MTL - Age of Elves: God-Level Landing-Chapter 314

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He didn't feel such a feeling at all, but when he came back this time, he really found out that these things seemed to really exist.

"Okay, I'm almost clear now. In that case, let's put these things aside for now. If the game can continue, then of course it's best."

"Yes, so your task is to continue to complete the game."

Chapter 1193 Final Thoughts

Because he hasn't thought about why so many things happened all at once, and now he's down and has no clue at all. If all the things are mixed and backlogged together, then these things are simply too troublesome.

"So now, what do you want to do? Are you planning to continue participating in the competition? Or do you have other ideas. If you have them now, you can put them all up."

"I'm also thinking about this now, so I'm going to listen to the two of them. If they want to go to the game now, of course I don't have any opinion, but if the two of them are also on these things I am very interested, and I hope to be able to do it together.”

Luo Chen himself actually had no thoughts of his own on these matters, he could only say that he did not have any stimulating thoughts.

In fact, he has already prepared it for a long time. How to implement it is his own problem, but now he can guess what will happen next.

"I have an idea now, but it's like a gamble. I can't guarantee whether I'll bet right, but this is actually not too much hindrance."

Dr. Bratano does have an idea in his heart, because as a doctor, he naturally has a high status, so now he needs a capable person to investigate this matter with him.

But until now, he still doesn't know what to do. After all, everything has not surfaced, and everything is just a mystery, so now he is ready to continue. Get them to play.

"The two of us don't really care, because now we have successfully obtained the ability evaluation device, so of course, we have no idea at all, but I still hope to participate in this competition."

"Yes, I actually want to participate. After all, after training for so long, my Pokémon has already wanted to participate in the competition, and I will prove my strength through competition."

Xiaotian and Anna, both of them hope so, so now they are really the best time for him to participate in the competition, although the prizes have already started in advance.

?0 for flowers 0....

But they want to prove their strength through this game, because in this game, more and more powerful Pokémon trainers will also participate in this game

The game, so until now, they have this idea.

"Well, if the two of you really think so, and I personally support you very much, then you will fall into the dust."

Luochen didn't speak, because she seemed to have noticed that Dr. Bratano seemed to have other ideas, but they hadn't expressed them yet, so the two of them had given priority to expressing their final ideas so far. Dr. Ratano.

It's also a good thing, because there are too many people, and for him, the strength of the two of them is actually not a star and a half compared with Luo Chen, so he can only blame one person to complete his own. idea.

"Didn't you say you're going to gamble? No, what do you think? Okay, just tell me."


Chapter 1194 Betting on the game?

"I mean, the incident this time is really too big, and there are still many unknown factors mixed in it so far, including other things, so I hope to bring someone as my assistant , to jointly study this huge event.”

Luochen smiled slightly, this was actually the answer he wanted, because up to now, many things are uncertain, so the "five seven seven" thing will only appear until now.

Dr. Bratano is struggling to make a decision, and the game is still ready to go, so now Dr. Bratano is going to take a gamble.

In fact, it is now betting on the dust, whether it will go to the competition, or will it follow itself to explore the mysteries that this world brings to itself.

"I chose not to go with you. In that case, I believe you should have chosen me, and I am actually betting that you will choose me, that's all."

Dr. Bratano is smiling now, but Anna and Xiaotian are both confused.

Because they never thought that Dr. Bratano would make such a decision, no wonder this doctor would give priority to asking his opinion at the very beginning.

It turned out that he was about to be asked to do such a song. He was really cunning, and he could also participate in it, but suddenly he did it, but they were suddenly overwhelmed, and he also wanted to play with Bratano. The doctor went to investigate the big events in this world together.

After all, until now, similar situations have occurred in the Shenno area, Alola area, Galar area, and even other areas. If it is really because of the natural disaster changes caused by divine beasts, then This question is really not easy.

"Okay, I'm going to go with you."

"Wait a minute, Dr. Aburata Road, we didn't expect that you actually intended to make such a decision, I obviously want to go with you, the final result of this game, we have now It doesn't matter anymore."

"That's right, and up to now, whether this game will continue or not is actually a question now, we also want to investigate with you, it would be great if we can really meet the divine beast. .0”

Dr. Bratano pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose, he slowly turned his head and looked at Xiaotian and Anna, and he could see the excitement and joy on their faces

Of course, the unease on their faces can also be seen, and this unease seems to be caused by their difficulty in controlling unknown events, so now Dr. Bratano does not want to completely roll them all up.

Although I don't want to say it outright, for fear of hurting their hearts, but for me, this is the truth. Compared with Luo Chen, their strength is not a star and a half. , and the means to fight against Pokémon.

This guy is unfathomable and may even be stronger than he imagined, so he planned to investigate these things together with Luo Chen, so now the two of them are completely burdensome for this kind of thing, so they must not be brought together.

Chapter 1195 Introduction

As Luochen embarked on the journey to Melomele Island alone, Xiaotian and Anna had to admit that they were still not strong enough.

After all, each of the four natural islands in the Alola region is unique and has its own patron saint. The two of them went only as a hindrance.

Not to mention Xiaotian and Anna here, because of their lack of strength, they plan to be strong. Luochen on the other side, riding on the back of the fossilized pterosaur, was about to arrive at Melomeile Island.

The Fossil Pterosaur hovered above the Elf Research 10 Research Center and made a low cry, indicating that its owner had reached the destination, and Luo Chen also opened his eyes from the meditation, signaling the Fossil Pterosaur to land.

After recovering the fossilized pterosaur, Luochen came to Dr. Kukui's elf research center. Dr. Kukui had been notified by Dr. Buitano and was waiting for Luochen's arrival at the door.

"Young and promising elf master, not only spreads your fame in the Kanto region, but even in our Alola region, there are many young trainers who are your fans!"

"Welcome to the Alola region! Dust off!"

Dr. Kukui said with a smile.

Luochen smiled embarrassedly and scratched his head shyly. If anyone who knew him could see him, he would definitely know that this kid was going to pretend not to be in the dark.

Luochen said with a smile, "Dr. Kukui is overrated, I'm just an ordinary trainer, and I'm still far from being called a master. Dr. Buitano sent me here mainly to discuss with you, doctor, about black holes. Specific issues."

Dr. Kukui's smiling expression disappeared in an instant, replaced by a serious face,

"Hey, you're right! In addition to exuding strange powers from this sudden black hole, Ka Pumingming, the patron saint of Melomele Island, also raised a warning some time ago!"

Luo Chen looked surprised, but this time it was real surprise, not pretending, "Warning? It seems that the black hole this time is extraordinary? It has alarmed the existence of the patron saint level."

Dr. Kukui nodded, "Yes, the patron saints of the other three islands also sensed and warned that this black hole is connected to a mysterious space."

Luochen thought before that this was a prank by some evil spirit, such as Nightmare God Darkrai, but according to the guardian deity of the four islands, the black hole was actually connected to another world?

In this case, there is too much involved in this matter, and Luo Chen's random heart is swept away. I thought it was just a simple outing to perform a task, but I didn't expect that there is such an inside story.

"It's really exciting, Dr. Kukui!" Luochen waved his arm and said to Dr. Kukui energetically577:

"Leave the next investigation to me. I plan to go to the patron saint to ask the whole story. After all, their strength is the top of the whole world, and they should be able to detect clues."

Dr. Kukui nodded and affirmed his thoughts, "What you said is very reasonable. I will take you to introduce the king of the island, and he will introduce the patron saint to you."

Luochen nodded, suddenly realized, and patted his head: "Doctor, you reminded me that when I came to Melomele Island, I haven't visited the owner here. I have long heard the name of the fighting king, Hala, come here. Definitely going to visit!"

Chapter 202 The Trial of the Patronus

"But I am willing to give you a chance to play against me! I will judge your performance by your performance in the battle."

"The captain of the tour team of the four major islands in the Alola region, as well as the four kings, are all taught by us. Whether your strength can defeat them and pass the test will definitely be reflected in the battle with me."

"Considering your age, so be it, if you and your partner can last five rounds in my hands, even if you pass the test. Of course, I won't go all out. This time, I will only give you six rounds. Divide your strength, if you can't even do this, don't talk about saving the glorious god, you should go back to your Kanto."

Listening to the serious and harsh words, Luo Chen did not refute.

A few people came to the training battle field dedicated to the King of Hara, and Ka Pumingming asked, "Boy, are you ready? When you are ready, I'm about to start warming up?"

He reached out and threw the Poké Ball, summoned the Kuailong, and Luo Chen shouted: "We seem to be underestimated! Kuailong! Use all your strength and prove yourself\'"! "

At this moment, Luo Chen heard a prompt from the system:

【Ding dong! B-level side quests are triggered. 】

[Task name: Trial of the Patronus. 】

[Task requirements: In the attack of the patron saint Ka Pumingming, command your elves to survive five rounds. 】

[Mission rewards: (Fire type) super extreme flame bomb, (Dragon type) ultimate giant dragon shaking the world, (flight type) high-speed dive, crash and crash and other exclusive Z moves; Z pure crystal, Z bracelet. 】

Seeing the side quest that has not been seen for a long time, Luochen is full of energy. As long as he passes the trial of the Patronus, not only can he get the general-purpose Z moves that he can use, but the system even thoughtfully sent Z pure crystal and With the Z bracelet, you don't have to search for resources yourself.

"Fast dragon! Use the tornado to attack the opponent's side! Once the opponent is close, use high-speed movement to throw him away!"

Kuailong turned around, his small eyes filled with confidence in his master, he directly rushed away the opposite Patronus and launched an attack.

As the patron saint of the electricity system, Kapu Mingming stood at the top of the world in terms of attack power and movement speed, and wanted to last five rounds in his hands.

Counterattack is impossible, the special attack gap between the two sides is very large, and counterattack can only make you lose faster.

In addition, the fast dragon has not grown to its final form, just as an ordinary high-level elf, even under the careful training of Luo Chen, the gap in rank cannot be easily closed.


The difference between the high-level and the god-level is not a star and a half. If you want to complete this trial, you can only rely on the speed advantage of the fast dragon, and Luo Chen's grasp of the battle situation.

Just when Kuailong's tornado was about to attack Kapu Mingming, who was standing in the same place, Kapu Mingming's wings spread out, and a huge ball of electric light appeared out of nowhere in front of him. Fallen Chen could tell that this was a high-level skill of the electricity system. Crazy Volt is an advanced skill of 100,000 Volts.

Immediately shouted: \'(Li Qianhao) Fast Dragon! Get out of place! Go around behind him! "

Sure enough, the seemingly powerful tornado disappeared without a trace after it came into contact with Crazy Volt's electric ball.

Moreover, due to the mastery of the electricity system, the flying speed of the Crazy Volt, compared with the ordinary Crazy Volt skills, is simply a teleportation, and a blink of an eye appears at the original position of the fast dragon.

Chapter 203 Harrah's Home

Dr. Kukui said while leading the road, "The kings of the four major islands are all the pinnacles of elves trainers with different attributes, and they are called the four kings of the Alola region by outsiders."

"It can be said that each of the four of them is an invincible elf trainer in commanding the elf battle. More importantly, they have all been recognized by the various patron saints.

"Once something happens that endangers the island, they can all fight side by side with the island guardian, so that the two can play a stronger role!"

Dr. Kukui's elaboration made Luochen understand that the so-called Four Heavenly Kings were not only in legends, but also fought side by side with the Patronus, so wouldn't their strength stand at the top of the world?

Although he has the help of fossil pterosaurs and fire-breathing dragons 583, he has not yet mastered the power of Mega. Compared with the existences at the top of these worlds, he is still far away.

According to my own memory, there is a special skill called Z move in the Alola region. I hope this journey goes smoothly, not only to solve the secret of the black hole, but also to learn the Z move smoothly.

Once you can successfully master the Z move, your elf strength can be improved by a level.

Just when Luo Chen was thinking about it, Dr. Kukui, who was leading the way in front, said, "Okay, we have arrived at the place. This is the home of the island king Hala!"

After saying that, he pushed the door in without saying hello and knocked on the door. Luo Chen thought to himself, it seems that Dr. Kukui has a very good relationship with King Hara. Maybe you can ask Dr. Kukui about the Z move.

He walked in behind Dr. Kukui, but Luo Chen was stunned by the scene in the yard.

After all, it is really rare to see King Hara, the king of the island, being taught by an elf!

After entering the door, in addition to Hala, who is the king of the island, there is also a 1.8-meter tall elf with orange hair and legs and half-shelled hands.

What surprised Luochen was that the elf was actually reprimanding King Hara: "I told you this (baai) boy a long time ago that those black holes are not simple. Even I can feel the threat, there must be something unspeakable. The conspiracy is in it, you just don't listen! Let you investigate, you just deal with it!"

In the eyes of outsiders, the majestic King Hara, in front of this elf, can only smile with various explanations.

"Master Kapo, it's not that I don't care. I really can't detect anything abnormal. I have sent three or four teams to guard it all day long, and all the collected energy data have been handed over to Dr. Kukui. How can I cope with it? What do you mean?"

He said that he happened to see Dr. Kukui who came in, and he quickly waved his hand and shouted: "Come on, come and help me explain, Master Kapo misunderstood me, please tell me quickly!"

Dr. Kukui shook his head with a look of helplessness. His eyes signaled that Luo Chen, who was beside him, should wait for him here, then walked quickly to Hala's side, and said to help:

"Hala is right, Mr. Kapumingming, all the spare armed forces of Melomele Island are all used to monitor the abnormal black holes, and you don't take your words as a deaf ear. It's just because of strength. It’s not enough, it’s just not being able to make efficiency in time.”

Chapter 204 Guessing

After finishing speaking, Dr. Kukui moved away from the dust behind him and introduced to Kapu Mingming:

"The one behind me is Luo Chen from the Kanto region. It was the trainer who received the task of Dr. Buitano to investigate the cause of the black hole anomaly in the Alola region."

"You can communicate with him. After all, such black holes have also appeared in various places in the Kanto region. Perhaps Dr. Buitano has an extraordinary understanding."

Hearing Dr. Kukui's introduction, Kapumingming stopped his slaughter of Hara, turned his head to look at Luochen for a while, and then with a trace of suspicion, his bird's eyes showed a look of disbelief, and he pouted, puzzled. Said, "Just this kid?"

Luo Chen, who was underestimated, didn't feel any insult. After all, his strength was definitely not enough compared to his Patronus. Moreover, he and Ka Pumingming had never known each other, so there was no reason for people to believe in him at first glance.

So I just bowed my hands, bowed to Kapo, smiled and said:

"I have seen the Patronus, and I am indeed low in strength, but I also have some unique insights into the black hole that suddenly appeared, not to mention the research and analysis of Dr. Buitano.

Below, there are preliminary ideas. "

Looking at Luochen, who is neither humble nor arrogant, Ka Puming mingled with interest, "Then let me ask you, what do you think of this thing? Do you have any ideas? Let's hear it."

Luochen waved his hand, "I don't think it's high opinion, it's just a slight guess, and it's also the most probable guess made by Dr. Buitano and I based on the information collected, coming to the Alola region is also to the four patron saints. Check it out to see if this guess is true."

After Luochen thought about it, he was embarrassed to tell the truth, "After all, according to Dr. Buitano's calculations, only Patronus-level strength can sense the origin of the black hole."

"However, only the four from the Alola region can communicate as usual. You must also know something about the three divine beasts in the Kanto region, the patron saints."

"So the Doctor sent me to the Alola region to seek the help of the four and successfully stop the conspiracy behind the black hole."

Kapu Mingming heard Luochen's explanation, and raised his head arrogantly: "Hmph, the three stinky fellows of Yandi Shuijun Lei Gong are naturally not as good as the four of us. You wait here, I'll call the three of them over."

?0 for flowers 0....

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