MTL - Age of Elves: God-Level Landing-Chapter 271

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As soon as Rek'Sai's voice fell, he heard a huge roar from the dark Koga Ninja frog in the black fog. From the dark house, the dark Koga Ninja frog seems to be able to traverse non-stop in the black mist, and the speed has been greatly increased, and the strength has also been enhanced at the same time.

Then the dark Jiahe Ninja and others in this black fog seemed to be like night vision goggles, constantly attacking Mewtwo, Rai Gong, and Lugia Fire-breathing Dragon, again and again.

The attack made them somewhat unbearable. It seemed that there were bursts of roars, and their miserable roars seemed to be severely injured, and they were constantly being beaten.

The tragic sound of the Pokémon was heard again and again, and the hearts of Luo Chen and Xiao Zhi were very distressed, all of them forbidding severe eyes to look at Reksai and said loudly: "This guy is really hateful, why are you dark? Pokémon are all these insidious moves, are all the people in your dark organization all these insidious moves, constantly torturing their opponents."

When Rek'Sai heard that Luo Chen seemed to be a little angry, he began to laugh and said, "Haha, why do you judge our members of the dark organization like this? This is a unique skill of Pokémon, shouldn't it be used? It's because you can't break this layer of skills at all, you can only be abused by the ruthless play bit by bit, so you can only bear it silently."

o0 ask for flowers 0....

After Rek'Sai finished speaking, he began to laugh loudly. The laughter that was absent and the miserable cry of the Pokémon came from the dark room after another, which made Anna Luo and Xiao Zhi feel very uneasy.

Xiao Zhi was really unable to bear the screams again and again, so he began to say loudly: "One must not hold on, if you really can't bear his layer after layer. attack, you will quickly fly around, and try to escape the cover of this layer of black mist as much as possible!"

Chao Meng and other four Pokémon heard Ash's cry and began to fly desperately into the air. They knew that if they kept flying into the air, there must be a time to escape. Raikou couldn't fly, so he jumped on Lugia's back and followed Lugia to the sky.


Chapter 955 Black Mist Trouble

Ten minutes later, not a single Pokémon has been seen flying out. At this time, there was a loud shout from Chao Meng: "Hey, can you help us see how big this black fog is from outside? We have been flying quickly into the sky, and at our speed it should be very fast. We can fly out of this layer of black fog, we have been flying for more than ten minutes, and we haven't escaped this shady trouble."

Luo "127" Chen was a little puzzled by Chaomeng's words. It was true from their eyes that this layer of black fog was not very extensive, and the highest height was only a big tree. As long as the people of Chaomeng gently go up and make a sudden leap, they should be able to fly out of this black fog within five seconds at their speed. Why haven't they escaped from this black fog?

Afterwards, Xiao Zhi shouted loudly: "No way, the height of this layer of black fog is not too high, but the highest is the height of a big tree, you only need to jump gently. Flying out of this black fog, how come it hasn't flown out for so long."

This problem bothered everyone outside the dark room and all the Pokémon inside the black mist.

At this time, Rek'Sai began to laugh out loud when he heard it. People smiled and looked at Luo Chen with mocking eyes. They and others looked down on them and said, "Haha, you guys are so naive, as long as you enter the black fog of my dark Jiahe Ninja frog, There are no Pokémon that can easily escape."

"Is it as simple as you think about this layer of black fog of the dark Jiahe Ninja? All the Pokémon in this layer of black fog see him like an abyss that can never be seen to the end. If you want to fly out, then Not to mention!"

Afterwards, Reksai continued to speak loudly to the Dark Koga Ninja frog in the black fog: "The Dark Koga Ninja Frog uses the dark attack again."

After the dark Koga Ninja frog in the black mist, he jumped up very sensitively, because he knew the height of the black mist that he knew, as if it was like Chaomeng Lei Gong and the four Pokémon, all the time. They are flying upwards desperately, but in fact they have been standing still, they are just imagining that they are flying upwards.0

The Dark Koga Ninja Frog can reach the height of the tree with just a slight leap, so he easily used the dark attack key and delivered a heavy blow to one of the Pokémon.

Then, a very tragic roar came from the black fog. It happened that Xiaozhi could hear it all at once. It was the roar of the fire-breathing dragon, which seemed to be a very tragic roar. Everyone saw that the fire-breathing dragon was hit hard from the black mist, and went directly to Luo Chen and others. The rear flew out ten meters.

When Xiao Zhi saw it, he desperately chased in the direction where the fire-breathing dragon flew, and when he ran to the fire-breathing dragon's side, he saw that the fire-breathing dragon seemed to be exhausted, and he couldn't stand up and continue fighting. The rage was looming, and he seemed to want to continue the fight.

However, Anna shook her head at Xiao Zhi and said, "Xiao Zhi, your fire-breathing dragon is already very good, you can't let him continue fighting, it will definitely cause danger to his life. He has done his best now, Leave it to us next, trust us!"

Chapter 956 The same move

Xiaozhi saw that both Anna and Luo Chen had been working hard to fight the dark Koga Ninja frog. Your fire-breathing dragon has been completely defeated. He thinks that he is really holding back the team a bit, but seeing that Luo Chen and Anna have been encouraging him, he can only cheer for them silently.

Xiaozhi looked at Luochen and Anna with expectant eyes and said loudly: "Luochen, Anna, the next battle is left to the two of you, you two must do your best, and you must fight together with my faith. , we must not lose to them."

Luo Chen and Anna nodded in succession. The two of them focused on the battle with all their hearts. They saw that the black fog had slowly spread and became bigger and bigger, as if the black fog was a sister of the dark armor He Ninja, completely controlling it. with these two Pokémon.

However, Lei Gong was also inside, and they could not get out of trouble. They still didn't know how to completely defeat this. Not long after, there was another burst of screams in the dark room, and after completion, you could vaguely hear the screams of Chaomeng, and he didn't want the Pokémon that flew out next to be Chaomeng.

So Luo Chen thought of a trick. The trick was the one he used to deal with the lone wolf and the eagle eye before. It was also the black fog of the dark cross-shaped bat. Chaomeng also used this method to escape, so he believed that this . The Dark Koga Ninja Frog will definitely be able to deal with it.

So, Luochen shouted into the black fog: "Does Chaomeng remember the move he used to deal with the dark bat? Let's continue to deal with him. Chaomeng, use meditation!"

Mewtwo in the dark fog. Hearing Luo Chen's distant cry, he immediately understood what to do, so he immediately entered a state of nervousness and immediately devoted himself to the battle. Countless dark purple airflows continued to appear around Chao Meng's body, and these airflows all slowly surrounded Chao Meng's body.

All the dark purple airflow is the source of Chaomeng's energy, and Chaomeng also uses this energy to continuously exert continuous energy on himself, so that Chaomeng can output infinitely.

Then, surrounded by circles of airflow, there seemed to be a light blue protective film layer around his body. Chao Meng, slowly closed his eyes, then put his hands together, and gradually entered a clear state. This dark purple airflow protective layer seems to have a little effect.

In the black fog, no matter what kind of attack the Dark Koga Forbearance Frog attacks, Chaomeng and Chaomeng seem to be able to completely resist this layer of damage, which also makes the Dark Koga Shinobi 127 Frog a little overwhelmed. He knows that he is a powerful black man. There was no one who could break free in the fog, and in this layer of black fog, he was completely the commander-in-chief, and he was a little surprised that there was a Pokémon that could not be affected by his own black fog.

The Dark Jiahe Ninja Frog was surprised, and kept roaring, and these roars slowly spread. The shouting outside the black fog seemed to be strange. He didn't know what was going on inside the dark Koga Ninja frog, but he knew that something bad must have happened, otherwise the dark Koga Ninja frog would not be issued frequently. Such a roar.

Chapter 957 The Counterattack of Fallen Dust

While nervous, Rek'Sai shouted loudly: "Dark Koga Ninja Frog, what's the situation? Please report to me."

The dark Koga Ninja frog in the black fog slowly heard the roar of the flute. This kind of dialogue between Pokémon and humans seems that only Pokémon trainers can understand the dialogue of their own Pokémon. Rek'Sai really understood the message that the Dark Koga Ninja Frog conveyed to him. He knew that it seemed to have no idea what to do in it, and could not attack this Mewtwo at all.

Rek'Sai also looked at Luochen in confusion, and said loudly: "What kind of trick is this kid doing, how can I prevent my Dark Kaga Ninja from attacking your Pokémon? Tell me quickly. Me! Don't force me to do something to you for a while."

After hearing that, Luochen just smiled slightly, and said, "Haha, how to break through the black fog of your dark Jiahe Ninja frog? You don't know, do you still need me to explain it to you? I, I will give it to you. I explained whether it took some of your credit, you should find it out for yourself.” \"

Afterwards, Luochen shouted loudly to Chaomeng in the black fog: "Mewtwo, continue to use meditation to determine the approximate location of this dark Koga Ninja frog."

In the black fog, the super dream is obvious little by little, as if everything is transmitted through ultrasonic waves, he slowly closed his eyes, but in this dark environment, she seems to be able to

Perceiving any movement of the Dark Koga Ninja frog, he seemed to be able to easily detect it in front of him or behind him.

Afterwards, Luo Chen immediately shouted: "Super Dream, if you have already noticed the location of the dark Jiahe Ninja frog, use the spiritual light wave to knock him down for me."

In this powerful black fog, Chao Meng closed his eyes tightly, and seemed to be slowly aware of all the movements of the dark Koga Ninja frog. Unexpectedly, Chaomeng has such a powerful ability, and he actually noticed the dynamics of the dark Jiahe Ninja frog in the black fog, and then he slowly gathered his energy.

Dark purple air currents continued to appear around him, and he summoned all these air currents into his two palms, slowly opened his palms, and a huge light blade Chaomeng appeared in his palms, holding the light blade hard. With one wave, a huge wave of light was waved. In front of this light wave is not the dark Koga Ninja frog, but it is indeed the place where the dark Koga Ninja frog is about to move.

Unexpectedly, this spiritual light wave of Chaomeng just seriously hit the dark Jiahe Ninja. The Dark Koga Ninja Frog was also pushed back a few meters by this huge light wave, but although the Dark Koga Ninja Frog's defense is not too high, he can also resist this layer of attack with all his energy. .

The dark Jiahe Ninja frog was not beaten out of the black fog and was still inside the black fog, but only let out a painful roar.

Rek'Sai (getting Zhao) heard the roar, and began to panic and shout: \'And then? What’s wrong with you? Are you injured? Did you really get hit by this super dream just now? "

Seeing Rek'Sai's panicked expression, Luochen gradually revealed a smile, and said, "It's not that your dark Jiahe Ninja frog in that black fog has no natural enemies, my super dream is to restrain your dark Jiahe Ninja. Frog's Pokémon."

Chapter 958 Evolutionary Meditation

How could Rek'Sai never believe that his dark Kaga Ninja frog would be attacked by Mewtwo in this layer of black fog, so he always doubted himself, and kept muttering: "Impossible, Absolutely impossible, the dark Koga Ninja is absolutely impossible to be attacked by your super dream, the dark Koga Ninja will continue to fight for me, tear this super dream for me

However, Luo Chen, not to be outdone, shouted loudly to Chao Meng in the black fog: "Super dream, come on, you must use meditation, and you must completely shoot this dark Jiahe Ninja frog.

After Chao Meng heard the command, he entered a state of meditation again, and he was surrounded by a light blue protective film, which also looked after the dark Koga Ninja frog around Chao Meng's body. An attack will cause a small amount of damage to it, but Mewtwo can meditate in it without being affected at all.

Seeing that this meditation of Chao Meng would play such a significant role, he also slowly entered a state of meditation, and circles of electric arcs surrounded Lei Gong's entire body. So that Lei Gong was protected by a circle of energy, and this layer of arcs slowly converged, forming a circle of lightning, which made a lightning protection layer around Lei Gong's body.

Lei Gong is very clear in his heart, because he knows that his meditation skills are much more evolved than Mewtwo's meditation skills, because he can continue to recover his physical and energy values ​​in this meditation, making Lei Gong also Found a move to subdue this dark Koga ninja frog.

Therefore, Lei Gong also slowly entered a state of meditation. In the meditative state, Lei Gong can be a little detective in this dark room, any position of the dark Koga ninja frog, whether it is in front of his body, left or right, he can clearly identify the beating direction of the dark Koga ninja frog. , So Lei Gong also closely pursued the dark Jiahe Ninja frog. Once he found his direction, Lei Gong gave the dark Jiahe Ninja frog a heavy blow.

After Lei Gong pondered for a long time, he found that this black (baai) dark armor He Ninja frog had been circling around Chao Meng's body, and he tried to break the protective film layer of Chao Meng. So Lei Gong issued thunder skills.

Small and large arcs gradually appeared around Lei Gong's body. These arcs all converged around Lei Gong's body. Slowly, these arcs converged into countless currents, surrounding Lei Gong's entire body. Absorb all of these currents in your mouth.

Then Lei Gong opened his **** mouth in an instant, and there was a huge amount of energy current in his mouth. All these currents were pressurizing different high-voltage electricity, and then Lei Gong found the dark Jiahe Ninja frog. At the target location of the next beating, he set the group of electric currents like an energy cannon at the place where the dark Koga Ninja frog would be beating next.

Lei Gong thinks of the place where he will jump next time, the dark Jiahe Ninja frog is planning to attack Chao Meng with a powerful blow, and Chao Meng seems to be aware of the strangeness of the dark Jiahe Ninja frog. It does not know if it can withstand this heavy load. , but just as the dark Koga Ninja Frog stretched out his fist, it was instantly hit by a huge electric current and pushed back a few meters.

Chapter 959 Breaking Through the Black Mist

The Dark Koga Ninja Frog was almost hit by this powerful current attack. The energy of this layer of current attack was very huge, which made the body of the Dark Koga Ninja Frog very painful, and he made a huge roar. The roar shook Rek'Sai's heart again.

Rek'Sai looked nervously into the black fog, and said loudly, "Dark Koga Ninja Frog, what's going on, does this Super Dream say you attacked again?"

When Luo Chen heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, thinking it was another attack by Chao Meng, but Chao Meng put his doubts inside, and shouted loudly to Luo Chen outside, "What happened to that attack just now? I didn't make a move just now."

After Luochen heard this, he thought about it for a long time, and then laughed happily: "Hahaha, I know what happened to the attack just now, it must be Lei Gong, and Lei Gong must have used the meditation skill just now, so Inflicted an attack on this dark Koga ninja frog.

When Lei Gong heard it inside, he let out a deep laughter: "Haha, I really didn't expect this meditation skill to be so useful, and I can easily determine the location of the dark Jiahe Ninja frog in it. It seems that In the future, I really have to study and understand how to use this skill thoroughly.”

Rek'Sai's head was even more troubled when Lei Gong said this, and he said with a questioning face: "What's the matter, is it not only Mewtwo who can use this meditation skill? Could it be that Lei Gong inside also uses this meditation skill?

Would you use this meditation skill? What kind of skill is this? It's so powerful. "

Luochen looked at Rek'Sai's troubled face, and began to laugh and said sarcastically, "Haha, I never thought that Rek'Sai, the president of the famous dark organization, would also be interested in this skill, isn't it? Is it because this skill is so powerful that it makes you a little scared?"

Rek'Sai thought to himself that it was impossible for him to defeat these little devils, so Rek'Sai was heartbroken, and said loudly to the cultivated Koga Ninja frog: "Dark Koga Ninja frog, in this black fog Give me a few of them, I don't believe they can beat you."

After hearing the order, he slowly walked into the black mist again. He didn't want to be defeated by these unknown Pokémon, so he sent out a powerful attack again.

o0 ask for flowers 0....

Chaomeng in the black fog understood that Lei Gong had used meditation just now, so he said loudly to Lei Gong: "Lei Gong, let's join forces to shoot this dark Jiahe Ninja frog into the black fog, making his black fog completely useless, We can fight him openly and honestly, and we don't need to be tortured by him again."

After hearing that, Lei Gong nodded vigorously, and then the two Pokémon used meditation at the same time, so they unscrupulously judged all the dynamics and positions of Dark Sauce and Renwa. We used the spiritual light wave again, and Lei Gong used it again. With the thunder skill, these two skills are combined into one, judging the darkness, and who needs to jump next time

s position.

The two skills teamed up with the Dark Koga Ninja Frog, which seemed to have some resistance to one skill, but these two skills completely made the Dark Koga Ninja Frog a little overwhelmed. So the two skills hit the dark Jiahe Ninja, and he was completely knocked out of the black fog, and fell heavily on the ground.


Chapter 960 Grow others' ambition, destroy one's own prestige

The Dark Jiahe Ninja Frog was hit by the black fog and received these two powerful attacks. It seems that he is also a little confused, so this black fog skill will continue to consume his energy, and he slowly collects the black fog. When I got up, someone saw Lei Gong Chaomeng and Lugia in the black mist again.

Luo Chen and others showed excited expressions one after another, and said loudly: "Super dream, Lei \"127" you two have succeeded, and have completely broken through this layer of black fog. This dark Jiahe Ninja Frog was beaten to the ground by you, it seems that he is not an invincible Pokémon."

After Chaomeng and Lei Gong heard this, they slowly opened their eyes and saw that the surrounding black fog had indeed dissipated, so the two of them gradually exited the state of meditation and stood on the battlefield again. , and Lugia slowly flew to their side.

The three Pokémon saw the dark Jiahe Ninja frog that had fallen to the ground, and Lei Gong slowly stepped forward and said mockingly: "Rek'Sai, it seems that you really underestimate us a little, how many of us are we? No matter how weak he is, he can defeat your dark Jiahe Ninja frog. Don't underestimate any of us easily."

Dong Ling and the others stood behind Reksai and saw the dark Jiahe Ninja frog, which was indeed knocked to the ground by these boys. Dong Ling and the others began to panic, and said loudly to Rek'Sai: "These three captains, what should I do, how could this be, the black fog of your dark Jiahe Ninja frog is not invincible Well, how did you get defeated by this Mewtwo and Rai Gong?"

Rek'Sai heard the words of several of them, and began to be a little silent, complaining about a very anger in his heart, and wanted to vent it, but there was nowhere to vent it.

What was even more irritating was that Shabby slowly stepped forward and said something that made Rek'Sai very angry: "I just said the captain, these boys, their strength is really not ordinary. The Pokémon trainers of 's, they do have some ability, otherwise the four of us will not be easily defeated, do you think your dark Jiahe Ninja is suitable? Didn't they fall to the ground, didn't they also Down?"

While Shabby was talking, Rek'Sai slowly turned his head and looked at Shabby.0 with a murderous look in his eyes, but Shabby didn't seem to see Rek'Sai's face at all, and was still unscrupulous. He said some sarcastic words, but Chunlei was smarter and knew how to watch words and expressions. Seeing the murderous look on Rek'Sai's face, he looked at it and said, "Shabby, stop talking, shut up, don't talk anymore. ."

At this moment, Xia Bi was still full of doubts, looking at Chun Lei, not knowing where he said something wrong. Chunlei pointed to Rek'Sai's side, and Shabby slowly turned his head to look at Rek'Sai. Facing Shabby was Rek'Sai's piercing eyes, which seemed to be 0.8 or almost full. They were all full of murderous aura, as if Shabby said one more word, and Rek'Sai might tear it to shreds.

Xia Bi seemed to know that he had said something wrong, so he immediately covered his mouth with both hands, made a very cute gesture, and then hid behind Dong Ling in a daze.

Chapter 961 Another fierce battle

On the opposite side, Luo Chen seemed to have heard what Shabby said, and followed the words and said loudly to Rek'Sai: "Haha, Rek'Sai, what face is still in the dark organization to continue to be your president. Captain, you don't seem to believe your strength without your subordinates, and they are a little bit mocking. So I advise you to take your subordinates and leave as soon as possible, don't continue to work for the dark organization, so as not to We will completely knock you to the ground in the future."

Rek'Sai seemed to be full of anger when he heard these 10 words from Luo Chen. He was angry enough to be told by the mindless guy Shabby just now, and then was mocked by Luo Chen, so Rek's Sei couldn't hold back for a moment, his eyes were full of anger.

And said loudly: "Enough, you boys, I found that your own strength is not very good, but you are scolding people, you really have a pair of fast mouths, today I will make a thorough rectification, you, absolutely I won't let you go unpunished like this again, I'll give you some color today."

After saying these words, the dark Jiahe Ninja frog beside me also stood up slowly, and once again made an appearance of being ready to go, followed by another fierce battle, the dark Jiahe Ninja The frog slowly moved his muscles and bones, and twisted his neck, as if he was preparing to fight again.

Luochen saw that Rek'Sai and the Dark Jiahe Ninja seemed to be ready to fight, so Luochen was not to be outdone and said loudly to the three Pokémon: "You three use your ultimate skills to completely destroy this dark armor. He Ren frog is defeated, don't give him the chance to continue to delay."

Chao Meng, Lei Gong and Lugia nodded heavily after hearing Luo Chen's order. They knew that they should use all their strength to take advantage of the dark Jiahe Ninja frog. It was a good time to have fallen to the ground just now. It began to launch a powerful attack on the dark Koga Ninja frog.

When Rek'Sai heard Luo Chen's words, he seemed to feel that the next battle was the real battle, and then he raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said loudly to the dark Jiahe Ninja frog beside him: "Dark Jiahe Ninja frog, use the flying water shuriken."

After hearing the order, the dark koga ninja jumped into the air suddenly, when you and the two palms were together, and then made a ninja who was preparing to fight, and then he slowly to gather all the energy of your body. There are circles of dark air currents around you constantly, and these air currents slowly surround the body of the dark Kaga Ninja frog.

The Dark Koga Ninja Frog continued to hold all the ashes of these dark air currents in his two palms. The long dark Koga Ninja opened his palm. A huge energy light wave appeared in his hand 127. This energy light wave seemed to be like a huge light blade, and the dark Koga Ninja frog held the workpiece tightly and waved it hard. A huge power wave was issued, and it flew in the direction of Chaomeng and other Pokémon.

Immediately afterwards, Anna shouted loudly Lugia: "Lugia uses the grace of nature."

After Lugia heard the order, he began to slowly fly into the air. In the air, he kept flapping his wings, and then circles of air currents formed under his wings. The airflow seemed to be like a layer of whirlwind, circling constantly under his body.

Chapter 962 You Shut Up For Me

These airflows kept circling, and finally, Nokia kept flapping his wings, making his wings faster and faster, and these airflows also turned faster and faster under his body, and then a whirlwind formed. A huge tornado, the height of this tornado has been soaring high, and the clouds in mid-air have been slowly rolled in.

The tornado turned faster and faster, mixing all the sand and leaves around it. Rukia used all her energy to slowly fly this huge tornado in the direction of the dark Kaga Ninja frog, and at the same time, she was about to fly with the flying shuriken sent by the dark Kaga Ninja frog in midair. Skills meet.

Therefore, not to be outdone, some stood on the ground and kept accumulating power. Large and small electric arcs continued to appear around the body. These arcs were all the source of Lei Gong's energy and power. These arcs slowly converged together. A powerful current was formed. After Lei Gong slowly absorbed these currents into his body, Lei Gong suddenly jumped into the air, opened his **** mouth, and spit out all this powerful current. In mid-air, when reaching a commanding height in mid-air, these currents began to slowly spread to the surroundings, continuously launching in the surrounding corners, dispersing all the currents.

This current is slowly distributed layer by layer around Lei Gong's body, slowly surrounding the battlefield, as if a huge energy envelope enveloped the entire battlefield. Floating in mid-air, like an energy proton, it continuously shoots out countless currents, shrouding the battlefield under a huge hemisphere.

And the energy net shrouded under this hemisphere is all of Lei Gong's current. Dongling and the others had not seen Lei Gong use this skill, so they all leaned towards Reksai.

, They saw that they and Luo Chen and others were trapped in this energy network, and it seemed that they could not escape at all.

Shabby picked up a huge stone and planned to throw it at that powerful energy. The moment the stone was thrown from the grid, when it encountered the energy grid, it was instantly melted away. It can be known that the energy of this energy grid is really huge.

Shabby started to get a little scared, and kept muttering: "What should we do, Captain Rek'Sai? Captain Rek'Sai, please speak up, what should we do?

Just now, Rek'Sai was so angry at what Shabby said, and now he kept muttering in his ear again, Rek'Sai seemed to be a little angry, and shouted loudly at Shabby. Dao: Enough! Can you shut up for me, stay by the side honestly, you can't die, shut up for me! "

This angry shout from Rek'Sai made Shabby panicked instantly, as if she had been terrified. Leng Leng stood there (good) and did not dare to say any words.

Immediately afterwards, in the darkness of mid-air, the flying water shuriken of Koga Ninja had met Lugia's natural grace. The two skills collided with each other. These two skills seemed to be very powerful and kept colliding. But it can be seen that the energy of the dark Koga Ninja frog is really very powerful. He was able to compete with Lugia's ultimate with just normal skills.

Chapter 963 Rek'Sai's Mysterious Smile

Chao Meng saw that these two skills were powerfully colliding with each other, sparking sparks, and then slowly smiled and said: "It's not over yet, and me!"

Chao Meng began to use the ultimate skill to break through the spirit, and Meng slowly accumulated the lavender airflow that kept appearing around his body. These airflows circled around Chao Meng's body, Chao Meng frontier, these airflows. All gathered in his two palms.

When these energies reached a certain value, Chao Meng slowly opened his palm, spreading the entire palm instantly. All the energy gathered in the 130 palms of Chao Meng's hands, and then Chao Meng used all his strength to bring the two palms closer to each other.

When Chaomeng's palms were tightly closed, when he heard this space, there seemed to be a sound of energy shredding, as if it was the sound of broken glass produced by the space squeezing each other. However, in the dark and combined people, it seems that around his body is squeezed by two powerful energies, and he can't move.

Mewtwo once again brought his palms closer together. And the sound of broken glass reminded again that this time, the darkness had completely controlled Herenwa in midair (baai), and the two energies were squeezing each other, and the space around his body was slowly shrinking. The Dark Koga Ninja Frog let out a huge roar of pain.

This painful roar was really deafening, and Rek'Sai also heard it in his ears, with a nervous expression on his face, he kept clenching his teeth and insisting, turning out