MTL - Age of Elves: God-Level Landing-Chapter 235

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Luo Chen hesitated for a while and said to Chaomeng: "The two have successfully escaped. If the two black-clothed guards have succeeded, Dongling's pursuit of us will only go further and further. But it is not advisable to stay here for a long time. We still have to get out of this place quickly."

"Previously, I planned to go to the Shenno area to find Dr. Yamaki's daughter, Anna, after the two of us escaped. The night is too dark. It is dangerous for you to fly tiredly at night, so let's stay away from oranges now. The towns in the alliance area are relatively close. Let’s rest for the night in the town first, and as soon as the sun rises tomorrow morning, we will set off directly to the Shenao area.”

After Chao Meng heard it, he nodded and said, "Okay, let's do it like this."

After speaking, the two ran towards the depths of the forest. Because after passing through this forest, it is a town in the Orange Union area.

On the other side of Dongling, it seems that a large number of people have been dispatched, and each of them is driving a flying Pokémon. In such a dark night, they all flew at low altitudes, carefully searching for traces of falling dust.

Dong Ling, Chun Lei, and Qiu Rong did not have flying Pokémon and all sat on the back of Shabby's dark fire-breathing dragon.

Shabby said helplessly: "It's so dark now. I can't find Luochen at all. He is hiding in a lush grass, and we can't find him."

Dong Ling and the others didn't know that Chao Meng escaped with Luo Chen.

After hearing what Xia Bi said, Dong Ling thought of a way, and Xia Bi said loudly: "Xia Bi, let the dark fire-breathing dragon fall to the ground, I think of a way to find them quickly.

So Charpy ordered the dark fire-breathing dragon to break down quickly to the ground. The Dongling four jumped down from the back of the dark fire-breathing dragon.

Afterwards, Dong Ling took out the Poke Ball from his pocket and threw it into the air, shouting, "Come out, Dark Ice Bear!"

... After the Dark Icefield Bear heard the order, he jumped out of the Poké Ball.

Looking at the physical condition of the Dark Icefield Bear, it has almost recovered. So he shouted loudly to the Dark Icefield Bear: "Dark Icefield Bear, use absolute zero!"

After the Dark Icefield Bear heard the order, he stood up suddenly. Two hands kept slapping his chest. There was a whitish airflow constantly emerging around, and this airflow was very cold. The surrounding air temperature has caused a sharp drop. Then the Dark Icefield Bear opened its mouth and sprayed countless ice and snow all around.

And from under the feet of the Dark Icefield Bear, bursts of ice continued to spread to the surrounding ground. Soon the ground for several miles was covered with ice, and the forest was covered with snow and trees.

But under this bright moonlight, the ice is like a mirror, refracting the moonlight back and forth constantly, illuminating the forest for several miles.

Dong Ling raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said in a low voice, "This time our line of sight will be brighter. The whole area is covered with ice, and even if the boy Luo Chen is running, he can't stand it any longer."

Chunlei, who was on the side, not only shivered and said, "But, Dong Ling, you must know that not only Luochen can't stand it, but our people can't stand it either."

Dong Ling looked at the surrounding Xia Bi, Chun Lei, and Qiu Rong, all of them shivering from the cold, then looked up at the members of his dark organization, all of them were driving their own flying Pokémon in the air. Constantly searching. But when the Dark Icefield Bear released absolute zero, the Pokémon flying in the sky and the members of the dark organization seemed to freeze to death. One by one, they were anxiously forced to descend to the ground.

Dong Ling looked at the funny looks of these people and smiled helplessly. Then he shouted loudly to everyone: "The temperature is indeed a bit cold now, but everyone endures the darkness. The icefield bear has turned this area into a thousand miles of ice and is particularly translucent under the moonlight. It is also convenient for everyone to search for the place where the dust falls.”

"Only when everyone finds where the dust is, the Dark Icefield Bear can recover the frozen weather. So let's all work harder."

When all the members of the dark organization heard Dong Ling say this, everyone did not dare to neglect themselves. Because they knew that Dongling would never be soft on them. If they didn't find out where Luochen was, Dongling would never take back the frozen weather. So everyone seems to be forced to arouse their latent fighting spirit, desperately searching every corner of the forest

, for fear of falling.

Afterwards, Dong Ling turned to Xia Bi Qiu Rong, Chun Lei said: "If the four of us are too cold, let's go on the back of the dark fire-breathing dragon. At least the temperature on its back should resist the coldness. Cold winds. And this uncomfortable temperature."

After the three heard it, they nodded. Then, the three immediately jumped onto the back of the dark fire-breathing dragon to keep warm. Faced with this cold weather, everyone was full of energy. Fortunately, the ice on the ground can reflect the bright moonlight on each other to make the whole forest brighter. It also broadened everyone's horizons.

In this way, all the people of the dark organization searched for more than an hour. However, the whereabouts of Luo Chen were not found at all, not even the footsteps of Luo Chen.

A member of the dark organization couldn't stand the cold, so he drove his dark Bibi bird to the side of the dark fire-breathing dragon of the four people in Dongling.

When Dong Ling saw it, he shouted angrily: "What are you doing here with the four of us? Why don't you go to other places to search for these places? We have already searched them all over. There is nothing at all, you should go to other places to look for them. "

The member of the dark organization shivered and said to Dong Ling: "Report, report, Captain Dong Ling, all of us have been searching for more than an hour, and we haven't found Luo Chen, where is he? It's not that Luochen is not in this forest at all right now."

Dong Ling heard the dark organization member say this, and said angrily: "Nonsense! It is absolutely impossible, there is only one door to escape from the dark base. He can only escape in this forest.

Activities in the forest, his speed is not proportional to our speed at all, he feels that he will never be able to escape this forest now. Are you just trying to be lazy here? If you do this, I will punish you severely when you go back. "

The member of the dark organization was so frightened that he almost cried, and kept defending: "Report to Captain Dongling, I really didn't lie to you. All our dark organization members have searched this forest for several miles. The place. We have searched every stalk of grass in each area, and there is no trace of him at all. There is no way to ask you for advice. "

When Dongling heard it, he wanted to get angry, but Chunlei stopped him. Chunlei stopped Dong Ling with his hand and said in a low voice, "Dong Ling, please calm down first. I don't think what he said is unreasonable. With the speed of finding so many flying Pokémon, it is definitely a large area of ​​search for several miles."

Afterwards, Chunlei turned to ask the member of the dark organization: "I ask you, if I guessed correctly, have our current crew searched the entire area of ​​the Dark Icefield Bear's ice blocks. Are you already searching for the boundary of the ice-covered spread?"

The member of the dark organization nodded quickly and replied, "Reporting to Captain Chunlei, the frozen boundary has now been searched. If you are searching, it is almost no longer frozen. It is a normal forest."

Then Chunlei turned his head and said to Dong Ling: "Dong Ling, you should calm down first, it's not unreasonable, and now the frozen area of ​​other people's bears has almost been searched. If you haven't found the whereabouts of Luochen, there is only one One possibility is that Luochen is not in this forest at all right now."

Dongling may not believe what the members of the dark organization say, but he usually thinks twice about Chunlei's words. He trusts Chunlei's mind more.

Afterwards, Dong Ling curiously asked Chunlei, "Chunlei, if Luochen is not in this forest now, where does Nani think he should be now?"

Chunlei thought for a moment, then guessed: "According to my inference, I feel that this kid Luochen never left the base of the dark organization at the beginning, maybe he used a trick. He deliberately led us all away. , and then he was running away."

...Dong Ling listened to Chunlei's conjecture and hesitated for a while, but decisively rejected Chunlei's conjecture. He said: "Impossible, it is absolutely impossible for him to escape after we were dispatched. After we got out of the cave, there were already guards at the gate of the dark organization's base, and it was impossible to let him out. Even if he forced his way out, we The guards will immediately call a large number of troops to detain him. Our troops are not vegetarian. "

Chunlei guessed a hypothesis and whispered: "What you said is not unreasonable. If you analyze it according to your analysis, there can only be one conclusion, and that is that this kid Luochen has been in the dark base all the time. I didn't run away, just to play with us once."

Dong Ling, Xia Bi and Qiu Rong heard Chun Lei's analysis and felt that the conclusion of 983 was the most likely. So Dong Ling shouted loudly to all the members of the dark organization dispatched: "Everyone don't need to search anymore, go back to the dark base with me. Hurry back to the dark base to see if Luochen is in the dark base!"

After all the members of the dark organization heard the order, expressions of joy appeared on their faces. Because it's too good for them to hear this order, and they don't need to be here at all.

After searching around in the ice and snow, I can go back to my room to warm up for a while.

When all the members of the dark organization heard the news, they immediately cheered up and ordered all their Pokémon to fly to the dark base immediately.

Later, Dong Ling also said to the dark icefield bear beside him: "Dark icefield bear, you can take back absolute zero!"

After the Dark Icefield Bear heard the order, he inhaled hard with his big mouth open, sucked all the ice and snowflakes back into his stomach again, and took back the cold airflow around his body.

Afterwards, Dong Ling took out the Poke Ball from his pocket and threw it directly into the air, shouting loudly, "Come back, Dark Ice Bear!" The Poke Ball was thrown and spun in the air. The Poké Ball slammed open the Dark Ice Bear and returned to the Poké Ball. Then Dong Ling took the Poké Ball and whispered to Xia Bi, "Xia Bi, let's hurry back to the dark base as well."

Shabby nodded and ordered the dark fire-breathing dragon to fly in the direction of the dark base.

At this time, on the side of Luochen and Chaomeng, the two had already run to the town. It's already two o'clock in the morning, and it's dark all over the town, and it's hard to see all the lights.

Chaomeng whispered to Luochen: "Luochen, where do we two rest tonight? You see that all the hotels in these four places seem to have closed. At this time, there is no hotel for us to live in."

After Luochen heard it, he smiled at Chaomeng, shook his head and said, "Haha, even if the hotel can open now, the two of us won't go there, because it's too revealing of the whereabouts of the two of us."

After Chao Meng heard Luo Chen, he looked at Luo Chen curiously and said, "What's the plan? Where are we going to live tonight?"

Luochen smiled and said, "The most dangerous place at that time was the safest place. The two of us will go back to Dr. Kongmu's laboratory tonight, where I can pack up and bring some essential things to me. Bring them all. Tomorrow, the two of us will go directly to the Shenao Alliance area early in the morning."

After Chao Meng heard it, he nodded meaningfully and said: "Yes, you are right, the most dangerous place is the safest place, the two of us will hurry back to Dr. Kongmu's laboratory now."

After speaking, the two ran towards the laboratory. After a while, the two came to the laboratory and saw that the door of Dr. Kongmu's house was locked, and it seemed that they could not enter at all.

Luochen thought for a while and said to Chaomeng: "Dr. Horror seems to have locked the door before leaving. The two of us can go to the training ground behind the laboratory. I know that there is a passage from the training ground to enter the laboratory."

After Luo Chen finished speaking, the two quickly ran to the training ground behind Dr. Kongmu's house. The two came to the training ground and saw a mess inside. The two recalled the scene when everyone was fighting against the four of Dongling before they were caught in the dark base.

Chao Meng said angrily when he saw the scene in front of him: "Damn, if there is no dark organization, we are still living a quiet and peaceful life. It's their fault for disturbing our life! They also made our home so shabby. unbearable."

Luochen looked at Chaomeng in front of him, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Read, now our home is just in tatters, if the dark organization continues, the entire Pokémon world will become a mess, we should defend it. My own homeland, and a peaceful scene in the entire Pokémon world, the dark organization must be completely defeated."

Mewtwo nodded meaningfully after hearing that.

Luo Chen smiled and said to Chao Meng: "Chao Meng, in fact, I feel sorry for you. You shouldn't be involved in this endless war."

Chaomeng complained to Luochen: "What are you talking about Luochen? Everyone treated me like family before, Dr. Damu and Dr. Kongmu never treated me as a Pokémon. Now you have difficulties, I should help you all the more. In fact, I am afraid that if I live in my area, sooner or later, I will be occupied by the people of the dark organization. Anyway, it is all resistance, it is better to confront them earlier. "

Luo Chen smiled and nodded when he heard what Chaomeng said. He whispered to Chao Meng: "Okay, you can go back to the laboratory."

Mewtwo nodded after hearing that. Fallout brought Mewtwo to the training room. I found a basement in the training room. This is the place that Dr. Kongmu once told everyone. It is useful in case of emergency. It seems that it is really used now.

Luochen takes Chao Meng through the basement. leading to the laboratory. Push open the basement door. Luo Chen couldn't help sighing and said, "Hey, it's better to be at your own home! It's a pity that Xiao Zhi and Dr. Damu are not here. It would be great if everyone was here."

Chaomeng comforted Luochen and said: "Luochen, don't think about this, our purpose is to save Xiaozhi and Dr. Damu and others out. The picture you imagined will come one day sooner or later."

After Luochen heard this, he smiled slightly, nodded to Chaomeng and said, "Supermeng, you should hurry up and rest now, you will have to rely on you to go to the Shenao area tomorrow, you must rest your body well. I Go and pack up the luggage you're going to take tomorrow. I'll call you at eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

After Chao Meng heard it, he nodded and returned to a small room that Luo Chen had arranged for him before.

The 748 chapter: ruthless

At the same time, the group of Dongling's side also returned to the dark base. Dongling just went to the dark base to turn on the alarm, and all the alarms in the dark base sounded again. The members of the dark organization who were sleeping all woke up and ran out one after another in their clothes.

Seeing that this was a waste of time, Dong Ling immediately ran into the communication room. A microphone shouted loudly: "Everyone immediately search every corner of the entire dark base for me, find me every room, and see if Luochen is in the dark base. If you find it, report to me immediately."

The microphone in this interrogation room is connected to every room in the dark base. As long as Dong Ling shouts loudly in the interrogation room, all members of the dark base can hear the sound. This loud sound also woke up all the members of the dark organization who were sleeping, and immediately hurriedly searched for his own lounge and usual studio.

This huge alarm sound also awakened Ash and the others. Xiao Zhi had already gone to sleep, and was woken up by the alarm sound, and he couldn't help himself getting up and said loudly: "Damn, what are you doing with the continuous noise alarm this night, and let no one sleep? !"

Seeing Xiaozhi's virtue, Xiaoxia hit him directly and said loudly: "You know how to sleep in one day, if Luochen and Chaomeng escape tonight, it will definitely disturb the entire dark organization, you want to sleep tonight. That's impossible. Besides, Luochen and Chaomeng escaped tonight, you still have the heart to sleep here, do you have a long heart?"

Xiaozhi glanced at it disdainfully, and Xiaoxia said helplessly: "Wrong, why are you panicking? From what I know about Luochen, this kid is smart, this escape will definitely not be discovered by Dongling and the others. I guess The sound of the siren now is that the members of the dark organization are looking for the dust. But they couldn't find it, so the alarm that was launched ordered the whole city to search."

As soon as Xiao Zhi's voice fell, the two black-clothed guards pushed open the door and entered. Saw everyone in the studio woken up by the siren.

The two black-clothed guards also said helplessly: "Did everyone wake up by the sound of the siren, this alarm order is the alarm that Dong Ling ordered to search the entire dark base for Luochen. It is estimated that he did not find Luochen in the forest outside. , so search in the dark base. Can you find it?"

After hearing this, Xiao Zhi smiled and said, "Look, I'm right, if I guess that this kid Luo Chen will succeed in escaping."

Xiaoxia glanced at Xiaozhi and turned her head, not wanting to pay any attention to him.

Dr. Damu smiled and said to the two black-clothed guards: "Haha, no, it wasn't the sound of the alarm that woke us up, but we hadn't slept all night. Luochen was running away and didn't know what was going on, so we were worried that we didn't fall asleep. ."

Xiaoxia said ruthlessly from the side: "All of us are worried that Luochen is not asleep, but Xiaozhi slept soundly, and blamed the alarm for delaying his sleep."

As soon as Xiaoxia finished speaking, everyone laughed. The two black-clothed guards also laughed, and then said: "Be careful, Dongling and the others may send someone to check yours.

Studio, so don't panic. Just act like you don't know anything. "

Xiao Zhi smiled and said, "Haha, don't worry, we didn't know about it at first, when did Luochen escape? We don't know."

Seeing Xiao Zhi's appearance, Xiao Xia said helplessly: "You kid, you have entered the show so soon, and you are quite good at acting." Everyone laughed again at Xiao Xia's words. In everyone's smiles, there is also the joy of Luochen's successful escape.

All the members of the dark organization turned the dark base upside down and found no sign of falling dust. Groups of members of the dark organization ran to the four of Dongling to report to them: "Report to the captain of Dongling, there is no trace of Luochen!" After a while, another group of people ran over and said: "Report to Dongling The captain found no signs of falling dust!"

Dong Ling saw that all the members of the dark organization ran here to report, but did not find Luochen at all. He said angrily and loudly: "Have you searched carefully? Have you searched all corners? No place has been missed."

One of the members of the dark organization replied: "Report, Captain Dongling, we really didn't find any traces. We even rummaged through the toilets and trash cans, and there was no sign of dust at all."

When Dong Ling heard this, he was a little embarrassed and angry. Because of this matter and the task that Rek'Sai gave him, he did not complete the task, and he knew that he would be punished. So it got a little irritated.

Chunlei said on the ground, "Dongling, calm down first. Even if the three of us are punished, we won't watch you get punished alone. We will all bear it for you, don't worry."

Afterwards, Chunlei said to the members of the dark organization: "Have you all searched every room seriously? Did any of you search Xiaozhi's studio?"

When Chunlei asked this question, everyone shut up, because no one went to search Ash's studio. Seeing that there is still hope, everyone said to a few members of the dark organization: "Come with me to Xiaozhi's studio and search carefully."

After that, Dong Ling walked to Xiao Zhi's room with a few members of the dark organization. Then Chunlei, Xia Bi Qiurong followed closely behind.

Dong Ling came to the door of Xiao Zhi's studio and watched two black-clothed guards waiting there. Then he said loudly to the two black-clothed guards: "Did you two hear the order from the siren just now? Did you search Xiaozhi's room? Did you find Luochen?"

The two black-clothed guards replied with a smile, "Reporting to Captain Dong Ling, we searched Xiao Zhi's room and found nothing wrong. We didn't receive any sign of Luo Chen at all."

Not believing what the two black-clothed guards said, they forced a group of members of the dark organization into Xiao Zhi's room. Dong Ling pushed the door open at once, which surprised everyone in the studio.

Xiaozhi saw Dongling running in angrily, and asked jokingly: "What's wrong with Captain Dongling running in angrily?"

Dong Ling said loudly: "Did you hear my order just now? Is Luo Chen in your room?"

Xiao Zhi laughed immediately after hearing this: "Captain Dongling, are you joking? I'm at odds with Luochen now, how could I let him into my room?"

...Dongling still reported a glimmer of hope, couldn't believe what others said, and ordered several members of the dark organization behind him: "Go and search this room for me all at once, don't leave any behind. a corner."

This behavior of Dong Ling completely angered Xiao Zhi and said loudly: "Stop, why are you searching our room for no reason? I am now joining the dark organization, even if I can't have the same position as you, at least It should be treated fairly, too. You can search my room without my permission."

Seeing that Xiao Zhi was trying to stop him, Dong Ling was even more convinced that Luo Chen must be in this room. A sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said, "What? Are you afraid to let me search your room? Is it falling dust in your room?"

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he said angrily: "Hey, white-haired monster, don't make rhetorical arguments here. I said that if you are not in my room, you will not be in my room at all. Are you now just relying on a higher position than mine and you can do whatever you want? Bully me, if you do this, I will kill you and not join the dark organization\'"

Seeing Xiaozhi's frantic look, Dongling opened his mouth to bargain with him. But he was stopped by Chunlei, he pulled Dong Ling's arm and said, "Dong Ling, you must calm down. You are not usually a short-tempered person, why are you so uncomfortable now? It's nothing to be so anxious. way, but it will make mistakes.”

Dongling calmed down after Chunlei said so.

Then Chunlei turned around and said to Xiaozhi: "Xiaozhi, don't mind, Luochen escaped from the dark base, and the working age is really frustrating to find Luochen, so don't mind, we just want to search your room. You can ask for it. Do you agree?"

Xiao Zhi still said loudly: "Search my room, don't you have to talk about it? You ordered me so loudly as if Luo Chen was really here with me. If you weren't here with me, wouldn't you blame me?"

Chunlei smiled and said to Xiaozhi, "But I'm sorry, why don't you stay with us, can we search your room now?"

Xiaozhi thought for a while and said, "You can search my room. If Luochen is really in my room, I will let you guys deal with it. If Luochen is not in my room, today's matter. Just treat it as if you owe me a favor, or I will won't let it go."

Chunlei thought for a while and nodded and said, "Okay, yes, if it's really not in your room, it's because we owe you a favor."

Xiao Zhi nodded after hearing this. Then Chunlei ordered several members of the dark organization behind him to immediately search every corner of the entire room.

After a while, all the members of the dark organization returned to them and reported loudly: "Report, this room is really free of dust."

This completely made Dong Ling collapse a little. He doesn't seem to know what to do now.

Xiao Zhi smiled and said: "Look, I said that Luo Chen is not in my room at all, remember that you owe me a favor now, don't forget it."

Chun Lei nodded helplessly.

At this moment, Dr. Yamaki shouted loudly outside: "No, no, no! Something big!"

Dr. Yamaki also seemed to be woken up by the alarm sound, so he didn't want to wait for Dong Ling to find out that Chao Meng was gone, so he wanted to take the initiative to play a play for Dong Ling.

Everyone in the studio heard someone shouting badly outside, and everyone ran out immediately. Find out what's going on.

Everyone ran outside and saw Dr. Yamaki running towards this side, shouting that something was wrong as he ran.

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