MTL - Age of Elves: God-Level Landing-Chapter 237

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One of the young men said loudly: "Don't you understand what we mean at all? We simply don't dare to join your dark organization. Although the request was very good at the beginning, I used this temptation to deceive many people to join the dark organization. , but entering it will oppress us invisibly. Besides, we joined the dark organization and wanted to escape but couldn't escape, this is really a painful and long torture!"

When the two men in black heard it, they not only couldn't help but laugh, but they didn't think it was a complaint about the two young men, but they felt like they felt it from their hearts. This is a tribute to someone who is a dark organization.

One of the men in black squinted and whispered: "Hahaha, your evaluation is not unreasonable. If you just joined the dark organization, we will be treated the same as you. You have been in the dark organization for a long time. work. And working hard for the dark organization is sure to get room for appreciation.”

Another man in black continued: "Yes, when you have gained room for appreciation in the dark organization. You will also manage a group of people who have just joined like you, and then you can perform endless activities on them. The oppression. Look at the rules of survival in the organization, so you better learn to accept new things.”

After listening to this, the two young men couldn't help complaining in their hearts and said, "Bah! What kind of **** survival law is this? I think this is what you are forcibly oppressing. If you were an organization that loved peace and benevolent people, no one would object to joining you. Yes. Not only are you not like this, but you are also forcing more people to join you, which will not necessarily bring you a

Psychological boredom. What good is this for you! "

When Luochen heard these words from the two young men, it made sense. For people like Luo Chen, they have to admire the thoughts of the two young men, and they feel that the two young men speak very well.

At the same time, the words of the two young men made the two men in black angrily speechless. The two men in black were very uncomfortable, so one of the men in black shouted loudly: "What nonsense, in a dark organization, you must abide by the rules of the dark organization. No one can change this, so You better accept it."

One of the young men retorted: "That is to join your dark organization. What if neither of us join your dark organization?"

One of the men in black raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said disdainfully, "Then if you are unwilling to join the dark organization, you are saying that you are resisting. For today, the two of you will only win if you win. There's a chance to let the two of you escape."

Another man in black added 990: "A reminder to you. The dark organization is a huge organization like a blood-sucking beast. The more you resist the people of the dark organization, the more they will punish you. Arrest. Because they will think that if you are not arrested the first time, they will think that you have a certain strength, so they must not be able to arrest you.”

"Even if we are defeated by you, we will send stronger people to arrest the two of you. It's ridiculous that the two of you want to escape from the dark organization's claws. The size of the dark organization will crush you two It's like pinching a small ant to death."

Chapter 753: VS Men in Black

The two young men thought that what the two men in black said was indeed correct, that was indeed the truth, but one of the young men still said firmly: "I know the truth is what the two of you said, but the two of us acted as one. Pokémon trainer. Even if we resist desperately, we will never surrender, and the warriors will never be humiliated. They will never bow their heads like you guys."

When one of the men in black heard it, he glanced at the two of them and said, "That means you two want to resist to the end?"

The two young men said firmly: "Yes, it is bound to fight the dark organization to the end."

The two men in black shook their heads helplessly after hearing this, and then took out a Pokeball from their trouser pockets. The two threw the Poke Ball into the air with the same expression, and shouted loudly: "Come out, Dark Fire Rat! Come out, Dark Fire Breathing Camel!"

A dark fire rat and a dark fire-breathing camel jumped out of the two pokeballs at the same time. Suddenly he jumped out and stood in front of the two young men.

A dark fire rat seems to be taller than a normal fire rat, and the flame behind it is not red, but a continuously burning purple flame. The power of purple flames seems to be proportionally greater than that of red flames. Maybe this is also a blackened Pokémon.

And another dark fire-breathing camel is not to be underestimated. He also seems to be a bit bigger than a normal fire-breathing camel. Well, the magma column behind this dark fire-breathing camel is constantly bursting with purple magma, and the dark wind is shattering from head to toe, and the whole body is dark purple, giving people a look that is extremely like a grumpy mount. .

The two young men saw that the two black-clothed guards had summoned the Pokémon. Not to be outdone, the two of them took out the Poké Ball from their trouser pockets and threw it into the air, shouting loudly, "Come out, Dali Crocodile. Come out, giant claw crab \'"!"

A huge crocodile jumped out of the Poke Ball at once. Behind the crocodile was a crab with huge pincers, the giant pincer crab, and the two of them jumped out of the Poké Ball at the same time.

Although, the size of the dark fire-breathing camel and the dark fire rat is very huge. But the giant crocodile and giant pincer crab that jumped out seemed to be a whole circle bigger than them. Even after the fire-breathing camel and the hot number were blackened, they did not have the same strong physique as them. Moreover, the Pokémon of the two young men are fire Pokémon that restrain the two men in black.

Chao Meng not only sneered behind the big tree and said: \'Read, I feel that even the Dark Fire Rat and Dark Fire Breathing Camel have been blackened, but after all, they are suppressed by attributes, the two of them are not at all. Possibly beaten crocodiles and giant claws. The key crocodile and giant claw crab (Nuo Nuo's) have completed the third-order evolution, and it is still possible to restrain the two Pokémon that are only second-order evolution. "

When Luochen heard what Chaomeng said, he didn't dare to jump to conclusions. He didn't speak, but continued to observe the situation on the field.

When the two young men saw that their two Pokémon were fire-type Pokémon, they not only laughed and said, "Why, are the people of your dark organization so arrogant?

Chapter 754: Powerful Crocodile

With two second-order evolution fire-type Pokémon, he went on the field to fight the third-order evolution water-type Pokémon. Is this really not in line with the structure of the world at all? "

The two men in black didn't say much after hearing this, but said helplessly: "These are not important. After you two really fought against us, you will decide whether you should take back what you just said."

One of the young men saw the arrogance of the two men in black, and said loudly: "Tomorrow, let me clean up you and kill your arrogant arrogance. Strong crocodile, use frozen teeth!"

After hearing the young man's command, the crocodile immediately stood up and swept his mouth with his hands in one posture, and countless sharp and sharp teeth appeared, because all real teeth were made of Caused by ice skates. Row after row of ice teeth quickly flew towards the two fire-type Pokémon.

One of the men in black said calmly to his Pokémon: "Dark fire-breathing camel, give him some color. Use flame splash!"

After the dark fire-breathing camel heard the order, it stood up. The two small volcanoes seemed to be ready to go out, constantly spewing out. When he reached a balance point, the two volcanoes behind him (baah) suddenly erupted with countless magma. Every time Xinjiang saw a place on the ground, a huge magma mouth would appear, and the speech mouth kept emerging from it.

Countless lava fountains.

Row after row of ice teeth of the strong crocodile quickly attacked the dark fire-breathing camel. In the process of Bingya flying, there was no trace of the dark fire-breathing camel at all, because when Bingya was flying, it was completely melted by the constantly pouring magma. There is absolutely no end to the flight.

And the black-clothed guard loudly said to the dark fire-breathing camel: "The dark fire-breathing camel will intensify the flame sputtering."

After the dark fire-breathing camel heard it, it was ready to go again, and the countless magma mouths in the ground that used flames to sputter were really much more, and they continued to erupt upwards. Especially in the magma mouth around the strong crocodile erupted and violently.

The strong crocodile had to hide from left to right, but he was a little careless and was sprayed by one of them, and the other magma sprayed him at the same time. The crocodile couldn't dodge and was hit by countless magma, and was injured and lay on the side.

The young man ran to the side of the crocodile, feeling very sorry. He wanted to keep the crocodile fighting. So feel at ease and let the crocodile rest for a while, and you will fight more fiercely for a while.

And all of this was seen by Luochen behind the big tree. The young man quickly ran to the side of his beloved Pokémon, and this scene was strikingly similar to him running quickly to Chaomeng. Therefore, more or less let Luochen feel empathy.

Luochen said in surprise when he saw the scene in front of him: "I didn't expect the members of the dark organization in this Shenao Alliance area to be so powerful. It was originally a second-level evolution and a third-level evolution. Besides, in the case of attribute suppression, you can still use the fire attribute to The water attribute fell to the ground, and the most important thing is that all this does not take three rounds. I really don’t know what the strength of these two men in black is to be so powerful?”

Chao Meng heard what Luo Chen said, and he felt very reasonable, and followed: "If these two men in black are just ordinary members of the dark organization, they are definitely more powerful than the members of the dark organization in the Orange Alliance area. "

Chapter 755: Shocking

Another young man saw that his teammates had been injured by members of the dark group. So I was very annoyed and shouted loudly: "Damn, are you a little deceiving too much? Do you think we really can't beat you? People in the dark organization know that it is bullying, and you really defeated us again. How can it be?"

A person from the dark organization laughed and said: "Haha, are you telling me now that you plan to surrender? If you are defeated by us, it is me obediently returning to the dark organization with us, so what other moves are there? ?"

The young man was very angry when he saw that the people of the dark organization were so arrogant. So he shouted loudly: "The giant claws give him some color and look at it, use the stare."

Luochen and Chaomeng, who were hiding on the side, saw that the young man was using glares. Chao Meng shook his head helplessly and said: "The power of the giant claws is too small, and it can only pause and hold the enemy for a few seconds. If I were him, I would never use this skill."

After hearing that, Luo Chen nodded and said: "Haha, Chao Meng, you are right, this staring skill is really too cumbersome. And the power of staring is really negligible, it is really not worth mentioning. Besides, even if he is random Pokémon can completely suppress fire-type Pokémon, and he doesn't need to use glares. This is completely out of time."

The same idea as Luochen and Chaomeng, and the person from the dark organization.

People from the dark organization laughed when they saw the young man using this skill and said, "Haha, stare, this skill is so funny, I don't know how to describe it, are you afraid of me? The short pause for these few seconds does consume a lot of energy of the giant claws. Is this clearly a waste of time?"

However, the young man who used the skill just smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and did not say anything. His previous Pokémon, the Crab Crab, had worked hard to turn his entire body into a solid block of iron. This seems to be gathering the energy of his whole body. Then a dazzling light came out of his eyes. This light shot directly on the body of the dark fire rat.

o0 Looking for flowers? 0..

Just as everyone thought, the giant crab's stare did set such a dark fire rat there for a few seconds, so that the dark fire-fire rat Wensi could not move.

The members of the dark organization picked up their watches, looked at the time carefully, and muttered a few numbers in their mouths: "One, two, three, four, five, it's time."


Later, the member of the dark organization said again: "Haha, if I guessed correctly, your giant pincer crab can only freeze my dark fire rat for five seconds and can't cause too much blow. Come to the dark fire rat and give it to him. Hit it dead. Use jet fire."

Hearing that the member of the dark organization seemed to give orders to the dark fire rat, but the dark fire rat didn't seem to move at all. There was no physical change, and from the feet of the Dark Fire Rat it began to slowly turn into petrification. The petrification slowly extended upwards from the soles of the feet to the knees.

Chapter 756: Petrochemical

Seeing that the members of the dark organization felt very bad, and something big was about to happen, they said loudly and curiously: "What's going on, my dark fiery mouse was obviously threatened by your staring, how did it become petrified? "

The young man immediately laughed and said, "Haha, there are too many things you didn't expect. My giant claw crab has been continuously upgraded and specially trained by me. Now his staring skill "Nine Nine Zeros" can It has been able to reach the level of perfection, and it is close to petrification. This is based on a skill learned by a bird that can fly freely in the sky. Once my giant pincer crab was completely defeated by it because of this truth, so I will I will try my best to let my giant crab learn this skill."

After Luochen heard all this behind the big tree, he carefully searched for this bird that could petrify and attack in his mind. I've gone through all the bird information in my head, but I still haven't figured out what kind of Pokémon this bird is.

So, Luo Chen curiously asked Chaomeng next to him: "Meoweng, what kind of Pokémon is the bird that I can have petrification function, do you know?"

After Super Dream heard it, he thought for a while and replied: "I remember that a long time ago, the two of me and I were in a jungle. The jungle was all a bunch of birds made of steel armor. Everyone's body was covered with thick Steel, very simple, I have a lot of skills and fantasy skills that can't break his hard armor. This bird is the legendary armor bird!"

Luochen felt both familiar and unfamiliar when he heard Chaomeng mention the three words armored bird. Pokémon like you, the armored bird, are hard to see in the ordinary Pokémon world. This kind of Pokémon is not formed by nature, but made by some scientists themselves. It's the same as Mewtwo, it's all made by scientists.

After Luochen heard Chaomeng's explanation, he nodded and said: "Haha, if you say that, I really want to see this armored bird. I really want to get a Pokémon that can be used as my own? "

Chao Meng smiled and replied: "Haha, it should be very difficult to see in this area, but it is very common in some empty island areas. That kind of bird Pokémon is only suitable for this kind of empty island. If there is a chance, I will take you there and catch you some."

Luo Chen smiled and nodded after hearing this.

Then, the member of the dark organization said loudly: "Damn, did you do something? How can your giant crab easily learn the skills of other Pokémon?"

The young man smiled and said, "Haha, you're right. After that hard bird Pokémon, I used all the Pokémon to capture one. It was brought back to study. I knew a very famous doctor, After he thoroughly studied the bird, he injected more or less of the bird's genes into my giant pincer crab."


"Thank you for being a steel-armored giant claw crab. It not only has powerful attack power, but also has a powerful shield and armor. Our group of people thinks that you have no IQ as much as you."

The member of the dark organization heard the young man scolding her and became mad with anger and shouted loudly: "The Dark Fire Rat quickly unlock this petrification and prepare to continue fighting."

Chapter 757: Counterattack

The Dark Fire Rat seemed to have heard the order, but he was a little powerless. He really wanted to get rid of the petrification in front of him, but he couldn't get rid of it at all. I have now slowly spread to his knees, and is still spreading to his head little by little at a certain speed.

The young man said with a smile: "Now it's my giant crab that is going to use the fatal blow. The giant crab uses the freezing beam."

After the giant claws command. Hit the two giant pliers together. Make a thumping sound. Let him return the energy of his whole body, a light wave seems to appear between the two pincers, and the color of this light wave is a bright dark blue. A ray of light slowly formed and flew directly in the direction of the Dark Fire Rat.

The frozen light wave hit the Dark Fire Rat at once, completely freezing the Dark Fire from bottom to top, like a huge ice sculpture.

After the flames that were constantly emerging from the back of the Dark Fire Rat were frozen by the freezing beam, the flames inside disappeared completely. Only through the hard ice can see the dark and cute rat inside. The only thing she could move with her whole body frozen now was her pathetic little eyes.

The member of the dark organization shouted loudly: "Dark flaming rat, quickly heat up your body and melt this ice. Use the jet flame!"

The Dark Fire Rat can fully hear the orders given to him by the members of the dark organization. But his whole body was frozen so that he couldn't charge up at all, let alone activate skills. After the saplings in the past, the dark hot rat was still stuck in the ice.

That dark organization member was a little useless, so he said to the dark organization member next to him: "Quick, your dark fire-breathing camel thaw my dark fire rat."

The relationship between the two of the dark organization members who heard the distress signal was not good on weekdays, but for the order issued by the dark organization, they had to work hard to help him.

So he said loudly to his dark fire-breathing camel: "The dark fire-breathing camel used flame sputtering to break the ice on this dark fire-breathing rat."

After the dark fire-breathing camel heard the order, it stood there, standing there blankly, gathering the energy of the whole body in constant efforts. From the nostrils of the dark fire-breathing camel was steaming constantly. Slowly, the flames on the whole body of the dark fire-breathing camel were burning more and more vigorously, causing the two small volcanoes behind them to almost erupt.

Slowly, a huge lava pit appeared at the feet of the Dark Fire Rat. Since the Dark Fire number is also a Fire-type 993 Pokémon, it can make him stand completely on the magma, so he doesn't have to fall. Because he is a natural Pokémon with fire and gas, he can completely control skills such as magma, flame, fireball and so on.

Then, I only saw the magma mouth, and suddenly countless magma erupted like a volcanic eruption. A pillar of flames melted the ice on the whole body of the Dark Fire Rat.

This time, the dark and hot rat was completely able to escape. But fortunately, the dark and hot rat has spread to the waist, and the truth has slowly cracked. This made the young man

felt particularly shocked.

Chapter 758: Counterattack

Chaomeng, who was standing behind the big tree, asked Xiang Luochen curiously: "What the **** is going on? The dark fire-breathing camel's magma erupted. Although it can melt the sweat and ice on the dark fire-breathing rat, how can it also melt the ice on his body? What about petrochemical disintegration?"

This question is indeed a question worth pondering. After thinking about it for a long time, Luochen thought that this was the final answer, so he blurted out loudly: "If I guessed correctly, Shihua originally turned a Pokémon into a stone. It was completely frozen. The surface temperature has become quenched."

"And the eruption of the dark fire-breathing camel's magma once again brought the temperature of this stone to a commanding height. If a piece of stone encounters extreme cold and extreme temperature changes, it will shatter. So naturally, this petrified will also be disintegrated.”

Chao Meng heard Luo Chen's explanation and felt that it made sense, so he smiled and nodded.

It seems that only Luo Chen can understand all this in front of him. The two young men and the two members of the dark organization do not understand this truth at all. So, both sides are wondering what the **** is going on here?

The dark organization member looked at another dark organization member curiously and said: "How come the flame splash of your dark fire-breathing camel has the function of defrosting and petrifying? Could it be that you

This dark fire-breathing camel has also been improved \'"."

Another member of the dark organization shook his head helplessly and said: "What are you talking about, I'm so busy with my work that I'm so busy all day. How can I spare some time to train my darkness alone? The fire-breathing camel. It's hard to believe that the petrification of the giant claw crab is not as hard as the petrification of the rock-type Pokémon."

"This giant pincer crab is a water-type Pokémon after all. If he encounters a bright flame, it will definitely melt. His truth may also be melted along with the ice."

Another member of the dark organization explained that to the member of the dark organization. What people did not expect was that the members of the dark organization actually believed his nonsense. What a dare to speak and a dare to listen!

The two young men seemed to have no idea what to do with this matter. I believe what the members of the dark organization said is precisely because the giant pincer crab is a water-type Pokémon, and it is after all

**Pokémon are naturally afraid of the hot lava. "

But the young man still bit his head and shouted loudly: \'The giant claws will give him some color to see. Use the Crab Claw Hammer! "

After the giant pincer crab heard the order, it turned the crab shells on its entire body into steel armor. And some bright blackening. This makes the Giant Claw look more like a Rock Pokémon. Then the giant claws jumped into the air at once. Then slowly adjust the angle and aim the two huge pliers at the Dark Fire Rat.

The giant claws held up two extremely sharp claws and charged directly in the direction of the fire rat (Nuo Nuo good).

The member of the dark organization watched for a long time. Your current income of Dark Fire Rat has been removed from the petrification, and it is believed that although this Pokémon has very high attack and defense power, its sensitivity must be much worse than that of Dark Fire Rat.

Afterwards, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he said loudly to the Dark Fire Rat: "Dark Fire Rat, use high-speed movement."

Chapter 759: Combination Skills

The Dark Fire Rat responded immediately after hearing the order. The whole body was filled with red flames. These flames are constantly moving, burning more and more vigorously. In the end, the Dark Fire Rat was completely turned into a fireball.

Then the dark fire rat slammed down. In between, his body was so fast that he jumped directly to the back of the giant pincer crab.

In the eyes of the giant pincer crab, the dark fiery rat in front of him suddenly disappeared in front of him. And the huge pliers he wielded also fluttered in the air. Although he was ready to attack, he didn't hit anything.

And the giant claw crab is still constantly looking for where the dark fire mouse ran? The number of dark lakes is on him, on his hard back.

When the young man saw it, he shouted to the giant claw crab: "The giant claw crab, don't look for it, it's not anywhere else, it's right behind you."

When the giant claws heard the order, they slammed the claws to the back, and the dark fire rat saw the next wave of attacks from the front line. So it quickly moved to the front of the giant pincer crab, but the giant pincer crab waved its huge pincers, and its two eyes turned to the back. But they didn't see anything, they were all huge pincers, and they were empty again.

The members of the dark organization saw all the sights of the dark fiery mouse playing with the giant pincer crab. So he opened his mouth wide and said sarcastically, "Haha, your giant pincer crab is too slow, like a turtle."

All of a sudden, the young man was irritated, and he shouted loudly, "When the giant claws attack this time, be quicker, he is under your body."

When the giant claws heard the young man's order, without even thinking, he immediately slammed the huge claws out from under his body.

I saw that the members of the dark organization only whispered slightly: "Hot squirrel, get out of the way."

Unexpectedly, the Dark Fire Rat used high-speed movement again, dodged the attack of the giant pincer crab, and jumped on the back of the giant pincer crab again.

This time, the young man couldn't be more anxious, and shouted loudly: "The giant claw crab is preparing for the next attack, and now he has appeared on your back again."

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