MTL - All the Cultivators In the Immortal World Think That the Peak Master is Ruthless.-Chapter 322 Dreamland 2

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   Chapter 322 Dreamland 2

  The icy black and gold mask was gently rubbed by the big hand with distinct joints, and the faintly glowing red eyes swept towards the man beside him.

   "Left Protector."

   "Subordinates are here."

   "This deity wants to eat dace, you go to catch it and come back, it must be absolutely fresh."


  Left Protector took orders to catch fish, and the Demon Lord often suddenly made strange requests.

   Dace is a very common fish that grows in the deep sea. It is not difficult to catch. The only trouble is to dive into the deep sea.

   Dive into the deep sea and die if you are not careful.

   Even cultivators may drown if they cannot breathe underwater, or if their breath is long enough.

   However, these are not a problem for the left protector, as long as a water droplet can easily enter the bottom of the sea.

  Left Protector doesn't have much doubts and has long been accustomed to it.

  The Demon Venerable waited for the left guardian to leave, and then slowly got off the black throne, like an old man who had been inactive for a long time and his body was stiff, taking every step extremely slowly.

   But he didn't look in a hurry, putting the mask on his face as he walked.

   The right protector's fascination with Demon Venerable can be said to be the highest in the entire Demon World.

  Except for things to do, they will always stand outside the gate of the main hall, waiting for the summoning of the Demon Venerable.

   The room prepared for the right protector, she has never gone back, she is always at the door, but she is never summoned.

   Therefore, the Demon World privately gave her a nickname, Watch Dog.

   Such an extremely insulting nickname, after being known by the Right Protector, not only was she not angry, but she was a little excited, and the scalp of the person watching it was numb.

   As expected, when the Demon Venerable opened the door, he saw the right protector on the door.

   "What are you doing?" The Demon Venerable looked at those lost eyes and knew who it was from.

   "This subordinate is just, I want to be closer to the adults." The right guardian's face was flushed, and she hadn't seen Lord Mozun for a long time.

The sword brows under the mask were slightly wrinkled, and the tone was also quite cold, "The five sect masters in the camp, you bring them here, you want... half-dead, and the ninth devil has a different heart, and you don't need to keep it. "

   Those five people are bargaining chips, and they must not let anyone run away.

  Master cares about all beings in the world the most. I don't know how she will choose this time.

   "Yes, my subordinates will go immediately."

  The Demon Venerable watched as he left like the wind, but the right protector who was reluctant to part disappeared, and then slowly walked towards the exit.

  This body has never moved very much, and it is a little stiff now. It has to be adapted slowly, otherwise what should I do if it is rejected by Master?

  The Demon Venerable injected the demonic energy in his body into the bones of his limbs, and his originally stiff body suddenly became alive, "Sure enough, it will still hurt a lot."

   He seems to be afraid of pain, because Master will feel sorry for him.


  Liu Qingbai never thought of it, he counted everything, but he missed the Demon Venerable.

   As night fell, the five of them left the cave where they were detained, but what they didn’t expect to see was a woman with a **** head.

   However, this woman looks scarier than a human head.

   "No way, how can you come out?" The right protector threw the head of the ninth devil into the cave, and the round head fell into the water, floating up and down.

When    stopped, his face was facing up, and then the moonlight just saw his expression clearly.

   His eyes were wide open, his teeth were gnashing, and he could not rest his eyes.

  Before the escape started, he was caught, which no one thought of.

   Moreover, if the person who came was a Demon Lord, it would be fine, but the right protector came.

  The characteristics of the right guardian are quite recognizable. The whole body is completely spliced ​​from different human skins, and his cultivation is second only to the gods.

   In their heyday, a right guardian would not pose a threat to them.

   However, now, they can't exert more power at all, they are basically in an empty state, not to mention that this is the magic cultivator camp.

   Once there is trouble, there is no chance of winning.

   The right protector had a strange smile, with a fleshless smile, and a pair of lifeless dead eyes, which looked extremely terrifying under the shroud of darkness.

"The Ninth Demon Lord is really troublesome. Smart people are easy to think too much, and the more they think, the more ambitious they become. They actually want to betray Lord Demon Lord. They are as slippery as a loach. It took me so much effort to catch them." The Right Protector said to the five people, not knowing what it meant, "You said, what should I do with you?"

The two sentences before and after    have no logic at all, and Liu Qingbai just pieced together her meaning from it.

   The fate of the rebels is just like that of the Ninth Demon Lord.

  Liu Qing Baiben has other plans, so it seems better to leave soon.

   It’s just that the Right Protector didn’t give them a chance at all, so they started directly.

   "It's a pity, you don't have a choice, Lord Mozun can say, you have to be half-dead."

   Just this sentence, half of the five hearts were cold.

   Chu Xu, who came down from Wanjianzong and was rushing to the battlefield, took out a jade token from his arms. The jade token flashed with dim light and there were slight cracks.

   This is the life card he brought out of the sect without authorization, and it belongs to Liu Qingbai.

  Chu Xu never expected that his life card, which had been stable for many days, suddenly had a tendency to collapse.

  Mumu walked to his side, glanced at the life card, pondered for a moment, and said to Chu Xu, who was full of worries: "Uncle Liu will be fine, you have to trust him."

  Chu Xu didn't answer, the life card was connected to the owner, and now it's broken like this, it can only be said that Liu Qingbai was greatly traumatized and was dying.

   "Speed ​​up, we have to get to the battlefield as soon as possible."


  Gu Qingmo picked a wooden stick to make the fire burn more vigorously.

  Mo Chuli carried the two rabbits that had been called, holding one on each side.

   One was baked by Gu Qingmo, and the other was baked by Mo Chuli.

  Mo Chuli didn't know what Gu Qingmo was suddenly so crazy about, so he insisted on roasting the rabbit by himself.

   How is his cooking skills, do you really have no point in your heart?

  Mo Chuli didn't dare to say anything, didn't dare to ask anything, he sat on the side like a pitiful little one, watching the first devil gallant Gu Qingmo.

   However, Gu Qingmo blocked everything back, embarrassing the first devil.

  What Gu Qingmo does is always so deceptive.

   For example, the tea she brewed, if you don’t take a sip, who would know that this tea could actually poison people.

   The first demon king knew that he had succeeded when he saw Gu Qingmo handing himself the roasted rabbit that was full of aroma, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and juicy and juicy.

   Finally let Gu Qingmo notice him!

  The rabbit he roasted by himself, and he didn't give it to his apprentice first, must be because of pity and consideration for him!

   Thinking like this, the First Demon Lord gave Mo Chuli a provocative look.

  Mo Chuli: ...I'll just watch you quietly.

  Man, you don't know what you're going to face.

   The first devil elegantly tore a piece of meat from the rabbit's leg and put it in his mouth, before chewing it, his smile froze on his face.

  Gu Qingmo also asked rightly, "Is it delicious?"

  First Demon Lord:  …


   I am typing: ...I want to go to the bathroom.

   The me who came back: …Where is the inspiration?

   Inspiration: ...Sorry, I'm in the sewer.



   (end of this chapter)