MTL - After Wearing the Book, I Became the Second Mary Sue-Chapter 542 Calm down

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The grades are not good either, I know all day long, I will probably get paid to be put into some noble school in the future, and I will spend a few more years in it. After graduation, I will continue to work.

Anyway, there is a high probability that the Gu family will not be passed on to her. The century-old foundation of the ancestors cannot be ruined at will.

I'll probably leave it to my uncles.

Her parents will always be worried, and maybe they will be mad and have a heart attack...

Hiss... Gu Pan patted his chest, fortunately, fortunately it wasn't her.

It is estimated that the box office of the movie will not be high. No matter whether the scandal is true or someone deliberately framed it, and the reputation of the movie collapses during the hot release period, no matter what the truth is, it will be difficult to rescue it.

Gu Pan sighed that the world is impermanent, but it is a pity that a good movie had hoped to win the award.

At the same time, the CP group ushered in a new frenzy.

First, in the afternoon, some sisters claimed that they were students of Misaki University and came to reveal first-hand information.

[This melon is authentic! ! ! Let me briefly introduce myself. I am a third-year student in the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Misaki University. I was fortunate to discover this CP group of Master Gu and Jiang Xueba. Then comes the point! ! ! Today I went to buy books outside the school, and on the way to the school gate, I met Jiang Xueba and Master Gu... Do you think this is the point? Big mistake! The point is the two of them! Holding hands!

That's right, it's just like you think, the fingers are tightly clasped, and they are very close! My **** first reaction at the time was that I might be too high-profile and too involved in the drama, and I was hallucinating. But at that time, I was not alone on the road. I, Young Master Gu, Jiang Xueba, and some classmates, maybe five or six. There were two straight male brothers next to me who were still doubting their life and asked my friend who he was. It wasn't a dream, and then I realized it was so real! !

So sisters, I'd say they might actually be together, we got it! ! ! ]

Although this is a cp group, the calm sisters still occupy the majority, and they are just enclosing their own cuteness, just to satisfy their rotten girl heart.

I never thought that Gu Pan and Jiang Xun would really be together.

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if the Gu family doesn't care about Jiang Xueba's life experience or the disparity between the two, as the only child of the Gu family, will Young Master Gu allow him to be with a man?

Not to mention that Young Master Gu is still...cough, he is still the one below, what is the face of Young Master Gu?

It's impossible to think about it with your toes if you want to say that the two of them are really together.

Immediately, someone came out to persuade the sister who was "on the top of the cp".

[Well... the idea is good, I just refined the process, polished it, and then uploaded it to the group file. ]

[Although, we are still a little calmer, and too much speculation can easily lead to confusion, anxiety and hallucinations. ]

[I think the symptoms of this sister are similar to mine some time ago. Even my dream came true from the cp I drank, and then I woke up in a trance all day, hating the injustice of God, why not let the two lovers Together! It took about a week for me to wake up, and it turned out that it was all my fantasy! ! ]

[Don't say it, it's all knives, let's encircle the land and make ourselves cute, why bother to imagine things that can't happen at all? ]

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