MTL - After Wearing the Book, I and the Protagonist Attack the Female King-Chapter 71

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The war is completely over.

The flag belonging to the Zerg was raised again on the central square of the Fifth Galaxy. The female soldiers took off their hats and saluted. Lu Cichuan and Luo stood in the first row, watching the flag rise to the top and fluttering in the wind.

After the flag-raising ceremony, the military department and the government workers sent by the Zerg main star held another meeting together. The meeting revolved around the post-war reconstruction plan of the fifth galaxy, as well as the resident subsidies and other aspects that the military female should be responsible for.

The Carter Army and the 1st to 4th Army Corps plan to withdraw in batches. The Carter Army and the 1st Army Corps belong to the first group, and they can set off and return to the main star tomorrow. Therefore, today will be the last day for Lu Cichuan and Luo to stay in the Fifth Galaxy.

Peace has come, and Helen Star, which is usually quiet and empty, is gradually returning to life.

As evening approached, Lu Cichuan and Luo went to visit Derry and Crane at the Rembrandt operating base north of Helen Star.

Crane was all right, but Derry was seriously injured in the enemy attack a week ago, and lay in the medical cabin for a full week before fully recovering today.

"I have long disagreed with your male father coming, but he must not listen."

Although there was a slight helplessness in Crane's tone, the corners of his mouth were raised. After all, no insect knew better than him why Derry had to come to the Fifth Galaxy.

"It's fine." Luo said softly.

This sentence should add the subject of Crane. To a certain extent, Luo is terrifyingly cold-blooded. There is only such a meager family relationship between him and Derry. Derry doesn't care about him, and he doesn't care if Derry is okay.

Luo hesitated, was silent for a long time, and finally summoned up the courage to say, "Father, after my Highness and I return to the insect star, we plan to hold another wedding."

"It's time to do it again."

Crane smiled softly and touched Lo's hand, sincerely happy for his worm.

He said softly, "His Royal Highness fought this battle beautifully. The good news of victory has already been sent back to the main star, and the whole world will bless you."

By Kelan's side, Luo will always feel at home. He seems to have returned to his childhood. He couldn't help hugging Kelan tightly and said, "Thank you... I love you so much."

Crane stroked his long hair and smiled lightly: "I love you very much too."

After chatting with Kelan alone, Luo and Lu Cichuan were walking in the countryside together. They passed a large meadow around the village and saw a few cubs gathered together to play the game of "male worms and different beasts".

One of the little bugs held up a branch to imitate a lightsaber, and stabbed the air beside the head of the other little bug. on the ground.

"Handsome, handsome, I heard that the third highness killed the leader of the alien beast like this!"

These little worms are at the age of infinite yearning for heroes, chattering, their eyes are starting to shine, and they are scrambling to play the role of big heroes.

Lu Cichuan and Luo intertwined their fingers. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but chuckle. He pressed against Luo's ear and asked, "Are you handsome?"

"He's handsome." Luo Cheng nodded, and Lu Cichuan, who raised a knife in his hand and dropped a knife this morning, could not help but come to his mind.

At that time, he thought that there would be no better male worm than Lu Cichuan.

Lu Cichuan was still next to Luo's ear, when Luo looked back at Lu Cichuan, Lu Cichuan's lips just brushed his cheek.

The distance was too close, the eyes of the two insects collided, and the atmosphere was just right. No one could hold back for a while, and they were tightly intertwined. Luo finally got his wish and absorbed the sweet nectar from Lu Cichuan's lips.

After becoming famous in the first battle, every corner of the Zerg star field is full of praise for Lu Cichuan and praise for the new generation of Carter Army.

The bugs on the Star Net Forum finally realized that they had had a deep prejudice against the third prince for a long time, even malicious speculation and baseless slander, and they apologized from the air.

Lu Cichuan is already an S-rank male worm, and he has also defeated the alien leader Adonis. There is no worm in the world that is Lu Cichuan's opponent, so Lu Ning thinks that there is no need to ban Lu Cichuan's videos and videos from the stars. circulated online.

After the ban was lifted, the worms on Xingwang realized with hindsight that "Zerg Yan Dian" and Lu Cichuan were actually the same worm, and the forum was boiling again for a while!

However, the opinions of the worms were never important to Lu Cichuan.

The first thing he did when he returned to the main star was to go to the Female Insect Information Office of the Male Insect Protection Association and change Luo's identity from female servant to female monarch.

The downside of being famous is that there are too many onlookers watching and looking at him. The insects taking pictures blocked the way, and the male insect protection association was blocked. In the end, it was the military female who opened the way, and Lu Cichuan successfully completed the formalities.

The second thing is to meet Lu Ning in the palace.

It only took three days before he left the main star, which was not bad for the promise he made to Lu Ning. Lu Ning was shocked and proud. After all, Lu Cichuan's excellence was beyond his imagination.

Kill the alien leader? ? End the war in three days? ? Wow, how could such a squeamish little guy in his family have such great ability?

When Lu Cichuan came, Lu Ning was surfing on the star network, and mixed into the army of Lu Cichuan with a trumpet.

Netizens are too good at exaggerating, making Lu Ning ecstatic.

Lu Cichuan not only came today, but also brought Luo. After all, he hoped that Lu Ning and Alvin would also be there on time on the wedding day.

When Lu Cichuan proposed the idea of ​​re-hosting the wedding, Lu Ning agreed without saying a word. He had a good impression of the military female, after all, Alvin was once a military female.

The date of the wedding was set in three days, just three days before the birthday of God.

There were not many guests Lu Cichuan wanted to invite. In addition to the male and female fathers, there were the Easton family and Mr. Carter's family, as well as his university friends and His Excellency Roderick.

Luo and Lu Cichuan have a high degree of close friends. He also sent invitations to Felix Hardy, who is also Lu Cichuan's fighting class teacher.

As expected, Roderick delivered a carload of complex roses. Lu Cichuan and Luo found a wedding designer, carefully selected a plan, and handed it over to Mr. Butler to arrange it.

The night before the wedding, Lu Cichuan sent Luo to the suspension car, Luo De went home and stayed for one night, and then Lu Cichuan took the wedding suspension car to pick him up the next day.

Lu Cichuan was nervous and looking forward to it. He tossed and turned, and finally didn't fall asleep all night. He got up early to wash and change clothes.

He was wearing a pure white suit, and Lin Sen also helped him make a look. After lifting his bangs, he revealed a smooth forehead. His hair was fluffy, very layered, and extraordinarily exquisite.

Lu Cichuan simply ate something. He got up at five o'clock and waited until seven o'clock in the morning. Finally, he got into the hover car decorated with complex roses and went to the Joyce Manor to pick up Luo.

Behind him, he followed eleven levitation cars, which was really rich and powerful, causing the people of the imperial district to stop and look up, asking which one was getting married today.

Half an hour later, Lu Cichuan picked up Luo, and the suspension car behind picked up Luo's father, father, brother and younger brother, and the convoy drove to Lu Cichuan's manor.

At eight o'clock in the morning, after Lu Cichuan and Luo arrived at the wedding venue, all the guests came.

His Excellency Angus Carter, as a marriage witness, presided over the entire wedding process, and now it has just reached the part of the wedding vows.

Under the bright lights in the room, Lu Cichuan looked at Luo, who was standing opposite him, without blinking. Every aspect seemed to be the first time he saw him. He was always addicted to Luo's dreamy and romantic ice blue. in the eyes.

Since Lu Cichuan passed through the book, on the one hand, he was forced by the system, on the other hand, because Luo Tai lacked a sense of security, and the vague guarantee could not make him feel at ease, so that Lu Cichuan never said that word once, that A word that should appear frequently between couples.

"I love you."

The hall was empty, making Lu Cichuan's voice distant and clear. With a solemn expression, he repeated it firmly, "I love you, I love you very much, I fell in love with you the first time I saw you. At that time I I just thought, if I want to marry a female monarch in my life, that worm can only be you."

Luo was a little surprised. There was a template for the wedding vows. He thought that Lu Cichuan would follow it, but he didn't expect it to be on the spot and revealing his true feelings.

Every time Lu Cichuan said a word of love, Luo's heart trembled heavily. There were so many worms watching from the audience, which made him feel a little embarrassed and couldn't help but be happy. He was so happy.

Luo's entire worm was enveloped in this open, upright and passionate love, and Lu Cichuan's love words emerged one after another, making him dizzy.

Lu Cichuan knew Luo's character too well. He knew that he was taciturn and had no art of telling love words. After he said a lot of naughty things, he only let Luo say "I love you too".

Before Luo could feel panic, he was led by Lu Cichuan. He stared into Lu Cichuan's eyes, and said word by word, "I love you too."

He suddenly remembered what Lu Cichuan said a few days ago, and felt that it was very suitable for the current scene, so he couldn't help saying: "I want the whole world to know how good you are and give you the best."

The guests under the stage came to "Hey~" and went, feeling that the young couple was too tired and crooked, so after exchanging the rings, the worms sent Lu Cichuan and Luo into the wedding room.

It's also time to contribute to the reproduction of the Zerg!

The author says:

It's over here~ There will be an episode

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