MTL - Age of Elves: God-Level Landing-Chapter 261

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Afterwards, Shabby also followed suit and said: "Haha, yes, I didn't expect you to betray the dark organization, Captain Rek'Sai's wanted list clearly states that it must be caught for you, and then there will be many You are rewarded, I really didn't think (baai) that you, the commander-in-chief of your dignified dark and ignorant Shenao area, would betray the entire dark organization and join the group of Luochen, is it any good for you?"

When Anna heard it, she immediately said loudly: "Now that you already know my identity, you don't have to hide anything from you. Look at your dark organization, you may know better than anyone else, what exactly is a dark organization? You don't know. I don't know. It is full of darkness and oppression. Even if I have become the captain, I feel too boring. You should leave the dark organization, so as not to suffer retribution one day."

After Anna finished speaking, the four of Dongling laughed immediately. Chunlei took a step forward slowly, and said with a smile, "Don't pretend, little girl, do you think we don't know your true identity? You are the daughter of Dr. Shanmu, and Dr. Shanmu has joined Luochen and the others. What's the reason? The reason is still right? It seems that Dr. Yamaki's face will appear on the wanted list in a few days!"

Dr. Yamaki didn't feel any fear after hearing this, and couldn't help but let out a sneer. He carefully looked around at everyone on Luochen's side, and then slowly said to them: "Alas

It seems that all the people have gathered today, so today is also the time to make a break, catch all of you, and we can go back heavily to receive the reward. You don't have to run around anymore. "

Chapter 869 The battle is imminent

Shabby followed suit and said: "Catch you guys, maybe you are really finished, Captain Rek'Sai won't let you all go, don't even think that you are joining the dark organization, Lianmen None."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but respond angrily: "You four stinky fish and rotten shrimps. Are you a little too self-aware, do you really think you can beat us? Although we are a group of people, we are not one-of-a-kind. You are a master, but there are many people and great power, so you should stop doing unnecessary struggles."

Hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Dong Ling felt a little ridiculous.

Can't help but sarcastically said: "Is it a bit of the opposite? You have so many people hitting the four of us, but I feel that you are a group of stinky fish and shrimps. Look at how many of you can take a shot. But you can The one who is fighting against us is Luochen's Chaomeng. It seems that this captain is also a bit strong, so let's count him as one. Who are the rest of you? People who can be used as opponents."

He didn't feel the slightest anger after hearing it, but his growth now was a little more calm and steady than before, and he wouldn't be completely irritated by Dong Ling's words. He just said lightly: "Dongling, if you don't trouble us today, we will definitely have a duel with you, because I want to completely defeat you - the dark organization!"

"It seems that defeating your dark organization will start with the four of you. I feel that the four of you will have some strength after your Pokémon training and strengthening. Don't let me down. Especially you, Dong Ling! I hope that after you are defeated by me this time, you will inject the blackening potion into your dark ice bear again, it is really incompetent and defeated!"

When Dong Ling was told this by Luo Chen, he was somewhat irritated by Luo Chen, and said angrily: "What did you say? You are defeated, don't forget how many times you have also been defeated by me, this time we Absolutely use any blackening potion, there is no need to take out any blackening potion against you."

When Luo Chen heard this, he couldn't help but want to laugh, and he raised his mouth slightly and said, "Haha, do you want to take out the Heihua Yaoji as your Pokémon, the body can't bear to inject the blackening potion again, if I don't If you guess wrong, your Pokémon may die suddenly after being injected with the blackening potion!"

o0 ask for flowers 0....

Afterwards, Xiao Zhi also followed suit and said: "Haha, yes, in fact, if you are defeated, you must let your Pokémon take a good rest! You don't have any Dark Doctor to heal your Pokémon. !" Xiaozhi squinted his eyes and looked at Dr. Yamaki. Seeing Dr. Yamaki there, he couldn't help but want to laugh.


Seeing Xiaozhi and Luochen's ruthless taunts, Dongling really couldn't control his mood and wanted to summon his own Pokémon, and wanted to fight them immediately.

But he was stopped by Chunlei, and said with a smile: "Dongling, don't worry, I want to see what strength these boys have, let me see their abilities first.


Chapter 870 Ingenious Strategies

After speaking, Chunlei immediately put his hand in his trouser pocket and took out a Poké Ball. Then he slowly threw it into the air, and shouted loudly: "Come out, Dark Frog!"

The Poké Ball was immediately thrown into the air, and a huge Miaowa flower suddenly jumped out. Luochen looked at it carefully for a while, and it seemed that this wonderful frog flower really felt stronger than before from his body size and the "zero seventy" content of his muscles. It seems that each of them is indeed doing some strengthening training for their own Pokémon.

Chunlei walked slowly to the open space next to him with the dark frog flower. And looked at the people on Luochen's side with disdain, and whispered: "Who are you planning to send against me? I really want to see your strength."

After hearing that, Anna quietly climbed into Luochen's ear and said to Luochen, "This guy, I don't want to take action yet, I just want to deal with that yellow-haired monster, it makes me look very disgusting, and he treats me very badly. Lugia caused damage, I won't spare him easily."

Ana looked at Shabby with fierce eyes as she spoke. Luo Chen turned his head for a moment to the people behind him. Xiao Zhi said enthusiastically: "Since Anna has always wanted to deal with Shabby, we all know that the opponent is Dong Ling, so let me play temporarily to deal with this guy."

After Xiaozhi finished speaking, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang who were next to him followed with some worry: "Xiaozhi, their Pokémon seems to have been strengthened, and your current fire-breathing dragon doesn't seem to be their opponent at all, otherwise we and you Let's go together."

Xiaozhi shook his head and said to Xiaoxia and Xiaogang: "Forget it, you will make them look down on us together. They still have a Qiurong that you two need to deal with together, so I will come to Chunlei myself. Guys!"

After Xiao Zhi finished speaking, Luo Chen smiled slightly and said: "Haha, I was joking with you guys just now, this guy doesn't need any of us to take action. Don't worry, I still have a trick that I haven't used yet. "Luochen's words made everyone confused, and they all showed their doubts.0

On the opposite side, Chunlei said loudly: "Hey, I said, have you guys done any research? Who is going to take the shot? Don't make such a fuss, I've been waiting for too long. Who do you do? All the same, all ended up falling at the feet of my dark frog flower."

After hearing that, Luo Chen walked slowly to the front and said loudly: "Chunlei, why are you becoming so arrogant now? You are always low-key? Since you are fighting in such a hurry, don't cry and beg for mercy for a while. ."

Seeing Luochen's appearance, Chunlei not only raised the corners of his mouth slightly, but said to Luochen, "Look at your active and enthusiastic appearance, could it be that you are going to take action? Hmph, 0.8 is a bit too disappointing for me, you guys even have one. I can't even pick someone as my opponent. Let you be the first to play."

When Luo Chen heard this, he raised the corners of his mouth slightly, showing a disdainful expression, and said loudly, "You, you are not worthy of being my opponent."

Chapter 871 Lei Gong Appears

After that, Luochen slowly raised his head, used two hands to make a loudspeaker around his mouth, and shouted loudly: "Lei Gong! Lei Gong! Come out!"

Luochen's loud shout made all the crows flee in the forest. Dongling and the four also heard Luochen calling Lei Gong's name, and they were a little surprised. They didn't believe that such a mythical beast would appear here. And Xiaozhi and others also heard Lei Gong's name with expectant expressions, and wanted to see Lei Gong appear.

As soon as Luo Chen's voice fell, he only heard the sound of running incessantly in the depths of the forest. Dong Ling felt a little unbelievable in his heart. Could it be that Lei Gong really appeared here?

Then, there was a loud running sound in the forest to the left of Luochen. When everyone heard the sound, they looked over there one after another, only to see a huge beast jumping down from above a lush tree. Accompanied by constant lightning, it slowly rushed towards this side.

With a happy expression on her face, she said to herself, "Lord Lei, you really didn't disappoint me!"

Then, Lei Gong ran forward at a super fast speed, and a flash of light whistled. The speed of Lei Gong was like lightning, and he kept surrounding the four people in Dongling. This way, it was surrounded by lightning bolts. Chunlei couldn't believe it, but he didn't expect Lei Gong to actually join the battle.

After a few laps around Dong Ling and the others, Lei Gong quickly ran to Luo Chen's side. And he also said to Luochen with a look of resentment: "Why did you call me out now? I can't wait, I really want to come out to help you soon!"

After Luo Chen raised the corners of his mouth slightly with a smile, he said, "Haha, you are such a powerful Pokémon, I will definitely keep you until the critical moment! I won't call you out easily if it's not a battle, lest others attack you. There are lawlessness. Oh, lest these are my friends, that doctor is Anna's father, Dr. Shanmu." Luo Chen said while pointing at Dr. Shanmu.

Lei Gong glanced around at everyone around him, and smiled at them to show his courtesy. He said kindly and friendly to Dr. Shanmu: "You are Anna's father, Shanmubo. I always hear Anna mentioning you. Shouldn't it be Dr. Damu and Dr. Kongmu standing beside you?"

Dr. Damu and Dr. Kongmu said curiously when they heard the faces behind them: "Why. Lord Lei, do you know the two of us? I am Dr. Damu, and he is Dr. Kongmu."

Lei Gong responded with a slight smile: "Haha, I'm guessing. When I was in the Kanto area, Chengcheng invited me to be a guest at Dr. Damu's house. When I arrived in the Chengdu Alliance area, Luochen took me to Dr. Kongmu's house again. The two of you at home make me feel that Dr. Kongmu's laboratory is like a laboratory of Dr. 070, and Dr. Damu's laboratory, even, let's not talk about it."

Lei Gong's remarks made everyone laugh, and also made Dr. Damu scratch his head a little embarrassed. Looking at Lei Gong with surprised eyes, he quickly ran to Lei Gong's side, and said to Lei Gong in surprise: "Ah, Lei Gong, it's actually a living Lei Gong, I'm so old, it's the first time I've seen him, it's really good Now, can you take a few pictures with me? I really am

Some are too excited. "

Lei Gong couldn't help showing some helplessness and said, "What's wrong with this kid, I'm not the living Lei Gong, am I still the dead Lei Gong!"

Chapter 872 Going out to help

Seeing Xiao Zhi's never-before-seen appearance, he immediately ran to his side and pulled Xiao Zhi back. And while pulling Xiaozhi, he smiled at Lei Gong and said: "I'm sorry, Lei Gong, this guy is too ignorant of the world, he can't restrain his mood with a little something, I'll give him control. I'm sorry to let you It's a joke!"

Xiaozhi broke free from Xiaoxia's shackles and sneaked to Luochen's side, whispering: "You kid, you really invited Lei Gong, it seems that you really underestimated you. I said tell me what happened. We invited Lei Gong, and he would willingly help us."

Luo Chen smiled slowly, and said with a mysterious face: "Haha, this is a secret, I will tell you when I have a chance. It's just that I'm too smart!" Xiao Zhi left with a look of disdain after hearing this. After falling out of the dust, he stood back to his original position.

Everyone had a happy expression on their faces. Dr. Yamaki walked up to Lei Gong and said to Lei Gong with a smile: "It is really great to be able to join us. We are really lucky to have you. Thank you for your help. We are so busy\'". \"

After hearing that, Lord Lei responded with a smile on his face: "Haha, don't be embarrassed, this is all a matter of courtesy, and Luo Chen also helped me escape from the minions of the dark organization, so I will also help you."

After Lei Gong finished speaking, everyone was a little puzzled, and they all showed puzzled expressions, wanting to know what happened here? Luochen smiled slightly and said, "Haha, this matter, I'll talk to you later."

At this time, Chunlei, who was on the opposite side, seemed unhappy, and immediately said angrily: "Hey, you are talking about family here, you take me as air! Now we are fighting, we are standing opposite you, so don't be so rude. It's a matter of etiquette. It's just that the red envelope didn't even drive a person out of the battle. Now I'm talking here for a long time, don't force me to be rude to you."

After hearing that, Lei Gong felt that this guy must be a very annoying guy, and said angrily: "Why are you so loud, where is the arrogant boy!"

This time, Chunlei seemed to be really arrogant, and said loudly without fear at all: "Isn't this guy a Lei Gong? Don't interfere in this matter and it has nothing to do with you. You are making me anxious. Now, don't blame me for cleaning up with you."

When Lei Gong heard that this guy was really arrogant, he couldn't help turning his head to Luochen and said: \".\'Luochen, who is it?

Luo Chen said in a low voice: "Lei Gong, the four of them are our enemies that I told you, and they are also members of the dark organization. Please help, that is, to help defeat them. I wonder if you have any certainty?"

Lei Gong raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said with a smile: "These guys are just stinky fish (of Zhao's) rotten shrimp to me. Those people from the dark organization caught me just using restraint on all mine-type Pokémon. It's just one of the robots, if there is no robot. They are not my opponents at all, and I guess these guys are the same."

Luo Chen said in a low voice: "Lei Gong, these guys are a little bit more powerful than those from the dark organization you met last time, so you still have to be careful."

Chapter 873 Lei Gong vs Dark Frog Flower

Lei Gong slightly raised the corner of his mouth and responded with a smile: "Haha, don't worry, as far as I'm concerned, there is no difference between them, don't worry, let's see how I defeat them."

After speaking, Lei Gong jumped and jumped into the opposite side of Chunlei, planning to fight in Chunlei. And Xiao Zhi and others looked at Lei Gong with anticipation, really wanted to see how powerful Lei Gong was, and also opened his eyes.

Lei Gong jumped to the opposite side of Chunlei and said in a mocking tone: "You kid, we were talking just now, why did you interrupt? Could it be that you can't wait for me to defeat you?"

After hearing this, Chunlei helplessly raised the corners of his mouth and said with a big smile: "Lei Gong, Legendary Pokémon, it seems that I am very lucky to have a battle with you today in 070 days. But I feel that your strength is just that. It's normal, show all your strength, don't underestimate me!"

When Lei Gong heard this, he couldn't help but let out a sneer, feeling that this guy was mocking him. Then he gritted his teeth angrily, and forced out a few words from the corner of his mouth: "Come on, let's start!"

After speaking, Chunlei turned his head to the dark frog flower beside him, and said loudly: "Dark magic frog flower, use the vine whip!"

After he finished speaking, the dark frog flower crawls on the ground (baai), and a huge flower blooms slowly behind it. Although it is night, the dark wonderful frog flower can continuously absorb the bright moonlight of the moon in the sky. Be your own source of energy. Countless vine whips were summoned under the huge flower petals, and they hit Lei Gong directly.

Seeing such a simple skill, Lei Gong calmly used a super-light move. I saw that under the two corners of Lei Gong, there seemed to be continuous lightning slowly, which seemed to create a phantom image for him. The vines of the tree whipped at him, but he could dodge these attacks with a light body.

While dodging, Lei Gong said sarcastically, "Is that only the strength? Your dark side Huahua's attack speed is too slow. It feels like fighting with you is really a waste of time!"

Chunlei was completely irritated when he heard it, and shouted loudly to the dark frog flower again: "The dark wonderful frog flower, increase the attack speed for me, and give me the energy to kill this guy."

Although the attack speed of the dark frog flower has been strengthened, it is not Lei Gong's opponent at all, and every attack of his is guessed by Lei Gong. Lei Gong can easily dodge. Xiao Zhi and the others looked really happy and applauded. This also made some Chun Lei lose his mentality and was completely irritated.

After that, Chunlei angrily said loudly to the dark frog flower beside him: "Dark magic frog flower, use the Flying Leaf Knife for me, I want to see how fast this guy is.

After hearing this, the dark frog flower began to hold its breath. From under the huge flower behind him, there were countless leaves in the air. These leaves were constantly spinning in the air, forming this fast speed knife, and flew directly to Lei Gong's side.

Lei Gongze stood there, holding his breath calmly, and there were continuous large and small arcs around his body. Then Lei Gong shouted loudly: "Look at my reflection wall!"

Chapter 874 is evenly matched

Lei Gong stood there calmly, because different arcs of different sizes appeared constantly, and these arcs slowly converged together, forming a powerful current around Lei Gong's body. After providing these currents, he concentrated all of these currents on his two front legs, and Lei Gong slowly stood up, forming a huge reflection wall between his two front legs.

This reflection wall is really like a mirror, and the countless flying blade knives whistling from the dark frog flower all hit this reflection wall, and they are reflected back with the same force and speed.

For a Pokémon like Dark Frog, how could his speed escape the speed of his Flying Blade? It had to be just right, and all of them were hit on the body of the dark frog, and the body of the dark frog was covered with scars and knife edges.

Chunlei couldn't help but gritted his teeth angrily and squeezed out two words from his mouth: "Damn!"

Luo Chen nodded slightly towards Lei Gong with a happy expression on his face when he saw it. I don't know that Lei Gong's strength is not something that ordinary Pokémon can resist, even if it is the dark magic frog flower that has been trained, the legendary Pokémon is not for nothing.

And Dong Ling not only felt a little headache when he saw this scene. Because Dong Ling knows how powerful the Dark Frog Flower has been enhanced. This Lei Gong did not use any offensive skills twice, and it was a bit tricky to get this dark wonderful frog all over his body with scars.

Chunlei was a little angry, and said loudly to the dark magic frog flower: "Dark magic frog flower, use poison powder! Let me see how this thunder master reflects this skill!"

After hearing the dark frog flower, she slowly closed her eyes, and the huge flowers behind her slowly bloomed, and while blooming, they continued to absorb the bright moonlight in the sky, which was injected with pollen. energy, as if the dark frog flower can use moonlight to cause photosynthesis.

Then the dark frog flower stopped shaking its own body, so that the stamens in the middle of the flowers kept blooming countless pollen. The pollen was invisible on this dark night, just the occasional shining point of light in the moonlight. It slowly flew towards Lei Gong's side.

Lei Gong knew that this pollen skill could not be reflected back by the reflection wall at all, so Lei Gong kept using it - using the thunder skill.

o0 ask for flowers 0..——

Lei Gong held his breath, and countless large and small electric arcs appeared around the body. These arcs were slowly connected together, and flashes of flashes appeared from time to time around the body. These countless lightning bolts loomed around Lei Gong's body.


Lei Gong suddenly jumped into the air, completely converging these arcs into a huge energy, and splitting a huge flash from his mouth. This flash is like thunder in the sky, illuminating the dark night extremely brightly, and the trajectory of the flash can be clearly seen, flying directly towards the dark frog flower.

When Chunlei saw it, he shouted loudly, trying to get the dark frog to avoid this skill, but it was too late. The speed of the thunder was too fast, and it hit the dark wonderful frog flower just right. The power of this skill is very huge, and the body of the dark frog is full of scars, and the ground around the dark frog is a huge pit.


Chapter 875 Ultimate Skill Sun Beam

Lei Gong fell from the air, and it just happened to fall into the looming pollen. All these pollen were highly poisonous, which made Lei Gong very uncomfortable, and he felt a little dizzy. The body's completely lost strength is a little eager to collapse.

Lei Gong swayed left and right a few times, but Xiaoxia Xiaozhi and the others were all heartbroken, and Luo Chen said calmly: "Zero Qi San" "Don't panic, Lei Gong still has some ideas about this kind of small scene. the way you can handle it.”

As soon as Luo Chen's words fell, Lei Gong began to try his best to restrain himself and keep himself awake as much as possible. He then used meditation skills while awake. Large and small arcs constantly appear around your body, and these arcs are slowly connected one by one, forming a huge protective film around Rai Gong's body.

In the protective film composed of this huge electric current, Lei Gong kept talking about his body.

When Xiao Zhi saw it, he couldn't help but said loudly in surprise: "Isn't this meditation skill a skill possessed by Mewtwo? Isn't this a skill of the super power department?" Xiao Zhi's question was also the question of others.

Chao Meng slowly walked to Xiao Zhi's side and said loudly: "Skills are indeed super power skills, but they are not only used by super power Pokémon. Previously

I don't know either, Raikou told me that he has appeared in various regions, so it is inevitable that he will learn some non-raiden skills. I was also a little surprised when Rai Gong was used for the first time. "

Soon, the current protective film around Lei Gong's body suddenly burst, releasing countless currents around him. Providing is standing firmly in these currents, as if the current Lei Gong is much more energetic than before the battle just now.

On Chunlei's side, the wonderful frog flower calmed down for a long time before jumping out of the huge deep pit, with scars all over her body. Feeling a little tired too.

Dong Ling witnessed all this from behind, and couldn't help but secretly say: "This Lei Gong is really a powerful Pokémon, it seems that we have met an opponent this time!"

And Shabby said loudly with a face of dissatisfaction: "I believe he is really that powerful, if it is against me, I will never let him be like this. 0\"

Dong Ling said in a low voice: "Even if you are stronger than Chunlei, how much stronger can you be? Look at this Lei Gong, after fighting for so long, the Dark Frog Flower is covered in scars and breathless, and he is now Even more energetic than before the battle, can your dark fire-breathing dragon achieve this state?"

Before Shabby could speak, Chunlei was already so angry that it was okay to be ridiculed by the other side. He felt a little embarrassed when his own people said that, and then said loudly to the dark wonderful frog flower: "The dark wonderful frog Flower, use all your strength, use the ultimate 0.8 pole skill, Sun Beam!"

The dark wonderful frog flower eased his physical condition for a while, standing firmly on the ground, the flowers behind his body kept blooming, the bright moonlight was also exceptionally bright, and it had reached the middle of the sky. The huge flowers continuously absorb the energy brought by the moonlight in the sky, and the flowers bloom bigger and bigger.

Chapter 876 Let Down Your Vigilance

The huge blooming flowers behind the dark frog flower appear unusually huge in the bright night sky. And in this bright moon sky, the huge flowers seemed to continuously absorb the energy brought by the moon, forming a beam of light that directly approached Lei Gong who was standing opposite him.

Lei Gong knew that the skill of this dark frog flower was very fast. He knew that he might have been unable to dodge this skill, so Lei Gong chose a part of it, and forcibly caught the powerful skill of the dark wonderful frog flower. .

The huge solar beam whistled in mid-air, directly approaching the position of Lei Gong's side, Lei Gong stood viciously at the position opposite to the dark side baby flower 10. Lei Gong closed his eyes tightly and crossed his arms in front of his chest, in a very defensive state, trying to resist this powerful attack.

However, no one thought that the attack power of this dark frog flower was so powerful. The powerful sun beam approached Lei Gong directly, and a huge spark exploded around Lei Gong's body. The spark slowly rose under the gazes of everyone, and surrounded Lei Gong in groups. Lei Gong was also at a loss. I didn't expect this skill to be so powerful.

Everyone witnessed all this happen with their own eyes. The sun beam hit Lei Gong directly, and a huge explosion pulse appeared, which quickly bounced everything around. Everyone got so caught up that they blocked their eyes with their arms and dared not look directly in the face.

After the thick smoke slowly dissipated, everyone opened their eyes vaguely and saw what was happening in front of them. Everyone saw Lei Gong lying on the ground tired, feeling that he was at a loss, trying to stand up hard, but his hands and feet didn't obey him at all.

When Luo Chen and the others saw Lei Gong like this, they quickly ran to Lei Gong's side to comfort Lei Gong. People are extremely afraid of this kind of thing. It really happened by their side. Everyone on Luochen's side rushed to check Lei Gong's injury, for fear that Lei Gong would experience any physical discomfort.

However, when Chunlei saw Lei Gong fell to the ground, he began to laugh: "Haha, is it a legendary legendary Pokémon, is this just the case? Under my dark wonderful frog flower. , is it also difficult to continue to survive? The real power is beyond your imagination. I advise you to be obedient, surrender early, and stop making unnecessary struggles."

When Xiao Zhi heard Chunlei's arrogant look, he couldn't bear to continue to say anything, so he began to scold him angrily: "Chunlei, you are a little too arrogant now, not only 073 is to temporarily knock Lei Gong to the ground, Besides, no one can tell what the final form will be, don't be so arrogant, you will lose for a while and embarrass yourself."

Chun Lei, who was usually calm, saw his Pokémon and knocked Lei Gong to the ground, and he became arrogant. He raised his mouth slightly and laughed at everyone on the opposite side and said, "I don't seem to have any dreams, this Lei Gong was indeed knocked to the ground by me, so there is no room for relaxation. The reason why I am arrogant can only be It takes skill to prove a little arrogance.”

Read The Duke's Passion