MTL - Age of Elves: God-Level Landing-Chapter 290

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The flames condensed in the sky, and then spewed out like a beam of light in the direction of the three evil dragons at the front. Just like a magma blast, the surrounding flames shot out, forming a huge fireball. With the explosion at the forefront, A huge airflow has formed around, and almost all the surrounding dust has been swept out.

Immediately afterwards, a gradually thick face finally appeared in the field, and at this time, the three evil dragons were roughly distinguished by their thick faces, and predicted the position and current action of the stick-tailed scaled dragon so far, because of the spread of the flame this time. It's very big, so it can be judged that he must have focused all his attention on the parts around his weakness so far.

But he will never protect his weakness so easily, because his whole body is full of cheapness, so he can resist all physical attacks, but this is a magic attack, and the burning of the flame will bring about the effect of starting, maybe He will focus his defense points on his own body epidermis

In addition, through the movements and positions of the three evil dragons at the beginning, he can also predict the position of his weakness so far, and then the three evil dragons finally rushed into the thick smoke, moving towards the weak point of the stick-tailed scale armored dragon at the front. Diving in that direction, just hit the weak point of the current stick-tailed scale armored dragon, this time it is a key point.

The Cane-tailed Scaled Dragon was directly knocked to the ground. He successfully knocked it out at 0.8 this morning. He has no strength to continue fighting. I am afraid he still needs to go to the Pokémon Rehabilitation Center to recuperate. The current position is already Since both Pokémon ended in love, both sides of the battle are ready to take out the third Pokémon.0

Chapter 1061 Unexpected

The people next to him have seen the actions of Xiaotian in his current position and feel that he has really grown a lot, especially this three evil dragons, he is very powerful now

It can be said that he has quite a lot of combat experience. It seems that Xiaotian should take him to participate in many battles, but the other partners have never seen him appear as a three-headed dragon. It seems that he is indeed hiding. He has gained his own strength, and this three-headed dragon is also one of his trump cards.

"Awesome, Xiaotian, this is really wonderful"

"As expected, I also admire how you used this to judge the weakness of my 10-scale armored dragon. This really makes me feel a little incredible, Xiaotian, you have indeed grown a lot."

Dr. Bratano smiled inexplicably, and now he seemed very proud. He always felt as if he was in the middle of his arms, especially now that this smile made Xiaotian feel a little incredible. Why did he suddenly show such a smile, maybe at this moment, he really understood Dr. Bratano's intentions.

"Sure enough, you have grown a lot. I believe that in the next battle, you will also be able to successfully defeat your opponent, no matter what kind of Pokemon you have used so far.

Dream, I believe you can do it. You are already superb in terms of combat and combat experience. "

Otherwise, he wouldn't be happy to laugh. This is his real intention. Other people are surprised, and so is Xiaotian. Now he may have regained some confidence. At least compared to the beginning, he It's not that he is very inferior, and he is also thinking about how to deal with it next, how to decide, these are things he should consider.

"Very good, this time Xiaotian is my real intention, I believe you should have understood, and now I have almost understood part of your strength, in this case, I will let you see my third Pokémon. "

After finishing speaking, he finally took out his third Pokemon ball and threw it on the ground, and a Pikachu Xiaotian came out from it. Now the whole person is stupid, why the third one came out Pikachu, and it seems that this Pikachu is a little lazy compared to other Pokémon.

Others couldn't believe it, why did it come out Pikachu, the first two monsters are so powerful, is the last one really Pikachu? Whether it is the ability value or the effort value, it seems that this Pikachu has not changed. It can be seen from Rotom 197 that this Pikachu is nothing special compared with other Pikachus.

No, it must be because he is very lazy.

Since he came out, he fell to the ground, fell asleep there, stretched lazily, and did nothing. Dr. Bratano sat next to him, watching the skin

Kachu, he didn't stop himself, he just sat on the side and watched the fun, and his face was peaceful. It seemed that he liked this Pikachu quite a bit. He should just keep him as a pet, not at all. plan on putting him in the fight

Chapter 1062 Success

"What's the matter? Is the doctor kidding me, why the third Pokémon turned out to be a Pikachu, and it doesn't seem to be very strong."

The doctor smiled slightly, but he didn't speak. The battle had already started, and now the doctor launched the attack first.

"Come on, Pikachu uses 100,000 volts"

This Pikachu slowly got up, stretched his waist, and then the two circles on his cheeks accumulated a current of 100,000 volts. Among them, the three evil dragons in the front were hit in the direction of the three evil dragons, and the three evil dragons were hit exactly. After the middle school, I always felt that my whole body was numb, but there was no pain. After a while, the kung fu electric current disappeared. The three evil dragons looked at my whole body and the surroundings, and it seemed that nothing had changed. No real harm was done.

Now whether it's Xiaotian or other friends, even the three evil dragons have been stunned, is he just two times? after? Pikachu actually has a self-defeating attack that is actively used, I can't see that this little guy is quite combative

However, it still did not cause any substantial damage to the three evil dragons. So far, this is actually a training theme set by Dr. Bratano to train Oda.

Although there is little difference in the abilities of each Pokémon, including dreams, the abilities of each Pokémon are unique. What he wants to tell Xiaotian this time is, don’t pay too much attention to the relationship between yourself and the Pokémon. Fetters, and questions about Pokémon's ability value, each Pokémon, if the training direction is different, then their abilities are naturally different.

He should find combat experience from it. Obviously, in the professional field training, Xiaotian has succeeded.

In fact, this victory can already explain everything, and Xiaotian also knows in his heart that because of the addition of the second cane-tailed scale armored dragon, his second and third Pokémon have been greatly affected. Serious restraint, if Dr. Bratano also uses a relatively powerful Pokémon this time, the outcome of the battle is really hard to predict

But what he didn't expect was that he chose Pikachu. On the surface, it looked like he was releasing water. In fact, the test questions were so simple. If he continued, maybe he could find the flaw in the third Pokémon. In addition to his rich combat experience and this powerful three-headed dragon, he should also be able to seize the opportunity to win.

"o, okay! In fact, there is no need to fight this battle. My Pikachu has always been kept in front of pets. He has never liked to hide in the Pokeball. This time it is me. Coax him, he will come again\'”

Dr. Bratano smiled helplessly. This little guy is really interesting. He usually has a good relationship with himself, but he has never been trained. The matter about fighting is in his Body, so obviously there is a big lack in combat, but Dr. Bratano is powerful, including many more, and this little guy does not need to participate in the battle at all

"Okay, now you have completely passed this training, congratulations, Xiaotian!" Dr. Bratano smiled gratified.

Chapter 1063 Summary

This time the Pokémon battle is over, Dr. Bratano's training can be said to be quite successful, and it has already asked about Ana and Luo Chen from the very beginning. When the two of them were fighting normally, What can be concluded

In fact, Luochen himself didn't care at all, because there were too many dreams in his hands, and there were even more powerful ones.

He is also quite rich in combat experience, so after talking about this battle, it is nothing more than a test

But the person who was really tested was actually Anna, so a lot of things could be summed up from this battle.

And one of the most important, and that's about weaknesses and effort.

"How come, I'm going to ask you questions now. Ana, I think it's you who should answer the question more, what do you think, in this battle, what lessons can you learn and what can you conclude? What kind of reasoning?"

"I think hard work is just very important"

"Also, each monster has different individual values, so the direction of efforts is completely different."

Dr. Bratano smiled with relief, he was right

"Also, although different monsters have different racial values, there are other ways to train the individual value that you are inclined to."

(baai) Dr. Bratano smiled, he had already said everything he had shown in this battle.

There is also the most important one, that is, the weakness effect, which actually needs to be played through combat.

If Ana can completely control this thing, it may play a very important role in the battle.

"Very good, I think you have been able to succeed. I have seen your battles, and your training is the same, so I am very relieved for you, but now I still hope that you can train hard"

"Because although there are other ways to maximize the probability of your victory"

"But in fact, you have seen the last battle. Even if Pikachu, no matter how strong he is, if he comes to face the three evil dragons, he has no chance of victory at all."

Luo Chen is quite clear about this, where are so many protagonists halo, the real protagonist should attack me on himself, Pikachu itself is a very low ability value, even

Poor Pokémon

Generally speaking, the ability value of Yu Sanjia can reach more than 500, the ability of divine beast can only reach about 600, even if the ability value of quasi-god can reach close to 600

But Pikachu's ability value is only a little over 300 and less than 400. Even if that Pikachu is tough, he can't do anything about it. more than a quasi-god

He wouldn't even be a match for the Royal Three Pokémon at all, so now he knew very well that this was actually the most important thing.

So Dr. Bratano made this clear to them from the very beginning.

"That's it, Luo Chen, I want you to train with me"

"Of course it's okay, but I'd like to hear about how you plan to train."

Chapter 1064 Anna's Battle Request

Anna frowned, and then smiled slightly. In fact, he had already thought about the training he wanted to do most now, that is, he wanted to fight Luo Chen.

"Come on, let's fight the two of us, let me see how far apart we are"

He knew very well that the boy in front of him was not at the same level as him at all, and he was afraid that no matter how hard he tried.

What kind of powerful Pokémon is used to face such a powerful opponent, he may still have no way to win

But he always has to do it. After all, he has already understood the result of the game so far, and he must have failed, but he wants to know how far he is from the opponent.

Luochen was surprised at first, so she frowned. Since she has already said such a thing, she shouldn't refuse at this time.

If that's the case, let's just agree to him, anyway, he seems to be more capable of fighting.

And the most important point is that he is so excited now, he may be as excited as Dr. Bratano just now

At this time, don't reject him. If you pour cold water on him at this time, I'm afraid I will be angry. Although I don't care about this, I might as well play with him? Can I use divine beasts, because there are too many divine beasts in my hands.

After that, the rules are actually the same, whether it is on time or not, it is still the three imperial families, and the rules between them are exactly the same as the rules of normal battles.

You can't use super evolution, and you can't use other means. You can only decide the winner through normal battles.

Luochen agreed, right here, right now Dr. Bratano, the battle between the two of them is over, and Xiaotian can breathe a sigh of relief now.

So both of them are quite hopeful that they can also observe how the battle between the two of them will be carried out.

All of them are looking forward to this, and the most looking forward to this is that Anna herself needs to know how much the difference between herself and Luo Chen is.

Will it be because one day I will be able to catch up with the pace of falling dust?

But he is not very clear now, after all, Luochen is too strong, and he doesn't even know what kind of Pokemon he will use to fight against him.

o0 ask for flowers 0....

But he is almost aware that the skills and attributes that each Pokémon can bring together overcome the problem of completing it.

In fact, on the surface, I have listened to Dr. Bratano's words, but in fact I am quite clear that the only thing that can really bring victory is the fundamental restraint.


Because even the raging fire can't burn the cold water, the restraint of attributes is the real fatal flaw, so he intends to fight it at this time.

The rules of this Pokémon game are actually relatively special, but they are actually kind of interesting, because Luo Chen has too many Pokémon in his hands.

No matter what kind of treasure is used, it is quite easy for Kemeng to deal with the child in front of him.

Therefore, there is absolutely no need for him to have psychological pressure. To put it bluntly, the real reason for him to play this game is to relieve his boredom.

And he is quite confident in himself. He has a completely different personality from Xiaotian, and he is very confident.


Chapter 1065 Let's do it

Anna can't wait now. Since both sides have already made a decision, let's start at this time. Xiaotian also plans to learn some lessons from it and gain some combat experience.

"Okay, Xiaotian, now that your battle is over, you can relax, sit here and watch the two of us perform."

"That's right, the gym competition and the Dream Championship have not yet started. We still have time to train in "2000". Let's say hello when the two sides are ready."

After Dr. Bratano finished speaking, these people all nodded, especially now that Luochen was already ready, but now Anna doesn't seem to have it yet.

"Otherwise, we can revisit the rules. We two can bring a prop on each Pokemon that can be used by Pokemon, but only one can be brought, and what to bring is up to you. decide for yourself"

After Anna finished speaking, she didn't say anything unnecessary

And now I'm actually ready, the first Pokémon that will be used, Luochen, took out a Pokémon that can be called a quasi-god. This Pokémon is quite powerful.

Even a Pokémon that is so powerful that he never shows up and always uses it as an ace is a Dragon-type Pokémon that can use multiple types of skills.

"Okay, since it has already started, there is nothing to say, come out, wonderful frog flower"

Very good, Anna's first Pokémon turned out to be Myawa, and so far. Luochen also took out his Poké Ball, and he threw it on the ground

"Come out, Doron Baruto"

This Pokémon, known as the quasi-god, once again encountered the extremely high defense and physical strength of the first-generation female three-family Pokémon Miaowahua.

It can even use various restorative skills and various disgusting interference skills to interfere with opponents.

At the same time, it can also use sharp leaves and Tang Wan to attack Pokemon. In fact, in a certain way, it can be regarded as an almighty Pokemon.

But because it is a grass-type Pokémon, weak fire and weak ice have already made it difficult for him to be on the road in professional competitions such as championships.

Although their own abilities are very strong, and their individual occupations are very strong, in fact, because of their weakness in their class, a large number of trainers will give up this Pokémon.0

And especially in the first round of light attempts, in the first round, Ana attacked first.

No matter what the situation is, Luochen will let the girl in front of you. In general, it is best to let her play first.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense. In that case, let you do it first. If there is no problem, you can start."

"Miaowahua uses the Flying Leaf Knife"

Inexplicably, countless leaves appeared in the sky. When they fell on the wonderful frog flower, they were directly taken off by an invisible gravitational force, and the leaves began to rotate rapidly in the air. This leaf is too sharp.

The rotation drives the wind speed, like a sharp knife that rotates 0.8. This sharp blade makes them feel that they can easily penetrate anything.

"Doron Baruto, you can handle it"

Duolong Baruto is not afraid of this treasure in front of him at all, but Mengmeng himself is quite strong, and he must be close to sweeping his body.

Chapter 1066 Restraint is king

Although it has brought a certain trauma to myself, it is not particularly unbearable for myself.

And now, it's finally Luochen's turn to appear, and Luochen's side has no intention of talking nonsense with him at all.

"Okay, Doron Baruto uses jet flame"

At this moment, Anna was completely amazed. This dragon-type Pokémon actually has a fire-type skill. This is a bit incredible, but it's normal. The Doron Baruto is a Pokémon that can deal with any battle, and the key feature of this Pokémon is that he can face a lot of ground-type Pokémon by floating? Can not be attacked by ground type skills.

The flame directly hit 10 Miaowahua, and the surrounding of Miaowahua's body, because of the burning of the rocket, made herself feel very painful, and there was no way to do it.

Grass-type Pokémon are very afraid of fire, and so far, Doron Baruto has used jet flames to directly inflict damage on himself.

This makes Anna feel incredible, first of all he didn't think about it at all

In fact, it was because of his negligence in tactics and because he chose Pokémon first, so Luo Chen had a chance to choose later.

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