MTL - Age of Elves: God-Level Landing-Chapter 243

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I have joined the dark organization? Originally, the two of us should leave this dark base as soon as possible to find Lei Gong. But when you let your dark base, everyone knows that I have become the sub-captain of your dark base, isn't it a bit too ostentatious? "

Anna thought about it, and felt that what Luo Chen said made sense. But Anna also showed a helpless look and said: "Although this decision is a little hasty, when Tianlei and Orochi pressed you, you were speechless, so I had to say that you joined. Dark organization. At least this is the best way to convince them to trust you."

Luochen said helplessly: "Tianlei and Orochi spread the news throughout the entire dark organization. Then I am a person with a head and face in the dark organization. It will not be easy for the two of us to escape this dark base. In your heart Do you have any plans to escape?"

Anna smiled and said, "Hahaha, of course", no. "

"Ah! No!\" I thought that Anna would have some small abacus in her heart, but when she heard that there was nothing to do, she felt that the girl was a bit abrupt, and Luo Chen had no choice but to shake his head.

Anna saw Luo Chen's helpless appearance "Zero Zero Three", so she patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Hey, you don't have to panic, there must be a way to the car to the front of the mountain. You and Chaomeng, the two of you in a while. Come to my studio, the three of us will have a good discussion and discuss the plan together, it's okay. If there is no way, I will have the final say in this dark base, I will take you out of here, no one dares to say anything, when they When you find something wrong, you can't find the two of us at all."

Seeing Anna's domineering look, Chaomeng smiled and said, "Haha, little girl, I like your cheerful personality. Let's work together well in the future."

Seeing Chaomeng's praise for him, Anna smiled slightly and replied, "Okay, I'm looking forward to working with you!"

When Luochen saw Chaomeng and Anna, the two of them could talk very well, so he could only say obediently: "It seems that this is the only way to go now."

Anna was particularly sunny, pulled Luochen and said with a smile: "Okay, Luochen, I know you want to leave this place early to find Lei Gong, and I also know that you want the Pokémon world to return to the previous peaceful and peaceful era as soon as possible. But It's not one that can eat into a fat man, if you want a little bit, don't think too much, let's go, let's choose a dress for you."

After speaking, Anna took Luo Chen's arm with one hand and pushed open the door of the warehouse with the other. As soon as the door opened, all the scenes inside made Luochen and Chaomeng feel a little surprised. It was said to be a warehouse, but it was very neatly arranged. And the lights in this warehouse are always on.

Anna walked inside with Luochen and Chaomeng. There is almost everything in this warehouse. There are a lot of Poké Balls and a lot of Pokémon food. There are also many daily necessities for members of the dark organization. Although he is a warehouse in the dark base, it gives people a feeling like a department store.

Anna took Luochen and Chaomeng to the team clothing area, which contained the different styles of clothes for the members of the dark organization for four seasons in spring, summer, autumn and winter. Moreover, the clothes of each season have different versions. I used to think that the members of the dark organization were only dressed in black, and had a big 'H\' engraved on their chests. not the same.

Although they are all black clothes, but there are different versions. Although a 'H\' is engraved on the chest, the picture samples of each 'H\' are different.

Anna smiled slightly and said to Luochen: "You can choose the clothes here, you can wear whichever you like."

Although this is the team uniform of the dark organization, Luochen seems to have a feeling of shopping in the mall. After choosing for a long time in Los Angeles, he chose a piece of clothes with his favorite version and icon style. And brought this clothing to the eyes of Anna and Chao Meng.

With an embarrassed look on Luochen's face, he said, "Okay, Anna, I've picked it up now."

Afterwards, Anna nodded slightly and said, "Since you have chosen this set and you feel satisfied, then change it."

When Anna finished speaking, Luo Chen felt a little embarrassed. He kept muttering: "This, this, this..."

When Anna saw it, she asked curiously, "Why are you hesitating here? Hurry up and change it!"

Luochen was really embarrassed to say it, but he still said through gritted teeth: "I'm sorry, Miss Anna, please turn around. I'm a boy changing clothes, so you look a little embarrassed."

When Anna heard this, she shook her head helplessly, and said disdainfully, "Hey, it's because of this, I still don't want to watch it. I'm a girl and I'm not ashamed, you

A boy is a little shy, okay, okay, I just turn my face away. "

After speaking, Anna turned around and covered her eyes with her hands. Seeing Anna's performance, Luochen felt a little embarrassed. I didn't realize that I was already a young man in his twenties. But it's still a little embarrassing to change clothes in front of a girl. Chao Meng saw Luo Chen's appearance, and felt helpless as he held his forehead with one hand.

In order to avoid some embarrassment, Luo Chen quickly changed his clothes. Afterwards, he said loudly to Anna: "Okay, Anna, you can turn around, I have changed it now."

Anna turned her head slowly after hearing it. Ana carefully looked at Luochen's body and found that the dark base team uniform found by Luochen was a uniform version. And there is a fitted garment inside the uniform as a foil.

Unexpectedly, when Anna looked back and saw such Luochen, she felt inexplicably that this kid was a little handsome. At the age of Anna, who is in the flowering season, she will be a little bit crazy.

Seeing Anna standing there blankly, Luochen asked curiously, "Anna, what's wrong, doesn't my dress look good?"

Anna was a little overwhelmed by Luo Chen's sudden question. He hurriedly replied: "No, no, it's quite handsome to wear."

When Luochen heard Anna's comment, he scratched his head and smirked.

Afterwards, Anna immediately said seriously: "Okay, since you have already chosen a decent dress, come to my studio with me, let's discuss the plan."

After Luochen heard it, he hurriedly agreed, but he was busy putting on his changed clothes in his backpack. When Anna saw it, she asked inexplicably, "Don't you have a better-looking and more decent dress now? What do you want to do with your old dress? Throw it away."

When Luo Chen heard that he was about to throw it away, he said in surprise: "How can I throw it away? I'm decent, but we can't wear clothes like this when we leave the dark base. In the outside world, others see you. If you wear such clothes, you can immediately recognize that you are a member of the dark organization, and will rush to avoid you. So you should wear your normal clothes outside. "

Anna recovered after hearing this, and said with a smile, "Ao, you're right, I've been in the dark base for nearly ten years."

"When I was young, I still had the opportunity to go out and play. After I got a position in the dark organization, I was busy with work. You rarely go to the outside world now, and even if you go to the outside world, you wear this black suit. Team uniform, I forgot what I look like in my casual clothes. To be honest, I still want to see the outside world."

After Luochen heard it, she felt that it was not easy for Anna. So he smiled and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, I will definitely take you out of this place. This time the two of us left this dark base, and I will never allow you to return to this place again, even if You were taken back to this place by people with more powerful dark organizations, and I will rescue you too."

Fallen Chen's remarks made Anna somewhat moved. Because Anna has never had any friends in this dark organization for so long, and naturally she will not get the love of her friends. I feel that Luochen really regards Anna as a friend, so Anna is also a little happy.

Although Anna was a little moved, she couldn't show it, and immediately said solemnly: "Okay, I understand, let's go, come back to my studio with me."

Luochen responded stupidly: "Oh." Then he hurriedly packed his clothes, and followed Anna's footsteps all the time.

Anna, Luochen and Chaomeng left the warehouse and walked towards Anna's studio.

It didn't take long before he walked to the door of Anna's studio. When she came to the door of the studio, Anna faced the machine beside the door. Using facial recognition to unlock the work door, the studio door opened itself. Luochen had a panoramic view of all this, and felt that everything here was much more advanced than the Orange League area.

Luochen followed closely behind Anna, and the three entered the studio. In the center of the studio was a huge table, as if it was for a meeting. The three of them sat around the table in turn.

Luo Chen went straight to the topic and said, "Okay, no one can hear our conversation now, so tell me when we're going to start looking for Lei Gong!"

After thinking for a while, Anna replied: "The most important thing is not when to look for Lei Gong now, the most important thing is do we know where Lei Gong is now? At least there must be a general direction to look for. You can't just aimlessly search! "

Anna's words also made sense to her, Luochen thought carefully about everything Dr. Shanmu said to him before coming, and then Luochen replied: "I remember that before I came, Dr. Shanmu explained to me, Dr. Shanmu said to him. Said, Lei Gong is one of the three holy beasts, he may appear in many areas, but no one knows where he came from."

"I remember that Dr. Yamaki said that where a large number of Thunder-type Pokémon were injured, he would come out to protect these injured Thunder-type Pokémon, but according to statistics, I heard that Lei Gong appeared the most in the Kanto region. It's okay. , All in thunderstorms, he stood on a cliff overlooking the entire Kanto region."

Anna nodded and said, "That means we will start from the dark base in the Shenno area and head directly to the Kanto area. Maybe we will stay in the Kanto area for a long time, because we don't know when Lei Gong will appear. "

Luochen said in a low voice: "Well, you are right. But don't worry, the Kanto area is where we and Dr. Damu have been staying. Don't worry about accommodation, we can live in Dr. Damu's laboratory. like my home."

Anna thought for a while, then nodded slightly and said, "Well, it seems that's the only way to go."

Later, Luochen asked again: "Then when did the two of us escape from this dark base? What is the main reason for escaping from here?"

The corner of Anna's mouth lifted slightly after hearing this, and she said in a low voice, "In my opinion, I don't need any reason. My position in this dark base is unequivocal, so I will tell Tianlei and Orochi directly that they are going to send me. Going out to do things for a few days. I just said that this is the secret mission of the Lexus captain. If I want to do it, they will naturally not have doubts, and

And don't dare to ask extra questions. "

After Luochen heard it, he asked worriedly: "In this case, no one dares to doubt you, but how do I and Chaomeng get out? The two of us have just joined the dark organization, and it seems that we can't easily get in and out of the dark base."

Anna thought for a while, and then said, "At that time, I will say that I may not be able to complete this task alone, and I need someone to help me, and I will take you out."

Luochen thought for a while, feeling that it was still inappropriate to do this, and said, "But I have only just come to the dark base. I became the sub-commander directly, maybe the psychology of Tianlei and Orochi. I am very unconvinced. What important task, you still take me, the two of them will definitely disagree."

When Anna heard it, she smiled slightly and said, "There's nothing they can do if they don't agree. This is a decision I made. Who would dare to refute it?"

Luo Chen nodded and said: "They dare not refute the decision you made, but this way the two of us will arouse their suspicion. Will it be between them and Captain Rek'Sai to ask about this matter, which will lead to the exposure of the two of us. ?"

When Anna heard it, she immediately said seriously: "Can you be a big man a little more neat? The two have already escaped from this dark base, what else can they do? Besides, you also escaped from the Orange Alliance area. What? What are you worried about?"

Seeing that Anna was a little excited, Luochen quickly comforted and said, "Anna, calm down, don't get excited yet. I'm just thinking, I'm outside now, but I'm living a life of escape. I don't want you to follow me. So. I'm afraid you can't stand the days of running around."

Anna smiled slightly and said: "Haha, you don't have to think of me as weak. I grew up in this ruthless dark organization since I was a child, and I have already honed a pair of steel and iron bones, in order to be able to make Pokémon In order to restore peace to the world, in order to completely defeat the dark organization, in order to save Dad and your partner, what is this hardship?"

Luochen stared at Anna for a long time after hearing what Anna said. It felt that Anna was not the little girl he imagined, but a full-fledged female man. Afterwards, Luo Chen nodded and said firmly: "Okay, let's do it like this!"

Anna also nodded slightly, then she thought for herself, and then said: "But the two of us should be more careful in our usual actions, because I heard that your Kanto region also has minions of the dark organization now. And listen to It is said that Captain Rek'Sai also sent many powerful people to guard the dark base in the Kanto region."

"Don't let them discover the actions of the two of us. You are a person who escaped from the dark base in the Orange Alliance area, and your combat effectiveness is still so strong, the people there will definitely inform Captain Rek'Sai, you There may be a wanted order right now, and this wanted order will be spread to the hands of dark organizations in all regions. So they will seriously remember your appearance."

After Luo Chen heard this, he nodded seriously. Then he asked curiously: "If you leave the dark base, won't the other members of the dark organization recognize you?"

After hearing this, Anna hesitated for a while and said, "Although I grew up in the dark base, and there are still many achievements in the dark base, many people have heard my name, but not many people have seen it. I've seen my face. So when I left the dark base and came to the normal world, other people didn't know I was Anna."

Luo Chen nodded and said, "That's okay, at least you can't be discovered."

Ana thought for a while and then said hesitantly: "But I'm worried now, I escaped from the dark base, and after a while our affairs will be known by Captain Rek'Sai, and he will also make me a wanted card. By that time, people with identities in dark organizations in various regions may be able to recognize me, and then the two of us will have to be more careful in our usual actions."

Luo Chen nodded when he heard it, and then asked curiously: "You said just now that I escaped from the dark base in the Orange Alliance area, and may be set as a wanted notice by Rek'Sai. Then you have Didn't receive this wanted notice?"

When Anna heard it, she immediately replied angrily: "You're stupid, of course we haven't received a wanted order in our area. If a wanted order is received, Tianlei 0.8 and Orochi are sub-captains, but they will definitely know it. Yes. Otherwise, how could they not know that you escaped from the Orange Union area?"

This made Luochen a little surprised, so he asked, "That's why Rek'Sai didn't realize that I escaped."

Anna whispered: "There are many possibilities for this matter. It may be that the four of Dongling still don't know how to tell Captain Rek'sai about this matter, after all, they escaped from his area.

such an important person. It was Rek'Sai who only knew about this now, but he was too busy to issue a wanted notice in a hurry. "

"The most terrifying possibility is that he is now issuing a wanted notice, but it has not been issued to the region."

Luo Chen heard some ominous signs behind him, and hurriedly said: "If it's really like the last situation you said, wouldn't it mean that the wanted order will be posted here soon, so wouldn't I directly Arrested by your people. I am now a self-inflicted trap, and I am obviously wanted, and I have come to your dark base to find you. "

When Anna heard it, she couldn't help but smiled and said: "Haha, this possibility is too small. As far as I know, Captain Rek'Sai seems to have important things to do these days. The dark organization is occupied, so there are obviously not enough personnel stationed in the dark bases in various regions. He is currently selecting a group of relatively powerful dark Pokémon trainers to serve as new regional garrisoners. Therefore, he may not be aware of this matter. "

Luo Chen breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, but still said nervously: "In short, we two still have to hurry to escape from this dark base. It's better to go as soon as possible. At least we can buy the most time for us to find Lei Gong. "

Anna, after hearing this, smiled slightly and said, "Okay, you have just come to the dark base, at least three days before taking you out to do the task, otherwise it will not conform to the rules of the dark organization."

Luochen couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard it: "Three days, I really hope God bless me, I must not be issued a wanted order within these three days!"

When Anna heard it, she smiled slightly and said, "Haha, you don't have to panic, it's not easy to issue a wanted order. At least you have to make a wanted order, and you have to find your photo. It's not a day. What can be done in two days. Don't worry!"

Chapter 781: Division Captain

When Luo Chen heard Anna say this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then put his heart in his stomach.

Afterwards, Luochen asked an important question curiously: "Anna, you have been in the dark organization for so long, do you know? Where is the headquarters of the dark organization? In which region was Reksai he selected more powerfully? Dark Pokémon Trainer, if I'm not mistaken, these two places should be the same place."

Ana thought for a while after hearing this, and replied, "Actually, I've been in the dark organization for so long, and I don't know where they are. You just said that the headquarters of the dark organization and Rek'Sai chose dark magic for them. The place for the baby trainer should be a place I agree with. I vaguely remember that the headquarters of the dark organization should be in the Orange Islands."

After Luochen heard it, he thought about it carefully and said, "Orange Islands? I have heard a little about this area. I heard that this is a united area composed of nine islands."

Anna nodded and said, "Yes, there are nine islands in the Orange Archipelago, but which island is their headquarters? I really don't know." Luo Chen nodded thoughtfully and said: " Understand, I must bring some powerful Pokémon and go directly to the Orange Islands to fight his headquarters." When Anna heard this, she shook her head and said, "Haha, don't think about it for now, as you are now If you go directly to the Orange Islands, you may have nowhere to go. The headquarters of the dark organization

Must be a master. People with strength like us can only be ranked last in it. I was already very powerful in the captaincy, and I was a master like him in it. At least three or four. "

After Luochen heard it, he thought about it carefully. It seemed that it was really not an easy task to destroy the entire dark organization.

Just when Luochen thought of this, the communication equipment of this dark base immediately rang: "Important notice! Congratulations to Luochen for becoming the sub-captain of the dark organization in the Shen'ao area! Congratulations to Luo Chen for becoming the sub-captain of the dark organization in the Shen'ao area! The sub-captain of the dark organization in the Austrian region!"

Luochen and Chaomeng were shocked when they heard it. Luochen hurriedly asked Anna, "Anna, what's the news? Could it be that I'm now the squad leader?"

Anna nodded slightly when she heard it. At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door outside Anna's studio. Anna said calmly, "Please come in!"

At this time, the two sub-captains Tianlei and Orochi directly pushed the door and entered. The two of them seemed to be very happy. As soon as Tianlei came in, he shouted, "Captain Anna, Luochen, did you two hear it? Did you hear the sound from the communication room just now?"

Luo Chenhou asked in surprise: "Could it be that the two of you made the sound that came out of the communication room just now?"

Tianlei and Orochi smiled blankly and said, "Yes, that's right, let the chief captain say let the two of us make you a sub-captain. When the news spread, we were in the communication room. People in the entire dark base in Nanxiang have spread, and now everyone outside should know that you are the sub-commander."

Luo Chen was a little surprised by the position that came so quickly, and the two of them looked at each other with Chao Meng.

Then Luochen walked to Anna's side and whispered to Anna, "I don't need to make such a big deal of trouble with Anna, right? I've instantly become the sub-captain of this dark base. I'm still a little uncomfortable."

When Anna heard it, she smiled slightly and said: "There's nothing uncomfortable, you don't have to be so nervous, it was the same when Tianlei and Orochi first became sub-captains. Besides, you feel that this is a bit of a hassle? Maybe In the afternoon, there will be a meeting of all the staff at the dark base. Come and solemnly announce that you will become the sub-commander."

After Luo Chen heard this, his mind was filled with amazement, and he opened his mouth and said questioningly, "Ah? It's still like this!"

At this time, Tianlei took Luochen's words in an instant and said, "Of course, at that time, Oro and I became sub-captains, and Captain Anna also arranged the same format for us and held a meeting of all staff. The two of us are going to speak on stage. To inspire all the members of the dark organization."

It was really one after another shock that made Luo Chen's head instantly blank. Luochen opened his mouth wide in surprise and said word by word, "I still have to speak in front of all the staff. There are no more than a thousand people in this entire dark base. I will be a little nervous to speak in front of these thousands of people. I have never been in I've spoken in front of so many people, so I'll be a little nervous."

This is the big snake, suddenly seeing the question, he said curiously: "What did you do before you came to the dark organization? It's not your skill, it should be a relatively good Pokémon training.

home. "

Luochen replied directly without thinking about it: "Of course, I was not only a very good Pokémon trainer before, but I also participated in many league-level competitions and won championships. I am a league-level Pokémon trainer. ."

At this time, the big snake suddenly felt wrong and whispered: "If you have participated in league-level competitions and won the championship. Then how can you become a champion without an acceptance speech? You must have faced more people than you are now. How much?"

Luo Chen suddenly felt that he had said the wrong thing. But he didn't know how to get back on his feet, so he said hesitantly: "I, although I won the championship, and I also spoke in front of many people, but I was very nervous at the time, and I didn't know what to do. No matter what you say, what you say is nothing but your brain."

Anna was a little nervous when she saw Luochen, and was afraid that something would go wrong, so she immediately said: "Luochen, you don't have to worry, don't worry, the two of them were also nervous at the time. The people below are all your subordinates, and you don't have to follow They are too nervous, you have become the sub-captain, this is understandable, just say something, don't be afraid."

Orochi heard what Anna said, so it's not good to continue to ask what? I just knew that this was something he couldn't escape, so I could only reluctantly agree.

Luochen felt that the time in the afternoon was too rushed, so he suggested to Anna: "It's too hasty to have a meeting in the afternoon. You can arrange a room for me to live in first, and I'll take a rest for the night to sort out my speech. ?"

Anna nodded and said, "Okay, then prepare for the conference tomorrow morning."

Tianlei, Orochi and Luochen all nodded solemnly after hearing this.

Afterwards, Anna whispered again: "It's getting late, and Luochen came to the dark base, but he didn't have a room to live in. Tianlei Orochi, the two of you, go and arrange a better room for Luochen."

After Tianlei and Orochi heard it, they nodded and said, "Yes, don't worry, Captain Anna. We won't make too many arrangements for Captain Luochen's room."

Anna nodded slightly after hearing this.

Then Tianlei and Orochi took Luochen to find a room. This dark base in the Shenno area is really a huge building, which can accommodate thousands of people's residences, as well as thousands of people's studios and restaurants. The most important thing is to accommodate almost tens of thousands of Pokémon of different sizes.

Soon, Tianlei and Orochi brought Luochen to a very luxurious room.

The big snake gently pushed the door open and walked inside, and the two of them followed Luochen and Chaomeng inside. Luochen saw that all the decorations inside were simply magnificent.

Luochen couldn't help but exclaimed: "This dark organization is really rich! All the facilities in this dark base alone surpass even the luxurious buildings in the center of this area. Working here is simply a pleasure!"

Seeing Luochen's admiration, the snake said in a low voice, "Of course, the leader of our dark organization heard that he is a billionaire, and he has countless money in his hands. Maybe his desire for money has already reached, and he also I want to dominate in this Pokémon world. I have money in my hand, and there are very powerful Pokémon. I feel that this Pokémon world may be his in the future."

Tianlei also followed and said: "Yes, in short, you will not be mistreated in the dark base. Since you joined the dark organization, feel free to work for the dark organization. The leader of our dark organization rules the entire Pokémon world. . . and you'll be happy too."

Luo Chen didn't say anything after hearing this, just nodded slightly. Luochen thought to himself: "The leader of this dark organization is really hateful. It seems that the world is really controlled by rich people. This leader has hundreds of millions of properties, and he can really do whatever he wants! It may be magical It takes a lot of money for a baby to change into a dark Pokémon. Has the world become like this? Rich people can do whatever they want."

These words were all in Luo Chen's mind, but he did not say them directly. Chaomeng suddenly leaned into Luochen's ear and said: "Our dark base in this Shenao area is indeed quite magnificent. I heard that this dark base was built by the leader of this dark organization with a lot of money."