MTL - After Wearing the Book, I Became the Second Mary Sue-Chapter 523 Want me to hand-feed?

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"After wearing the book, I became the second male Mary Sue (!

Gu Pan applied for an account on the novel website overnight, and when choosing a category to publish his work, he deliberately chose a "fantasy" type of novel.

The name is also very simple, "After Wearing the Book, I Became the No. 2 Mary Sue", the thick sand sculpture breath came to my face, Gu Pan nodded, and was very satisfied with his talent.

Then there is the pseudonym... Gu Pan entered two words: Young Master, but the pop-up window showed that this name has been registered by someone else.

Gu Pan thought about it and changed it to the English of the young master: childe.

registration success.

Gu Pan wrote 50,000 words and went out. She was not worried about whether anyone would read it. Anyway, to her, this work was not a work, and the original intention was just to commemorate her experience this time.

After he was done, Gu Pan didn't even have time to put the computer out, so he fell asleep on the pillow.

Probably because he hadn't stayed up for a long time, Gu Pan slept directly until the next night this time.

The curtains beside her bed had been pulled open, the computer had been tidied up, and the quilt she liked to knead in a mess on weekdays was now covering her very obediently and obediently.

Gu Pan stared at the ceiling in confusion, unable to remember what day it is now.

She vaguely remembers... staying up late last night to do something, and then going to bed almost before dawn, so... what time is it now?

"woke up."

Jiang Xun walked to the bed and looked down at Gu Pan's dazed eyes, "Are you going to have breakfast or dinner?"

"...Late, let's have dinner."

Gu Pan looked out the window, it was almost dark, and he couldn't help but slap himself on the forehead.

What a shame! How can you sleep like this?

And after gradually sobering up and IQ and returning to the cage, Gu Pan finally realized that when she fell asleep like a dead pig, Mr. Jiang did not forget to serve her.

Really... the more you think about it, the more embarrassing it becomes!

Jiang Xun nodded, "Okay, but you have to get up quickly, otherwise you won't be able to eat dinner, so you can only have supper."

Gu Pan: "..."

The school cafeteria was empty now, so Gu Pan and Jiang Xun went outside and found a restaurant near the school.

Gu Pan looked at the computer while eating. When she was writing last night, she suddenly felt a surge of thoughts, and she also wrote several additional "small compositions", which she planned to upload to the group in the next two days.

Although those people in the group looked down on her with disrespect, but as one of the true masters, she still had to be generous in her heart and couldn't get angry because of such trivial matters.

Gu Pan tsk tsk shook his head, feeling that he was too dedicated and kind.

Just as she was about to upload the file, the computer was suddenly taken away from her.


"what are you doing?"

It's so good, why didn't you take her computer?

Jiang Xun was expressionless, turned off Gu Pan's computer, and put it on the chair next to him.

"What am I doing? I also want to ask you what you are doing. You can't eat well, right? Or do you want me to hand-feed you?"

"...I'm Gu Pan buried his head in a guilty conscience.

At this time, it is necessary to admit the cowardice, otherwise Jiang Boss will do what he says and say that he will feed her with his hands, and he will definitely feed her!

In a large audience, in front of so many people, Gu Pan couldn't afford to lose this person.

Jiang Xun looked at Gu Pan who was honest, and felt a little pity in his heart.

After returning, Gu Pan looked at his computer with all his heart—Big Brother Jiang confiscated her computer, and he didn't want to return it to her after eating. He went back to the dormitory and put her computer on his bed on purpose.

After wearing the book, I became the latest chapter address of Mary Su Male No. 2: https://

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