MTL - After Wearing the Book, I Became the Second Mary Sue-Chapter 467 Not as big as my toilet!

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"After Wearing the Book, I Became a Mary Sue Man No. 2 Novel ( Find the latest chapter!

When Jiang Xun returned to the dormitory, Gu Pan was playing a game. She turned on the game voice, and specifically asked Xiaozhi if there was a live broadcast over there. After hearing him say "no", she began to complain with confidence.

"You don't know how perverted that club is! The whole club plus 'cleaning' has a total of six people! Crowded in a small house of more than 30 square meters, more than 30 square meters! What concept? It's not as big as my toilet. !!"

"...Ahaha, the feeling, the feeling is good, isn't there cleaning! This configuration sounds good at first glance."

"That's temporary, everyone. Listen to everyone, including me. If you are unlucky, you may be taken out as a cleaning agent. Do you understand?" Gu Pan picked up a bottle of water from the side and unscrewed the lid. After taking a few sips, he continued.

"What I know is the club activity room. I don't know, I thought it went into some garbage collection station. I won't say more about the other brothers, you can experience it for yourself."

Xiaozhi: "…"

"Okay, it seems a little miserable."

Gu Pan wanted to say something else, but Jiang Xun gradually came over in his sight. Gu Xiaopan, who had lost sight of his friends, abandoned Xiaozhi in the game, and dragged his chair to Jiang Xun's side.

"You're back? How is your club, is it fun?"

Gu Pan was eager to find a sense of balance from others, although she knew it was impossible. After all, looking at the entire school, I am afraid that there is no club that is more pitiful than the **** director club.

Jiang Xun didn't want to hit Gu Pan, he thought about it, and nodded indifferently, "It's okay, it's nothing fun."

This is not a lie, he just went inside for a walk. All the core products developed by AI Club are in other places, and only the president knows the password.

The president has been elusive all day, and he doesn't know when he will come back, so Jiang Xun also saw empty shells and a bunch of equipment that he couldn't understand.

After hearing what Jiang Xun said, Gu Pan felt a lot more balanced, "I thought you guys were fun, so I decided to change jobs."

Said, Gu Pan also sighed.

Jiang Xun looked at her face and asked calmly, "What's the matter, you're not having fun there?"


It's more than "not fun", it's simply impossible to start with!

No wonder she was fascinated by Xu Jiachi's fellow at that time. She really felt that her writing was very good, and her brilliant writing was full of flowers. There was only one Bole missing in her life. This was a good opportunity for her to soar into the sky and find herself!

The results of it?

Thinking about it is a bitter tear.

However, Young Master Gu wants to suffer for his face. He was complaining with his brother just now, but he pretended to be in front of Jiang Xun, and said with a natural expression: "It's okay, it's quite interesting to be able to shoot video or something."

Jiang Xun held back his laughter, and UU Reading nodded in agreement, "Well, I believe in you."

This kind of belief Gu Pan would rather not.

Nai He's big words have already been blown out, Gu Pan is not good to continue complaining, and can only swallow the pain in his stomach.

In the next few days, Gu Pan has been thinking about what to do with his club, which is almost finished. The video is only one aspect. According to Xu Jiachi, the old seniors of their club, the original intention of setting up the club is to write the script by themselves. director.

To put it bluntly, I have a dream of filming.

Can't you still have to develop into the entertainment industry?

Gu Pan felt a humming pain in his head. The school's ultimatum to the Duzi Club seemed to be a few months later. If the club could not prove the significance of the club's existence during this period, it would be banned.

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