MTL - All the Cultivators In the Immortal World Think That the Peak Master is Ruthless.-Chapter 309 missing 8

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   Chapter 309 Missing 8

   First Demon Lord put this anomaly aside for now. Lord Demon Lord is strong and can stay here forever, which is a good thing for them.

   "Father Zuo, you have seen Gu Qingmo who is said to be the number one person in the cultivation world, right?"

  Guardian Zuo's calm eyes like stagnant water finally reacted a little, "I have seen it."

   The First Demon Lord licked his blood-red lips, the red dye was all smudged, and he looked ugly again, "I want to see him, can the Guardian Zuo point out a clear way?"

   "Minglu..." Zuo Hufa chewed these two words, "As long as you go to the battlefield, you can't find it."

   "But, I don't know what he looks like..."

   "The one that looks best in the audience is."

   "The best look... It's really itchy, hahaha."

  Left Protector looked at the back of the First Demon Lord leaving, turned around and continued to go to the kitchen to find chopsticks.

   Dare to covet Gu Qingmo, no matter if it's the open road or the dark road, it's a dead end.


   In the past few days, Liu Qingbai has always been receiving letters from Gu Qingmo one after another.

   I don't know what Gu Qingmo means. All the letters he sent were written with irrelevant words of concern, which seemed rather perfunctory.

   At first, Liu Qingbai would try to find a way to reply, but after receiving too many letters, he didn't want to reply, as long as he could keep in touch all the time.

  Liu Qingbai spread out all the envelopes and placed them one by one in the order they were sent.

  Although he was glad that Gu Qingmo was finally willing to contact him, and it was quite frequent, he didn't think that Gu Qingmo would send him letters for some insignificant things, there must be something he didn't notice.

   Looking at the letter full of caring words, Liu Qingbai sighed, why is he so sad.

   Being a senior is not easy.

After   Chu Xu returned to Wanjianzong, in addition to leading other disciples to practice cultivation, he also had to organize the latest battle situation and news from various parties every day and then hand them over to Liu Qingbai.

   As usual, Chu Xu took the new battle report from the battlefield ahead and waited for a long time in front of Liu Qingbai's room, but he didn't hear any sound.

   pushed the door straight in and saw Liu Qingbai sitting cross-legged on the chair, his eyes flashed.

  Chu Xu put his things down and silently exited the room.

  Liu Qingbai took out today's envelopes and looked at them. Sure enough, one of them belonged to Gu Qingmo.

   Like before, they were all words of concern for him, but this time the back of the letter read "She is going to the battlefield".

   Can he understand that this is the last letter from Gu Qingmo to him?

  Liu Qingbai put the last letter on the bed, and all the letters were in order.


   After Chu Xu came down, he has been practicing swordsmanship and studying astrology.

  Astrology is a compulsory course for every suzerain of Wanjian Sect, but the one who teaches astrology is not necessarily the previous suzerain.

   Those who are suitable for the position of suzerain may not necessarily have talent in astrology, so there is a place in Wanjianzong that only the suzerain knows, dedicated to the inheritance of astrology.

  Chu Xu is unfortunately not talented in astrology. Even after a year of contact, he still can't even cross the threshold.

   On the other hand, Chu Sheng has a good talent in astrology.

   Neither of the brothers would hide anything from each other, and with Chu Sheng becoming Chu Xu's sword spirit, the two of them were inseparable.

   When Chu Xu practiced, Chu Sheng would watch from the side.

   Looking at it, he found that he seemed to be better at learning astrology than Chu Xu.

   The brothers were stunned when they found out about this.

   Astrology does not require any cultivation base, even Chu Sheng can learn it, but he did not expect that Chu Sheng, who was just playing, could learn it.

  You know, he is a sword spirit now.

  Chu Sheng refused to continue studying astrology with Chu Xu after discovering that he was talented in this area.

   But Chu Xu hoped that he could continue his studies, and after persuading him for many days, he finally let Chu Sheng nod his head.

After   , their lives changed a bit.

   During the time when Chu Xu was studying astrology, Chu Sheng was studying astrology, and when Chu Xu was studying, he was explaining it to him.

   It's just, I didn't expect that Chu Xu had no talent in this area.

  Chu Sheng looked at the black ashes on the ground. This was the ashes made of materials used for astrology after the failure of astrology.

   "Brother, what do you think?"


   The two brothers looked at each other, this is already an unknown number of batches of materials wasted.

   "Brother, do you still have any materials?"

   "No, this is the last one."



   The two brothers sighed together, Chu Xu is really not good at astrology.

   At this moment, the sound transmission in Chu Xu's storage bag glowed.

  Chu Sheng shrugged and returned to the sword, "Sect Master Liu is looking for you, we'll talk about it next time."

   "Okay," Chu Xu stretched and took out the sound transmission, "Master."

   "Xu'er, come to me."

  Liu Qingbai's tired voice for many days, at this time, was faintly excited.

  Chu Xu thought for a while, and could probably guess where the excitement came from.

   probably solved the hidden contents of those letters.

   I just didn’t expect that there are actually hidden contents. As expected of the brothers, they really know each other.

  Liu Qingbai put away all the letters on the bed, and flattened them one by one.

   Then, he took out an exquisite black box from the dark compartment at the head of the bed, and put the envelope carefully into it.

   Although Gu Qingmo wrote these letters for a different purpose, they were all words of concern. He had to put them away and show them off to the elders of the older generation in the future.

   As for perfunctory?

  Haha, Gu Qingmo can write well, it doesn't matter if she is perfunctory or not.

   When Chu Xu came, he saw Liu Qingbai holding a box and smiling like a wretched uncle.

  Chu Xu:…

   So, what exactly was written in that letter.

   "That, Master, you..." Chu Xu didn't know if it was appropriate for him to speak now, but Liu Qingbai's laughing like this all the time would damage his image.

  Liu Qingbai choked on his saliva when he heard the sound.

   "Cough, cough, Xu'er is here."

  Chu Xu sighed, "Master, I'm sorry if you don't call your disciple like that."

   Chu Xu had said this countless times, but Liu Qingbai never took it to heart.

   "It's not important, come here, I have something to explain to you for the teacher."

  Chu Xu stepped forward and listened.

   "You go to your Master Xia..."

  The night wind caresses, the dark clouds cover the moon, and the figure hidden in the dark is about to move.


   "Master, what's the matter with you?" Mo Chuli looked at Gu Qingmo who suddenly woke up beside him, the bright fire shining on his face.

  Gu Qingmo let out a long sigh, his face a little ugly, "It's nothing."

  Mo Chuli didn't ask any more questions, picked up the pyre, and the bright sparks jumped out, "Master, shall we be on our way overnight?"

   "Have you rested?" Gu Qingmo looked at Mo Chuli, in fact they didn't need to rest at all.

   Mo Chuli nodded silently. From just now until now, Gu Qingmo has always been the one who rested.

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion