MTL - Age of Elves: God-Level Landing-Chapter 269

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As soon as Qiu Rong's words fell, Xiaogang quickly ordered the big steel snake on the other side to say: "Big steel snake, use the rock wall to completely block all these water flows for me."

After hearing the order, the big steel snake quickly circled the water for a few times. He created a magnetic field on his body and absorbed all the rocks in a radius of several miles.

Therefore, people saw countless rock blocks flying from the direction of the sky to the big steel snake, and the big steel snake dragged these rock blocks around the outside of his body. Then the big steel snake screwed up these rock blocks one by one from the huge bottom of the water. Formed a powerful rock armguard.

Although the system of these rock blocks is not large, each of them is stacked on top of each other to drive a hard dam, which completely blocks the huge water flow in the middle. As a result, Jackie Chan was ordered to make all the water flow on their side. It was inhaled into the stomach, so Ash's side once again showed land, and no water flow could be seen at all.

Xiao Zhi saw this scene, and without laughing, said mockingly: "Haha, look at the next time you don't have any water flow, how can you continue to weaken our skill damage?"

Qiu Rong saw that there were no traces of water flow there, and that on his side, the state of land had completely appeared, and the traces were exactly the same as before, and there was no place where the flood had submerged at all. Son. The time gauge is still hidden here by this huge current. It is hard for you to be in this huge bubble too.

However, Qiu Rong couldn't care about what the scene was like. Now he just wanted to give Xiao Zhi and others a heavy skill, and all the people and Pokémon on Xiao Zhi's side would kill them with one blow.

Afterwards, Qiu Rong said loudly to the dark water arrow turtle under him: "Dark water arrow turtle, use your ultimate skill to strengthen the light cannon!"

Chapter 937 In the dark

After hearing the order, the dark water arrow turtle kept jumping back and forth on the water surface, as if he was constantly absorbing his own energy in the current. Then he used all his strength to jump into the mid-air, the dark water arrow turtle in mid-air. Dark purple air flow constantly appeared around the body, and various large and small air bubbles appeared around the body.

The bubbles seemed to be the energy source of the dark water arrow turtle, and then the dark water arrow turtle immediately put the hard shell on its back into a fighting state, and immediately put the huge gun barrel on the back into the shell, and let it go by its own. This direction of the head produces a larger barrel. And from the direction of his tail, the two original cannon barrels were immediately pushed out.

Then the dark water arrow turtle used all his strength to scare the two cannon barrels from his tail, and absorbed the water on the ground into his body little by little, only to see the countless underground water flowing from the bottom to the bottom. Go up and enter the huge barrel behind the dark water arrow turtle, as if it is absorbing the energy of the water flow.

Slowly, the energy of the dark water arrow turtle's current was absorbed to a certain extent, and it aimed at the huge barrel in front of him. Dark fire-breathing dragon here. An extremely strong light cannon shot out from this huge bubble barrel, as if it were a strong beam of light, directly attacking Ash and the others.

Xiao Zhi also said to the fire-breathing dragon on his head: "The fire-breathing dragon uses the ultimate skill purgatory, flame vortex\'"! "

After hearing the command, the fire-breathing dragon kept shaking its body and tail on the ground in midair. Large and small lava pits appeared, and various heights of lava were continuously erupted from the lava pits. On the lineup of the fire-breathing dragon, there was once again an extremely strong flame on the ground and countless energy that could reach the top. A thousand-temperature Rongjiang.

Because of the rock wall of the big steel snake just now, um, all the water flow of the dark water arrow turtle was blocked on the other side, so the flames here and the raging gas of the Rongjiang River were not hindered at all. Afterwards, the fire-breathing dragon continued to continue the energy of his whole body. A huge tornado appeared in the sky, the lava and flames of hot martial arts in this tornado.

Xiaogang also followed after seeing it and said, "Big steel snake, use the sandstorm!"

After hearing the order, the big steel snake kept spinning on the ground. She kept circling her body, making her body turn faster and faster, forming a small vortex on the ground. Stopped circling, the speed of the small vortex became faster and faster, forming a more powerful tornado. This tornado swept the entire ground, and all the gravel and rocks on the ground were swept into it.

There are already two extremely powerful tornadoes entwining each other on this battlefield, one of which is mixed with countless dust and rocks, while the other is mixed with countless flames and lava. Both tornadoes soared into the sky, almost like a catastrophe.

Xiaoxia looked at it, and she said loudly to the wonderful frog flower beside her, "o\'Miao frog flower, since all the energy has been used up now, we can't hold back, the wonderful frog flower uses Ultimate Skill Sun Beam!"

Chapter 938 stop me

After listening to the order, Frog Flower was completely unwilling to be outdone, and followed the ultimate skill that the two Pokémons, Fire-breathing Dragon and Big Steel Snake, launched together.

The wonderful frog flower walked to the center of the battlefield, and it kept accumulating the huge flowers behind itself that kept blooming, because the sun can now reach directly. The whole earth without flowers can absorb the sun's rays anytime, anywhere. One is that the huge flowers behind him create photosynthesis.

In the end, the huge flowers kept blooming. Due to the extremely strong light of the sun, Shi's flowers bloomed particularly powerfully. Then he absorbed all the energy of the sun into the stamens in his body. Slowly blooming aimed at the dark water arrow turtle and shot an extremely strong beam directly.

This unusually strong beam of light hits directly in the direction of the dark water arrow turtle. The two collided with the dark water arrow turtle's cannon in mid-air 117.

It can be vaguely felt that it is as if two rays of different intensity are fighting against each other. Directly from these two rays of light, the strength of the energy of the two Pokémon is obvious. It can be seen that the power of the Dark Water Arrow Turtle must completely suppress Miao Huahua, so Miao Fana has to feel very difficult.

When Qiu Rong saw it, she not only had to raise the corners of her mouth, she said sarcastically, "Haha, Xiaoxia, isn't your Frog Flower a little too weak? Just this amount of energy is worthy of an ultimate skill. ."

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang followed closely and said, "Hey, it's too early for me to say that you are a little happy, red-haired girl, don't you take us two seriously? The fire-breathing dragon and the big steel snake are aimed at Dark Water Sword Turtle, attack!"

After the two Pokémon, the fire-breathing dragon and the big steel snake, heard the order, the whirlwind that continued to charge in the air had reached an energy level. The two whirlwinds were intertwined with each other. The clouds all appeared an unusually dim color.

The two Pokémon exerted force at the same time, and the two huge tornadoes hit the direction of the dark water arrow turtle, and the dark water arrow turtle was also constantly enduring torture in the two extremely powerful tornadoes. It can be seen that the energy of these two huge tornadoes is really strong (baai), and the other side is constantly hitting his body with a delay, while on the other side there are flames and Rongjiang that are burning him. body of.

However, there is a wonderful frog flower in front of him that is fighting against him with energy, so the dark water sword turtle simply has no way out, he is now. Continuously outputting his own energy, and enduring the pain of other skills, not only made a huge roar.

This huge roar, He Qiurong's heart not only felt some vibrations, he thought that the battle just now made the dark water arrow turtle work too hard, and he felt a little distressed.

Qiu Rong felt that she couldn't bear it anymore, and began to cry a little: "Enough, enough! I will stop my dark water arrow turtle now, and you don't continue to attack, okay?"

Just seeing Qiu Rong's appearance was really unbearable, because she was a girl after all, and seeing her distressed appearance for her Pokémon was also very uncomfortable. Then he said loudly: "Fire-breathing dragon, big steel snake, wonderful frog flower, you all stop!"

Chapter 939 Defeated

After Xiao Zhi finished speaking, the wonderful frog flower seemed to be weakening his energy a little bit, and at the same time he felt dark, and the energy of the water arrow turtle was also weakening a little bit so that he would not lose any energy.

However, the skills of the fire-breathing dragon and the big steel snake have been released, and there is no room for them to be recovered, so the two powerful tornadoes are still sweeping the body of the dark water arrow turtle.

Later, I only saw two extremely powerful tornadoes approaching each other, and then slowly turned into a more powerful tornado when the dark water arrow turtle was mixed in the two tornadoes. The last time was completely engulfed by these two powerful tornadoes, in which there were constant delays hitting each other's body, and flames and lava were eroding his body.

What the dark water arrow turtle has endured this time is exactly the same as what Xiaozhi and the others endured just now.

After seeing it, Qiu Rong said angrily and loudly: "Damn, didn't you just say that you have stopped and continued to attack? Why haven't these two tornadoes stopped, you group of liars who have reneged on their promises. It's too untrustworthy. .-\"

When Qiu Rong said this, Xiao Zhi felt very uncomfortable, as if he had been wronged. It was Xiao Zhi who felt a very headache, and said a little embarrassedly: "I really can't rely on me, the two output skills of the big steel snake and the fire-breathing dragon can't be stopped. Once these two tornadoes form, they will You have to keep going until they run out of energy, and the tornado water of the Dark Arrow Turtle just now also erode us the same way?"

Qiu Rong was a little embarrassed to be reminded by Xiao Zhi. It was true that his dark water arrow turtle also caused the same damage to Xiao Zhi and others, so he had no way to refute it. Therefore, Qiu Rong patiently endured all this.

The two tornadoes kept spinning, as if adding positive energy to each other. The speed is getting faster and faster, and when the energy has reached the peak, the speed is getting higher and faster, and the dark water sword turtle has completely shrunk its whole body to the specifications, making it a basic protection. state.

o0 ask for flowers 0....

However, the dark water sword turtle has absolutely no effect in this state of protection. After the baptism of the tornado for dozens of minutes, the energy of the tornado slowly disappeared, and the dark water arrow turtle also fell directly to the ground from mid-air.

I can see that the dark time will fall to the ground, so I quickly ran to the front to check the injury of the dark water arrow turtle. I saw that the dark water arrow turtle had completely passed out, and there were still large and small blow damage and damage. Various burns.

Qiurong kept shaking the dark water arrow turtle and said pleadingly: "Dark water arrow turtle, please, wake up, keep fighting, please, wake up!"

But no matter how Qiu Rong shook the dark water arrow turtle, he remained motionless, because he had now entered a state of fainting and could no longer continue to fight.

Luochen slowly got down from Lugia's back and walked to Qiu Rong's side. After seeing it, he replied with a smile: "Come on, your dark water arrow turtle has entered a state of fainting, you all lost!"


Chapter 940 Fighting again

Anna, Xiao Zhi and the others saw that Xia Bi pushed Luo Chen back a few steps, and ran forward to worry about the danger of Luo Chen. Then Anna came to Luo Chen's side, and shouted loudly at the next pen: "What am I dissatisfied with? Your dark storm dragon was defeated by my Nokia just now, and now he is just a body and A shred of energy keeps you flying. If you keep fighting, it will be the same."


Shabby said with a look of disdain: "Stinky girl, didn't your Lugia just enter a coma, or just woke up? Why don't we continue to fight and see who is the most powerful."

As soon as Shabby's voice fell, Lei Gongze slowly walked in front of everyone and said with a smile: "Little Huangmao, I advise you not to do those senseless resistance now, you don't have any capital to say these words now. now you're like a fly in your head at all and i can hit you all if you want to fight, believe it or not

Lei Gong's remarks made Dong Ling feel fearful, because looking at Lei Gong's appearance, he felt that he still has a lot of energy, and Lei Gong's fighting performance just now surprised everyone, thinking that he is indeed a very good person. formidable opponent. Everyone on your side in Dongping chose to bear this ridicule silently.

Luochen replied with a smile: "Now that you are no longer able to continue fighting, don't blame us for being ruthless. Don't forget to organize the damage you did to us in the dark. Besides, you are inexplicably caught on the street. There are many Pokémon trainers, I must report you to the World Peace Organization thoroughly, and I must give an explanation!"

Xiao Zhi also followed at this time: "In the Orange Alliance area, it is not your group that can be rampant at will, evil can never defeat justice. Not only to report to you, to the World Peace Organization, but also to let you those All members of the Human Dark Organization stay away from the Orange Alliance area, so that they are not allowed to enter the Orange Alliance area for half a step!"

When Dong Ling heard it, he immediately raised his head and laughed, as if all this was nonsense, and said with a big laugh: "Although we are defeated now, we will not be easily caught by you, even if we would rather go back and be attacked by lightning. Captain Kesai will be punished, and you will not be taken back as hostages!"

Dong Ling's remarks completely angered Lei Gong, and Lei Gong began to say with a serious face: "This matter seems to be out of your hands!"

After speaking, Lei Gong began to accumulate power continuously, and large and small electric arcs continued to appear around the body, and these arcs slowly converged into countless large and small currents, surrounding Lei Gong's entire body, and Lei Gong gradually moved towards him. Dongling is coming here.0

Knowing that there is no protection from Pokémon now, Dong Ling and the others retreated back a little bit, feeling very scared. And said in his mouth: "What are you going to do? Could it be that your Pokémon is still hurting humans?"

Lei Gong only slightly raised the corners of his mouth, smiled and did not speak, then Lei Gong released all these currents and attacked in the direction of Dong Ling.

When Dong Ling and the others saw the electric current coming towards them, they quickly ran forward, intending to avoid the electric current, but the speed of the electric current was something they could avoid. Just when the current was about to hit all of Dongling and the others, it was interrupted by a flash of light.

Chapter 941 Let me see

Dong Ling has completely refused to accept the fact that he has failed, and almost went crazy, he chose to remain silent while Chunlei pleaded, "He will always make you do not get excited in the future, these boys are really serious. It's too cunning, and their abilities are really not what you think. So if they really have the ability to defeat us, we have improved our own Pokémon, and they are not their opponents."

Rek'Sai turned to look at Dong Ling when he saw his dazed look, and began to ask loudly, "Dong Ling, why are you pretending to be stupid here? You just said something to me, why? Are you frightened by these little devils?"

Dong Ling remained silent for a while, and when he saw Rek'Sai talking to him, he said a few words slightly: "Captain Rek'Sai, you also know that I have always been arrogant, I really can't accept it, how many of us are we? This one will be completely defeated by them. You will take us back for punishment. We also recognize it, but I must make us stronger and don't want to be defeated by others. "

Hearing Dong Ling's words, Rek'Sai raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said, "It's not as simple as you think when it comes to punishment. You guys must go back to the headquarters of the dark base with me, and I want our commander-in-chief to come. Educate you and see how many of you are. What's wrong?"

Dong Ling was a little scared when he heard these words, because he had never seen the headquarters of the dark base a few times in his life. He didn't expect that he would be punished for entering the headquarters of the dark base this time, so he pleaded bitterly: "Rek'Sai Captain, we can't blame us for our failure, we can only blame them for being a little too powerful. If we go back to the dark base with you.

Ministry, what about the Orange Union area? "

Rek'Sai raised the corner of his mouth and said in a low voice: "You don't need to worry about the affairs of the Orange Alliance area. We will discuss the problems in this area later. If you fail, it will not be easy to find people who are stronger than you in the dark organization. things, so I really want to see how powerful these little devils are today?"

This was when Shabby felt that Rek'Sai had relaxed his tone, and began to follow: "Captain Rek'Sai, you must teach us a lesson to these boys, they are really rampant, and these few The kid does have some ability, they not only have a Lei Gong, but also a Chao Meng, these mythical beasts are indeed enough for us to drink a pot."

Rek'Sai gave Xia Bi a disdainful look after hearing this, so he looked at Luo Chen slightly, and said with a smile: "I heard that you have a Chao Meng in your hand, and you were also injected with black Chemical potion, but this blackening potion has been modified by 120 to make the dark version that Chao Meng evolved into even more powerful, let Chao Meng take it out today and let me see it."

After Rek'Sai finished speaking, he set his eyes on Dr. Shanmu, who was among the group of people, and said with a smile: "Dr. Shang, I really didn't expect you to hide your hand from me. My heart has always trusted you for so many years. Thinking that you would still betray me, you even privately modified the blackening potion. I will never forgive you for this."

After hearing this, Dr. Shanmu slowly stepped forward and said with a smile: "Betrayer? Haha, I can't talk about betrayal. It seems that I never really wanted to join you."

Chapter 942 The dark version of the super dream

Later, Anna followed suit and said: "Yes, Dad and I never seem to have planned to join you? At the beginning, for you, we just wanted to play with you and see what was inside. What kind of details, I didn't expect that your dark organization is really dark, it really made me see the shame of human beings. It really made me see the sinister human heart. "

Rek'Sai raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with a loud laugh: "Haha, I think that you two traitors have appeared in my dark organization in a short period of time, but I can't blame you for what is going on now. Maybe it's my departure. Sai Ping is so kind to you, and makes you think that I am particularly easy to bully, and today I will let you see the true strength of my Rek'Sai."

After Rek'Sai lost, Mewtwo turned into a group of people and slowly walked forward. The rest just now was almost the same as all Rek'Sai's words, Mewtwo heard all in his head and walked slowly. He stepped forward and said, "Since Rek'Sai, don't you want to see the dark version of Mewtwo? Then I'll show you today\'". "

After he finished speaking, Chao Meng stood in front of everyone and turned his whole body into a dark state. Riksey carefully looked at Chao Meng's appearance in this dark state, and then began to clapp his hands and praised. Said: "Awesome, the super dream that grabbed the dark state turned out to be so cool, and I appreciate it very much. If you can really join the dark organization, I will definitely give you a very good position, and I will train it myself. yours!"

After Chao Meng heard it, he not only sneered, but also said abusively: "Bah! Before joining your dark organization, I just heard your subordinates keep mentioning you, and

And I also feel that your subordinates seem to have always been afraid of you. Your subordinates are very ruthless. The reason why they are afraid of you can only prove that you are more ruthless than them.

After hearing this, Rek'Sai not only laughed out loud, and said, "Haha, I prefer the word cruel and stubborn, and it's okay to describe me. I feel that I am usually a kind person, but for those who resist and join the dark organization , and those who betrayed me, but I am very ruthless."

After Luochen heard it, he felt that Leksai was full of arrogance, and he stepped forward and said, "Lexai, what do you mean today? Please remember me, I will definitely treat you completely in the future. Defeated, even if you are standing in front of me today, I am not afraid that your subordinates have already been defeated by me, and you will definitely be under my subordinates in the near future."

Rek'Sai squinted again and then started to smile and replied: \'Oh, if I guessed correctly, this arrogant little boy is Luochen, I still appreciate you more, if you really Join my dark organization, and I'll put you and your Mewtwo in a very good position to guarantee your future. "

After Luochen heard it, he was furious (getting it) and refused and said, "Bah! You, the inhuman dark organization, also want me to join you. I tell you that the dark organization will never be your final outcome. This group of people will definitely be caught in the end, and the World Peace Organization will definitely be severely punished. I must turn the entire Pokémon world into a peaceful and happy place. Instead of constantly being darkened by you guys Organizational oppression."

Chapter 943 Stunned

After Luo Chen finished speaking, the expression on Rek'Sai's face instantly became very serious, and he said, "You brat, I didn't expect your tone to be so arrogant. Then I kindly invite you to join my dark organization, It seems that you have no idea at all. Since you don't want to eat toast, then I will invite you to eat the penalty bar! Make a move and let me see how capable you are!"

After Luo Chen heard it, he said to Chao Meng who was beside him, " Chao Meng, use mental light waves!"

After Super Dream heard the order, he started to stand on the spot and immediately charged up his whole body. Dark purple 120 airflow constantly appeared around his body, and these airflows surrounded Chao Meng's entire body. Then Mewtwo gathered all these airflows in his arms. Mewtwo opened his arms and a huge blade of light appeared between his hands.

Chao Meng immediately held his light blade in his hand, and a huge wave of light was slashed with force, attacking in the direction of Rek'Sai.

But he saw that Rek'Sai was very calm, and he just took out the Poke Ball. Without speaking, the Poké Ball responded immediately, and a (baai) strange light burst out from the Poké Ball instantly.

After this light fell on the ground, it formed a Pokémon. Pokémon is a Pokémon that Luo Chen and others have never seen before, and its whole body is covered with black and purple flowers.

It is composed of patterns, and there are very cool armors all over the body, which looks like a frog Pokémon.

This frog-like Pokémon moves very fast, and when she saw Chaomeng's spiritual light wave hitting her, she immediately reacted, and immediately condensed the water droplets in the air into a huge water stream light blade, and Easily withstood the Chaomeng spiritual light wave.

Chao Meng was a little dumbfounded when he saw the operation of this frog-like Pokémon. I have never seen a Pokémon that moves very quickly. It can jump out of the Poké Ball in such a short period of time, and quickly Making the action of resistance, not only Chaomeng and Luochen were dumbfounded, but all the other Pokémon and Summoners were dumbfounded.

Anna, who has always been familiar with Rek'Sai, walked quietly to Luo Chen's side and said in a low voice, "Luo Chen, be careful that this Pokémon you see is Rek'Sai's second most powerful Pokémon. Koga Ninja, his speed is really super fast, I have never seen a Pokémon that can reach such a speed when I grow up."

Seeing that everyone and the Pokémon were dumbfounded, Rek'Sai started laughing loudly and said, "What are you guys surprised by? Are you convinced by the operation of my Pokémon? Knowledge, do you still want to fight against the entire dark organization? It's a big joke!"

Although Lei Gong, who has appeared in various regions, has some understanding of the Koga Ninja frog, he always thinks that this is a very powerful Pokémon, but this is the first time I have seen this dark Koga Ninja frog. This dark Koga Ninja frog The whole body is full of armor, and the speed is very fast, which makes Lei Gong more or less worried.

Chapter 944 You must win

The Dark Jiahe Ninja Frog was very scared when he saw the panic expressions on the faces of the little devils on the opposite side. Your Dark Jiahe Ninja Frog showed a firmer expression on his face. He thought he was sure enough to defeat them. Kid's, they are just a group of young and competitive boys, not too strong.

As the Dark Koga Ninja thought in their hearts, Luo Chen and the others were really at a loss for such a powerful Pokémon.

Luochen still doesn't believe in this fact. I clearly defeated the dark organization Dong Ling and the others that they finally won. They didn't want to leave their hands easily, and they didn't want to be completely defeated by the Lek'sai in front of them. They are going to be a strong team.

So, Luochen looked at Chaomeng next to him again, and said loudly: "Meoweng, I believe you can definitely defeat this Pokémon. I don't care how powerful a Pokémon he is, he will definitely be in front of Chaomeng. There is no chance of victory."

"Super Dream gave me all the strength to use the mental light wave again!"

What Luochen said was exactly what Chaomeng thought. He didn't believe that he couldn't defeat this Jiahe Ninja frog. After all, so many difficulties and obstacles have been successfully overcome. If he doesn't want to, he will lose to the last darkness. Koga Ninja frog. .

Chaomeng held his breath again, and was accumulating energy all over his body, and countless lavender airflows continued to appear around his body. Countless lavender-colored Chaomeng's whole body, these single sitting airflows are all Chaomeng's energy source, Chaomeng gathers all these energies together, and slowly merges them into his two palms.

Then the two palms slowly spread to both sides, and a huge yellow light blade appeared in the middle, which was extremely bright. Make Mewtwo once again put the light blade in his own hands.

After Chao Meng took the light blade into his hand, he slashed forward hard, and a lavender light wave flew directly towards the direction of the dark Koga Ninja frog.

The direction in which the bright lavender light wave crossed in mid-air was exactly where the dark Koga Ninja frog stood. In the face of such a strong attack, Sanjia He Ninja stood there calmly and motionless. He stood still because he was very calm, and it was exactly what Rek'Sai trusted him to guide him.

.0 ask for flowers 0....

He just said lightly from Rek'Sai's mouth: "The Dark Koga Ninja Frog blocks this layer of attack."

After hearing the order, the Dark Jiahe Ninja Frog gathered all the dark armors on his body and acted honestly. Binding his entire body, making his body extremely hard.


Afterwards, the Dark Koga Ninja Frog summoned countless electric currents in his two palms. These electric currents were all distributed in his palms by strong nitrogen ions, and he easily opened the two palms to both sides. .

After the two palms were easily opened, countless electric currents were distributed from them, and then his two palms were scattered to both sides with force, forming a strong electric light, which gathered in his palms. Mewtwo's spiritual light waves that came in the face were forcibly blocked by this powerful electric light.


Chapter 945 Dreaming

The dark Jiahe Ninja shouted hard, and charged all the power of both palms, instantly turning Chaos dream's spiritual light waves into nothingness, and everything disappeared.

Read The Duke's Passion