MTL - After Wearing the Book, I and the Protagonist Attack the Female King-Chapter 59

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At this moment, the door opened with a creak, and it was Lu Ming, the governor of the Fifth Galaxy who would come to see his worm cubs every night before going to bed.

The moment he pushed open the door and entered, seeing the scene in front of him, the smile on Lu Ming's face suddenly solidified.

The little worm that he held in the palm of his hand since he was a child and is usually reluctant to even be fierce. At this moment, his eyes were red and he was crying very embarrassingly. in the corner!

Lu Ming's face sank, and his already fierce face was covered with clouds for a while, and it looked even more terrifying. He hurried to Ernest and slapped Ernest severely.

Ernest was beaten to the side, his head buzzing, and blood slowly oozing from the corners of his mouth.

He was originally half-kneeling, but now he put down the other leg and knelt in front of Lu Ming in silence.

"Go away!" Lu Mingze cried louder in the corner, and Lu Ming didn't burst out.

He kicked Ernest on the shoulder and said angrily, "I will settle the account with you when your hero comes."

Lu Ming picked up his worm cub, put him on the soft bed, and asked the female servant to fetch a small therapeutic device.

Under the action of the small therapeutic apparatus, after a while, the swollen marks on Lu Mingze's face subsided.

He held the little bug cub in his arms and comforted him gently, but no matter how Lu Ming asked, Lu Ming would not say what happened, just whimpered and said over and over that Ernest bullied him.

Lu Ming glared fiercely at Ernest who was kneeling at the door. He didn't dare to stimulate Lu Mingze any more, and said softly: "Okay, don't cry, cub, wait for Ed to come and see how Ed taught a lesson. he!"

Ten minutes later, Ernest's hero Ed finally arrived at the consul's residence.

As soon as he went upstairs, he saw Ernest with swollen cheeks, kneeling straight at the door of Lu Mingze's bedroom.

Ed glanced at Ernest lightly, and without saying a word, walked past Ernest and knocked on the bedroom door twice.

Lu Ming raised his eyelids, saw him coming, and said coldly: "I have already described the matter once in the terminal. If you dare to do something to the male insect, according to your family rules, how should you be punished?"

Eddie said expressionlessly: "One hundred sticks, one hundred whips, seven days kneeling, and no food allowed."

This punishment made Lu Ming very satisfied, he sneered: "Very good, then let's start."

"It's here? Flesh and blood are flying, aren't you afraid of scaring Ming Ze?"

Lu Ming shrank in Lu Ming's arms, his face pale.

Just hearing "100 canes and 100 whippings" made his heart skip a beat, let alone seeing Ernest being beaten with his own eyes?

He had seen the kind of whip that Eddard used for his execution, full of stiff, sharp barbs that could scrape a layer of flesh off a worm. A single whip hurts into the bone marrow, not to mention a hundred whips! Ed just wanted Ernest's life.

Lu Ming couldn't help but regret it. Ernest was his cousin after all. Although the slap just now made him both humiliating and sad, but now that he calmed down, he was indeed the one who spoke first.

He thought strangely, just now, he didn't know why, as if he was suddenly controlled by an inexplicable force, and he actually said such terrible words.

Thinking of this, Lu Ming patted Lu Ming's arm lightly, and shook his head in his arms.

He said softly: "Forget it, male father, my cousin and I were just arguing, didn't you also slap him twice? Even if it's even."

Lu Ming said so, of course Lu Ming didn't care about it, although he didn't feel that the two slaps that Ernest hit could equal the damage to his cubs.

He waved his hand and said irritably, "Let's go, let's go, my cub is still kind."

Eddie smiled slightly at this time, bowed his head and said, "Thank you for your kindness."

After that, he stretched out his hand and helped Ernest, who was kneeling on the ground.

On the hover car back home, Ernest's cheek was still aching hotly, Ed cocked his chin, and the ointment on his fingertips carefully applied to Ernest's red, swollen and discolored cheeks.

"What happened?" Ed asked with a cold smile on his lips, "You're not such a restless worm."

Ernest didn't want to explain more, and said perfunctorily: "The child is talking nonsense."

"Huh? Let me guess, he deliberately targeted His Royal Highness the Third Prince to vent his anger on His Highness Lu Wen?"

Ed pressed his fingertips down, poked Ernest's red and swollen cheek, and heard Ernest's hissing in pain with satisfaction.

He laughed very evilly: "Lu Ming doesn't like His Royal Highness the Third Prince and wants His Highness Lu Wen to be the Insect King, doesn't he?"

Ernest didn't say a word, didn't move, after all, resisting Ed would bring him more unexpected punishments, and he was not willing to give Ed a chance to play off the topic.

But today is bound to be avoided.

"Darling, because of you, my bedtime was delayed by two hours."

Without mentioning Lu Cichuan and Lu Wen, Ed let go of Ernest's chin and said calmly, "I still have to hit the hundred whips, but you can choose the whip."

Ernest leaned back in his seat wearily. Being beaten was a very common occurrence for him. As Lu Ming said, Ed liked to punish him.

In the eyes of the outside world, they are a loving couple who are well-known and envied by the star network. Ed was even selected as the top 1 male insect that female insects want to marry for three consecutive years, because he is gentle, considerate and affectionate. one.

Each of Ed’s personal blogs is related to Ernest. He will carefully cook food for Ernest, prepare gifts for Ernest, and finally publicly declare on social platforms that he will only have Ernest in his life. A special female.

No worm would doubt Ed's love for Ernest, and they even thought that Ed really loved Ernest too much.

Later, Ed's personal worm powder on the star network was even more than his and Ernest's cpf. They were obviously moved by Ed's affectionate and single-mindedness, but they regretted that Ed did not accept female servants.

But what is often hidden under the sweet appearance is a very unbearable reality. Ernest and Ed started with an exchange of interests, and later they were smooth sailing, and everything was just a show of deep love.

Ernest was originally the president of an advertising company. Five years ago, he was suppressed by his opponents and was on the verge of bankruptcy. Under desperation, Ernest will of course try his best to find a way to survive.

He sifted for a long time, and finally found Ed, who at that time was just a desolate aristocrat who was guarding an old and dilapidated old villa and a title.

But at the same time, he is also a careerist who is not content to get by with a meager male worm relief.

The content of their agreement is that Ed sells the villa to help Ernest through a short-term financial crisis. Afterwards, Ernest will compensate Ed with a large manor and countless servants, so that he can be as extravagant as a real aristocrat. Live the day, spend money like dirt.

Of course Ed agreed, so they got married when they signed the deal.

After the marriage, Ernest made a big fuss about Ed selling the villa to help him get through the difficulties, marketing the cp bug design that we will never be separated from each other.

The hot search entry rushed to the first place that night. Countless worms were moved by the fact that there are such simple and kind little male worms in the impetuous and money-worshiping contemporary society.

After the CP explosion, Ernest turned his attention to "Zerg Glory", on the one hand because he held the shares of the game company of "Zerg Glory"; on the other hand, speculating CP in the game can maintain the popularity more, Every move is a candy bar.

Everything went as Ernest expected, and his career was booming, but his worm life seemed to fall into **** because of it.

It's all retribution.

Ernest closed his eyes and thought to himself that when he traded with the devil, he should have known that he was paying the price of losing his soul.


In the next week, the president, vice president, and Lu Mingze were not online. The game was so big that it was difficult for Lu Cichuan to meet Lu Wen of the Linglan Guild.

Therefore, he returned to the original intention of the game and worked hard to upgrade. Every day, he and Luo followed the angel Kret to download various dungeons.

But after the dungeon passed, Lu Cichuan gradually realized that it had nothing to do with Lu Wen, and he didn't know why he was really favored by the boss.

Therefore, even if you are looked after by everyone in the guild as a group pet, you will often fall into a situation where you are forced to 1v1 with the boss.

After reaching level 40, Lu Cichuan didn't want to do any more dungeons to fight monsters.

In order to relax and have fun, Lu Cichuan and Luo left the guild's castle and first went to the village in the southern part of the Rogert Kingdom to buy a large piece of land.

He and Luo were lying on the soft grass together, and the clouds in the sky changed very quickly under the blowing of the wind.

Smelling the faint fragrance of green grass, perhaps because of the wood elements around him, Lu Cichuan closed his eyes and fell asleep in the game.

When he woke up again, the twilight was sinking in the west, the sky had gradually dimmed, and the sunset on the wilderness was majestic and magnificent.

Lu Cichuan stretched and rolled around on the grass. At the end, he almost rolled down the **** of the grass. Luo reached out and grabbed it, and finally rolled onto Luo's body.

The magician's dark green hood hangs on the back of Lu Cichuan's head, his hair is a little messy, the slightly curly black hair is mixed with grass clippings, and the sparkling eyes are dazed, a vivid and cute.

Luo first reached out to clean up the grass clippings for him, and then helped him take off the expensive veil that cost 18888, and asked, "Are you awake?"

"Wake up." Lu Cichuan said in a muffled voice, and plunged his head into Luo's shoulder.

He originally planned to lie down on the grass and then get up and build a house. Today, he has to clean up the place to grow herbs and raise spiritual pets, and then upgrade the house, the fields, and the spiritual pets.

Who knew it would get dark when you close your eyes and then open them again.

But Tongluo felt so good lying on the grass, so good that Lu Cichuan didn't bother to do the task for a while.

The game is good, just have fun, why worry so much?

Thinking of this, Lu Cichuan felt at ease. He found a comfortable position in Luo's arms, closed his eyes, groggy, and felt like he was about to fall asleep again.

Read The Duke's Passion