MTL - Age of Elves: God-Level Landing-Chapter 286

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A Lei was a little worried, and immediately looked nervously at the other Flaming team members and said loudly: "You guys, hurry up and bring Luochen and Xiaotian back, this super dream seems to have become more powerful\'"! "

Just as Alei's voice fell, Chao Meng, who was originally surrounded by a layer of purple light in mid-air, radiated fiercely. It exploded and scattered.

All the members of the Flare Team who were about to bring Luochen and Xiaotian back to the Flaming Team Base were shocked and fell down.

When Mewtwo released the light, Xiaotian and Luochen saw Mewtwo who had completely super-evolved. He stared into his eyes in surprise, completely at a loss as to how to express it.

When Chao Meng's super evolution, his whole body has undergone a complete change, becoming a completely cool brand new Pokémon.

Chao Meng stood in the air and pointed at A Lei and A Hua and said loudly: "Where are you two guys going? Wasn't it crazy just now?"

A Lei and A Hua saw your completely super-evolved Mewtwo in mid-air, and not only felt a little scared. It is a legendary Pokémon. Once it has undergone super evolution, its power can be imagined.

But Ah Lei and Ah Hua had nowhere to escape now, so they had to bite the bullet and choose to fight against the plot.

Ale nervously looked at the dark monster dragon beside him and said loudly, "Dark monster crocodile dragon, use the rock avalanche skill for me and knock him down from the sky."

After hearing the order, the dark monster crocodile dragon stomped **** the ground, and suddenly the rocks around the canyon rose. Countless huge rocks floated in midair.

The dark monster crocodile dragon just waved his hand gently, and countless rocks flew towards Chaomeng in the air immediately.

And this simple skill is now in the eyes of Chao Meng, and the speed of flight is very slow. Chao Meng just smiled slightly.

Slowly raise his arm, lightly (to Zhao Hao) easily open his palm. As if there is a huge energy protection shield in front of his palm.

When countless rocks hit Mewtwo, the palm immediately activated. The energy instantly stopped all the rocks in mid-air.

Afterwards, Chao Meng's other hand clenched his fist tightly and went back hard. All the rocks in the air changed direction and rushed towards Alei and Ahua.

Chapter 1038 Spiritual Pulse

After seeing it, Ah Hua said nervously, "Here, what's going on? Why did the rocks that you attacked by the dark crocodile dragon fly towards you?"

A Lei also looked very nervous, and said shiveringly, "How do I know this? The dark monster crocodile dragon immediately used the rock shield to block these attacks."

The dark monster crocodile dragon jumped forward immediately after hearing it, and gathered all the rocks in the canyon in front of his body, forming a huge shield.

Countless tiny rocks formed a solid fortress, and after changing these rocks, the rocks rushing towards Arei seemed to contain enormous power.

These hard rocks with the super-power attributes of Chaomeng flew forward and quickly 177, even the rock shield made by the dark monster crocodile dragon was easily broken, and the dark monster crocodile dragon behind the shield, Ah Hua, Alei and the others flew out directly.

The duo and the two Pokémon tumbled a few times on the ground before stopping.

A Lei gritted his teeth hard, looked at the super-evolutionary dream in mid-air in surprise, and said, "This, what kind of damage is this too outrageous."

Ah Hua said with a questioning face: "Impossible, I don't believe that the two of us will use the ultimate skill together, and I don't believe that this super dream will survive."

So, Alei and Ahua looked at their Pokémon and shouted, "The Dark Flame Fox uses the Flame Vortex! The Dark Monster Dragon uses the Dragon Dance!"

After the dark crocodile dragon and the dark flame fire fox climbed up **** the ground, they stabilized their bodies. He jumped to the center of the battlefield.

A large number of flames continued to burn around the body of the Dark Flame Fox, and all these flames were gathered in the palm of their own hands, and they jumped into the air. Let these flames turn violently back and forth in the palm of your hand.

In an instant, the canyon caused a strong wind again, and the wind kept circling in the air, gathering a huge tornado.

The tornado of the Dark Flame Fox is also mixed with countless flames, and the body of the Dark Strange Crocodile is surrounded by countless hard rocks. With a stomping, the rocks in the canyon gather around his (baai) body again. .

At the same time, it was also by the huge tornado in the canyon. It seems that the ultimate abilities of the two dark Pokémon can be mixed together.

A powerful tornado was mixed with countless rocks, and it slowly moved forward, converging with the flame tornado of the Dark Flame Fox along the way.

A more powerful tornado was formed, which was mixed with countless rocks and flames, and the flames were tightly wrapped, like a magma rock in the tornado.

After Chao Meng saw it, it was the same move again, so he calmly ruled his whole body in mid-air. The light of energy color filled his whole body.

Afterwards, he gathered these purple ones in his palms, and Chao Meng seemed to be sitting in a hovering motion with his two hands in mid-air.

Chao Meng shouted loudly: "Mental pulse!"

As a result, Chaomeng's hands just kept circling, forming a huge vortex, and a very huge energy light wave was shot out of the vortex like a beam of light. It flew quickly towards the tornado mixed with countless rocks and flames. On the way, two powerful skills collided and the energy of the tornado seemed to be penetrated by the light waves in an instant. The light wave pulse hit the ground directly through the tornado, blasting a huge hole in the ground.

Chapter 1039 Fleeing

At the same time, the mental pulse hit the ground to form a huge explosion, blasting the dark monster crocodile dragon and the dark flame fire fox directly out, blasting to the other end of the canyon, and flying directly out dozens of meters away.

The dark flame fire fox and the dark monster dragon that were blasted out by this powerful energy pulse fell to the ground in the air. It seems that this powerful energy has completely fainted the two Pokémon.

When Alei and Ahua saw it, they quickly ran towards their Pokémon, for fear that their Pokémon would be in danger.

At the same time, those Flaming team members saw that their boss had escaped, so they also followed Ali and Ahua to the other side, leaving the tied Chengcheng and Xiaotian on the ground.

Alei and Ahua ran to their Pokémon, checked them carefully, and found that the Pokémon had completely fallen asleep, unable to continue the battle.

The members of the Flare Team on the side looked at Arele anxiously and said, "Report Boss Ray, what should we do now?"

Alei said angrily and loudly: "What else can we do? Our Pokémon can no longer fight, so hurry up and prepare to evacuate with the Dark Strange Crocodile Dragon and Dark Flame Fox."

A member of Team Lightning immediately carried two Pokémon on his back and ran quickly towards the other side of the canyon, while Alei and Ahua closely followed behind them.

Chaomeng flew to Luochen and Xiaotian immediately after seeing that all the members of the team had run away, untied the ropes that bound them, and tore off the tape on their mouths.

After Luochen was released, he looked at the brand new Chaomeng and said in surprise, "Wow! Chaomeng, your current outfit is so cool! I never dreamed that you could look so cool now."

"Looks like you've really managed to hyper-evolve, that's great."

Chao Meng looked at his whole body carefully and felt that the shape had also changed, and there was a hard armor on his body to protect him, and he was very proud.

Xiaotian looked at Luo Chen and Chaomeng and said with admiration: "Talk, Chaomeng has successfully undergone super-evolution now, Luochen, you have nothing to worry about, when will my Yanwu King be able to do it? Super evolution?"

Luochen looked at Xiaotian and said with a smile: "Xiaotian, don't worry, I believe your King Yanwu will undergo super-evolution soon."

?0 for flowers 0....

After Xiaotian heard it, he also expressed his helplessness, so he nodded silently.

At this time, A Lei and A Hua, who were running out of the canyon, suddenly saw Dr. Bratano and others, while Dr. Bratano and Uncle Ann noticed the existence of A Lei and A Hua at the same time.

Seeing that a group of Flare team members were carrying two dark Pokémon on their backs and preparing to evacuate, they knew that their situation was not optimistic, so they told their subordinates and said, "Quickly withdraw! Quickly withdraw! How did you meet these guys?"


Dr. Bratano could see at a glance that Alei and Ahua must have gone through a fierce battle just now, and were about to step forward to find out what happened.

Alei immediately made a stop gesture and hurriedly said in a low voice: "Wait! Today I took it, today we are not in the state. I was defeated by your Luochen just now, how did I meet you again, it's really unlucky ."

When Dr. Bratano and the others heard the word Luochen, their eyes lit up. They all wanted to go up and ask. Unexpectedly, Alei saw this group of people walking towards him, so he ran away.


Chapter 1040 Dr. Amy joins

Anna chased for a long time without catching up. She sighed helplessly and said, "What are these guys afraid of? Even if they're not in shape, we won't take advantage of it."

Dr. Bratano said calmly: "Just now I remembered that Ale said that he had a battle with Luochen. It seems that he was defeated by Luochen. It is probably in the canyon in front of us. Let's go down quickly. See what's going on."

"One Eighty Zero" Anna and Dr. Amy nodded when they heard it. So, together with Lei Gong and others, they quickly ran to the canyon. After coming to the canyon, the Chinese saw Luochen and Xiaotian, and Chaomeng, together in the canyon.

When Anna saw Luochen, she stepped forward angrily and shouted, "Luochen, where did you go, kid? You know we've been looking for you all morning."

Luochen, Xiaotian, and Chaomeng also heard Anna's voice, so they looked to the other side and saw Dr. Bratano and his party walking towards them.

Just when Anna wanted to teach Luochen a lesson, she found that Chaomeng beside Luochen seemed to have changed, and it had completely changed.

So, Anna excitedly walked to Chaomeng's side and looked at Chaomeng carefully. Then Dr. Bratano, Dr. Amy and others rushed here, seeing that Chaomeng had already

It has been successfully hyper-evolved.

Dr. Bratano looked at the super-evolutionary Mewtwo in surprise and said happily: "Before, Dr. Amy and I planned to give Mewtwo a super-evolutionary training program, but I didn't expect that Mewtwo has completely super-evolved now. ."

Luochen nodded silently and said happily: "Actually, I didn't expect it. When I first came to this canyon, I just wanted to use the power of the Kentaro group to inspire Chaomeng's fighting spirit.

"I didn't expect to meet a group of people from three teams here. Their Pokémon just started to defeat us. I didn't expect that at the critical moment, Chaomeng's super-evolution really doubled its strength."

Dr. Amy nodded with a smile and said, "As long as we can super-evolve, it's fine. Now that Mewtwo is super-evolved, Dr. Bratano and I are also at ease."

Luochen shook his head quickly and said, "Do you want to go back, Dr. Amy? It's not your experimental center. If you're not busy, just stay here. I still need you very much."

"After all, Ana and I are going to participate in the Pokémon Trainer Tournament in Miare City. We both need your help and Dr. Bratano."

When Anna heard it, she nodded and said, "Yes, Dr. Amy, please don't go back. I've gotten along very well with you during this time. I really can't bear you, I beg you to stay. "

After Dr. Amy heard it, he smiled slightly and did not answer, but looked at Dr. Bratano with an affectionate expression. Dr. Bratano seemed to be speechless by Dr. Amy's eyes. .

At this time, Xiaotian suddenly ran to Dr. Bratano's side, tugged at his sleeve and said, "Dr. Bratano, what are you waiting for? Just let Dr. Amy stay!"

Dr. Bratano suddenly realized that, and said firmly: "Oh, since these children are very reluctant to bear you, then you should stay. Anyway, my experimental center also needs talents like you."

After hearing this, Dr. Amy smiled slightly and said, "Okay, then I'll stay." Luochen, Anna, and Xiaotian immediately cheered when they heard it.

Chapter 1041 Indispensable

Afterwards, the group followed Dr. Bratano back to the experimental center. After a morning of tossing, it is now noon.

Dr. Bratano and Dr. Amy were like two big parents, and they cooked a large table of sumptuous meals for Luochen and others.

Mewtwo and Rai Gong also sat aside at the same time. Lei Gong gently bumped, Chao Meng said with a smile: "Now that you have successfully undergone super evolution, it seems that your strength has increased by another notch."

Chao Meng replied 10 with a smile on his face: "I believe that you will be able to super-evolve soon, but now you only need a mega stone."

Luo Chen and Anna also looked at Lei Gong curiously after hearing this, Lei Gong sighed softly and said: "Actually, my super evolution is not important. My mega stone is in my birthplace, and it is estimated that it is still in the gods. Austria area."

"Now that we have many masters here, it is estimated that I do not need to perform super-evolution. Now both Mewtwo and Lugia can perform super-evolution, and Dr. Bratano's bite land shark can also perform super-evolution. I feel that I Totally useless."

Dr. Bratano then placed a plate of dishes on the table and sat down gently and said, "No, Rai Gong, you are wrong to think so. Next, both Luochen and Anna need to participate in the Pokémon Trainer. championship."

"And this year's Pokémon trainers have a lot of Flare team members in the tournament. I know their organization relatively well, and there are still many experts. As for Alei and Ahua, they are just their low-level cadres. "

"On the surface, it's just a tournament for Pokémon trainers, but it's actually playing against Team Flare. So we must not take it lightly."

After hearing this, Lord Lei looked at everyone's expectant eyes, and had no choice but to say: "Okay, if I have the chance, I will go to the Shenao area to look for mega stones. Now I still especially like to stay with you. "

At this time, Dr. Amy came over quietly, sat at the dining table and said softly: "It seems that you are really capable, Luochen, it is really a reward that Lei Gong is willing to stay with us. ."

"For so many years, as far as I know, Lei Gong is a loner Pokémon. After all, he is one of the three holy beasts. You can easily let him join our team, which is the icing on the cake."

Luo Chen quickly shook his head and replied, "No, it's not my fault that Lei Gong was able to choose to join us. Lei Gong is not like the legendary loner, in fact, he is more than a loner.

prefer to interact with humans. "

Lei Gong took a bite of the Pokémon food, smiled and said 180: "Actually, I used to be very willing to interact with humans. Later, I found that too many humans wanted to take me as their own. They wanted me to help them. Do bad things."

"Later, I stopped believing in humans, and always liked to be alone, and many electric-type Pokémon in the Shenno area were often maliciously arrested by the dark organization's personnel, so I had to communicate with the dark organization's personnel. the enemy."

"It just so happened that I happened to be fighting against the members of the dark organization in the Shenno area, and Luochen just helped me. Later, I learned that Luochen had been fighting against the dark organization, so I joined you without hesitation."

Chapter 1042 Prepare to sign up

After Luochen heard it, he smiled and nodded and said, "Maybe all of this is because of fate. It is destined that you must choose to fight against the dark organization with us."

When Lei Gong heard this, he nodded silently.

So we all had a happy lunch. After everyone had lunch, everyone was laughing at each other in Dr. Bratano's living room.

At this time, Dr. Bratano suddenly received a notification on the computer, and Dr. Bratano immediately walked to the computer to check the notification carefully.

After a while, Dr. Bratano said loudly to everyone: "Come here quickly. Take a look at this notice."

Everyone quickly stepped forward, and a group of people gathered around the computer to carefully check the notification. I saw that it was written on the notice: The new round of registration for the Pokémon Trainer Championship ends tomorrow.

Luochen said excitedly after seeing it: "Why does this Pokémon Trainer Championship end so quickly, does it usually end at this time every year?"? \"

Xiaotian felt a little surprised after hearing this, and hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, as far as I know, this Pokémon Trainer Championship shouldn't end so soon, why is it now?

The registration period for the year is so short. "

Everyone looked at each other face to face, not knowing what to do.

Dr. Bratano touched his chin, and after careful consideration for a long time, he said, "If I guess correctly, this must be the work of the Flare team."

"The organizer of the Pokémon Trainer Championship has been completely controlled by the Flare team, so the Flare team now has the absolute ability to speak."

Luochen immediately said solemnly: "If that's the case, then we have to go and sign up tomorrow, otherwise we won't even have a chance to participate."

"In the Pokémon Trainer Championship, there is still a chance to fight against Team Flare. The personnel of Team Flare will completely dominate the World Championship of Pokémon Tragedy, so he will definitely have a certain prestige in the Carlos area."

Dr. Bratano nodded silently and said: "Today, all of you will pack your bags immediately, and go to the registration office with me tomorrow to go to the registration office. If you sign up for your identity, you just say that you are my students. it is good."

At this time, Dr. Amy walked in and said loudly, "I would like to follow you all over tomorrow to have a look. If I really count, I can be regarded as Luochen and Anna's teacher, and I have the responsibility to be with you. Let's go together."

Dr. Bratano glanced at Dr. Amy, he wanted to refuse, but was immediately stopped by Xiaotian and said: \'If Dr. Amy really wants to go with him, just go with him, there's nothing wrong with it of. "

However, Dr. Bratano kept shaking his head and wanted to refuse, Xiaotian immediately leaned into Dr. Bratano's ear and said, "Dr. Bratano, don't you understand what you mean? With you, you should have reached the age of starting a family and starting a business, do you want to be accommodating?"

Dr. Bratano glanced at everyone's eager eyes. He was embarrassed to say anything, so he nodded silently and agreed to Dr. Amy's request.

Afterwards, everyone went out to play with laughter, leaving only Dr. Bratano, sitting there quietly. Maybe Dr. Bratano was really in the mind of Xiaotian. Do you really want to think about his lifelong events?

Chapter 1043 Go out in person