MTL - Age of Elves: God-Level Landing-Chapter 6

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In this state, Kuailong has no chance of winning at all.

"You won." Yu Longdu smiled and took back his fast dragon.

"Hoo **** ho hoo!!" The second-hand fast dragon danced and finally won once.

Seeing this scene, Yulongdu smiled, and at the same time he was looking at Luochen.


I felt nothing wrong just now, the other party did seem to have changed a person, giving me a vague sense of oppression,

It is also because of his underestimation that under the fierce attack of falling dust and storms, his fast dragon has been pressed and beaten, and he is not even given a chance to catch his breath.

When he came back to his senses, the outcome was decided.

"You're very strong, I didn't expect you to cooperate with Kuailong for the first time!" Yulongdu praised Luochen: "Do you want to fight me with your elf?"

Luo Chen's command just now made him look a little sideways. He didn't expect that his first cooperation with Kuailong would be perfect.

"Du, Luochen doesn't have his own elf yet." Dr. Damu said.

Yu Longdu was completely stunned. He confirmed again and again that Luo Chen did not have his own elf, and when this was his first battle, his eyes were full of shock. Although he did not fight with all his strength, it was not ordinary training. The family can deal with it; and the other party is obviously the first time to fight against the elf, but he can push himself to such a point.

The first cooperation with Kuailong is so flawless.

Is this... a monster? !

"Interesting, then next time, when you have your own elf, let's fight." Yulongdu said.

"Okay, I will definitely accompany you then!" Luo Chen said.

Yu Longdu nodded, "Then I'll go first, there is something on the alliance side."

After saying goodbye to the two, Yu Longdu released his other fast dragon.


This Kuailong roared up to the sky, with endless domineering and coercive in his voice, and his body was more than twice the size of the one just now, with contempt in his eyes.

The second-hand fast dragon saw this fast dragon, his eyes were extremely solemn, and he roared in a low voice.

Fallen Chen silently said: \"The Eye of Probing."

Name: Quick Dragon

Attribute: Dragon

Title: Dragon of Champions (title of champion, has a coercive effect on dragon elves)

Level: Level 90 (Championship)

Qualification: Champion

Item: Chapter of the Dragon King (increase the damage of dragon skills by 50%)

The second update and the third update will be around 8 o'clock. Looking for collection, flowers and evaluation tickets?.

Chapter 13: Comprehend SSS-level combat skills! (3/?)

Look at the panel of this fast dragon.

Luo Chen was a little horrified, the level was as high as level 90, and this fast dragon also had the title of "Champion Dragon", and also carried a dragon king chapter that increased the damage of dragon skills by 50%.

This comprehensive strength is simply terrifying.

This is the champion - Yulongdu's true strength? This fast dragon has the title of "Champion Dragon", it should be the ace in his hand, and also his main battle elf.

But after thinking about it, this is normal. Yulongdu is the king and champion of a region. In other games, it is a big boss.

Isn't it normal for a big boss to have such strength? !

"Okay, bye."

Yulongdu took the fast dragon to the sky and disappeared in the Damu Research Institute.

"Do you feel his true strength? The Kuailong just now grew up with him since he was a child. He is his champion Kuailong, and Du didn't fight you seriously just now." Dr. Damu said.

"I know." Luochen looked at Yulongdu's voice disappearing into the sky, with fighting intent in his eyes: "I can win this time, but next time, even if he fights with all his strength, it will be me who will win!"

"Hahaha, your temper really didn't let me down." Dr. Damu said with a smile, "You and Kuailong have only known each other for a long time, and they cooperated so perfectly. Your future is indeed limitless.

If anyone who is familiar with Dr. Damu sees this evaluation, their eyes will fall. This is the highest evaluation that Dr. Damu has ever given in his life.

He patted the dust on the shoulder, and then walked away.

After Dr. Damu left, Luochen would remember that when he was fighting Yulongdu before, the sound of the system seemed to sound, but at that time he was fighting seriously and was ignored by himself.

He quickly went back and checked the game diary.

"Ding! Congratulations to the player Luochen for comprehending the S-level combat skills 'absolute focus!'"

He was startled, combat skills? Absolutely focused? !

Luochen looked at his character panel.

name: dust

Rank: A non-trainer weakling who doesn't even have a pixie

Charisma: 50 (full value of 100)

Elf Affinity: 50 (full value 100)

Special Skills: Calming Power, Probing Eye

Combat Skill: Absolute Focus

Secondary Occupation: Pharmacist

Possessions: none

I found that there is one more combat skill under the special skill, and one of them is absolutely focused.

He thought to open the combat skill column, and a specific description of absolute focus emerged.

Skill: Absolute Focus

Grade: S grade

Effect: After use, enter into a state of absolute concentration, extremely calm, detect the opponent's flaws, and be able to make accurate battle commands.

Duration: 5 minutes

Cooldown time: 3 hours

No wonder when he was fighting against Yulongdu just now, he felt that his command seemed to be a bit arrogant. He knew exactly what Yulongdu's fast dragon was going to do next, and he had already prepared corresponding countermeasures in his heart.

At the time, he was still wondering why he was so skilled in his first battle.

It turned out to be the realization of [absolute focus].

"Ding! World Announcement: Congratulations to the player Luochen for being the first player to comprehend the skill on his own. [Absolute Focus] has been promoted to the SSS-level combat skill [God's Domain]."

"Ding! World Announcement: Congratulations to the player Luochen for being the first player to comprehend the skill on his own. [Absolute Focus] has been promoted to the SSS-level combat skill [God's Domain]."

"Ding! World Announcement: Congratulations to player Luochen for being the first player to comprehend the skill on his own, [Absolute Focus] has been promoted to the SSS-level combat skill [God's Domain].

The world announcement sounded again, and Luo Chen was a little annoyed by the sound now, and it kept popping up in surprise, and now there were no other players, no one would know if he pretended to be forceful.

This is simply to get cheap and sell well.

Is the absolute focus of the S-level promoted to the realm of the gods of the SSS-level?

He opened the character panel again and found the skill bar. Absolute focus had become the realm of the gods, and this skill was still glowing with a faint glow.

Skill: God's Domain

Level: SSS level

Effect: 1. After use, enter the realm of God, all the flaws of the opponent are invisible in your eyes. 2. The ability to predict the opponent's next move and skills in advance. 3. The state of the realm of the gods, the affinity with the elf Max, the mind is connected, and the fighting power of the elf is increased by 20%.

Duration: 5 minutes

Cooldown time: 12 hours

After seeing this skill, I am overjoyed. It is a magical skill, and it is a magical skill. It really deserves to be an SSS-level combat skill.

This skill is simply awesome. In the realm of the gods, in layman's terms, as long as the opponent is not the kind of skill that makes the elves run away, or the kind of single control skill, as long as the opponent is not the kind of super-large area, or the kind of single control skill, the dust is even In the face of divine beasts, he was able to remain invincible in the five minutes he had opened in the realm of the gods!

This is not a god-level, so what is a magical skill! !

To sum it up in one sentence, when you encounter an enemy of equal strength, you can immediately smack the opponent when you open the realm of the gods.

Encountering an enemy who is many times stronger than yourself and opening the realm of God is equivalent to opening up the equality of all beings and making the other party become as profitable as you.

Thirdly, I would like to thank you all for your flowers and evaluation tickets, and thank you for "Only Wilderness, Cruel Moonlight, Yunyue, Flowing Cloud Piaofeng, smmaaR Drizzle Wing, Night J Love, Origin and Origin, and Eternal Desire." Thank you very much for the reward of ak**?~ I never expected that such an unpopular theme of Pokémon would also have so many people's support, I am very grateful!

There is a delay in the update of the webpage, and it will take half an hour to display the update. I will code the fourth chapter. If there is more time, I will also code the fifth chapter.

Chapter Fourteen: The Royal Family! (for collection)

Luo Chen took a deep breath and calmed down.

At this time, Kuailong was stunned for a long time when he saw Luochen standing there.


It came over and roared at Luochen.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing Kuailong's roar, Luochen came back to his senses and turned his head to ask.

Who knows, Kuailong raised his head and patted Luochen on the shoulder, as if praising Luochen: You did a good job just now....

Seeing it like this, Luochen couldn't help laughing and crying. You are so cute, do other quasi-gods know? Sure enough, it is a second-hand fast dragon, and it will only be serious when fighting, usually like a second-hand.

"Okay, let's go."

Luochen took Kuailong back to the backyard.

At this time, the sun was setting on the mountain, and the sunset glow was like fire, reflecting half of the sky red.

It was getting late, and Luo Chen had to finish his work, so he would be responsible for the backyard in the future.

"Help me get the energy cubes and milk powder for the elf cub and tell you not to steal it." Luo Chen faced Kuailong, seeing the second-hand Kuailong's face with disapproval, he added: "If you dare to steal it, next time Yulongdu comes, you fight him yourself, and if you lose, prepare to let his fast dragon mock you!"

Luochen made a tsk sound: "Tsk tsk tsk, I was defeated by my own kind. If it were me, I would not be able to lose this person, no, this dragon."

Hearing this threat, Kuailong looked shocked, and patted his chest to ensure that he would not steal it.

In this backyard, the only ones who need to be taken care of by the dust are the elf cubs that have just hatched from the elf eggs. They need fine elf food to prepare them, and milk powder mixed with different tree fruits will be washed to them to ensure that their development.

Soon the second-hand goods and fast dragons took these things over.

One person and one dragon came to a corner of the backyard. This is a place specially designated for raising elf cubs. It is an open-air building surrounded by stone walls, about the size of 4 football fields. .

The two pushed open the wooden door and walked in.

The targets are the Jenny Turtle, the Little Fire Dragon and the Wonderful Frog Seeds.

At a glance, there are more than a hundred of them.

That's right, the elf cubs raised here are all the Yusan families in the Kanto region, all of which have just hatched from the elf eggs.

These three imperial families are prepared for trainers who are ten years old and old enough to travel in the Kanto region after three months.

The trainers who travel every year are the future of the Kanto Alliance, and the initial pixie is especially important to them.

Therefore, these three imperial families are not allowed to be lost, and they are all kept in the authority of the elf, Dr. Damu, to ensure that they can develop well.

Luochen has a super high affinity for elves. Although these elves are seeing Luochen for the first time, they are not afraid, and they are all elves that have just hatched from eggs, and they are full of curiosity about the outside world.

Not only was he not afraid, but he climbed onto Luo Chen's body one by one to play with him.

After playing with them for a while...

"Little Fire Dragon, Jenny Turtle, and Frog Seeds, it's time to eat."

Luochen divided the three different types of elf food and put it in front of them. After eating, he prepared the milk powder for them.

Then watch them finish their milk.

After doing all this, it was already completely dark, and it was really not an easy task to take care of more than 100 elf cubs when they cooperated fully.

Everything was done, and one person and one dragon left.

"Okay, it's getting dark, you can play by yourself, I'll come to you tomorrow."

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes