MTL - All the Cultivators In the Immortal World Think That the Peak Master is Ruthless.-Chapter 315 poison forest 4

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   Chapter 315 Poison Forest 4

  Sun Yuzhou did not reject the things that suddenly popped up in his mind, but thought about it carefully.

   What they need now is to save their lives, something that suddenly appears in their minds, although doubtful, can be ignored for the time being.

  Fu Yuzhu lay down for a while, feeling a little dizzy, then took out some medicinal pills to eat, and then got up again.

"How about it?"

   "Is your head okay?"

   "...Okay," Fu Yuzhu touched the place where he was hit, "What did I hit just now?"

   The entire top is empty, and there are no raised places around it, so he can't bump into anything.

  Sun Yuzhou thought about the weird scene just now, "You didn't hit anything."

   All he saw was this guy slammed very high, and then suddenly fell down...

  Sun Yuzhou had a flash of inspiration and looked at the magic circle under his feet. Could it be that this magic circle is still activated?

   The seal formation cannot be exited, but can it be entered?

   However, the poisonous mist could not come down.

   "Yuzhu, try it out and activate this magic circle."

   Circulating spiritual power will speed up the spread of toxins, so Sun Yuzhou doesn't need to use his spiritual power.

  Fu Yuzhu probably guessed something when he looked at him like this, and tried to inject spiritual power into the magic circle.

   However, the magic circle did not respond at all.

  Fu Yuzhu injected a lot of spiritual power, but still no response.

   "Will this magic circle be too long to activate?"

  Sun Yuzhou didn't answer. Although the incantation of this magic circle was faded, a complete outline could still be seen.

   "Otherwise, shall I paint again?" Fu Yuzhu offered a feasible suggestion.

   "Do you have the materials to draw the array?"


   Suggestions were shot to death all at once.

   Just like the alchemy and refining tools, the drawing of the formation talisman requires specific materials, otherwise it will not be able to make anything at all.

   And they happen to have none.

   It is the spiritual power that can motivate the magic circle, which is the foundation of the foundation.

   However, spiritual power can be activated, but it does not mean that it is the only one.

  Sun Yuzhou took out a small knife and made a big cut on his wrist, blood flowing.

  Fu Yuzhu was caught off guard, and before he could even stop him, he quickly took out the gauze and scolded: "What are you doing! Slash a knife on your wrist, you don't want to live!"

   "Wait, let me try it first." Sun Yuzhou pushed away Fu Yuzhu who was about to wrap him up, and his **** hands began to trace along the traces of the magic circle.

   "What are you trying to do?" Fu Yuzhu's face was ugly. As a doctor, what he hates most is disobedient patients.

  Sun Yuzhou did not answer, but drew the incantation seriously.

  Fu Yuzhu didn't think that Sun Yuzhou's blood could support him to draw a complete circle. "Stop quickly, just your blood. Before the circle is finished, your blood will be drained."

  Sun Yuzhou didn't respond to his eagerness, he just asked: "Is there a detoxification pill? It's best to temporarily guard against the poisonous mist above."

"What do you want to do?"

He has not made the    Jiedu Pill, but he still has five Pills in his hand.

   "Eat one first." Sun Yuzhou did not explain, his eyes were very serious.

  Fu Yuzhu couldn't beat him, so he could only take out the anti-drug pill, "I don't know how long the effect will last, you can do whatever you want as soon as possible."

  Avoiding poison is not something that can be avoided by any poison. It mainly depends on the strength of the poison. The stronger the poison, the worse the effect.

   "You eat too, don't leave my side later."

"it is good."

  Sun Yuzhou didn't describe all the incantations, just painted the center ones, and then injected a lot of spiritual power.

  Suddenly, golden light appeared and rose into the sky.

  Gu Qingmo, who was sulking in the ruins far away, raised his eyes to look at Jin Guang, a little surprised, "I just woke up like this."

   "What's the matter?" The ninth Demon Lord sneered and looked at the stunned Tenth Demon Lord beside him, "It seems that the so-called chompers in your mouth are not so easy to be poisoned to death."

   The tenth devil's conceit all relied on his poison, but the poison that was invincible failed, which undoubtedly slapped him in the face like a slap in the face.

   snorted coldly, turned around and flew towards the cannibal forest.


  Fu Yuzhu struggled to open his eyes, but was pierced by a piece of gold that hurt his eyes.

   "Sun Yuzhou!"

   I can't see anyone, so I can only shout.

   As soon as he finished speaking, he felt that Sun Yuzhou's aura suddenly appeared around him, and he was grabbed by his arm and lifted up.


   "Shh - don't talk, don't make any noise."

  Fu Yuzhu closed his eyes and couldn't see, which made him very uneasy.

  Sun Yuzhou saw that his hand was stroking, and he probably guessed what he was looking for, and handed his arm to him, and then he was tightly grasped.

  Fu Yuzhu not only held the person tightly, but also shrank his body to prevent himself from bumping into something again.

   That time just now was really painful, and I almost had a psychological shadow.

  Sun Yuzhou took the person into his arms and held his breath to find a hidden place to hide.

When    is below, this poisonous fog looks bluffing, and if you are really deep in it, you will find that it is really powerful.

   The two of them could clearly feel the discomfort, but they were still in the tolerable range, but the poison pill could not last long.

   What's more, there is still poison in Sun Yuzhou's body.

   Fu Yuzhu took out the detoxification pill from the storage bag. Although he couldn't see it, he was fortunately familiar with his own medicine bottle and could figure out which one was which.

   took out a pill and patted it behind him, reminding Sun Yuzhou to take the detoxification pill.

  Although Jiedu Dan may not detoxify, at least it can slow down the erosion of toxins.

  Sun Yuzhou avoided the pill that almost hit his nose, but poked the corner of his mouth, and simply swallowed the pill with Fu Yuzhu's hand.

   Fu Yuzhu withdrew his hand and rubbed against Sun Yuzhou.

  Sun Yuzhou paid no attention to his small movements, but focused on observing the surroundings.

  The poisonous fog obscures the sight, it seems that the situation is not good for them, but on the other hand, these poisonous fog can hide their figure.

  Fu Yuzhu cooperated with Sun Yuzhou quite a bit. He didn't gnaw at all, but he didn't move for a long time, and it was obviously abnormal that he had been infested by the poisonous mist.

   Those who can be a big brother have never been weak, and they can guess what the other person thinks just by thinking about it a little.

  Fu Yuzhu felt that Sun Yuzhou was crazy, and he still wanted to deal with the Tenth Demon Lord with his current body!

   The big movement just now must have attracted attention. They didn't take the opportunity to flee, but hid here. He couldn't think of any other reason other than waiting for the tenth Demon Lord to appear.

   "Sun Yuzhou, don't think about those who have or not, the top priority now is to get out of here!" Fu Yuzhu lowered his voice, a little annoyed.

  Sun Yuzhou patted him and said softly: "When the tenth devil appears, I will entangle him, you will find an opportunity to escape quickly."

"What do you mean!"

  To let him leave and run by himself, how could it be possible!

   "It's too late." Sun Yuzhou knew what his body was like. Once he faced the Tenth Demon Lord, the poison in his body could not be suppressed.

   Now he can only bet his last hope on this sealing formation. As long as the tenth Demon Lord is eliminated, Fu Yuzhu will have a better chance of escaping.

   It's almost the end of the term, let's not talk about the exam, the homework is really more and more QAQ



   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion