MTL - All the Cultivators In the Immortal World Think That the Peak Master is Ruthless.-Chapter 341 Pickup 1

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   Chapter 341 Pick Up Apprentice 1

   Immortals fight, God suffers.

  The helpless children fled in panic on the battlefield, but in the end they could not escape the fate of being wounded.

   Until the pain can't get up, and gradually lose consciousness, the child is still thinking about living.

   After an unknown amount of time, the child vaguely heard someone talking——

   "Honorable Lord, the origin of this child is unknown, it is too dangerous to bring it back!"

   "But it's pathetic to put a child among the dead like this."

   "It is because he appears on the battlefield that he is dangerous."

   "Well, maybe, but he's just a kid."

   "Your Highness!"

   "Okay, okay, just listen to me, otherwise my boss will be too shameless."

   "Honorable Lord..."

  The child fell asleep again in a daze, and did not hear the next words again.

   When he woke up again, he was awakened by hunger.

   As soon as the child opened his eyes, he caught the attention of a woman who was dealing with military affairs.

   "You're awake." The woman put down her affairs, walked to the bed, and asked the child in a soft voice if there was any discomfort.

  The child looked a little dazed, it was the first time he had met such a gentle person.

   The child opened his mouth, but his throat was dry and speechless, and it even hurt a little.

   At the same time, his stomach growled.

   When the woman heard the voice, she burst out laughing, "I'll have someone bring me food."

  The child watched the woman give instructions outside the tent, and then left.

   subconsciously reached out and grabbed her.

  The woman asked, "Is something wrong?"

  The child opened his mouth, pointed to his neck, and then pointed to the teacup on the table.

  The woman understands and understands that he wants to drink water.

  The child drank three or four cups in succession before recovering.

"anything else?"

  The child shook his head, "No more."

  The woman pulled over the chair and sat down in front of the bed, "It may take some time for the hot porridge, let's talk."

  The child hesitated and pulled the quilt up.

   "My surname is Gu Qingmo, what's your name?"

   The child did not answer immediately, and Gu Qingmo was not in a hurry, just sat by the bed and waited quietly.

   "I...I don't have a name." The child's voice was hoarse, and he had not fully recovered.

   "Really?" Gu Qingmo asked again with a smile.

  The child shrank his neck and opened his big wet eyes, "Really not."

   I don't know if I poked the child's sadness, but after Gu Qingmo asked, he realized that his eyes were red.

  Gu Qingmo touched his nose and accidentally made the child cry, what should I do?

   The warrior **** Ruoli, who is brave and invincible in both battles and attacks, is now in trouble because of a child.

   "Okay, if that's the case, I'll call you... Chuli."

   "Chu Li?"

  Gu Qingmo lifted the quilt, picked up the child who was full of doubts, and did not forget to take out a cloak to cover the child.

   The child was startled, and subconsciously hugged Gu Qingmo's neck.

  Gu Qingmo walked out of the tent with the child in his arms. He didn't go anywhere. He just stood in front of the tent and pointed to the brilliance in the distance, "Chaoyang Sunshine, Can Ruo Lihui, see, this is your name."

   Chuli stretched out his hand to block the dazzling light, and squinted to look over.

  Dazzling, this was the first thought in his mind.

   However, if you look closer, you will see a group of shirtless men with shovels filling the holes in the ground little by little.

   Chuli was a little strange, why there was a hole and another hole in the ground.

   "Are they burying bodies?"


  Gu Qingmo never thought that Chu Li would ask such a question. Although it is normal to think so on the battlefield, it is too strange to say such a thing from a child's mouth.

   "How could that be, they're just filling in the hole." Gu Qingmo's smile was a little far-fetched.

   It cannot be said that every time she goes out, countless big pits will be left on the battlefield.

   As for those who fill the pit, in the words of mortals, it is "filling the sky".

  Gu Qingmo was a little embarrassed to tell a child such a thing, if he did, would he scare the child?

   "God, I brought the meal."

   Chuli turned his head to look over, he remembered the voice, it was the voice of another person he had heard in a daze before.

  Thinking of what this person said, Chuli hugged Gu Qingmo's arm tightly.

  Gu Qingmo swayed Chuli and said with a smile, "Yuzhou, you scared this child."

   "What?" Sun Yuzhou looked inexplicable, and even wanted to smash the dinner plate in her face.

  Why are their gods so relaxed in private, naturally unsuspecting, looking inexplicably hot.

  Gu Qingmo hugged Chuli, turned around and entered the tent, and lovingly touched the furry little head, "Chuli, it's time to eat."

   Chuli was a little shy when touched, pursed her lips and was reluctant to speak.

  Sun Yuzhou frowned as he looked at the child buried in Gu Qingmo's neck.

   You must know that the neck is a dead spot. Once it is severely injured, it is easy to die, even if it is a god.

   In case this kid was an assassin, the consequences would be disastrous.

   Putting all the meals on the table, Sun Yuzhou said, "Shen Jun, Da Zi Zai is here, waiting for you over there."

   "Ah, people have come," Gu Qingmo sighed with some resistance, and asked Chuli to eat obediently, "Chuli, I want to leave for a while, you have to be obedient."

  Chu Li grabbed Gu Qingmo and woke up in an unfamiliar place. The only thing that can make him feel safe now is what he can see when he opens his eyes, "How long are you going?"

   This kind of question is usually just a matter of prevarication for the child, but Gu Qingmo thought about it very seriously, "It's just the time to read a Buddhist scripture, it won't be long."

   A Buddhist scripture? How long will that take?

   Not to mention Chuli, even Sun Yuzhou doesn't know how to complain.

   "Also, Yuzhou, don't scare this child, or I'll take care of you when I come back," Gu Qingmo didn't forget to remind Sun Yuzhou when he left, "Besides, you won't please children like this."

  Sun Yuzhou:  …

   In every sense, he is powerless to complain.

  Why would he scare a child?

   No, when did he scare children!

   Moreover, he had no need to please children at all.

  Sun Yuzhou lowered his eyes to look at his child, his tone was the same as usual, which made people feel a little fierce, "Eat quickly, I can't do anything."

   Chuli blinked and didn't look away, but his mouth didn't stop for a moment.

  Sun Yuzhou:  …

  The disobedient **** monarch picked up disobedient children, one head and two big.

  Gu Qingmo went to the tent that received foreign guests, and Da Zizai was already seated inside.

  Gu Qingmo sat down opposite Da Zizai, "Let's start."

   "Okay." Da Zizai raised his slightly closed eyelids, and then he began to knock on the wooden fish and chanted the heart-clearing mantra.

   I will be a little busy recently, I will probably be off for a few more days, sorry QAQ



   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion