mentioned in the book, and that is Bai Yue, the current captain of the Second Division of the Fourth Army.

In the original book, Bai Yue even led the entire second detachment to betray the Zerg and turned to the "Dove of Peace".

But now the Fourth Legion is far away in the edge galaxy, and there is absolutely no possibility of running to infect Abner Garcia's mecha.

Derry Joyce is right, there are also undercover star thieves in the Imperial High Military Academy.

Who is the one?

Derry Joyce then said: "This matter is no trivial matter. The Imperial City Security Department has been involved in the investigation. It will investigate this matter in detail and will definitely give you an explanation."

"But the fact that Abner's mecha collided with you and Luo should be just an accident. The other party's purpose is only to destroy the research and development of the new type of mecha."

Abner Garcia, who was beside him, lowered his head and said with guilt, "His Royal Highness, the third prince, I'm really sorry. The mecha research and development center of the military academy belongs to the confidential area with a high level of authority, and ordinary insects can't get in. I thought that Absolutely safe."

"It's fine if nothing happens." Lu Cichuan comforted him a few words, then turned to Dailey and said, "Your Excellency Joyce, please notify me in time if there is any result."

Derry Joyce nodded and warned: "You have excellent grades, please pay more attention to safety. If it is not necessary, don't let Luo leave you."

Lu Cichuan hummed and said goodbye politely.

Walking out of Derry Joyce's research room, on the way back to the dormitory, Lu Cichuan was still thinking of "Dove of Peace".

The purpose of the "peace dove" is very attractive to many females who are in dire straits and are devastated by male insects.

Therefore, with the slogan of "equality", Dylan Grant can easily lure many females to do things for him willingly.

But Dylan Grant's purpose was never to save females.

According to Lu Cichuan's understanding of Dylan Grant in the book, this talented female only loves himself, and he regards himself as a god, while females and males are just ordinary and boring beings in his eyes. .

Lu Cichuan suddenly asked, "Do you know Bai Yue, the captain of the second division of the Fourth Army?"

"I know." Luo said with some doubts, "what's the matter?"

"What kind of worm is he?"

Although Luo didn't know what to do, he was used to answering Lu Cichuan's questions.

"Bai Yue and I graduated from the same military academy, Wei Zong is very gentle and humble."

"He worked in the army for less than three years after graduation, and got married under the arrangement of his male father. However, his male master was not good to him, so he paid a huge price for divorce soon after the marriage."

Divorce is almost impossible in the Zerg society. Bai Yue was able to escape from many difficulties and return to the army, which shows his outstanding ability. steal.

Lu Cichuan thought of Lu Wen again.

Now that the plot has changed so much, Lu Wen is a marginal galaxy sent by Lu Ning himself. How could he not hold grudges after being so humiliated.

This time the star thief invaded, the possibility of Lu Wen helping to persuade Dylan Grant was extremely low. It was almost the same for him to help his biological father to overthrow Lu Ning's rule.

This is in line with Lu Wen's insect design, a gentle, kind and equal-loving male insect.

That is to say, the story line is also feasible.

If Lu Wen helps the "Pigeon of Peace", then Luo, will Luo choose to protect the Zerg that is unfair to him and his character, or turn to the arms of the star thief?

Lu Cichuan's brows were furrowed all the way, and he was both upset and uneasy. When he walked downstairs in the dormitory, Luo suddenly reached out and rubbed the center of his eyebrows.

He rarely took the initiative: "Don't worry."

The silver moon was in the sky, and Lu Cichuan looked at Luo with some surprise. Luo looked at him with a gentle expression and full of concern.

Suddenly, Lu Cichuan asked the question that he had hidden in his heart for a long time but never dared to ask. He said nervously, "You... what do you think of the Peace Dove?"

Lu Cichuan's hidden question is actually: would you want to join them? To realize the equality in the mouth of "Peace Dove"?

"I've been fighting with star thieves for seven years, and there are not a few females killed by star thieves, especially peace pigeons." Luo said softly, "Maybe I support equality, but it must not be the equality of peace pigeons."

Equality is a big problem among them. Lu Cichuan is not confident that he can change the entire Zerg society. His job is only to be a general. effort.

The empire he used to live in also has many inequalities, historical problems, race problems, and the gap between the rich and the poor. This kind of inequality is extremely difficult to eliminate. So many politicians have worked hard for hundreds of years and have not been able to achieve it, not to mention Has he never been good at politics?

In Lu Cichuan's view, with Luo's character, it was more natural for him to join the "Dove of Peace" to fight against the **** of the male insects.

But the Peace Dove now represents a confrontation with Lu Ning and a united front with the protagonist. If Luo joins the Peace Dove, it means that sooner or later, he and Luo will confront each other.

And Lowe now tells him that he does not support doves of peace.

The annoyance in his heart suddenly dissipated, and Lu Cichuan's frowning brows suddenly stretched, and he said sincerely, "That's good."

No matter what Luo plans to do in the future, in short, now they are on the same front again.

Friday, the last day of the week, is a combat skills training class in the morning, an outdoor mecha operation class in the afternoon, and a weekly assessment in the evening.

The teacher of the fighting skills training class is Felix Hardy, still a female professor. And by coincidence, Felix is ​​one of Law's few friends.

As soon as he entered the classroom, Felix gave Luo a warm hug. With a bright smile on his face, he said excitedly: "Luo, long time no see!"

Luo also smiled slightly. He and Felix were very close to each other. They grew up together and had a good relationship.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Felix looked at him up and down. After seeing Luo marrying insects, he became even more cheerful. He finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Seeing that you are doing well, I am relieved."

After that, he winked at Lu Cichuan, and teased in a low voice, "Come to school with your hero, eh?"

Luo was a little embarrassed and pushed him gently: "Be serious, class is about to start."

Felix laughed twice and deliberately teased: "The fighting skills training class requires a lot of physical contact, and then the third prince will be in charge of you!"

Luo's cheeks were a little red, but he didn't refuse, and nodded silently.

Lu Cichuan abides by gentleman etiquette and keeps a certain distance from Luo and Felix, but Felix's expression is too much like that of a bad friend who loves to gossip about friends' romances. Lu Cichuan could almost guess that every word he said was in say what.

Finally, the bell rang and the class began.

The purpose of the fighting skills training course is to better operate the mecha combat. There is a recognition system in the mecha that can capture the movements of the manipulating mecha, master certain fighting skills, and make the mecha operation more flexible.

After Felix introduced a few sets of movements, he let the little males practice freely. The seven males were in two groups except Lu Cichuan, who just happened to be able to join Luo.

Soon Luo felt that this might not be a good idea.

Because he was always afraid of hurting Lu Cichuan, he was very cautious. It's very inconsistent with his fighting style all the time, it's not like fighting, it's like teasing a cat.

Felix looked helpless from the side. When has Luo been so gentle? When he fights with himself, he fights to death, right?

It may be that the friends couldn't let go, and the other three groups didn't get much better, so Felix staunchly took Bennet and Donald apart, giving one to Kim Antoine and the other to David Olaf.

This time, the enemy is very jealous when they meet, and their fighting skills have almost risen to a class of mutual fights.

Felix patted Luo on the shoulder and whispered, "If you're not serious, replace me."

Luo frowned, took a deep breath, and became more serious.

Lu Cichuan's fighting skills in his previous life were quite good, and he hasn't completely forgotten it now, but his soul seems to be bound by the shell of his original body. It came out a lot slower.

When the get out of class bell rang, it ended with Lu Cichuan pinned to the ground with Luo's arms twisted.

Luo's knee was still touching Lu Cichuan's waist, and it wasn't until Lu Cichuan snorted that Luo quickly let go and helped him up, saying apologetically, "I'm sorry, I was too absorbed."

Lu Cichuan shook his head and stood up from the ground holding Luo's hand.

Bennet Miller and Kim Antoine fought hard, and both worms hung up.

For this reason, when Bennet got up, he still had time to sneer at Lu Cichuan, and sneered: "It's a shame to be beaten down by his female servant!"

Lu Cichuan's expression changed, but before he had time to speak, Felix said sternly: "Taunting teacher, this classmate, your usual points will be deducted five points."

Bennet became angry: "You!"

Felix looked at him fearlessly: "What are you, or you will practice with me in the next fighting skills class?"

Afraid of Felix's private revenge, Bennet dared not speak, and left the classroom angrily.

This afternoon is the first outdoor mecha class, that is to say, this will be the first time for the little males to get rid of the simulated mecha and experience the real mecha confrontation.

This time, I chose the lightest and thinnest C-type light armor. The full state is only more than two meters high. The mecha looks like a kind of bracelet. Press the bracelet to unlock it to the full state, wrapping the whole body.

This novel experience is still not the same as in virtual space, after all, they are not in the universe now, but it is also different from the experiment in the simulated mecha training platform, which may be the unique feeling given to the worm by reality.

The outdoor mech training course is about directional shooting and mobile shooting, as well as some fixed channel flying, avoiding obstacles and so on. Four hours passed quickly.

The evening is a single-week assessment. This week, the test is online practice. The test questions are random. After the test, the artificial intelligence will score and rank on the spot.

As Lu Cichuan promised at the beginning, he would be the first in every class as long as there was an assessment.

After the exam, Lu Cichuan was also in a particularly beautiful mood. After all, it was the weekend soon. On Saturday morning, he had to go back to the imperial district first to have a meal with his male father.

Next, is the two-person world between him and Luo.

The author says:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-06-1423:52:16~2022-06-1523:53:09~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: crystal clear 2 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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