MTL - After Wearing the Book, I and the Protagonist Attack the Female King-Chapter 56

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Krett's voice was about to fall, and a few worms suddenly appeared in this room out of thin air. One of the red-haired warriors sneered and said unceremoniously: "Did you make a mistake, bring them a new copy? They are not there yet. Level 20!"

This red-haired warrior is obviously a half-orc, with a pair of furry beast ears growing between his short fiery red hair, and a big fluffy tail behind him.

Luo glanced at him, his eyes moved from the animal's ears to the tail, his eyes sank, and he glanced at Lu Cichuan thoughtfully.

Lu Cichuan was also attracted by the pair of beast ears and big tail. When he chose the role, he disliked the half-orc skills that were not very beautiful. He often had to fight the enemy closely, and sometimes he would stick to the strange slime on the NPC. So the first rule out is the Orcs.

But now it looks like it's not bad...

Lu Cichuan and Luo did not refute, and even made the red-haired youth think that they were guilty of wrongdoing. How could two level 15 beating the demon Ulysses in the dark abyss? Are you pouring water?

Thinking of this, the red-haired young man was even more unhappy. After all, he was beaten by Ulysses three or four times before he was lucky enough to pass the membership review.

His face suddenly became ugly, and he said coldly: "I don't care, unless they can beat me, I will never agree to take them to the dungeon!"

He Rong, that is, the red-haired young man, thought that saying these words would allow Kret to retreat, but he did not expect Kret to breathe a sigh of relief, and immediately agreed: "Okay, let's start fighting now. "

He Rong was already level 65, and his level far surpassed Lu Cichuan and Luo. He frowned suspiciously, and was surprised that Kret dared to agree for these two insects.

The difficulty of the new dungeon is actually not high, not to mention that there are still the top ten leaders and vice-chairmen in the combat power of the ladder. It can be said that it is not difficult to bring two new bugs through the dungeon.

It's just that He Rong doesn't like milk waste, so they can easily get experience and rewards for no reason.

For Crete, this is just a casual thing, and he can still show hospitality to the little male insect, so why not do it.

Hmph, He Rong is not the kind of superficial female worm who will be fooled by the appearance of the little male worm. E-sports dishes are the original sin, no matter how good they look!

But he has known Kret for so long, and he knows that although this female worm is unreliable on the surface, she never does anything unsure. Since he dares to let these two worms fight him, it means that Kret I think these two bugs can beat themselves.

He Rong became more and more confused, how could this be possible? ?

While he was thinking about it, the three worms had been teleported to a separate arena. For the sake of fairness, He Rong took the initiative to reduce his damage by 20%.

Lu Cichuan actually felt that a single worm was enough for Luo. With Luo's agility and evasion ability, it was difficult for this half-orc to pinpoint a single skill in a whole round.

But the 65-level Orcs lost to the 15-level swordsmen, and they were unilaterally beaten, which was a devastating blow to this extremely short-tempered female.

Too cruel, he should go paddling.

There was a forest around the duel arena. After Lu Cichuan entered the arena, he stayed under a big tree. He gave Luo a treatment from time to time, and he didn't even bother to throw control skills.

This half-orc, obviously a red fox, fights wildly, sweat flowing through his wheat-colored skin, very sexy.

Lu Cichuan even had time to think about it. He couldn't help but start to recall which beasts were in the half-orc race. After thinking about it, the white fox was very suitable for Luo.

However, "Zerg Glory" does not allow midway career change, which is quite regrettable.

Five minutes later, the battle was over. As Lu Cichuan had expected, Luo only lost a hundred drops of blood, while He Rong was panting from exhaustion and had many scars on his body, but he recovered quickly under the angel's holy light.

If the level of operation is only a little worse, then He Rong must still feel regretful and dissatisfied, but the pvp just now showed that his and Luo's operation level is almost 108,000 miles apart, and he will not be able to catch up in this life, so he loses Have to be convinced.

Seeing that He Rong's wound was almost healed, Kreit closed Shengguang, and smiled and rubbed a fox's ear: "It's finally good."

"It's disgusting that you act like an angel."

He Rong tilted his head a little irritably. In the setting, the ears of half-orcs will be a little sensitive, so He Rong hates other insects touching his ears.

Kret: "I'm the only twelve-winged angel in the entire server, and I can't see it from ordinary insects, so be content with you."

Angels are indeed the rarest race in the entire "Zerg Glory", the rumored race of gods, and he is not in the initial selection of roles.

As for how to become an angel, there are different opinions on the relevant strategies. In theory, magicians, priests, saints, swordsmen, etc. of the Guangming family are all possible, but there has never been a specific way to become an angel, let alone the highest level ten Two-winged angel.

Kret was not serious again. He showed off all the four pairs of wings that had been tucked away, and hooked his fingers at Lu Cichuan: "How about it, little beauty, you take off the veil, I will I'll tell you how to become an angel."

The angel's brilliance instantly illuminated the entire room, even to the point of being dazzling.

Zhu Rong couldn't take it anymore, covered his eyes and mourned, "President! Just take care of him!"

Although Ernest was a taciturn elf, he acted very decisively. When he saw that it was almost time, he immediately sent an invitation to the entire guild to form a team and opened the dungeon in seconds.

This new dungeon is called Devil's Abyss, and there are five levels in total. The bosses are snake demon, werewolf, dragon, vampire, and devil.

Among them, the Demon King is the ultimate boss with the highest blood volume and the most ferocity.

There are six levels in each level, and the first five levels are full of mobs, ghouls, tree demons, undead corpses, and ghost knights.

This copy does not limit attributes, so Lu Mingze of the Lich family can also participate.

There are a total of 25 worms in the dungeon this time. It was the first time for Lu Cichuan to see Ed, the vice president. Ed was also a family of elves. The two elves stood together, and the picture was very pleasing to the eye.

There is also the angel Kret, who was flying in mid-air. The holy light he shed was extremely effective in relieving Lu Cichuan's discomfort from being surrounded by dark elements. Therefore, Lu Cichuan couldn't hold back and walked through the swarm and stood at Ke. Under the protection of Leiter's wings.

He was afraid that Luo would care, and whispered in Luo's ear: "The dark elements over there are too choking, it's more comfortable here."

Luo nodded, indicating that he understood, but he just held Lu Cichuan's hand tighter.

Everyone in the guild knew each other, and now two strange insects suddenly appeared, and they were holding hands like glue.

A night elf regretted: "It's hard to recruit a little male, how can you still have a famous flower."

The priest of light next to him joked: "If you don't have a famous flower, it's not your turn. How can a magician of light be used to the dark elements?"

The night elf also bowed back unceremoniously: "It's not my turn, can it be your turn? The little male worm has a veil of 18888. Do you have a monthly salary of 18888?"

These two worms became more and more powerful, and Lu Cichuan stood innocently in the same place, really didn't know what to say.

In the end, it was Ernest who rescued him, and finally started the raid on the dungeon.

The first stage went very smoothly. As a new little male, Lu Cichuan was still a bright magician who looked delicate and weak and had no fighting ability. After the boss is finished, the health and mana are all full.

The most important thing to pay attention to in the second level is not to be caught by the werewolf Markas, otherwise it will be infected by the wolf poison, especially for the profession of the light department. npc treatment.

Therefore, in the second level, everyone will consciously direct the hatred of the werewolf to non-light characters, so as to protect other insects.

Lu Cichuan is even more the focus of protection. As soon as he entered the dungeon, the priest at the beginning stood by his side, and the night elf had already flown to draw hatred.

A lot of bone skeletons and necromancer knights suddenly emerged from the ground. This is the skill of the lich clan. Lu Cichuan turned his head and saw that Lu Ming was wearing a pure black cloak and a large hood. On the wagon of the dead.

It's really cool, Lu Cichuan said subconsciously.

At the moment when he ran away, his ankle was suddenly clasped by something cold and icy. Suddenly, a cold air mixed with dark elements penetrated into the cracks of his bones, causing Lu Cichuan to groan in pain.

Lu Cichuan looked down and saw that it was a rotten white bone hand. The strength of this bone hand was getting stronger and stronger, and the whole worm would be dragged to the ground by it.

Lu Cichuan's reaction was much faster than he realized. When he realized something was wrong, he had already formed a magic circle in his hand, and smashed the bright and bright gilded magic circle on the ground.

The bone hand turned into powder in the light circle. Lu Cichuan felt that his ankle was about to be crushed, and he couldn't stand staggeringly. If Luo hadn't caught him, he would have almost fallen to the ground.

"What's wrong?" Luo was surrounded by four Necromancers just now, and it was dark in the dungeon, so he didn't notice Lu Cichuan's strangeness for a while.

The light sacrifice was not as quick as Lu Cichuan's reaction. When he saw the bone hand, Lu Cichuan's magic circle smashed down.

"It's okay." Lu Cichuan shook his head and used healing magic to ease the wound.

But this is the Demon King's territory after all, and the healing magic of the light system is not very effective, so Lu Cichuan's ankles are still hot.

In addition to the big boss werewolf, there are many mobs on the field, including the bone skeletons and necromancers summoned by Lu Mingze, as well as those that already existed in the dungeon.

Therefore, Lu Cichuan couldn't figure out for a while whether it was Lu Mingze who deliberately harmed him, or whether it was a monster that existed in the copy.

The werewolf was quickly killed, the battlefield was temporarily cleared, and the dark clouds dissipated, revealing the bright moonlight.

Luo Han knelt down and let Lu Cichuan sit on his lap. After he lifted up his dark green magic robe and rolled up his trouser legs, there were five hideous finger marks on Lu Cichuan's slender and white ankles. .

The Bright Sacrifice on the side took a deep breath. Although this is just a game, the wound is really done very realistically, and of course the pain is more realistic.

Letting the delicate male worm suffer this kind of injury, the Bright Sacrifice is so regretful that he can't wait to practice his skills in the game 24 hours a day and night, so that he can't even be a bodyguard now.

The president, vice president, and angels also gathered around, staring at Lu Cichuan's ankles.

Lu Cichuan was a little embarrassed, it was just an injury in the game, and the pain was over, not to mention that the pain level could be reduced.

Ernest didn't say a word, glanced at the wound and kicked Lu Mingze out of the copy, the insects looked at each other, and no one dared to speak for a while.

It's really Lu Mingze... Lu Cichuan was a little speechless.

The dungeon has a time limit, so it didn't take too long. After Krett used the holy light to heal Lu Cichuan's wound, the third stage began.

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