MTL - Age of Elves: God-Level Landing-Chapter 267

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Xiaoxia looked at Qiurong with a murderous look, wishing that Jiang Qiurong would be completely torn apart. In the face of Qiurong's series of "107" ridicules, Xiaoxia's inner competitiveness has become stronger and stronger. Xiaogang was silent on the side, he didn't want to start the competition between these two women, and he could feel a trace of murderous intent in their eyes.

Seeing the performance of the two girls, Xiaoxia and Qiurong, he shook his head helplessly, and said helplessly to Chaomeng beside him: "Chaomeng, you must be more careful in the human world, in this human world there are A constant rule is that you must stay away from all girls, especially in places with many girls, your gunpowder smell is too strong, you can't imagine it."

After Chao Meng heard this, he nodded thoughtfully, thinking that what Luo Chen said was really reasonable.

Qiu Rong, Xiao Xia and the others had their determination to win in front of their eyes, and they were about to explode. Qiu Rong roared loudly, "Don't just be rude, what's the use of being rude? Use your strength to speak."

Then Qiurong turned to look at the dark water sword turtle beside him, and said loudly: "Dark water arrow turtle, give them some color and see, use the high-energy water cannon."

After hearing the order, the dark water arrow turtle slowly stood in the center of the battlefield. In the center of the battlefield, he was resolutely gathering energy, as if large and small water droplets appeared around his body. These water droplets all surrounded by the unscented collision that boiled in the air and formed countless water currents. Surrounding the entire body of the Dark Arrow Turtle.

These water currents also seem to be all the energy of the dark water arrow turtle, and then the dark time slowly crawled on the ground, and the gun barrel behind it came straight out, aiming at the direction of Xiaozhi and others and immediately shot out from it. Two powerful blisters, the energy of this blister is extremely powerful, and the airflow mixed with the air in the air pushes the past.0

When Xiaogang saw it, he immediately ordered the big steel snake beside him and said loudly, "The big steel snake uses a rock shield to block this attack."

After hearing the order, the big steel snake behind Xiaogang immediately circled around Xiaozhi and others' bodies and kept circling on the outside of their bodies, forming solid stone walls one after another. These stone walls are made up of all the bodies of the big steel snake, and the body of the big steel snake is constantly accumulating rocks from all around, so that his body is also wrapped in a layer of hard rocks.

The big steel snake is like a powerful giant python. He kept circling around Ash and the others, and his body was as hard as a rock. This layer of shield is also 0.8, which does not mean that ordinary attacks can easily break it.

At the same time, the huge blisters of the dark water arrow turtle also whistled in the air, facing the strong shield of the big steel snake. It is these two skills that compete with each other in mid-air. is dark

The water arrow turtle has indeed been significantly enhanced, and its attack power is much stronger than before.

Chapter 921 Fire-breathing dragon against dark water arrow turtle

The hard shield of the big steel snake can be regarded as a very powerful shield. It does not mean that all Pokémon can fight against it, but I never expected that the huge blisters of the dark water arrow turtle would turn There were some injuries during the outline.

In mid-air, the big steel snake kept circling its body, but it gave a guitar to the blisters of the dark water sword turtle. It rolled back and forth on the ground a few times.

Xiaogang immediately ran to the body of the big steel snake to ask about the big steel snake's injury. He did not believe that the big steel snake's powerful shield could also be broken by the dark water arrow turtle, but the big steel snake did feel very painful. This also surprised everyone.

And Qiu Rong, who was on the opposite side of 10, laughed disapprovingly after seeing it, and said, "Haha, I didn't expect it, my dark water arrow turtle, in fact, you guys can resist him. How powerful is your group? People can understand, but now his ability is really difficult for you guys to deal with."

After hearing this, Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth hard. He didn't believe it was really like what Qiu Rong said, so he ordered the fire-breathing dragon beside him to say: "I don't believe that the fire-breathing dragon really gives him some color as he said. Behold, use Pyroblast!"

After the fire-breathing dragon heard the order, he flew into the air at once. He kept accumulating power in the air, and the flames all over his body were there. Keep eating hot burning, all the fire around the body

The flames condensed into the whole body of the fire-breathing dragon. This layer of powerful flames, he has been using each other all the time, he knows that he will be able to completely defeat this dark water and electricity, because he knows that he is also a strengthened Pokémon.

This layer of strong flames surrounds the whole body of the fire-breathing dragon. The whole body of the fire dragon is made up of this layer of flames. Countless flames slowly flow into the whole body from the tail of the fire dragon, and slowly from the inside of his mouth. A huge fireball was summoned, and the fire-breathing dragon grew up and spit out his mouth like a dark water arrow turtle.

A huge fireball whistled in mid-air, and the flames burned very intensely. After seeing it, he calmly said loudly to the dark water arrow turtle beside him: "Dark water arrow turtle, use high-energy water bubbles for me again, it is a water bubble, you must increase the intensity and use the power of your whole body."

After hearing the order, the dark water arrow turtle slowly lay on the ground, and stretched out two huge cannon barrels again from its juniors, crawling and nurturing energy, and shot two powerful guns from its cannon barrels. The two blisters intertwined with each other in mid-air, slowly converging into a more powerful blister.

The blisters were entwined with each other in mid-air, forming an even larger blister, rushing directly towards the dark fire-breathing dragon, while the dark fire-breathing dragon in mid-air was not in a hurry, the fire-breathing dragon knew his own The artillery can definitely resist this layer of blisters, even if it is to completely restrain the flame, he believes that he can resist it.

At the same time, Xiao Zhi is also completely confident in his heart, knowing that Qiu Rong must not be his opponent, but what everyone didn't expect is that he is in mid-air. The blisters and artillery formed a powerful force against this from the confrontation. It has always made the fire-breathing dragon and the dark water arrow turtle keep accumulating the energy of their whole body.

Chapter 922 Second Injury

These two energies have been fighting equally in mid-air, but after a certain test of time, everyone found that the energy in the fire-breathing dragon does not seem to be as powerful as the energy of the dark water arrow turtle, and the fire attribute is the attribute of the person after all. suppressed. Dark water arrow turtles don't need much energy to fight fire-breathing dragons.

The mid-air artillery intensified and was slowly surrounded by blisters, only to be extinguished and the energy of the blisters continued to dive forward.

Xiao Zhi saw that the energy of the fire-breathing dragon's skills had been completely consumed by the blisters, and said loudly to the fire-breathing dragon: "Fire-breathing dragon, hurry up and avoid this attack."

The fire-breathing dragon no longer has a very sharp speed to avoid this attack. The speed of the blister is very powerful, and the energy confrontation with the dark water arrow turtle has been almost consumed. Hit in the air at once.

The fire-breathing dragon that was hit in midair fell directly to the ground vertically. Seeing the fire-breathing dragon falling directly from the air, I thought of using my body to catch her, not wanting her to suffer any secondary damage.

But when Xiaogang saw Xiaozhi's behavior, he immediately grabbed Xiaozhi. And he said loudly: "No, don't you want to die? Are you going to use your body to touch the fire-breathing dragon, he is so powerful that he will definitely crush you into meat pie\'". "

With a look of indifference on his face, Xiao Zhi almost cried and said: "I don't want my fire-breathing dragon to be hurt, I feel that this damage is nothing to him, I believe he will definitely be able to defeat the opponent. this guy's."

As soon as Xiao Zhi's voice fell, the fire-breathing dragon fell abruptly to the ground. Xiao Zhi quickly ran to the side of the fire-breathing dragon to check the injury of the fire-breathing dragon. It is not very clear in my heart that it is not a very good way to fight this dark water arrow turtle with a fire-breathing dragon, because the water-type Pokémon is indeed an unconditional suppression of the fire-type Pokémon.

Xiaoxia saw that her partner Xiaozhi and Xiaogang's Pokémon were both injured, so she ran to the side desperately, and shouted loudly: "Hey, you red-haired girl is a bit powerful, right? However, this fight is the final battle between the two of us, so I don't want to hurt anyone else."

Xiaoxia quickly ran to Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, and ordered the wonderful frog flower beside her to say loudly: ".\'Give him some color and see, use the accelerated version of the rattan whip!"

Xiaoxia said that this accelerated version of the rattan whip made Chunlei behind Qiu Rong not only a little surprised. Because Chunlei's Pokémon is Dark Frog Flower, but he never knew that he had the skill of speeding up rattan weaving, so you also want to keep your eyes open to see what this speeded-up version of Teng Pian looks like.

Afterwards, the wonderful frog flower suddenly jumped in front of Xiaoxia, and kept accumulating energy, and the huge flower behind her (to Zhao) slowly bloomed. The huge flower kept blooming, absorbing the energy brought by the bright moon in the mid-air, and this energy also made the wonderful frog flower very energetic.

Besides, it is the energy brought by the moon, but after all, it reflects the energy of the sun, and it also causes the huge flower behind it to bloom slowly.

The rattan weaving around his body kept wrapping around.

Chapter 923 The Power of the Vine Whip

These vine whips also seemed to be waving their tentacles non-stop, and aimlessly beat the dark water arrow turtles aimlessly.

After seeing it, Qiu Rong said loudly to the dark water arrow turtle: "Dark water arrow turtle, let this stinky girl taste your power. He may not believe the power of your blisters. So use the blisters again."

After the dark water arrow turtle heard the order, it began to keep accumulating power, and large and small water droplets appeared around the body again. These water droplets quickly condensed around the body of the dark crystal turtle, and then he slowly lay down. On the ground, the huge gun barrel on the back came out directly and aimed at Xiaoxia.

The dark water arrow turtle slowly erected the barrel, and shot two huge blisters from the barrel. 107 These two huge blisters kept spinning in mid-air, and then the two blisters condensed. It became a more powerful blister, and rushed directly towards the wonderful frog flower.

When Xiaoxia saw it, she calmly said loudly to the wonderful frog flower beside her: "Miao frog flower, resist this blister."

After Miaowahua heard the order, the countless rattan whip braids around her body interlaced with each other like her palms, forming a huge rattan net, which slowly wrapped the blisters in it.

It's like a huge net (baai) that wraps a drop of water in it. In the end, the wonderful frog flower used all the strength of her whole body to use the toss to crush the water droplet instantly, and the energy he carried disappeared.

Qiu Rong saw that the blisters used by her Pokémon were obviously already on the other side. The two powerful Pokémon on their side, this time against a very weak Miaowahua, even easily crushed the blisters. Qiu Rong felt very incredible.

Afterwards, Xiaoxia raised the corner of her mouth slightly and said with a smile: "The battle has just begun, and Miaohuahua continues to use the rattan whip."

The wonderful frog flower kept waving its countless rattan weaves in the air, and then slowly spread to the dark hydroelectric silicon side, and the dark water arrow turtle was also a little scared by the countless rattan weaves in the sky. sweat.

These rattan cottons of the wonderful frog flower answered without mercy. The countless rattan weaves on the body of the dark water arrow turtle were like powerful whips, and they kept beating the dark water arrow turtle. The water arrow turtle faced such torture. , not only showed a painful expression, but also accompanied by a huge roar, which also made Qiu Rong feel a little uncomfortable in her heart.

But the frog flower didn't stop at all. After more than ten minutes of whipping, the dark water arrow turtle also became very tired and slowly fell to the ground.

Seeing the dark water arrow turtle lying on the ground, I couldn't help feeling a little distressed, seeing his injury and his painful expression. It was also very uncomfortable in my heart, so I turned around and looked at Xiaoxia and asked incredulously: "Damn, how can your wonderful frog flower be so powerful, even the dark wonderful frog flower of Chunlei, I have never seen it like this. great power.

I'm sure you stinky girl must be making trouble out of it. "

After hearing this, Xiaoxia tapped the corner of her mouth slightly, with a proud look, and said loudly: "You red envelope girl really has long hair and short knowledge, don't you know that the grass element has a chance to restrain the water element."

Chapter 924 Intense battle

Of course, Qiu Rong knew in her heart that grass-type Pokémon had a chance of overpowering water-type Pokémon, but she had to get grass-type Pokémon to gain a state of mastery. She didn't believe that Xiaoxia's wonderful frog flower could reach the darkness of Bi Chunlei. The wonderful frog flower is also in a strong state. Therefore, Qiu Rong felt very surprised.

Luo Chen and the others watched helplessly as Xiaoxia used the wonderful frog flower to knock down Qiu Rong's dark water sword turtle, and they couldn't help cheering loudly. After Xiaoxia's victory, everyone rushed to the outside of the battlefield, all wanting to see how this little girl showed her strength.

Lei Gong and Anna, who were resting just now, also walked to the side of the battlefield one after another. Watching the battle carefully, it really felt like a very fierce battle.

Lei Gong walked slowly to Luo Chen's side, smiled and said to Luo Chen: "Luo Chen, do these three partners seem to have some means? No wonder they are always talked about by you, and today is indeed the case. Let me helplessly see their means."

At this time, Luochen showed a very proud expression, looked at Lei Gong, and then said with a big laugh: "Haha, Lei Gong I am not finished yet, please watch carefully, I believe that my three teammates will definitely be able to defeat that one. Red envelope girls, believe me, their strength is definitely not as simple as what you see with your eyes."

Luochen's words also made Dongling's people hear them in their ears. Then the bridge was over, and Qiu Rong saw the dark water arrow turtle that he was already lying on the ground not only shook helplessly

Head, feeling hope, really not great. Qiu Rong saw the micro expressions of Dong Ling and the others, and felt full of distrust, so she felt very uncomfortable.

Qiu Rong saw the dark water arrow turtle standing beside him slowly standing up, so he mustered up his courage and said loudly: "These guys don't tout each other there, the dark water and electricity gauge has not fallen yet, in the end it will be the last. Who will kill the deer? Don't underestimate my dark water arrow turtle at first."

Then, Qiu Rong loudly ordered the dark water arrow turtle to say: "Dark water arrow turtle, use your powerful weapon foam light!"

After the dark water arrow turtle heard the order, he slowly stood on the ground. This time, he did not crawl on the ground to erect his huge barrel. Instead, he kept accumulating energy, and there were large and small water droplets constantly appearing around his body. These water droplets seemed to be the proof of his energy.

o0 ask for flowers 0....

These water droplets surrounded the body of the dark water arrow turtle, and then he attached all these water droplets to his palm. The dark water arrow turtle kept rubbing his palm and shot out from his hard shell. A powerful beam of light rushed towards Xiao Zhi and the others.


When Xiao Zhi saw it, he ordered the fire-breathing dragon that just stood up: "Fire-breathing dragon, use air slash!"

After the fire-breathing dragon heard the order, it slowly flew into the air, and the fire-breathing dragon kept circling in the air, and then the airflow around him became stronger and stronger. The fire-breathing dragon kept flapping his wings, and his pair of wings swayed with each other in mid-air like sharp knives.

Then the two pairs of wings formed a sharp blade against each other, and sprayed directly in the direction of the wonderful frog flower.


Chapter 925 Energy Pulse

Xiaogang arrived at this dark water arrow turtle's foam light energy skills by no means easy, and then he also ordered the big steel snake that stood up to say: "big steel snake, use the sharp stone shock!"

After the big steel snake heard the order, they circled each other around Xiaogang's body, she kept rubbing her body on the ground, and then he slowly accumulated his strength, and the countless rocks around his body were smashed. This friction "one-one-zero" force of the steel snake is attracted.

Countless rocks surround the body of the big steel snake, and these rocks are as sharp as they are approaching. Said lightly wagging his tail, he rushed these rocks in the direction of the dark water sword turtle.

Xiaoxia saw that Xiaogang and Xiaozhi also activated their skills at the same time, and then she not to be outdone, said loudly to the wonderful frog flower beside her: "Miao froghua, use the flying leaf knife to help Xiaogang and Xiaozhi."

After hearing the order, the wonderful frog flower slowly lay on the ground, and the flowers behind her slowly bloomed in the bright moonlight. Your bright moonlight is constantly filling the flowers, and when they bloom, they are getting bigger and bigger. Not only are there countless leaves scattered under the flowers, surrounding the body of the wonderful frog flower.

These leaves are constantly fluttering in the air, as if they are all obeying the command of the wonderful frog flower. Countless blades hovered around each other, forming a powerful impact

force. Then, the wonderful frog flower flew the countless circling leaves directly in the direction of the dark water arrow turtle.

The three powerful skills of the fire-breathing dragon, the big steel snake, and the wonderful frog flower are intertwined with each other in mid-air, forming a more powerful energy network, diving directly towards the dark water arrow turtle.

And the foam light of the dark water arrow turtle did not dare to show weakness, and it was attacking each other here, and the four energies confronted each other in mid-air. These four powerful energies confront each other in mid-air, and the energy seems to be getting stronger and stronger.

The four Pokémon are also continuously continuing all the energy of their bodies, trying to successfully defeat the opponent in this situation, so that they can deal a strong blow to the opponent. Much easier for the next battle.

The four Pokémon are constantly instilling all the energy in their bodies, and the energies are constantly fighting against each other. An extremely shining flash point occurs in the air. This flash point is also the starting point of the energy confrontation. Can't stop, this energy produces an extremely bright flash.0

The energy of the four Pokémon should not be underestimated. The space seems to be unable to withstand the confrontation of this powerful energy, so the sky is constantly shining with unusually strong light. Then, all the energy was released all at once. It was the energy that this space could no longer bear, and a huge explosion occurred.

All the energy was backlashed to the exporter, and then a huge pulse appeared, which bounced everyone who was originally close to the battlefield by 0.8.

Just now, everyone was still leaning tightly around the battlefield, watching everything on the battlefield carefully. Suddenly, a powerful light wave bounced around everyone and the Pokémon, and also broke the surrounding trees.

Everyone and Pokémon on the battlefield fell to the ground one after another, bearing the impact that their body should not bear.

Chapter 926 Return to the battlefield again

Everyone was instantly bounced off by this powerful energy, and everyone fell to the ground tiredly. Luo Chen knew that taking care of the energy meant that the space could no longer bear the pressure, so he made a reflection. This has also happened to him and Dong Ling's confrontation, so Luo Chen's heart is clearer than anyone else.

Mewtwo and Lei Gong, who were just standing up slowly, were both pushed to the ground again by this powerful energy.

Everyone fell to the ground by the airflow pulse brought by this energy. Everyone and the Pokémon fell seriously injured. To say that the most serious ones are Qiurong and Xiaozhi Xiaoxia and Xiaogang. The four of them are close to the explosion at 10 o'clock.

What stood in front of their bodies were their favorite Pokémon, and everyone in this group of Pokémon desperately stood in front of their Pokémon trainers.

After a few minutes the smoke disappeared and everyone fell to the ground. But the first ones to wake up were Luo Chen and the others and the three of Dong Ling's side. They stand relatively back, so they take less damage.

All stood up with great effort, and their Pokémon followed them closely. Xiaozhi shook his very awake brain, so he stood up again.

When he got up, the fire-breathing dragon beside him was also seriously injured. But it is not in a state of complete fainting, and there is still some clear state. ?

Following behind Xiaozhi were Xiaogang, Xiaoxia and the others, and their Pokémon followed closely and stood up.

Dong Ling was the first to wake up, he kept waking up Chun Lei, and Xia Bi went to check Qiu Rong's injury. The five tried their best to regain sobriety, and tried their best to continue fighting.

However, the considerable damage this explosion caused to everyone should not be underestimated. Everyone vaguely recovered their will and returned to the battlefield again.

They looked at each other, looking at each other's Pokémon badly injured. Xiaozhi Xiaoxia, Xiaogang returned to the battlefield again, their Pokémon followed closely behind them, and there was no sign of backing down.

However, Qiu Rong on the opposite side returned to the battlefield unhurriedly, and the dark water arrow turtle beside him endured the huge pain and fought again on the battlefield.

Qiu Rong looked at Xiao Zhi and the others with a hint of sarcasm, and couldn't help but mockingly said: "Boy, it seems that you guys still have some strength. It was indeed that I gave you a wrong estimate just now. Next, I should really be positive. I will have a confrontation with you, and I will definitely not show any mercy to you."

When Xiao Zhi heard Qiu Rong's speech, he felt that he was a bit embarrassed. Even though his strength was not very good, he had to say such arrogant words, so Xiao Zhi immediately returned to the past: " Qiu Rong, what you said is a bit too much. Do you really think your strength is very strong? Although you just said that you tied with us in third place

o But your strength really makes me look down on me. "

Qiu Rong couldn't help laughing after hearing this. It feels like this kid is completely mindless, he has been trying his best. Resisting but not knowing that his own strength has made such a disparity.

Chapter 927

So Qiu Rong raised the corner of her mouth slightly, looked at Xiao Zhi with a look of disdain and said loudly: "Haha, boy, you are really arguing now, if you didn't have your two partners by your side, I'm afraid you would have already Lying on the ground. Your fire-breathing dragon can no longer fight."

Before Xiao Zhi spoke, Xiaoxia next to him looked at Qiu Rong with a look of disdain and said loudly: "Who is that powerful, none of us can tell, we still have to speak with strength, I really don't know you How powerful is this red-haired girl, you and your Pokémon fell to the ground just now, so don't be so tenacious, okay?"

After hearing this, Qiu Rong couldn't help taking a breath of cold air. It seemed that Qiu Rong had already made up her mind to make a very serious decision against Xiao Zhi and the others. It's either you die or I die today.

So Qiu Rong turned her head slightly to look at the dark water arrow turtle beside her, and said loudly: "It seems that we are looked down upon by others, so today we will show our true strength. It's almost the same as hiding it all the time. Use the skill to flood the mountains with water,"! "

When Qiu Rong said this skill, everyone present was surprised. Not only Luo Chen and the others had surprised expressions on their faces, but even Dong Ling and the others seemed to have never heard of this skill, as if they were just like Qiu Rong. It's the same as it turned out.

However, the fact is really not the case for Qiurong, it has been so long for the dark water arrow turtle. The dark water arrow turtle, who was constantly training, developed a set of his own

exclusive skills.

After hearing the order, the dark water arrow turtle jumped to the battlefield again. He kept accumulating power, and there were countless single-purple airflow and large and small water droplets around his body. These water droplets tightly surrounded the darkness. When the body of Mizumuragi is surrounded, it is completely wrapped by a layer of water-like protective film.

The water arrow turtle keeps absorbing its external water, making its energy more and more powerful, and countless airflows and boils run through its entire body. Afterwards, the dark water arrow turtle will be angry again with the difference behind it, but this time after the cannon barrels are raised, the dark water arrow turtle hides the two cannon barrels inside its body.

Afterwards, a larger barrel appeared from inside his body. This barrel seemed to be the combination of the two barrels, and a large amount of water was continuously erupted from it. The dark and dazzling January moon is fragrant in the air, and it can stay in the air.

This move surprised everyone present. They have never seen such a strange move. Behind the water arrow turtle, the huge gun barrel spurted countless water currents. The entire forest, as if the entire forest base was flooded.

All (Tao De) people can't help but be amazed when they see this move of the Dark Water Arrow Turtle. The most surprising thing is that everyone in Dongling has to praise this move when they see the Dark Water Sword Turtle. It was a move that seemed like it had never been seen before.

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