MTL - After Wearing the Book, I Became the Second Mary Sue-Chapter 5 good show

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Jiang Xun had probably been ostracized for a long time, so he naturally found the most remote corner of the entire restaurant, so that the students who wanted to sit closer and listened to a few conversations between Master Gu and this commoner couldn't hear it.

No one would think that Gu Pan really came to Jiang Xun to discuss the so-called "private affairs", but they more and more confirmed their previous guess: this commoner must have offended Master Gu.

With the power of the Gu family, Young Master Gu has the character of revenge, so this commoner will definitely not be able to stay in the school this afternoon!

All right!

In the eyes of the classmates, Young Master Gu, who is invincible day by day, is a little restless at this moment.

When he was talking just now, he took the opportunity to sit next to Jiang Xun. He didn't feel anything at first. After the others left, Gu Pan felt an obvious coolness emanating from his side.

Gu Pan turned his head stiffly, but saw that Jiang Xun didn't seem to be affected in the slightest, and he was still eating slowly, without even raising his head from beginning to end.

What a good concentration this must be!

Truly a big man.

Gu Pan was thinking about how to speak. The task given to her by the system was to help Jiang Xun graduate smoothly. Not to mention how difficult it is to complete, it is not easy to win the trust of the boss now.

What's more, from Gu Pan's point of view, Jiang Xun didn't drive her away, but just ignored her, as can be seen from the coldness radiating from him.


Gu Pan dawdled for a while, and finally had the courage to say a word, but Jiang Xun suddenly got up and walked away with a dinner plate...

never looking back...

Gu Pan: "..."

In the original work, Gu Pan, this young master who is doted on by thousands, although he is very gentle towards girls with a gentleman's heart, can treat people of the same sex, especially those who have a competitive relationship with him, more than a "ruthless" can be described?

Just like Jiang Xun, if it was Gu Pan in the original work, he would definitely beat him to the ground. Even if Jiang Xun's military strength is high, Gu Pan might not be able to beat him, but with the power of the Gu family, it is enough to make him go away.

Now that this shell has changed its soul, Gu Pan, who had always felt that many of the original owner's actions were inappropriate, had the same heart for the first time: I wanted to beat this guy hard!

Even if he will be awesome in the future, that's not the reason why he looks at people with his nostrils now!

No wonder it is so hated.

The "annual drama" that the melon eaters had been waiting for was not staged, but it was not long before the commoner left as if nothing had happened. Instead, their honorable young master Gu sat there for a while, and when he left Obviously not in a good mood.

Everyone looked at each other and suddenly realized.

Look, the two are indeed in conflict.

Gu Pan was so angry that he forgot to go to his private dining room to eat, and went straight back to the classroom.

As a distinguished person on the first step in the world, the location of the classroom is of course different from other students. In a single building, there are actually only a dozen people in a space several times larger than a normal classroom.

Gu Pan found his classroom according to the system's cold navigation, and was really taken aback.

I don't know where I thought that I entered the villa, and its splendid appearance did not have the solemnity that a classroom should have.

Gu Pan was too lazy to sigh that the people here were out of their minds, so he found a sofa and leaned back, closing his eyes and resting.

It didn't take long for people to enter this classroom one after another. Gu Pan opened his eyes lazily and looked at them. There were two girls, one with pink hair and the other with green hair.
